Object Tracking, Detection, Car Speed, Pose Estim in Python
Object Tracking, Detection, Car Speed, Pose Estim in Python, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.82, with 45 lectures, based on 17 reviews, and has 73 subscribers.
You will learn about Object Tracking with Python Coding on Videos Vehicles Speed Estimation with Python Coding Pose Estimation and KeyPoints Detection with Python Object Segmentation with Python on Custom Dataset Object Detection with Python on Custom Dataset Object Classification using YOLOv8 with Python Coding Object Tracking with ByteTrack and BotSort Tracking Algorithms YOLOv8 Vehicles Video Instance Segmentation with Python YOLOv8 Football Players Video Object Detection with Python Test, Train and Deploy YOLOv8 Models in Real-time This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is designed for a diverse audience with a shared interest in the field of Computer Vision and Deep Learning real-life applications. or This course is ideal for students and academics seeking to enhance their knowledge in computer vision and deep learning applications in Video Object Tracking, Vehicle Speed Estimation, Object Detection, Object Segmentation, and Pose Estimation using Python. It is particularly useful for This course is designed for a diverse audience with a shared interest in the field of Computer Vision and Deep Learning real-life applications. or This course is ideal for students and academics seeking to enhance their knowledge in computer vision and deep learning applications in Video Object Tracking, Vehicle Speed Estimation, Object Detection, Object Segmentation, and Pose Estimation using Python.
Enroll now: Object Tracking, Detection, Car Speed, Pose Estim in Python
Title: Object Tracking, Detection, Car Speed, Pose Estim in Python
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.82
Number of Lectures: 45
Number of Published Lectures: 41
Number of Curriculum Items: 45
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 41
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Object Tracking with Python Coding on Videos
- Vehicles Speed Estimation with Python Coding
- Pose Estimation and KeyPoints Detection with Python
- Object Segmentation with Python on Custom Dataset
- Object Detection with Python on Custom Dataset
- Object Classification using YOLOv8 with Python Coding
- Object Tracking with ByteTrack and BotSort Tracking Algorithms
- YOLOv8 Vehicles Video Instance Segmentation with Python
- YOLOv8 Football Players Video Object Detection with Python
- Test, Train and Deploy YOLOv8 Models in Real-time
Who Should Attend
- This course is designed for a diverse audience with a shared interest in the field of Computer Vision and Deep Learning real-life applications.
- This course is ideal for students and academics seeking to enhance their knowledge in computer vision and deep learning applications in Video Object Tracking, Vehicle Speed Estimation, Object Detection, Object Segmentation, and Pose Estimation using Python.
Target Audiences
- This course is designed for a diverse audience with a shared interest in the field of Computer Vision and Deep Learning real-life applications.
- This course is ideal for students and academics seeking to enhance their knowledge in computer vision and deep learning applications in Video Object Tracking, Vehicle Speed Estimation, Object Detection, Object Segmentation, and Pose Estimation using Python.
Embark on a journey through the fascinating world of computer vision and deep learning with our comprehensive course designed to equip you with the skills to master Video Object Tracking, Vehicle Speed Estimation, Object Detection, Object Segmentation, and Pose Estimation using Python. This course offers a blend of theory and practical application, providing you with the knowledge to build sophisticated systems that can interpret and understand visual information from the world around us. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your expertise, this course will pave the way for you to excel in the dynamic field of computer vision and deep learning. Let’s briefly go through the computer vision and deep learning tasks that you will learn in this course..
Object Tracking with Python:•Object tracking in the realm of video analytics is a critical task that not only identifies the location and class of objects within the frame but also maintains a unique IDfor each detected object in the video. It involves identifying and monitoring the movement and behavior of specific objects over time, often in dynamic or complex environments. For object tracking, you will be using two famous object tracking algorithms:
1. BotSort:The BotSort algorithm employs a combination of techniques, including feature extraction, clustering, and tracking, to identify and track objects within a video frame or sequence.
2. ByteTrack: ByteTrack leverages state-of-the-art deep learning architectures and optimization techniques to efficiently track objects in video sequences while maintaining robustness and accuracy.
Vehicles Speed Estimation with Python: Speed estimation is the process of calculating the rate of movement of an object within a given context, often employed in computer vision applications. Using Ultralytics YOLOv8 you can calculate the speed of object using object tracking alongside distance and time data, crucial for tasks like traffic and surveillance. The accuracy of speed estimation directly influences the efficiency and reliability of various applications, making it a key component in the advancement of intelligent systems and real-time decision-making processes.
Pose Estimation with Python:Pose estimation is a task that involves identifying the location of specific points in an image, usually referred to as keypoints. The keypoints can represent various parts of the object such as joints, landmarks, or other distinctive features. The locations of the keypoints are usually represented as a set of 2D [x, y] or 3D [x, y, visible] coordinates. The output of a pose estimation model is a set of points that represent the keypoints on an object in the image, usually along with the confidence scores for each point. Pose estimation is a good choice when you need to identify specific parts of an object in a scene, and their location in relation to each other.
