NodeJs API Project: School Management System API course
NodeJs API Project: School Management System API course, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 138 lectures, based on 71 reviews, and has 5160 subscribers.
You will learn about You will have a clear understanding of how to develop a school management system You will learn how to create exams endpoints You will learn how to allow students to take exams You will learn how to implement generate exams report You will learn how to promote a student from one class to another You will learn how to allow students to check their exams results You will learn how to allow admin to publish and unpublished exams results You will learn how admin assign programs and classes to teachers You will learn how admin will register new students You will learn how admin can suspend and withdraw students You will learn how to prevent students to write exams if suspended or withdrawn You will learn how admin can create classes, programs, academic terms/years/year group/subjectss You will learn how to implement role access level You will learn how to implement pagination and filtering You will learn how to implement advanced results middleware This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner nodejs developer curious to master API development or Anyone interested to build school management system API It is particularly useful for Beginner nodejs developer curious to master API development or Anyone interested to build school management system API.
Enroll now: NodeJs API Project: School Management System API course
Title: NodeJs API Project: School Management System API course
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 138
Number of Published Lectures: 138
Number of Curriculum Items: 138
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 138
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will have a clear understanding of how to develop a school management system
- You will learn how to create exams endpoints
- You will learn how to allow students to take exams
- You will learn how to implement generate exams report
- You will learn how to promote a student from one class to another
- You will learn how to allow students to check their exams results
- You will learn how to allow admin to publish and unpublished exams results
- You will learn how admin assign programs and classes to teachers
- You will learn how admin will register new students
- You will learn how admin can suspend and withdraw students
- You will learn how to prevent students to write exams if suspended or withdrawn
- You will learn how admin can create classes, programs, academic terms/years/year group/subjectss
- You will learn how to implement role access level
- You will learn how to implement pagination and filtering
- You will learn how to implement advanced results middleware
Who Should Attend
- Beginner nodejs developer curious to master API development
- Anyone interested to build school management system API
Target Audiences
- Beginner nodejs developer curious to master API development
- Anyone interested to build school management system API
The “Nodejs School Management System API course” is a comprehensive and hands-on course designed to teach students how to build a fully functional school management system API using Node.js. The course is intended for developers, programmers, and anyone interested in building robust and efficient web applications.
Throughout the course, students will learn how to use Node.js and its various modules to create a RESTful API that can handle all the necessary functionality for a school management system. Students will learn how to create endpoints, handle routing, and interact with a database using MongoDB. They will also learn how to implement security measures such as authentication and authorization to protect the API from unauthorized access.
The course will cover a wide range of topics including Node.js fundamentals, Express.js, MongoDB, and RESTful API development. Students will also learn how to test their API using a tool called Postman.
By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of how to build and deploy a production-ready school management system API.
In addition to the technical aspects of the course, students will also learn how to design a scalable and maintainable API architecture. They will learn how to design the database schema and handle database migrations.
This course is ideal for students who have some basic programming experience and are looking to improve their skills in building web applications. By the end of the course, students will have developed a strong foundation in Node.js, MongoDB, and RESTful API development, and will be well-prepared to build their own school management system API or any other web applications.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: App Features
Lecture 2: How To Get Help When You Stuck
Lecture 3: Extensions and Postman Downloads
Lecture 4: Structuring The Project
Lecture 5: Creating Server
Lecture 6: Advanced Server
Chapter 2: Creating Application Models
Lecture 1: Admin Model
Lecture 2: Program Model
Lecture 3: Subjects Model
Lecture 4: Academic Year Model
Lecture 5: Academic Terms Model
Lecture 6: Year Groups Model
Lecture 7: Class Levels Model
Lecture 8: Teachers Model
Lecture 9: Students Model
Lecture 10: Exams Model
Lecture 11: Questions Model
Lecture 12: Exams Results-Reporting Model
Chapter 3: Are You Ready? Let's Go
Lecture 1: Database Connection Function
Lecture 2: MongoDB Connection String
Lecture 3: Environment Variables (DOTENV)
Lecture 4: MongoDB in VSCODE
Lecture 5: Model View Controller (MVC) Explained
Lecture 6: Admin Dummy Routes
Lecture 7: Checking Admin Routes
Lecture 8: Environments in Postman
Lecture 9: Refactor To Use Express Routing
Lecture 10: Admin Controller Dummy Data
Lecture 11: Register Admin Controller Logic Implementation
Lecture 12: Hashing Admin Password
Lecture 13: Admin Login Controller
Chapter 4: Middleware And Error Handling
Lecture 1: Middleware Explained
Lecture 2: How Middleware Works
Lecture 3: Custom Middleware
Lecture 4: Error Handling
Lecture 5: Custom Global Error Handler
Lecture 6: Refactor Global Error Handler
Lecture 7: Not Found Route Handler
Chapter 5: Authentication And Authorization
Lecture 1: is-logged in middleware, How it's implemented
Lecture 2: How Jsonwebtoken (JWT) Works
Lecture 3: Generate Token
Lecture 4: Token Verification
Lecture 5: Is Logged In middleware with Token
Chapter 6: Admins Controller
Lecture 1: Admin Profile Controller
Lecture 2: Admin Model and Controller modified
Lecture 3: Fetch All Admins Controller
Lecture 4: Save Admin Token In Postman
Lecture 5: Is Admin Middleware
Lecture 6: Update Admin Profile
Lecture 7: Fixed Login Error After Updating
Lecture 8: Fixed After Update Admin
Lecture 9: Hashing and Verify Password Helper function
Chapter 7: School Academics Controller
Lecture 1: Create Academic Year
Lecture 2: Get All Academic Years
Lecture 3: Get Single Academic Year
Lecture 4: Update Academic Year
Lecture 5: Delete Academic Year
Lecture 6: Associate Academic Year To Admin
Lecture 7: Express Routes Chaining
Chapter 8: School Academic Terms, Classes, Programs, Subjects, Year Groups Controllers
Lecture 1: Academic Terms CRUD Controllers
Lecture 2: Academic Terms Routes
Lecture 3: Class Levels CRUD Controllers
Lecture 4: Programs CRUD Controllers
Lecture 5: Subjects CRUD Controllers
Lecture 6: Year Groups CRUD Controllers
Chapter 9: Teachers Controllers
Lecture 1: Admin Teacher Registration
Lecture 2: Teacher Login
Lecture 3: Teachers Middleware
Lecture 4: Admin Fetching All Teachers
Lecture 5: Admin Get Single Teacher
Lecture 6: Teacher's Profile
Lecture 7: Teacher Update Profile
Lecture 8: Admin Assigning Roles To Teacher
Chapter 10: Exams Controllers
Lecture 1: Teacher Creating Exams
Lecture 2: Exams Routes
Lecture 3: Fetch All Exams
Lecture 4: Fetch Single Exam
Lecture 5: Update Exam
Chapter 11: Students Controller
Lecture 1: Admin Registering Students
Lecture 2: Student Login
Lecture 3: Students Middleware
Lecture 4: Student Profile
Lecture 5: Admin Fetching All Students
Lecture 6: Admin Fetching Single Student
Lecture 7: Student Update Profile
Lecture 8: Admin Assigning Class and Programs to Students
Chapter 12: Exams Questions Controllers
Lecture 1: Logic Behind Creating Exams Questions
Lecture 2: Create Questions
Masynctech Coding School
Build Apps, Build Futures -
Aditya Mandal
MERN stack
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 9 votes
- 4 stars: 14 votes
- 5 stars: 47 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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