Node.js Certification Training
Node.js Certification Training, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.75, with 43 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 312 reviews, and has 39079 subscribers.
You will learn about Complete knowledge of NodeJS technology Become Full Stack Web Developers – MEAN and MERN stacks Introduction to Node JS and Installing Node JS Var Hoisting and Functional Scope let and const, let vs const Function Expressions and Arrow Functions Default Parameters, Rest Operator and Spread Operator String Templates JavaScript Modules Export and Import for… of loop Objects and Object Literals Destructuring Arrays and Objects Global Objects, Exporting Classes and Functions, Promises NodeJS Modules, Module Patterns, Shared Memory Modules Node Package Manager (npm), Installing and uninstalling modules How to generate package json using npm NodeJS Events, File System, Inspector, URL Module Installing Nodemon, Client and Server, Create a Server Streams and Buffers, Pipes Serving HTML Pages, Serving JSON Data, Routing in Node JS Node Js Uploading Files Sending Emails in Node JS Node JS With MongoDB Database and MongoDB Cloud NodeJS with MySQL This course is ideal for individuals who are Full Stack Developers or NodeJS Developers or Senior Developers – React, Node or Beginners and newbies aspiring for a career in Web Development or Node/JavaScript Developers or Application Developers or Software Engineers & Programmers or Anyone wishing to learn Node JS and Express JS or Frontend Developers – JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS or Solution Architects & Technical Architects or Engineering Managers or IT Developers & App Programmers It is particularly useful for Full Stack Developers or NodeJS Developers or Senior Developers – React, Node or Beginners and newbies aspiring for a career in Web Development or Node/JavaScript Developers or Application Developers or Software Engineers & Programmers or Anyone wishing to learn Node JS and Express JS or Frontend Developers – JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS or Solution Architects & Technical Architects or Engineering Managers or IT Developers & App Programmers.
Enroll now: Node.js Certification Training
Title: Node.js Certification Training
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.75
Number of Lectures: 43
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 43
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 44
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 44
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Complete knowledge of NodeJS technology
- Become Full Stack Web Developers – MEAN and MERN stacks
- Introduction to Node JS and Installing Node JS
- Var Hoisting and Functional Scope
- let and const, let vs const
- Function Expressions and Arrow Functions
- Default Parameters, Rest Operator and Spread Operator
- String Templates
- JavaScript Modules Export and Import
- for… of loop
- Objects and Object Literals
- Destructuring Arrays and Objects
- Global Objects, Exporting Classes and Functions, Promises
- NodeJS Modules, Module Patterns, Shared Memory Modules
- Node Package Manager (npm), Installing and uninstalling modules
- How to generate package json using npm
- NodeJS Events, File System, Inspector, URL Module
- Installing Nodemon, Client and Server, Create a Server
- Streams and Buffers, Pipes
- Serving HTML Pages, Serving JSON Data, Routing in Node JS
- Node Js Uploading Files
- Sending Emails in Node JS
- Node JS With MongoDB Database and MongoDB Cloud
- NodeJS with MySQL
Who Should Attend
- Full Stack Developers
- NodeJS Developers
- Senior Developers – React, Node
- Beginners and newbies aspiring for a career in Web Development
- Node/JavaScript Developers
- Application Developers
- Software Engineers & Programmers
- Anyone wishing to learn Node JS and Express JS
- Frontend Developers – JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS
- Solution Architects & Technical Architects
- Engineering Managers
- IT Developers & App Programmers
Target Audiences
- Full Stack Developers
- NodeJS Developers
- Senior Developers – React, Node
- Beginners and newbies aspiring for a career in Web Development
- Node/JavaScript Developers
- Application Developers
- Software Engineers & Programmers
- Anyone wishing to learn Node JS and Express JS
- Frontend Developers – JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS
- Solution Architects & Technical Architects
- Engineering Managers
- IT Developers & App Programmers
A warm welcome to the Node.jscourse by Uplatz.
