Oracle 11g | 18c : Database Administration,Data Analysis
Oracle 11g | 18c : Database Administration,Data Analysis, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 3.6, with 130 lectures, based on 103 reviews, and has 18854 subscribers.
You will learn about Installing Oracle Database 11g & 18c Installing TOAD & Oracle Developer Unlock Sample Schema Perform CRUD Operations Data Analysis & Manipulation Monitoring Oracle Database Oracle Database Accounts & Security Oracle Database Backup & Recovery Oracle Database Server Management Build Web Apps using Oracle Apex Data Analysis with Oracle SQL Analytic Functions Data Analysis with Oracle SQL SET Operators Data Analysis with Oracle SQL Logical Operators Data Analysis with Oracle SQL Aggregate Functions Practical Real World Oracle SQL Examples This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Database Administrator or Beginner Data Analyst or Beginner Data Scientist or Beginner Data Engineer It is particularly useful for Beginner Database Administrator or Beginner Data Analyst or Beginner Data Scientist or Beginner Data Engineer.
Enroll now: Oracle 11g | 18c : Database Administration,Data Analysis
Title: Oracle 11g | 18c : Database Administration,Data Analysis
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Lectures: 130
Number of Published Lectures: 130
Number of Curriculum Items: 130
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 130
Original Price: $54.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Installing Oracle Database 11g & 18c
- Installing TOAD & Oracle Developer
- Unlock Sample Schema
- Perform CRUD Operations
- Data Analysis & Manipulation
- Monitoring Oracle Database
- Oracle Database Accounts & Security
- Oracle Database Backup & Recovery
- Oracle Database Server Management
- Build Web Apps using Oracle Apex
- Data Analysis with Oracle SQL Analytic Functions
- Data Analysis with Oracle SQL SET Operators
- Data Analysis with Oracle SQL Logical Operators
- Data Analysis with Oracle SQL Aggregate Functions
- Practical Real World Oracle SQL Examples
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Database Administrator
- Beginner Data Analyst
- Beginner Data Scientist
- Beginner Data Engineer
Target Audiences
- Beginner Database Administrator
- Beginner Data Analyst
- Beginner Data Scientist
- Beginner Data Engineer
Oracle Database Administrator’s are in constant demand in the IT industry.
The rapid growth of data has fueled the demand for database administrator’s in general. We are more than before reliant on data in our everyday life either through the use of social media with applications like Facebook,Instagram Whatsapp ,Twitter and may more data rich applications.
This course is designed for beginners who are considering a career as a database administrator. It will guide you through some of the tasks that an Oracle database administrator has to perform.
Oracle DBA Responsibilities includes:
Installing new versions of the Oracle database and its tools
Installing tools required to access the Oracle database.
Shutting down and Starting the database
Backing up and Recovering Data
Exporting and Importing Data
Managing Users
Managing security of the database
Monitoring the database
Creating database objects like databases, tables and views
Create new database users as required.
Upgrading the database
Plans and implements backup and recovery of the Oracle database.
Assists with impact analysis of any changes made to the database objects.
Provides technical support to application development teams
Enforces and maintains database constraints to ensure integrity of the database.
Administers all database objects, including tables, clusters, indexes, views, sequences, packages and procedures.
Troubleshooting problems regarding the databases, applications and development tools.
What is Oracle APEX?
Oracle Application Express (APEX) is a low-code development platform that enables you to build scalable, secure enterprise apps, with world-class features, that can be deployed anywhere.
Using APEX, developers can quickly develop and deploy compelling apps that solve real problems and provide immediate value. You won’t need to be an expert in a vast array of technologies to deliver sophisticated solutions. Focus on solving the problem and let APEX take care of the rest.
SQL is everywhere, and I’m not saying that because I want you to use it. It’s just a fact. I bet you have some in your pocket right now. All Android Phones and iPhones. SQL for several years and currently is the most in demand IT Skill requested by recruiters and employers. It is used anywhere there is a database present. It runs banks, hospitals, universities, governments, small businesses, large ones, just about every computer and every person on the planet eventually touches something running SQL.
SQL is an incredibly successful and solid technology that has been around for years and will be here for a long time to come.
By learning SQL, you actually will learn important theoretical and practical concepts that apply to nearly every data storage system past and present .
SQL Skills will greatly improve your job prospects either as a contractor or full time employment. It is a useful skill that is always in demand due to its usefulness. It’s everywhere there is a database. The skills you learn on this course will be enough to confidently work as an SQL professional.
