Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp
Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp, available at $149.99, has an average rating of 4.61, with 229 lectures, based on 25014 reviews, and has 150698 subscribers.
You will learn about Master the entire modern back-end stack: Node, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose (MongoDB JS driver) Build a complete, beautiful & real-world application from start to finish (API and server-side rendered website) Build a fast, scalable, feature-rich RESTful API (includes filters, sorts, pagination, and much more) Learn how Node really works behind the scenes: event loop, blocking vs non-blocking code, streams, modules, etc. CRUD operations with MongoDB and Mongoose Deep dive into mongoose (including all advanced features) How to work with data in NoSQL databases (including geospatial data) Advanced authentication and authorization (including password reset) Security: encryption, sanitization, rate limiting, etc. Server-side website rendering with Pug templates Credit card payments with Stripe Sending emails & uploading files Deploy the final application to production (including a Git crash-course) Downloadable videos, code and design assets for projects This course is ideal for individuals who are Take this course if you want to build amazingly fast and scalable back-end applications using the JavaScript skills you already have. Node is the perfect tool for you! or Take this course if you're a front-end developer looking to go into back-end development using the most complete course on the market. or Take this course if you have taken other Node courses but: 1) still don't feel confident to code real-world apps, or 2) still feel like you need more back-end skills. This course is perfect for you! or Take this course if you're an experienced Node developer who wants to add new skills missing in other courses: How Node works behind the scenes, advanced data modelling, geospatial data, complete and secure authentication, stripe payments, and more. It is particularly useful for Take this course if you want to build amazingly fast and scalable back-end applications using the JavaScript skills you already have. Node is the perfect tool for you! or Take this course if you're a front-end developer looking to go into back-end development using the most complete course on the market. or Take this course if you have taken other Node courses but: 1) still don't feel confident to code real-world apps, or 2) still feel like you need more back-end skills. This course is perfect for you! or Take this course if you're an experienced Node developer who wants to add new skills missing in other courses: How Node works behind the scenes, advanced data modelling, geospatial data, complete and secure authentication, stripe payments, and more.
Enroll now: Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp
Title: Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp
Price: $149.99
Average Rating: 4.61
Number of Lectures: 229
Number of Published Lectures: 229
Number of Curriculum Items: 229
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 229
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master the entire modern back-end stack: Node, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose (MongoDB JS driver)
- Build a complete, beautiful & real-world application from start to finish (API and server-side rendered website)
- Build a fast, scalable, feature-rich RESTful API (includes filters, sorts, pagination, and much more)
- Learn how Node really works behind the scenes: event loop, blocking vs non-blocking code, streams, modules, etc.
- CRUD operations with MongoDB and Mongoose
- Deep dive into mongoose (including all advanced features)
- How to work with data in NoSQL databases (including geospatial data)
- Advanced authentication and authorization (including password reset)
- Security: encryption, sanitization, rate limiting, etc.
- Server-side website rendering with Pug templates
- Credit card payments with Stripe
- Sending emails & uploading files
- Deploy the final application to production (including a Git crash-course)
- Downloadable videos, code and design assets for projects
Who Should Attend
- Take this course if you want to build amazingly fast and scalable back-end applications using the JavaScript skills you already have. Node is the perfect tool for you!
- Take this course if you're a front-end developer looking to go into back-end development using the most complete course on the market.
- Take this course if you have taken other Node courses but: 1) still don't feel confident to code real-world apps, or 2) still feel like you need more back-end skills. This course is perfect for you!
- Take this course if you're an experienced Node developer who wants to add new skills missing in other courses: How Node works behind the scenes, advanced data modelling, geospatial data, complete and secure authentication, stripe payments, and more.
Target Audiences
- Take this course if you want to build amazingly fast and scalable back-end applications using the JavaScript skills you already have. Node is the perfect tool for you!
- Take this course if you're a front-end developer looking to go into back-end development using the most complete course on the market.
- Take this course if you have taken other Node courses but: 1) still don't feel confident to code real-world apps, or 2) still feel like you need more back-end skills. This course is perfect for you!
- Take this course if you're an experienced Node developer who wants to add new skills missing in other courses: How Node works behind the scenes, advanced data modelling, geospatial data, complete and secure authentication, stripe payments, and more.
Do you want to build fast and powerful back-end applications with JavaScript? Would you like to become a more complete and in-demand developer?
Then Node.js is the hot technology for you to learn right now, and you came to the right place to do it!
Welcome to the Complete Node.js, Express, and MongoDB Bootcamp, your fast track to modern back-end development.
This course is the perfect all-in-one package that will take you from a complete beginner to an advanced, highly-skilled Node.js developer.
