Optimization with Python: Solve Operations Research Problems
Optimization with Python: Solve Operations Research Problems, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 104 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 1522 reviews, and has 10725 subscribers.
You will learn about Solve optimization problems using linear programming, mixed-integer linear programming, nonlinear programming, mixed-integer nonlinear programming, LP, MILP, NLP, MINLP, SCOP, NonCovex Problems Main solvers and frameworks, including CPLEX, Gurobi, and Pyomo Genetic algorithm, particle swarm, and constraint programming From the basic to advanced tools, learn how to install Python and how to use the main packages (Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib…) How to solve problems with arrays and summations This course is ideal for individuals who are Undergrad, graduation, master program, and doctorate students. or Companies that wish to solve complex problems or People interested in complex problems and artificial inteligence It is particularly useful for Undergrad, graduation, master program, and doctorate students. or Companies that wish to solve complex problems or People interested in complex problems and artificial inteligence.
Enroll now: Optimization with Python: Solve Operations Research Problems
Title: Optimization with Python: Solve Operations Research Problems
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 104
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 104
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 106
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 106
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Solve optimization problems using linear programming, mixed-integer linear programming, nonlinear programming, mixed-integer nonlinear programming,
- LP, MILP, NLP, MINLP, SCOP, NonCovex Problems
- Main solvers and frameworks, including CPLEX, Gurobi, and Pyomo
- Genetic algorithm, particle swarm, and constraint programming
- From the basic to advanced tools, learn how to install Python and how to use the main packages (Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib…)
- How to solve problems with arrays and summations
Who Should Attend
- Undergrad, graduation, master program, and doctorate students.
- Companies that wish to solve complex problems
- People interested in complex problems and artificial inteligence
Target Audiences
- Undergrad, graduation, master program, and doctorate students.
- Companies that wish to solve complex problems
- People interested in complex problems and artificial inteligence
Operational planning and long term planning for companies are more complex in recent years. Information changes fast, and the decision making is a hard task. Therefore, optimization algorithms (operations research) are used to find optimal solutions for these problems. Professionals in this field are one of the most valued in the market.
In this course you will learn what is necessary to solve problems applying Mathematical Optimization and Metaheuristics:
Linear Programming (LP)
Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP)
NonLinear Programming (NLP)
Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MINLP)
Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Multi-Objective Optimization Problems with NSGA-II (an introduction)
Particle Swarm (PSO)
Constraint Programming (CP)
Second-Order Cone Programming (SCOP)
NonConvex Quadratic Programming (QP)
The following solvers and frameworks will be explored:
Solvers: CPLEX – Gurobi – GLPK – CBC – IPOPT – Couenne – SCIP
Frameworks: Pyomo – Or-Tools – PuLP – Pymoo
Same Packages and tools: Geneticalgorithm – Pyswarm – Numpy – Pandas – MatplotLib – Spyder – Jupyter Notebook
Moreover, you will learn how to apply some linearization techniques when using binary variables.
In addition to the classes and exercises, the following problemswill be solved step by step:
Optimization on how to install a fence in a garden
Route optimization problem
Maximize the revenue in a rental car store
Optimal Power Flow: Electrical Systems
Many other examples, some simple, some complexes, including summations and many constraints.
The classes use examples that are created step by step, so we will create the algorithms together.
Besides this course is more focused in mathematical approaches, you will also learn how to solve problems using artificial intelligence (AI), genetic algorithm, and particle swarm.
Don’t worry if you do not know Python or how to code, I will teach you everything you need to start with optimization, from the installation of Python and its basics, to complex optimization problems. Also, I have created a nice introduction on mathematical modeling, so you can start solving your problems.
I hope this course can help you in your career. Yet, you will receive a certification from Udemy.
Operations Research | Operational Research | Mathematical Optimization
See you in the classes!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the course
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is optimization
Chapter 2: Installing Python
Lecture 1: Installing Python
Lecture 2: Packages
Lecture 3: Important note about Python
Lecture 4: IDE Spyder
Lecture 5: Jupyter NotebookLab
Chapter 3: Starting with Python
Lecture 1: Lists, Tuples, and Dictionary
Lecture 2: If, For, While
Lecture 3: Functions
Lecture 4: Numpy
Lecture 5: Pandas
Lecture 6: Pandas: reading Excel
Lecture 7: Graphs
Lecture 8: PDFs to learn more about Python
Chapter 4: Introduction to mathematical modelling
Lecture 1: What is Mathematical Modelling?
