NodeJS Express Full Stack Bootcamp 2023 w/ testing, swagger
NodeJS Express Full Stack Bootcamp 2023 w/ testing, swagger, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 94 lectures, based on 16 reviews, and has 171 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn to create a complete frontend and backend, (Fullstack), Bookstore projects using NodeJS, ExpressJs and the Node Design Pattern (Server/Listener/Router). Add authentication/authorization to our bookstore. Use CRUD operations on MongoDB to persist books and authors Take advantage of Jenkins for CI/CD tool and Swagger to create our documentation for our backend. Test the frontend and backend using unit test, integration test for the backend and automated Selenium test for the frontend This course is ideal for individuals who are Excited developers who want to take their knowledge and experience to the next level. We will use tools that are used in the Software Industry by Fortune 100 companies It is particularly useful for Excited developers who want to take their knowledge and experience to the next level. We will use tools that are used in the Software Industry by Fortune 100 companies.
Enroll now: NodeJS Express Full Stack Bootcamp 2023 w/ testing, swagger
Title: NodeJS Express Full Stack Bootcamp 2023 w/ testing, swagger
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 94
Number of Published Lectures: 94
Number of Curriculum Items: 94
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 94
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn to create a complete frontend and backend, (Fullstack), Bookstore projects using NodeJS, ExpressJs and the Node Design Pattern (Server/Listener/Router).
- Add authentication/authorization to our bookstore. Use CRUD operations on MongoDB to persist books and authors
- Take advantage of Jenkins for CI/CD tool and Swagger to create our documentation for our backend.
- Test the frontend and backend using unit test, integration test for the backend and automated Selenium test for the frontend
Who Should Attend
- Excited developers who want to take their knowledge and experience to the next level. We will use tools that are used in the Software Industry by Fortune 100 companies
Target Audiences
- Excited developers who want to take their knowledge and experience to the next level. We will use tools that are used in the Software Industry by Fortune 100 companies
94 videos and almost 24 hours of content to master the NodeJS Bootcamp
Learn to create a complete frontend and backend, (Full Stack), Bookstore projects using NodeJS, ExpressJs and the Node Design Pattern (Server/Listener/Router). We will modularize our application so we can reuse, extend and easily test our modules.
We will use bcrypt to encrypt passwords and use JSON Web Token for authorizing users to see certain pages on our site.
Use CRUD operations on MongoDB to persist books and authors. You will be introduced to Mongoose. A MongoDB client wrapper that add schema functionality, validation, and normalization to our non normalized database.
Take advantage of Jenkins for CI/CD tool to run our test and let us continually integrate our application and test seamlessly and with full confidence our codebase is solid and well tested.
We will use Swagger to create our documentation for our backend. Swagger tools takes the hard work out of generating and maintaining your API docs, ensuring your documentation stays up-to-date as your API evolves.
Test the frontend and backend using the Jest Testing framework that has a focus on simplicity. We will use Postman to create our integration tests for the backend. Postman assist in setting up automated API tests to test the different endpoints in your API will help catch bugs as quickly as possible.
Automated Selenium test for the frontend. Selenium has fast and easy onboarding. Works across all applications in the tech stack and finds bugs quickly with visual debugging.
Beginner experience, JavaScript experience preferred since we will be using ES6 syntax.
Calling all excited developers who are tired of creating Monolith applications or just frontend applications from some YouTuber who has no clue how to code correctly, then this course is for you.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Full Stack Tools
Lecture 3: Course Details (Requirements for the course)
Chapter 2: Let's Get Started with coding the Backend!!
