NodeJs, Express, Typescript, MongoDb & more: The real path
NodeJs, Express, Typescript, MongoDb & more: The real path, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.63, with 232 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 117 reviews, and has 3610 subscribers.
You will learn about Master the entire modern back-end stack: Node, Express, Nestjs, Graphql, TypeOrm, Postgres, MongoDB and Mongoose with Typescript Learn how to create npm packages with nodejs and typescript Learn: SocketIO, Stripe, Graphql with apollo and express, Typeorm, github/actions, CI/CD Learn how to build scalable APIs using Nestjs Learn how you should structure your nodejs project in a professional way How to use mongoose with Typescript Error handling in node js with expresjs Security: encryption, sanitization, cookie session, etc Learn how to hide passwords and confidential data in the right way Deep dive into mongoose (including advanced features) Learn how to test a nodejs api with automated tests Create a professional documentation for your api Upload multiple images and manage them inside MongoDB database Use Modern Javascript syntax This course is ideal for individuals who are You should take this course if you want to make that step forward that you always dreamed about. or Take this course if you want to build anything in your mind with nodejs without opening 10+ tabs in your browser or Take this course if you want to learn not only how to build nodeJS APIs but also how to structure nodeJS projects in a proper and advanced way or Take this course if you want to learn Typescript and use it in a real big projects with mongoose and expressJS or Take this course if you are not confident on your nodeJS or mongoose(+typescript) skills and you want to change that! or This course will be frequently updated and new content (projects, tips, skills..) will be added to it, so if you are one of those people that they can smell a good deal form far away you will take this course It is particularly useful for You should take this course if you want to make that step forward that you always dreamed about. or Take this course if you want to build anything in your mind with nodejs without opening 10+ tabs in your browser or Take this course if you want to learn not only how to build nodeJS APIs but also how to structure nodeJS projects in a proper and advanced way or Take this course if you want to learn Typescript and use it in a real big projects with mongoose and expressJS or Take this course if you are not confident on your nodeJS or mongoose(+typescript) skills and you want to change that! or This course will be frequently updated and new content (projects, tips, skills..) will be added to it, so if you are one of those people that they can smell a good deal form far away you will take this course.
Enroll now: NodeJs, Express, Typescript, MongoDb & more: The real path
Title: NodeJs, Express, Typescript, MongoDb & more: The real path
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.63
Number of Lectures: 232
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 227
Number of Curriculum Items: 233
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 227
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master the entire modern back-end stack: Node, Express, Nestjs, Graphql, TypeOrm, Postgres, MongoDB and Mongoose with Typescript
- Learn how to create npm packages with nodejs and typescript
- Learn: SocketIO, Stripe, Graphql with apollo and express, Typeorm, github/actions, CI/CD
- Learn how to build scalable APIs using Nestjs
- Learn how you should structure your nodejs project in a professional way
- How to use mongoose with Typescript
- Error handling in node js with expresjs
- Security: encryption, sanitization, cookie session, etc
- Learn how to hide passwords and confidential data in the right way
- Deep dive into mongoose (including advanced features)
- Learn how to test a nodejs api with automated tests
- Create a professional documentation for your api
- Upload multiple images and manage them inside MongoDB database
- Use Modern Javascript syntax
Who Should Attend
- You should take this course if you want to make that step forward that you always dreamed about.
- Take this course if you want to build anything in your mind with nodejs without opening 10+ tabs in your browser
- Take this course if you want to learn not only how to build nodeJS APIs but also how to structure nodeJS projects in a proper and advanced way
- Take this course if you want to learn Typescript and use it in a real big projects with mongoose and expressJS
- Take this course if you are not confident on your nodeJS or mongoose(+typescript) skills and you want to change that!
- This course will be frequently updated and new content (projects, tips, skills..) will be added to it, so if you are one of those people that they can smell a good deal form far away you will take this course
Target Audiences
- You should take this course if you want to make that step forward that you always dreamed about.
- Take this course if you want to build anything in your mind with nodejs without opening 10+ tabs in your browser
- Take this course if you want to learn not only how to build nodeJS APIs but also how to structure nodeJS projects in a proper and advanced way
- Take this course if you want to learn Typescript and use it in a real big projects with mongoose and expressJS
- Take this course if you are not confident on your nodeJS or mongoose(+typescript) skills and you want to change that!
- This course will be frequently updated and new content (projects, tips, skills..) will be added to it, so if you are one of those people that they can smell a good deal form far away you will take this course
Is Node.js the best choice for you?
Node.js is one of the most popular server-side programming languages, thanks to its large and active community, as well as its high performance and ability to handle large numbers of connections. It is used in a wide range of real-world applications and projects, including high-traffic web sites and automated programs and workflows.
