.NET Programming for Beginners – Windows Forms with C#
.NET Programming for Beginners – Windows Forms with C#, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 42 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 47 reviews, and has 252 subscribers.
You will learn about How to implement Windows Forms projects in .NET using Visual Studio and C#. How to implement concepts such as: forms design, event handling and multithreading in .NET. How to create deployment packages and installers for your .NET Windows Forms apps using ClickOnce in Visual Studio. How to Use Visual Studio as a development tool for .NET Windows Forms apps. This course is ideal for individuals who are People who want to start developing Windows Forms applications in .NET using Visual Studio and C#. or People who want to become familiar with Visual Studio as a software development environment. or People who want to learn the full process of developing and deploying a .NET application. It is particularly useful for People who want to start developing Windows Forms applications in .NET using Visual Studio and C#. or People who want to become familiar with Visual Studio as a software development environment. or People who want to learn the full process of developing and deploying a .NET application.
Enroll now: .NET Programming for Beginners – Windows Forms with C#
Title: .NET Programming for Beginners – Windows Forms with C#
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 42
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 42
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 49
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 49
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to implement Windows Forms projects in .NET using Visual Studio and C#.
- How to implement concepts such as: forms design, event handling and multithreading in .NET.
- How to create deployment packages and installers for your .NET Windows Forms apps using ClickOnce in Visual Studio.
- How to Use Visual Studio as a development tool for .NET Windows Forms apps.
Who Should Attend
- People who want to start developing Windows Forms applications in .NET using Visual Studio and C#.
- People who want to become familiar with Visual Studio as a software development environment.
- People who want to learn the full process of developing and deploying a .NET application.
Target Audiences
- People who want to start developing Windows Forms applications in .NET using Visual Studio and C#.
- People who want to become familiar with Visual Studio as a software development environment.
- People who want to learn the full process of developing and deploying a .NET application.
In this course for beginners, you will get started with .NET C# Windows Forms (WinForms) Programming using Visual Studio and the C# Programming Language.You will learn the basics of .NET Windows Forms, event handling, multithreading and how you can create deployment packages for your .NET Windows Forms programs, directly via Visual Studio, using the ClickOnce component.
Last but not least, throughout the course, we will be developing in different phases, a Text Editor demo app, using Visual Studio, C# and Windows Forms.
“Very good! At point! Very Clear!”
“Excellent – well structured and concise!”
“Great lectures!”
“Great course with clear explanations.”
Visual Studio and C#, is a very powerful combination, that allows Software Developers to develop a wide range of useful applications. With Windows Forms, you can create user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications, that efficiently interact with the end users and perform different tasks fast and easy.
Knowing how to develop in Visual Studio, using the C# Programming Language and Windows Forms, is a very important skill. I have been working with these types of projects for over 15 years and via this course, I’m sharing my expertise, as well as useful tips towards an efficient programming style, when developing Windows Forms projects in Visual Studio.
Via my course “.NET Programming for Beginners: Windows Forms (C#)“, you will get introduced to Windows Forms programming, using Visual Studio and the C# Programming Language.
Through the introductory section, you will learn what Windows Forms are, what is their architecture, about Visual Studio as a Integrated Development Environment (IDE), as well as, we will see a demo of the Text Editor demo app, that we will be developing throughout the course.
Then, you will learn the basics of Windows Forms, such as controls and event handling. After that, we will talk more about event handling, and how you can provide a richer interaction between your application and the end user, by combining events.
Multithreading is also a very important aspect in Windows Forms programming. To this end, you will learn what is multithreading and how you can easily implement it in your .NET Windows Forms projects, using the BackgroundWorker component.
After you complete the development of a software application using .NET Windows Forms, the next step is to distribute it using a deployment package. I have included a relevant section in the course, via which you will learn, how to easily create deployment packages for your .NET Windows Forms applications, which among other, enable your applications to be self-updating.
Last but not least, you will learn how to connect to SQL Server and retrieve data into a DataGridView control on your Windows Form, as well as, how to update back the SQL Server database via your Form.
You will know what Windows Forms (WinForms) projects are in .NET Framework and Visual Studio.
You will know how to create Windows Forms projects in Visual Studio and build Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications using C#.
You will know how to implement event handling and multithreading in your .NET Windows Forms projects.
You will know how to create deployment packages for your .NET applications using the ClickOnce component in Visual Studio.
You will be able to connect your Windows Forms .NET application to SQL Server and retrieve data.
Basic computer programming principles and fundamentals
For the demos, we will be working with Visual Studio 2019 and .NET Framework on Windows 10
Also, for some demos, we will be accessing a test SQL Server instance
5 hours of high-quality video lectures
Live demonstrations and hands-on guides
Useful quizzes for testing your knowledge on each section
Many downloadable resources
A practice test in the end of the course
Ability to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A section
Certificate on course completion
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Course! What Will You Learn?
Lecture 2: What are Windows Forms in .NET?
Lecture 3: .NET Windows Forms Architecture
Lecture 4: Prerequisites for a Windows Forms .NET Project
Lecture 5: Meet Your Development Environment: Visual Studio
Lecture 6: This Course’s Sample .NET Windows Forms App
Lecture 7: Section Recap
Chapter 2: .NET Windows Forms Basics
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Main Windows Forms Components and Controls
Lecture 3: Basic Event Handling
Lecture 4: Let’s Build A Simple Text Editor in C#
Lecture 5: Section Recap
Chapter 3: More About Event Handling
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: The Philosophy of Events in .NET Windows Forms Apps
Lecture 3: Combining Different Events in a .NET Windows Forms Project
Lecture 4: Let’s Enhance our Text Editor C# App with More Events
Lecture 5: Section Recap
Chapter 4: Multithreading in .NET
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Introduction to Multithreading in .NET
Lecture 3: Using Multithreading in .NET Windows Forms with BackgroundWorker
Lecture 4: Let’s Add Multithreading to our Text Editor C# App
Lecture 5: Section Recap
Chapter 5: Deploying your .NET Windows Forms App
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Deployment Options for your .NET App
Lecture 3: Using ClickOnce for Deploying your Windows Forms App
Lecture 4: Section Recap
Chapter 6: Connecting your .NET Windows Forms App to a SQL Server Database (Updated)
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: How to Install SQL Server 2019 Express and the Latest SSMS Version (New)
Lecture 3: How to Connect to SQL Server from your .NET Windows Forms App
Lecture 4: Retrieving Data from SQL Server to your DataGridView Control
Lecture 5: Updating Back SQL Server via your DataGridView Control
Lecture 6: Section Recap
Chapter 7: Special Topics (Updated)
Lecture 1: About the Special Topics Section
Lecture 2: How to Build a Simple Image Viewer with .NET WinForms and C#
Lecture 3: Using the C# SqlParameter Object for Writing More Secure Code
Lecture 4: Useful SQL Server T-SQL Scripts for Software Developers
Lecture 5: Working with T-SQL Snippets in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Lecture 6: Finding the Version of a SQL Server Instance
Lecture 7: Using File Extension Filters for OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog in C#
Lecture 8: Best Practices for .NET Windows Forms (WinForms) Programming
Chapter 8: Putting it All Together
Lecture 1: What Have you Learned in this Course?
Chapter 9: Learning More
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Artemakis Artemiou
Award-Winning Database & AI Expert, Trainer, Author, Speaker
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 16 votes
- 5 stars: 25 votes
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