Object Segmentation on Custom Dataset: Object segmentation is a computer vision task to detect and segment individual objects at a pixel level. Instance segmentation goes a step further than object detection and involves identifying individual objects and segment them from the rest of the region. The output of an instance segmentation model is a set of masks or contours that outline each object in the image, along with class labels and confidence scores for each object. Instance segmentation is useful when you need to know not only where objects are in an image, but also what their exact shape is.
Object Detection on Custom Dataset:Object detection is a computer vision task that involves identifying the location and class of objects in an image or video stream. The output of an object detector is a set of bounding boxes that enclose the objects in the image, along with class labels and confidence scores for each box. Object detection is a good choice when you need to identify objects of interest in a scene, but don’t need to know exactly where the object is or its exact shape.
Object Classification:Object classification is a computer vision task that involves classifying an entire image into one of a set of predefined classes. The output of an image classifier is a single class label and a confidence score. Image classification is useful when you need to know only what class an image belongs to and don’t need to know where objects of that class are located or what their exact shape is.
By enrolling in this course, you will not only gain a wealth of practical skills in Video Object Tracking, Vehicle Speed Estimation, Object Detection, Object Segmentation, and Pose Estimation, but you will also join a community of like-minded individuals driven by innovation and success. Don’t let this chance to transform your career and shape the future of technology pass you by. Embrace the challenge, enroll now, and start crafting your path to becoming a leader in the field of computer vision with Python.
See you inside the class!!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Course
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Introduction to YOLO Deep Learning Architectures
Lecture 1: What is YOLO?
Lecture 2: Introduction to YOLOv5
Lecture 3: Introduction to YOLOv8
Lecture 4: Setup Google Colab for Writing Python Coding
Chapter 3: Object Detection with Python
Lecture 1: Object Detection with Python
Chapter 4: Object Segmentation with Python
Lecture 1: Object Segmentation with Python
Chapter 5: Pose Estimation and Key Points Detection with Python
Lecture 1: Pose Estimation and Key Points Detection with Python
Chapter 6: Object Classification with Python
Lecture 1: Object Classification with Python
Chapter 7: Object Tracking with Python
Lecture 1: Introduction to Object Tracking
Lecture 2: Object Tracking with Python
Lecture 3: Test and Output Videos for Object Tracking
Lecture 4: Object Tracking Python Code
Chapter 8: Vehicles Speed Estimation with Python
Lecture 1: Vehicles Speed Estimation and its Importance
Lecture 2: Cars Speed Estimation with Python
Lecture 3: Cars Test and Output Videos
Lecture 4: Cars Speed Estimation Python Code
Chapter 9: Video Object Detection on Custom Football Players Detection Dataset
Lecture 1: Custom Football Player Dataset for Object Detection
Lecture 2: Custom Football Dataset and Test Vidoes
Lecture 3: YOLOv8 Ultralytics and its HyperParameters Settings
Lecture 4: Training YOLOv8 on Football Custom Dataset
Lecture 5: Testing YOLOv8 on Videos and Images
Lecture 6: Deployment: Export Trained Model to Required Format
Lecture 7: Complete Football Player Detection Python Code
Chapter 10: Object Detection on Custom Balloons Dataset
Lecture 1: Overview of CNN, RCNN, Fast RCNN, and Faster RCNN
Lecture 2: Detectron2 for Ojbect Detection with PyTorch
Lecture 3: Perform Object Detection using Detectron2 Pretrained Models
Lecture 4: Python and PyTorch Code for Object Detection using Detectron2
Lecture 5: Custom Dataset for Object Detection
Lecture 6: Balloon Dataset
Lecture 7: Train, Evaluate Object Detection Models & Visualizing Results on Custom Dataset
Lecture 8: Python and Pytroch Code for Object Detection On Custom Dataset
Chapter 11: Video Instance Segmentation on Custom Vehicles Segmentation Dataset
Lecture 1: What is Video Instance Segmentation?
Lecture 2: Custom Vehicles Instance Segmentation Dataset
Lecture 3: Vehicles Dataset for Instance Segmentation
Lecture 4: HyperParameters for Training Instance Segmentation Model
Lecture 5: Training YOLOv8 for Image and Video Instance Segmentation
Lecture 6: Testing Segmentation YOLOv8 on Images
Lecture 7: Testing Segmentation YOLOv8 Model on Videos
Lecture 8: Deploy Trained Video Segmentation Model
Lecture 9: Complete Vehicles Instance Segmentation Python Code
Dr. Mazhar Hussain
Deep Learning, Computer Vision, AI & Python | CS Lecturer -
AI & Computer Science School
Learn AI, Deep Learning, & Computer Vision with Python
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
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- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
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