Node.js developers are in high demand, and this is particularly true for those who have experience with the popular combination of Node.js and TypeScript. In this course, you will learn advanced Node.js with TypeScript, and will have the opportunity to build projects that will be highly valued by companies and professional developers.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this course:
Basic Node.js
Advanced Node.js
Express.js with TypeScript
Advanced Mongoose with TypeScript
Advanced Mongoose queries
CORS security protocol
TypeORM with Postgres database
How to manage files with Mongoose
The best way to serve files to the client
Validate user input
Advanced Error handling
Modern javascript syntax
Professional Node.js API project structure
Authentication and Authorization
Automated testing (Unit tests)
This course is perfect for you if you have no prior knowledge of Node.js, Express, and TypeScript, but it is also ideal for those who have some experience and want to take their skills to the next level. You’ll develop, test, and deploy web applications with Node.js, Express.js, and TypeScript which will be able to cover the full stack. You’ll learn the best practices and current trends in web development while developing your skills. By the end of the course, you’ll be comfortable with the modern development technologies and will be able to work with professional projects.
We’ll also be covering the new updates and features of the technologies, with frequent updates to the course and a 100% money-back guarantee, this is the best deal you will ever make.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: welcome! welcome!
Lecture 2: you need to read this!
Lecture 3: Installing VScode
Chapter 2: Node.js | the basics
Lecture 1: Installing Nodejs
Lecture 2: Working with the file system
Lecture 3: the global object
Lecture 4: readline
Lecture 5: path & util modules
Lecture 6: Building our own Custom modules
Lecture 7: export and import
Lecture 8: listing directory files
Lecture 9: read files
Lecture 10: write & append to files
Lecture 11: creating directories
Lecture 12: rename, move and remove files
Lecture 13: rename, move and remove directories
Chapter 3: Working with Streams in Node.js:
Lecture 1: readable stream
Lecture 2: writable stream
Lecture 3: pipes
Chapter 4: Npm: the Node Package Manager
Lecture 1: Working with npm
Lecture 2: Working with external modules
Lecture 3: Installing, Managing and Updating npm packages
Lecture 4: Working With Dependencies and Devdependencies
Lecture 5: Using npm Scripts To Automate tasks
Chapter 5: Asynchronous Programming In NodeJs
Lecture 1: Asynchronous Programming In Nodejs | an Overview
Lecture 2: Working With Callbacks
Lecture 3: Working with Promises
Lecture 4: Working with Async/Await syntax
Chapter 6: Unlocking the Web: A Journey through APIs and Web Mechanics
Lecture 1: Introduction to how the Web works and Rest APIs
Lecture 2: Working with the HTTP module
Lecture 3: Understanding Web Headers
Lecture 4: Handling Get Requests
Lecture 5: Returning JSON responses and handling URLs
Lecture 6: Handling POSTs Requests
Lecture 7: Parsing Request Body Data
Lecture 8: Adding a Middleware and sharing data in the request
Chapter 7: ExpressJs Framework: Building Dynamic Web Apps
Lecture 1: Unleashing the Power of Express.js: Your Gateway to Web Development
Lecture 2: Installing expressjs
Lecture 3: Working With Middlewares
Lecture 4: Understanding How Middleware Works in Express.js
Lecture 5: Handling Routes
Lecture 6: Parsing Incoming Requests
Lecture 7: Working with the Express Router
Lecture 8: Path Prefix Filtering in Express.js: Navigating Your Routes with Precision
Lecture 9: Creating a Product Model: Consistent Data Structure
Lecture 10: Adding Products: Using Product Model and The Fake Database
Lecture 11: Fetching Products from the API
Lecture 12: Mastering Error Handling in Express.js: Keeping Your App Robust and Reliable
Lecture 13: Building a deleteOne Method for Your Product Model
Lecture 14: Understanding Dynamic Route Parameters in Express.js
Lecture 15: Leave your honest review for the course
Chapter 8: Typescript
Lecture 1: Installing and Configuring Typescript
Lecture 2: Basic typescript
Lecture 3: Advanced typescript
Chapter 9: #### Project 1 || Beginner | social media app ####
Lecture 1: What you will learn
Chapter 10: Project Plan
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Install nodejs
Chapter 11: Project Setup
Lecture 1: Project setup with Typescript
Lecture 2: Using Express JS
Lecture 3: Compiling and Running Our Project
Lecture 4: Using Nodemon
Chapter 12: Parse JSON requests
Lecture 1: Using Body-parser to Parse Requests
Lecture 2: you can use express.urlencoded() && express.json() instead
Lecture 3: urlencoded=> extended: false | important
Chapter 13: working with Mongoose
Lecture 1: MongDB Atlas & mongoose
Lecture 2: Connecting Mongoose
Chapter 14: Mongoose models
Lecture 1: create the Post model
Lecture 2: create the Comment model
Chapter 15: Express Routers
Lecture 1: build the create post router
Lecture 2: Error handler middle-ware
Lecture 3: save posts through mongoose
Lecture 4: Updating posts using mongoose
Lecture 5: delete and read routes
Lecture 6: Fix: post/show router
Lecture 7: creating comments
Lecture 8: deleting comments
Lecture 9: Using all routers
Lecture 10: CORS Security Protocol
Lecture 11: Test our API with Postman
Chapter 16: #### Continuation of project1 || Intermediate | ####
Lecture 1: what you will learn
Chapter 17: add authentication to our app
Lecture 1: signup router 1/2 and user model
Lecture 2: signup router 2/2
Lecture 3: signin router 1/2
Aymen kani
software engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 32 votes
- 5 stars: 66 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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