One Week Python
One Week Python, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.71, with 194 lectures, 60 quizzes, based on 4112 reviews, and has 19440 subscribers.
You will learn about Master modern Python fundamentals as quickly as possible Learn the Python you need to move on to Data Science or Web Development Work with 3rd party Python libraries and modules Complete dozens of exercises, quizzes, and projects You'll learn to code with Python while staying sane! This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn Python in as little time as possible or Busy people who can't spend months completing a Python course or Anyone who plans on learning Data Science or Machine Learning but first needs a Python foundation It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn Python in as little time as possible or Busy people who can't spend months completing a Python course or Anyone who plans on learning Data Science or Machine Learning but first needs a Python foundation.
Enroll now: One Week Python
Title: One Week Python
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.71
Number of Lectures: 194
Number of Quizzes: 60
Number of Published Lectures: 190
Number of Published Quizzes: 60
Number of Curriculum Items: 254
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 250
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master modern Python fundamentals as quickly as possible
- Learn the Python you need to move on to Data Science or Web Development
- Work with 3rd party Python libraries and modules
- Complete dozens of exercises, quizzes, and projects
- You'll learn to code with Python while staying sane!
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn Python in as little time as possible
- Busy people who can't spend months completing a Python course
- Anyone who plans on learning Data Science or Machine Learning but first needs a Python foundation
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn Python in as little time as possible
- Busy people who can't spend months completing a Python course
- Anyone who plans on learning Data Science or Machine Learning but first needs a Python foundation
Don’t waste your time with 60+ hour behemoth courses that you never finish! Instead, try this quick and effective pathway to Python that was designed with your sanity in mind. This course is the p1erfect first step into the world of data science, web dev, machine learning, or any other discipline that requires Python knowledge.
As an-person coding bootcamp instructor, I created this course to keep you engaged the entire way through. It’s full of exercises, quizzes, challenges, and projects. The slides, diagrams, and cheatsheets were painstakingly designed to help you visualize the tricky concepts. There are no 20-minute monster videos in this course; the average video is only 4 minutes long. Everything about this course has been designed to make it actually completable!
This course covers all the Python essentials you need: everything from variables to data structures to object oriented programming and modules. You’ll fill up your Python toolbox so you can go on and tackle libraries like pandas, flask, scikitlearn, django, and more.
What this course is not: This course is not a complete guide to every single possible feature in the Python language. It focuses on the 80% that is absolutely critical and worth your time, but there are other (much longer) courses that are more akin to Python textbooks that take the time to cover every feature. In fact, I created one of those courses, and it happens to be 40 hours long!
As someone who has both created and purchased massive Udemy mega bootcamp courses, I know they are still the standard format on the platform, but maybe it’s time for something a bit more human and engaging. I thought it was worth a try at least.
Here’s a detailed breakdown of what we cover:
Painless installation for all platforms and users
Working with numbers
Python variables
Strings and string methods
Conditional Logic
Boolean Logic
*args and **kwargs
Working with errors
Custom modules
3rd party modules
Object Oriented Programming
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome & Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome To The Course!
Lecture 2: Join The Community!
Lecture 3: What This Course IS NOT
Lecture 4: Why You Should Learn Python
Lecture 5: What We Can Do With Python
Lecture 6: Download All Slides Here!
Chapter 2: Installation & Setup
Lecture 1: Python Versions: They Actually Matter!
Lecture 2: 2 Ways of Running Python
Lecture 3: Installation For Mac Users
Lecture 4: Installation For Windows Users
Lecture 5: The "No-Installation" Option:
Chapter 3: Python Numbers
Lecture 1: Intro to Data Types
Lecture 2: Integers and Floats
Lecture 3: OPTIONAL: Numeric Notations
Lecture 4: Basic Operators
Lecture 5: Lesser Known Operators
Lecture 6: Python Comments
Chapter 4: Variables Basics
Lecture 1: Introducing Variables
Lecture 2: Variable Naming
Lecture 3: Assignment Operators
Lecture 4: Numbers & Variables In The Wild
Lecture 5: The Print() Function
Lecture 6: ★ Magic Trick Exercise
Chapter 5: Strings Basics
Lecture 1: Introducing Strings
Lecture 2: String Variables
Lecture 3: String Operators
Lecture 4: String Indexing
Lecture 5: The Special Value None
Chapter 6: A Little More On Strings
Lecture 1: String Slices
Lecture 2: Revisiting Print()
Lecture 3: Escape Characters
Lecture 4: Triple Quoted Strings
Lecture 5: Strings In The Wild
Lecture 6: ★ Nico Hülkenberg Exercise
Chapter 7: Strings & Built-Ins
Lecture 1: Introducing Functions!
Lecture 2: The Len Function
Lecture 3: The Input Function
Lecture 4: Type Casting
Lecture 5: ★ Age Calculator Exercise
Lecture 6: F Strings
Lecture 7: F-Strings and Type Casting In The Wild
Lecture 8: ★ Shopping Cart Exercise
Chapter 8: The World Of Methods
Lecture 1: Introducing Methods: Upper and Lower
Lecture 2: Navigating The Docs
Lecture 3: Help() & ipython '?'
Lecture 4: Reading Function Signatures + Strip Methods
Lecture 5: Replace
Lecture 6: Other String Methods
Lecture 7: Method Chaining
Lecture 8: String Methods In The Wild
Lecture 9: ★ Press Release Exercise
Chapter 9: Booleans
Lecture 1: Introducing Booleans
Lecture 2: Comparison Operators
Lecture 3: Equality Operators
Lecture 4: Comparing Across Types
Lecture 5: Truthiness & Falseyness
Lecture 6: The "in" Operator
Lecture 7: OPTIONAL: Comparing Strings
Lecture 8: Booleans In The Wild
Chapter 10: Conditionals Basics
Lecture 1: Introducing Conditionals
Lecture 2: The If Keyword
Lecture 3: The Elif Keyword
Lecture 4: The Else Keyword
Lecture 5: ★ Name Length Codealong
Lecture 6: Generating Random Numbers With Randint()
Lecture 7: ★ Tweet Checker Exercise
Chapter 11: A Little More On Conditionals
Colt Steele
Developer and Bootcamp Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 12 votes
- 2 stars: 19 votes
- 3 stars: 139 votes
- 4 stars: 1020 votes
- 5 stars: 2927 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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