Node.js is a JavaScript environment that allows you to perform a multitude of tasks and build all sorts of exciting applications.
Node.js can be defined as a dynamic, cross-platform and open-source JavaScript framework or runtime environment that is built on the Google Chrome JavaScript V8 engine. Developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009, Node.js was initially implemented as a client-side scripting language. Nowadays, it is used to execute JavaScript code and scripts that run server-side to create dynamic web pages.
Node.js is an open source server environment and essentially allows you to run JavaScript on the server. In summary, Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment that provides way to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser. Node.js helps us to use JavaScript for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user’s web browser.
Node.js Features and Benefits
Most web developers implement Node.js due to its amazing and powerful features. Key features of Node.js include:
Faster code execution
Highly scalable
Non-blocking APIs
No buffering
With such wonderful features, Node.js is widely used for creating server-side and networking applications. The following are the key areas where Node.js is widely used:
I/O-bound applications
Data streaming applications
Data-intensive real-time applications (DIRT)
JSON API-based applications
Single-page applications
Most of the top organizations use Node.js for e.g. IBM, Apple, AT&T, and the like.
Uplatzprovides this comprehensive training on Node.js. This Node.js course provides an introduction to web application development by way of JavaScript and the node.js environment. The delegates will learn the basics of server-side web development using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular/Angular 2, node.js). The Node.js course introduces students to models of software development that can apply to any web development environment, including the application server (node.js), Model View Controller (MVC) frameworks using Express.js, front-end frameworks (Angular), and databases (MongoDB). The course includes setting up a node.js environment, building web APIs and full-stack JavaScript applications, and following good application development practices.
This Node.js training also teaches you to build a production-ready Node.js JSON API. The course uses MongoDB for the database to help you gain hands-on experience in developing the backend in Node.js.
Course Objectives
Build, test and deploy Node applications with confidence
Use cutting-edge ES8 JavaScript
Store complex data in MongoDB
Learn all about Node module system
Use existing Node packages or publish your own
Write asynchronous JavaScript code (promises and async/await)
Implement CRUD operations
Store complex, relational data in MongoDB using Mongoose
Implement data validation
Implement authentication and authorization
Handle and log errors effectively
Set up configuration for various environments (dev, test, prod)
Write unit and integration tests
Build features using test-driven development
Node.js – Course Syllabus
Introduction to Node.js
Installing Node JS
Var Hoisting and Functional Scope
let and const, let vs const
Function Expressions and Arrow Functions
Default Parameters, Rest Operator and Spread Operator
String Templates
Java Script Modules Export and Import
for… of loop
Objects and Object Literals
Destructuring Arrays and Objects
Global Objects
Exporting Classes and Functions
Node.js Modules, Module Patterns, Shared Memory Modules
Node Package Manager (npm)
Installing and uninstalling modules
How to generate package.json using npm
Node.js Events
Node.js File System
Node Inspector
Node.js URL Module
Installing Nodemon
Client and Server
Creating a Server
Streams and Buffers
Serving HTML Pages
Serving JSON Data
Routing in Node.js
Node.Js Uploading Files
Sending Emails in Node.js
Node.js With MongoDB Database
Connecting to MongoDB
Creating Database
Creating Collections and Dropping Collections
Saving Data