Lecture 1: Let's create our backend project
Lecture 2: Creating the Server from our server/listener/router design pattern
Lecture 3: Creating the Request Listener from our server/listener/router design pattern
Lecture 4: Creating the Router from our server/listener/router design pattern
Lecture 5: Let's Install MongoDB as a Docker Container
Lecture 6: Mongoose Introduction and MongoDB Connection
Lecture 7: Create our Database functionality
Lecture 8: Test Driven Development and Unit Testing
Lecture 9: Unit Test the Database Functions
Lecture 10: Finish the registration route and encrypt password
Lecture 11: Create the Login Requirements
Lecture 12: Create the Login Route and JsonWebToken for Authorization
Lecture 13: Refactoring the Registration Route
Lecture 14: Postman Integration Tests for Login and Registration Backend
Chapter 3: Let's Get Started with coding the Frontend
Lecture 1: Start creating the Frontend
Lecture 2: Creating the EJS Templates for frontend
Lecture 3: Creating the Navigation and Footer
Lecture 4: Create our Registration and Login Forms
Lecture 5: Cleanup our forms and website
Lecture 6: Client Validation for the Registration Page
Lecture 7: Add Validation to our routes and registration page
Lecture 8: Login Validation
Lecture 9: Post Registration to the backend from the frontend
Lecture 10: Post Login to the backend from the frontend
Lecture 11: Create Session to control Website and Navigation
Lecture 12: Add Logout Functionality
Lecture 13: Unit Test the Frontend Services
Chapter 4: Jenkins and Docker – Building Stable Code
Lecture 1: Configuring Jenkins in Docker and adding the backend project to Jenkins
Lecture 2: Add the Frontend Project to Jenkins for build stability
Chapter 5: Backend Service for Books and Authors
Lecture 1: Create the GET for all books
Lecture 2: Create the GET for all Books and their Ids
Lecture 3: Create GET Book By Id
Lecture 4: Post a Book to the database
Lecture 5: Update a Book in the database
Lecture 6: Delete a Book in the database
Lecture 7: Integration Test in Postman for GET and GET by ID
Lecture 8: Integration Test in Postman for PUT and DELETE
Lecture 9: Creating the Author Model and Database Functionality
Lecture 10: Saving the Author to the Database, (POST)
Lecture 11: Get an Author and Get Author By Id
Lecture 12: Finish our CRUD operations on the Author with Patch and Delete
Lecture 13: Write Integration Test for GET and GET by Id for the author
Lecture 14: Write Integration Test for PATCH and DELETE author
Lecture 15: Adding Authorization to Books and Authors
Lecture 16: Write Unit Test for the Book DB functions
Lecture 17: Write Unit Test for the Author DB functionality
Lecture 18: Write Swagger documentation for the Users backend
Lecture 19: Write Swagger documentation for the Book POST and GET
Lecture 20: Write SwaggerUi documentation for GET, PUT, and DELETE by Id
Lecture 21: Write SwaggerUi documentation for Author
Chapter 6: Frontend Service for Books and Authors
Lecture 1: Refactor the frontend to use templates and handlers
Lecture 2: Refactor Frontend Post to use handlers
Lecture 3: Refactor Fix Post mistake
Lecture 4: Write the Books Router and Handler to GET book page
Lecture 5: Retrieve All the books from the backend and display in our books page
Lecture 6: Post a Book from the frontend to the backend
Lecture 7: Edit a Book
Lecture 8: Update a book on the backend and get all updated books
Lecture 9: Frontend Refactor
Lecture 10: Delete a book on the backend and get all remaining books
Lecture 11: Fix small bug in message for getting books
Lecture 12: Unit test the book service
Lecture 13: Get the authors from the backend
Lecture 14: Delete Author on the frontend
Lecture 15: Edit Author for updating on the backend
Lecture 16: Update author information on the backend
Lecture 17: Add author page to be rendered with titles of books
Lecture 18: Post an author to the backend
Lecture 19: Displaying the book information on our authors page
Lecture 20: Creating the error page
Lecture 21: Unit test the author service
Lecture 22: Finish unit testing the author service
Chapter 7: Selenium Automated Testing
Lecture 1: Introduction to Selenium
Lecture 2: Test the home page using Selenium
Lecture 3: Test the registration page using Selenium
Lecture 4: Test the Login Page using Selenium
Lecture 5: Test the books link and add book page using Selenium
Lecture 6: Test Add a book using Selenium
Lecture 7: Test Edit a book using Selenium
Lecture 8: Test render the Authors page and Add Author Page
Lecture 9: Test adding an author using Selenium
Lecture 10: Test Edit Author page and edit an author using Selenium
Lecture 11: Test delete an author and delete a book using Selenium
Lecture 12: Test about page and logout using Selenium
Chapter 8: Deploying our projects to Docker
Lecture 1: Dockerfile Introduction
Lecture 2: Deploying the backend to docker
Lecture 3: Deploying the frontend to docker
Lecture 4: GitHub Cleanup and .env file removed
Lecture 5: Redeploy the backend to docker without the .env file
Eric Clarke
Software Architecture, Development, and Instruction
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 11 votes
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