Like all my other courses, this one is completely project-based! And not just any project: it’s a complete, beautiful, and feature-rich application, containing both a RESTful API and a server-side rendered website. It’s the most fantastic and complete project that you will find in any Node.js course on the internet!
By building this huge project, you will learn all the skills that you need in order to plan, build, and deploy your own modern back-end applications with Node.js and related technologies.
(If you feel like exploring the project, you can do so at www[.]natours[.]dev. And this is only a small part of the project! Log in with “” and password “test1234”)
After finishing this course, you will:
1) Be building your own fast, scalable, and powerful Node.js RESTful APIs or web applications;
2) Truly understand how Node.js works behind the scenes;
3) Be able to work with NoSQL data and model data in real-world situations (a hugely important skill);
4) Know how modern back-end development works, and how all the different technologies fit together (hard to understand from scattered tutorials and videos);
5) Have experience in professionally used tools and libraries like Express, Mongoose, Stripe, Sendgrid, Atlas, Compass, Git, Heroku, and many more;
6) Have built a complete application, which is a perfect starting point for your own applications in the future.
Please note that this course is NOT for absolute web development beginners, so you should already be familiar with basic JavaScript. NO back-end experience required though!
It’s an absolutely full-packed, deep-dive course with over 40 hours of content!
Since this is the “Complete Node.js Bootcamp”, the course is crammed with tons of different technologies, techniques, and tools, so that you walk away from the course as a complete Node.js developer.
That’s why the course turned out to be over 40 hours long. But if that sounds like too much for you, don’t worry, there are videos or entire sections that you can safely skip.
Here is exactly what you’re gonna learn:
Fundamentals of Node.js, core modules, and NPM (Node Package Manager)
How Node.js works behind the scenes: event loop, blocking vs non-blocking code, event-driven architecture, streams, modules, etc.
Fundamentals of Express (Node.js framework): routing, middleware, sending responses, etc.
RESTful API design and development with advanced features: filtering, sorting, aliasing, pagination
Server-side website rendering (HTML) with Pug templates
CRUD operations with MongoDB database locally and on the Atlas platform (in the cloud)
Advanced MongoDB: geospatial queries, aggregation pipeline, and operators
Fundamentals of Mongoose (MongoDB JS driver): Data models, CRUD operations, data validation, and middleware
Advanced Mongoose features: modeling geospatial data, populates, virtual populates, indexes, etc.
Using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture
How to work with data in NoSQL databases
Advanced data modelling: relationships between data, embedding, referencing, and more
Complete modern authentication with JWT: user sign up, log in, password reset, secure cookies, etc.
Authorization (user roles)
Security: best practices, encryption, sanitization, rate limiting, etc.
Accepting credit card payments with Stripe: Complete integration on the back-end and front-end
Uploading files and image processing
Sending emails with Mailtrap and Sendgrid
Advanced error handling workflows
Deploying Node.js application to production with Heroku
Git and GitHub crash course
And so much more!
Why should you learn Node.js and take this course?
If you want to learn Node.js and modern back-end development, then there is no doubt that this course is for you!
It’s the biggest Node.js course on the internet, it has by far the most complete course project, and offers the most in-depth explanations of all topics included.
And even if you already know some Node.js, you should still take this course, because it contains subjects that are not covered anywhere else, or not in the same depth!
But maybe you’re not yet convinced that Node.js really is the right technology for you to learn right now?
Well, first, Node.js will allow you to use your JavaScript skills to build applications on the back-end. That itself is a huge gain, which makes your full-stack development process so much easier and faster.
Plus, popularity and opportunities for Node.js are off the charts. It’s a modern, proven, and reliable technology, used by tech giants (and 6-figure-salary-paying companies) like Netflix, PayPal, Uber, and many more.
Node.js really is what you should invest your time in, instead of outdated technology like PHP.
In summary, if you already know JavaScript, learning Node is the logical next step for you! It will make you a better, more versatile, and more complete developer, which will ultimately boost your opportunities in the job market!
And I created this course to help you do exactly that! It really is the course I wish I had when I was first learning back-end development with Node.js and all related technologies.
And this is what you get by signing up today:
Lifetime access to 40+ hours of HD quality videos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want;
Friendly and fast support in the course Q&A whenever you have questions or get stuck;
English closed captions (not the auto-generated ones provided by Udemy);
Course slides in PDF format;
Downloadable assets, starter code, and final code for each section;
Lots of small challenges are included in the videos so you can track your progress.
And now, I hope to welcome you as a new student in my course! So click that “Enroll” button right now, and join me in this adventure today!
But if you’re not 100% sure yet, just go ahead and watch the promo video to take a look at the course project. I promise you will be amazed 🙂
See you in the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
Lecture 1: Course Structure and Projects
Lecture 3: Let's Install Node.js
Chapter 2: Introduction to Node.js and NPM
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: What Is Node.js and Why Use It?