Selecting Data
Deleting Data
Updating Data
Querying Data
Sorting Data
34. Node.js with Mongo DB Cloud
35. Node.js with MySQL
Applications of Node.js
Real-time web applications
Streaming applications
Messaging apps
Chat programs
Social media apps
Virtual emulators
Multiplayer games
Collaboration tools
Advantages of Node.js
Node.js offers an easy scalability
Easy to learn
Node.js is a single programming language
The benefit of FullStack JS
Known for offering high performance
The support of large and active community
Advantage of caching
Offers the freedom to develop Apps
Getting support for commonly used tools
Handles the Requests simultaneously
Node.js is highly extensible
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Node.js
Lecture 1: Introduction to Node.js
Chapter 2: Installation of Node.js and First Node.js Application
Lecture 1: Installation of Node.js and First Node.js Application
Chapter 3: Var Hoisting and Functional Scope
Lecture 1: Var Hoisting and Functional Scope
Chapter 4: let and const
Lecture 1: let and const
Chapter 5: Function Expressions and Arrow Functions
Lecture 1: Function Expressions and Arrow Functions
Chapter 6: Default Parameters, REST Parameters, Spread Operator
Lecture 1: Default Parameters, REST Parameters, Spread Operator
Chapter 7: Template Literals, Objects, Object Literals
Lecture 1: Template Literals, Objects, Object Literals
Chapter 8: JavaScript Modules Export and Import
Lecture 1: JavaScript Modules Export and Import
Chapter 9: for loop, for…in loop, for…of loop
Lecture 1: for loop, for…in loop, for…of loop
Chapter 10: Destructuring Arrays and Objects
Lecture 1: Destructuring Arrays and Objects
Chapter 11: Global Objects
Lecture 1: Global Objects
Chapter 12: Node.js Modules and Module Patterns
Lecture 1: Node.js Modules and Module Patterns
Chapter 13: Node.js HTTP Module
Lecture 1: Node.js HTTP Module – part 1
Lecture 2: Node.js HTTP Module – part 2
Chapter 14: Node.js Events Module
Lecture 1: Node.js Events Module
Chapter 15: Node.js ZLIB Module
Lecture 1: Node.js ZLIB Module
Chapter 16: Node.js OS, Path, URL Modules
Lecture 1: Node.js OS, Path, URL Modules
Chapter 17: npm, Package.json, Installing and Uninstalling Packages
Lecture 1: npm, Package.json, Installing and Uninstalling Packages
Chapter 18: Node.js File System
Lecture 1: Node.js File System
Chapter 19: Node.js Query String
Lecture 1: Node.js Query String – part 1
Lecture 2: Node.js Query String – part 2
Chapter 20: Node.js Mongoose
Lecture 1: Node.js Mongoose
Chapter 21: Node.js Streams
Lecture 1: Node.js Streams
Chapter 22: Uploading Files in Node.js
Lecture 1: Uploading Files in Node.js
Chapter 23: Sending Mails in Node.js
Lecture 1: Sending Mails in Node.js
Chapter 24: Node.js with MongoDB Database
Lecture 1: Node.js with MongoDB Database – part 1
Lecture 2: Node.js with MongoDB Database – part 2
Lecture 3: Node.js with MongoDB Database – part 3
Lecture 4: Node.js with MongoDB Database – part 4
Lecture 5: Node.js with MongoDB Database – part 5
Lecture 6: Node.js with MongoDB Database – part 6
Lecture 7: Node.js with MongoDB Database – part 7
Lecture 8: Node.js with MongoDB Database – part 8
Chapter 25: Node.js with MongoDB Cloud
Lecture 1: Node.js with MongoDB Cloud
Chapter 26: Connecting to MySQL Database from Node.js
Lecture 1: Connecting to MySQL Database from Node.js – part 1
Lecture 2: Connecting to MySQL Database from Node.js – part 2
Lecture 3: Connecting to MySQL Database from Node.js – part 3
Lecture 4: Connecting to MySQL Database from Node.js – part 4
Lecture 5: Connecting to MySQL Database from Node.js – part 5
Lecture 6: Connecting to MySQL Database from Node.js – part 6
Chapter 27: Express.js
Lecture 1: Express.js – part 1
Lecture 2: Express.js – part 2
Lecture 3: Express.js – part 3
Chapter 28: End of Course Quiz
Uplatz Training
Fastest growing global Technology & Cloud Training Provider
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 12 votes
- 3 stars: 66 votes
- 4 stars: 103 votes
- 5 stars: 125 votes
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