The role of a data scientist is to turn raw data into actionable insights. Much of the world’s raw data—from electronic medical records to customer transaction histories—lives in organized collections of tables called relational databases. To be an effective data scientist, you must know how to wrangle and extract data from these databases using a language called SQL . This course teaches syntax in SQL shared by many types of databases, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: What is Oracle database
Lecture 3: What is Oracle 18c
Lecture 4: What is SQL
Lecture 5: What is database administration
Lecture 6: Oracle DBA Responsibilities
Lecture 7: Oracle Database Developer Responsibilities
Chapter 2: Oracle Database Server Setup
Lecture 1: Oracle Database Hardware Preinstallation
Lecture 2: Oracle Database Software Preinstallation
Lecture 3: Oracle Database Download Link
Lecture 4: Download Oracle 11g
Lecture 5: Install Oracle 11g
Lecture 6: Unlock sample schema for Oracle 11g
Lecture 7: Install Oracle 18c
Lecture 8: What is SQLPlus
Lecture 9: Unlock sample schema for Oracle 18c
Lecture 10: Install Oracle Developer
Lecture 11: Connect to Oracle Database with SQL Developer
Lecture 12: Install TOAD
Lecture 13: Connect to Oracle Database with TOAD
Chapter 3: Oracle SQL Sub Languages
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is CRUD
Lecture 3: DDL : CREATE : Part 1
Lecture 4: DDL : CREATE : Part 2
Lecture 5: Oracle SQL INSERT Statement
Lecture 6: DML SELECT
Chapter 4: ORACLE SQL Data Analysis & Manipulation
Lecture 1: Oracle Data Types & Constraints
Lecture 2: Using the FROM Clause
Lecture 3: Using the WHERE clause
Lecture 4: Using ORDER BY Clause
Lecture 5: Limiting & sorting data
Lecture 6: Using ALiases
Lecture 7: Excluding duplicate records
Lecture 8: Null Values
Lecture 9: Analyse data using LIKE Operator
Lecture 10: Grouping Data
Chapter 5: Monitoring Oracle Database
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Monitor & view database sessions
Lecture 3: Monitor Top SQL Statements
Lecture 4: Monitor Long Operations
Chapter 6: Oracle Database Accounts & Security
Lecture 1: Types of Oracle Database Users
Lecture 2: How to create new user with DBA Access
Lecture 3: Predefined administrative accounts
Lecture 4: SysDBA Vs SysOPER
Lecture 5: Establishing database security policy
Lecture 6: Priviledges and Roles
Lecture 7: Managing Oracle Database Users
Lecture 8: Creating a new database user
Lecture 9: Auditing Database Activities
Lecture 10: Predefined Oracle Database Accounts
Chapter 7: Database Backup & Recovery
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Enable ARCHIVELOG Mode
Lecture 3: Backup Database
Lecture 4: Restore and Recover Database
Lecture 5: View and restore historical data
Lecture 6: Recover Dropped (Deleted) Tables
Chapter 8: Oracle Database Server Management
Lecture 1: How to shutdown oracle database server
Lecture 2: How to start Oracle database server
Lecture 3: Database Schema
Lecture 4: What is a Tablespace
Lecture 5: How to create a Tablespace: Part 1
Lecture 6: How to create a Tablespace: Part 2
Chapter 9: Managing UNDO Data
Lecture 1: What is UNDO Data
Lecture 2: UNDO Tablespace
Lecture 3: UNDO Retention
Lecture 4: Configure UNDO Retention
Lecture 5: What is a Transaction
Lecture 6: REDO Log Files
Lecture 7: UNDO vs REDO Data
Chapter 10: Building Web Apps with Oracle with APEX
Lecture 1: What is APEX
Lecture 2: Apps built with APEX
Lecture 3: How to login to APEX
Lecture 4: How to display Schema Objects
Lecture 5: Creating APEX Workspace
Lecture 6: What we will build
Lecture 7: Creating the CRUD App
Lecture 8: Modify the app view
Lecture 9: Create APEX User
Lecture 10: Publish App to end users
Lecture 11: Performing CRUD Operations
Chapter 11: Data Analysis with Oracle SQL Analytic Functions
Lecture 1: What are Analytic Functions
Lecture 2: Analytic Functions Syntax
Lecture 3: Partition By Clause
Lecture 4: Order By Clause
Lecture 5: Introduction to Windowing Clause
Lecture 6: Working with a default windowing clause
Lecture 7: Using Rows and a Windowing clause
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 11 votes
- 4 stars: 33 votes
- 5 stars: 53 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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