Lecture 2: How do we solve optimization problems?
Lecture 3: Type of Variables
Lecture 4: Objective Function and Constraints
Lecture 5: How to model your problem?
Lecture 6: Our first formulation
Lecture 7: Example 1: investiment
Lecture 8: Example 2: investiment
Lecture 9: Example 3: production cost
Lecture 10: Example 4: route problem
Lecture 11: Example 5: construction assignment
Lecture 12: Example 6: construction assignment
Lecture 13: Example 7: job assignment
Lecture 14: Example 8: job assignment
Lecture 15: How to Learn More?
Lecture 16: Some references for you learn more (problems of VRPTW, TSP, JobShop…)
Chapter 5: Linear Programming (LP)
Lecture 1: LP: Introduction
Lecture 2: Framework and Solvers
Lecture 3: LP: Ortools
Lecture 4: LP: SCIP
Lecture 5: LP: SCIP | errors during installation
Lecture 6: LP: Gurobi, CPLEX, and GLPK (installation)
Lecture 7: Academic License for Gurobi [Updates]
Lecture 8: LP: Pyomo (using Gurobi, CPLEX, and GLPK)
Lecture 9: LP: Pyomo | overcoming errors
Lecture 10: LP: PuLP
Lecture 11: Which solver and frameworks should we choose?
Lecture 12: LP: Exercise, solve it by yourself
Lecture 13: LP: Concepts
Chapter 6: Working with Pyomo
Lecture 1: Pyomo: Using other solvers (CBC)
Lecture 2: Pyomo: Summations
Lecture 3: Pyomo: Double Summations and Variables with 2 or more indexes
Lecture 4: Pyomo: Pprint
Lecture 5: Pyomo: Manual
Chapter 7: Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP)
Lecture 1: MILP: Introduction
Lecture 2: MILP: Pyomo
Lecture 3: MILP: Ortools
Lecture 4: MILP: SCIP
Lecture 5: MILP: Exercise, solve it by yourself
Lecture 6: MILP: Exercise solution
Lecture 7: MILP: Concepts
Chapter 8: Nonlinear Programming (NLP)
Lecture 1: NLP: Introduction
Lecture 2: NLP: Pyomo (IPOPT)
Lecture 3: NLP: SCIP
Lecture 4: NLP: Exercise, solve it by yourself
Lecture 5: NLP: Exercise Solution
Lecture 6: NLP: Concepts
Chapter 9: Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP)
Lecture 1: MINLP: Introduction
Lecture 2: MINLP: Pyomo (Couenne)
Lecture 3: MINLP: Pyomo (decomposition using mindtpy)
Lecture 4: MINLP: SCIP
Chapter 10: Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm
Lecture 1: Genetic Algorithm: Introduction
Lecture 2: Genetic Algorithm: Base Case Example
Lecture 3: Genetic Algorithm: Routing Problem
Lecture 4: Multi-Objective Problems using NSGA-II – An introduction
Lecture 5: Particle Swarm (PSO): Base Case Example
Lecture 6: PSO: Concepts
Chapter 11: Constraint Programming (CP)
Lecture 1: CP: Ortools
Lecture 2: CP: Concepts
Chapter 12: Special Cases
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: SCOP: Second-Order Cone Programming
Lecture 3: NonConvex Quadratic Programming
Lecture 4: Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) with Or-Tools, An introduction
Lecture 5: Linearization: binary*continuos using BigM
Lecture 6: Linearization: binary*binary
Chapter 13: Advanced Features for Pyomo
Lecture 1: Introduction and a new Case Study with double summations
Lecture 2: Check the solver progress
Lecture 3: Define a Gap Limit
Lecture 4: Define a Time Limit
Lecture 5: More parameters for the solvers
Rafael Silva Pinto
Optimization and Data Science Consultant, PhD
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 15 votes
- 3 stars: 127 votes
- 4 stars: 509 votes
- 5 stars: 864 votes
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