Node with React: Fullstack Web Development
Node with React: Fullstack Web Development, available at $119.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 232 lectures, based on 14770 reviews, and has 88573 subscribers.
You will learn about Create boilerplate starter projects with React, Redux, Express, and Mongo Understand common web technologies and design patterns to connect them together Master deployment techniques between the production and development environments Make an app with Google OAuth authentication Learn to effectively create and send emails from a backend server Accept and process credit card payments from users This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn how to build full stack apps with the latest in web technology It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn how to build full stack apps with the latest in web technology.
Enroll now: Node with React: Fullstack Web Development
Title: Node with React: Fullstack Web Development
Price: $119.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 232
Number of Published Lectures: 219
Number of Curriculum Items: 232
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 219
Original Price: $174.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create boilerplate starter projects with React, Redux, Express, and Mongo
- Understand common web technologies and design patterns to connect them together
- Master deployment techniques between the production and development environments
- Make an app with Google OAuth authentication
- Learn to effectively create and send emails from a backend server
- Accept and process credit card payments from users
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn how to build full stack apps with the latest in web technology
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn how to build full stack apps with the latest in web technology
Note: This course assumes you’ve got the basics of React and Redux down. Check out my course ‘Modern React with Redux’, its the perfect preparation!
Go beyond the basics of React and Redux! This course will teach you to combine the ultra-popular React, Redux, Express, and MongoDB technologies to build a fullstack web application.
Advanced Deployment? You will learn it. Billing/Payments?�Included. Handling Email?�Of course!
What Will You Build?
All of my courses are ‘learn-by-doing’: no boring endless lectures with Powerpoints, only live, interactive coding examples. In this course we’ll build one massive web application that profiles the advanced features of React, Redux, Express, and Mongo. By putting each concept into a real app, you’ll get a better idea of when to use each unique and powerful feature.
Build a large feedback-collection app.�This mega app will include the full gamut of features, including everything from authentication to email handling. You’ll learn how to build an app that can be used to send mass emails to a big list of users for the purpose of collecting feedback. It’s my goal to ensure you understand each feature we build into this app so you can apply them to your own personal or professional projects in the future.
Here’s what we’ll learn:
- Learn the architectural considerations of building a full stack app
- Connect a front-end Create-React-App server to a NodeJS and Express backend
- Communicate data from your Mongo database to your React application
- Understand how to route user requests on the front end with React Router and on the backend with Express
- Build reusable user inputs with Redux Form, complete with navigation
- Handle credit cards and receive payments from your users with Stripe
- Engage your users with automated emails
- Enhance authentication flows in your app with Google OAuth authentication
- Separate production and development resources with advanced API key handling techniques
- Educate your users on how to use your app with custom build landing pages
I’ve built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning to build fullstack apps. A course that explains the concepts and how they’re implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Overview – Start Here!
Lecture 1: Course Resources
Lecture 2: Join Our Community!
Lecture 3: App Overview
Lecture 4: App User Flow Walkthrough
Lecture 5: Tech Stack
Lecture 6: App Mockups
Chapter 2: Server Side Architecture
Lecture 1: Application Architecture
Lecture 2: Relationship Between Node and Express
Lecture 3: Generating Express Apps
Lecture 4: Express Route Handlers
Lecture 5: Important Info About Heroku and Deployment
Lecture 6: Deployment Checklist
Lecture 7: [Render] Git and GitHub Setup
Lecture 8: [Render] Registration, Creating a Service and Deployment
Lecture 9: [Heroku] Installing the Heroku CLI
Lecture 10: [Heroku] Verifying Deployment
Lecture 11: [Heroku] Followup Deployments
Chapter 3: Authentication with Google OAuth
Lecture 1: Intro to Google OAuth
Lecture 2: The OAuth Flow
Lecture 3: Overview of Passport JS
Lecture 4: Passport Setup
Lecture 5: The Google OAuth API
Lecture 6: Google Project Setup and Enabling the Google OAuth API
Lecture 7: Securing API Keys
Lecture 8: Google Strategy Options
Lecture 9: Testing OAuth
Lecture 10: Authorized Redirect URI's
Lecture 11: OAuth Callbacks
Lecture 12: Access and Refresh Tokens
Lecture 13: Nodemon Setup
Chapter 4: Adding MongoDB
Lecture 1: Server Structure Refactor
Lecture 2: The Theory of Authentication
Lecture 3: Signing In Users with OAuth
Lecture 4: Introduction to MongoDB
Lecture 5: Remote vs Local MongoDB Instances
Lecture 6: MongoDB Atlas Setup and Configuration
Lecture 7: Connecting Mongoose to Mongo
Lecture 8: Breather and Review
Lecture 9: Mongoose Model Classes
Lecture 10: Saving Model Instances
Lecture 11: TokenError: Bad Request
Lecture 12: Mongoose Queries
Lecture 13: Passport Callbacks
Lecture 14: Encoding Users
Lecture 15: Deserialize User
Lecture 16: Enabling Cookies
Lecture 17: Testing Authentication
Lecture 18: Logging Out Users
Lecture 19: [Optional] A Deeper Dive
Chapter 5: Dev vs Prod Environments
Lecture 1: Dev vs Prod Keys
Lecture 2: MongoDB Atlas Production Setup and Configuration
Lecture 3: Generating Production Resources
Lecture 4: Determining Environment
Lecture 5: Version Control Scheme
Lecture 6: [Render] Production Environment Variables
Lecture 7: [Heroku] Production Environment Variables
Lecture 8: Fixing Proxy Issues
Chapter 6: Moving to the Client Side
Lecture 1: Important Update About React App Generation
Lecture 2: React App Generation
Lecture 3: A Separate Front End Server
Lecture 4: Running the Client and Server
Lecture 5: Important Create React App Proxy Update
Lecture 6: Routing Stumbling Block
Lecture 7: The Beauty of Create React App's Proxy
Lecture 8: [Optional] Why This Architecture?
Chapter 7: Developing the Client Side
Lecture 1: Async/Await Syntax
Lecture 2: Refactoring with Async/Await
Lecture 3: Important Note About Proxy
Lecture 4: Front End Tech
Lecture 5: Client React Setup
Lecture 6: ReactDOM warning with React v18
Lecture 7: Installing Root Modules
Lecture 8: Troubleshooting NPM
Lecture 9: createStore Strikethrough in Code Editor
Lecture 10: Redux Review and Setup
Lecture 11: The Auth Reducer
Lecture 12: Finishing Reducer Setup
Lecture 13: Why We Care About Auth
Lecture 14: React Router Setup
Lecture 15: Route Configuration
Lecture 16: Matching Routes with Exact
Lecture 17: Always Visible Components
Lecture 18: Materialize CSS
Lecture 19: Webpack with CSS
Lecture 20: Header Design
Lecture 21: Current User API
Lecture 22: Additional Proxy Rules
Lecture 23: Basics of Redux Thunk
Lecture 24: Refactoring the App
Lecture 25: Testing FetchUser
Lecture 26: Refactoring to Async/Await
Lecture 27: AuthReducer Return Values
Lecture 28: Accessing State in the Header
Stephen Grider
Engineering Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 111 votes
- 2 stars: 130 votes
- 3 stars: 777 votes
- 4 stars: 3733 votes
- 5 stars: 10019 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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