Lecture 3: Running Javascript Outside the Browser
Lecture 4: Using Modules 1: Core Modules
Lecture 5: Reading and Writing Files
Lecture 6: Blocking and Non-Blocking: Asynchronous Nature of Node.js
Lecture 7: Reading and Writing Files Asynchronously
Lecture 8: Creating a Simple Web Server
Lecture 9: Routing
Lecture 10: Building a (Very) Simple API
Lecture 11: HTML Templating: Building the Templates
Lecture 12: HTML Templating: Filling the Templates
Lecture 13: Parsing Variables from URLs
Lecture 14: Using Modules 2: Our Own Modules
Lecture 15: Introduction to NPM and the package.json File
Lecture 16: Types of Packages and Installs
Lecture 17: Using Modules 3: 3rd Party Modules
Lecture 18: Package Versioning and Updating
Lecture 19: Setting up Prettier in VS Code
Lecture 20: Recap and What's Next
Chapter 3: Introduction to Back-End Web Development
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: An Overview of How the Web Works
Lecture 3: HTTP in Action
Lecture 4: Front-End vs. Back-End Web Development
Lecture 5: Static vs Dynamic vs API
Chapter 4: How Node.js Works: A Look Behind the Scenes
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: Node, V8, Libuv and C++
Lecture 3: Processes, Threads and the Thread Pool
Lecture 4: The Node.js Event Loop
Lecture 5: The Event Loop in Practice
Lecture 6: Events and Event-Driven Architecture
Lecture 7: Events in Practice
Lecture 8: Introduction to Streams
Lecture 9: Streams in Practice
Lecture 10: How Requiring Modules Really Works
Lecture 11: Requiring Modules in Practice
Chapter 5: [Optional] Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises and Async/Await
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: The Problem with Callbacks: Callback Hell
Lecture 3: From Callback Hell to Promises
Lecture 4: Building Promises
Lecture 5: Consuming Promises with Async/Await
Lecture 6: Returning Values from Async Functions
Lecture 7: Waiting for Multiple Promises Simultaneously
Chapter 6: Express: Let's Start Building the Natours API!
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: What is Express?
Lecture 3: Installing Postman
Lecture 4: Setting up Express and Basic Routing
Lecture 5: APIs and RESTful API Design
Lecture 6: Starting Our API: Handling GET Requests
Lecture 7: Handling POST Requests
Lecture 8: Responding to URL Parameters
Lecture 9: Handling PATCH Requests
Lecture 10: Handling DELETE Requests
Lecture 11: Refactoring Our Routes
Lecture 12: Middleware and the Request-Response Cycle
Lecture 13: Creating Our Own Middleware
Lecture 14: Using 3rd-Party Middleware
Lecture 15: Implementing the "Users" Routes
Lecture 16: Creating and Mounting Multiple Routers
Lecture 17: A Better File Structure
Lecture 18: Param Middleware
Lecture 19: Chaining Multiple Middleware Functions
Lecture 20: Serving Static Files
Lecture 21: Environment Variables
Lecture 22: Setting up ESLint + Prettier in VS Code
Chapter 7: Introduction to MongoDB
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: What is MongoDB?
Lecture 3: No Need to Install MongoDB Locally
Lecture 4: [OPTIONAL] Installing MongoDB on macOS
Lecture 5: [OPTIONAL] Installing MongoDB on Windows
Lecture 6: [OPTIONAL] Creating a Local Database
Lecture 7: [OPTIONAL] CRUD: Creating Documents
Lecture 8: [OPTIONAL] CRUD: Querying (Reading) Documents
Lecture 9: [OPTIONAL] CRUD: Updating Documents
Lecture 10: [OPTIONAL] CRUD: Deleting Documents
Lecture 11: Using Compass App for CRUD Operations
Lecture 12: Creating a Hosted Database with Atlas
Lecture 13: Connecting to Our Hosted Database
Chapter 8: Using MongoDB with Mongoose
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: Connecting Our Database with the Express App
Lecture 3: What Is Mongoose?
Lecture 4: Creating a Simple Tour Model
Lecture 5: Creating Documents and Testing the Model
Lecture 6: Intro to Back-End Architecture: MVC, Types of Logic, and More
Lecture 7: Refactoring for MVC
Lecture 8: Another Way of Creating Documents
Lecture 9: Reading Documents
Lecture 10: Updating Documents
Lecture 11: Deleting Documents
Jonas Schmedtmann
Web Developer, Designer, and Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 187 votes
- 2 stars: 222 votes
- 3 stars: 1133 votes
- 4 stars: 6236 votes
- 5 stars: 17236 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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