Oracle SQL – The Ultimate Course: SQL Made Practical
Oracle SQL – The Ultimate Course: SQL Made Practical, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 212 lectures, 26 quizzes, based on 4806 reviews, and has 22328 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn SQL by actually practicing with lots of real-world exercises and challenges. Use Oracle SQL to retrieve, filter, analyze, format and present information from Oracle databases. Create tables, constraints, indexes, views, and many other types of database objects. Use SQL to insert, modify and delete information from Oracle databases. Write the SQL code needed to solve the most common problems found in real work situations and academic tests. Learn some advanced topics like Analytic Functions, Hierarchical Queries, and others. Please note that PL/SQL is not covered in this course. This course is ideal for individuals who are Application or database developers looking to acquire solid SQL knowledge to accelerate their careers. or Anyone with existing SQL knowledge wanting to solidify their skill and use the language with confidence. or Anyone with prior SQL experience in a different RDBMS wanting to learn the most useful Oracle-specific features of the language. or College/University students who need SQL knowledge to pass their database-related courses. or This course is not for you if you are already an experienced Oracle SQL developer looking to learn the most advanced features of the language. or This course is not for you if you are looking for a theoretical course. It is particularly useful for Application or database developers looking to acquire solid SQL knowledge to accelerate their careers. or Anyone with existing SQL knowledge wanting to solidify their skill and use the language with confidence. or Anyone with prior SQL experience in a different RDBMS wanting to learn the most useful Oracle-specific features of the language. or College/University students who need SQL knowledge to pass their database-related courses. or This course is not for you if you are already an experienced Oracle SQL developer looking to learn the most advanced features of the language. or This course is not for you if you are looking for a theoretical course.
Enroll now: Oracle SQL – The Ultimate Course: SQL Made Practical
Title: Oracle SQL – The Ultimate Course: SQL Made Practical
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 212
Number of Quizzes: 26
Number of Published Lectures: 212
Number of Published Quizzes: 25
Number of Curriculum Items: 239
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 237
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn SQL by actually practicing with lots of real-world exercises and challenges.
- Use Oracle SQL to retrieve, filter, analyze, format and present information from Oracle databases.
- Create tables, constraints, indexes, views, and many other types of database objects.
- Use SQL to insert, modify and delete information from Oracle databases.
- Write the SQL code needed to solve the most common problems found in real work situations and academic tests.
- Learn some advanced topics like Analytic Functions, Hierarchical Queries, and others.
- Please note that PL/SQL is not covered in this course.
Who Should Attend
- Application or database developers looking to acquire solid SQL knowledge to accelerate their careers.
- Anyone with existing SQL knowledge wanting to solidify their skill and use the language with confidence.
- Anyone with prior SQL experience in a different RDBMS wanting to learn the most useful Oracle-specific features of the language.
- College/University students who need SQL knowledge to pass their database-related courses.
- This course is not for you if you are already an experienced Oracle SQL developer looking to learn the most advanced features of the language.
- This course is not for you if you are looking for a theoretical course.
Target Audiences
- Application or database developers looking to acquire solid SQL knowledge to accelerate their careers.
- Anyone with existing SQL knowledge wanting to solidify their skill and use the language with confidence.
- Anyone with prior SQL experience in a different RDBMS wanting to learn the most useful Oracle-specific features of the language.
- College/University students who need SQL knowledge to pass their database-related courses.
- This course is not for you if you are already an experienced Oracle SQL developer looking to learn the most advanced features of the language.
- This course is not for you if you are looking for a theoretical course.
* Covers Oracle Database 11g, Oracle 12c, Oracle 18c, and Oracle 19c
Oracle is currently the most popular relational database management system in the world. It is used by thousands of big companies who are usually willing to pay good salaries to the right people, which includes those with practical Oracle SQL knowledge that is based on best practices and experience.
Most SQL courses give you theoretical SQL knowledge. In this course, you will learn by actually writing code.
What do other learners say about this course?
Shruti says: “It was such an amazing course. Absolutely a beginner friendly course”.
Daniel says “Excellent match. In spite of knowing sql for more than a decade, learnt a loooot of new stuff.”
David says: “Really well explained! Love the energy of the instructor!”.
Scott says: “This is an incredible course! I love how the instructor Carlos presents topics very clearly, but also challenges students in the quizzes and practice challenges. Too many courses out there contain practice challenges that are exact replicas of what was just taught, which are too easy and limit growth of the student. I have no suggestions for improvement on the course content and presentation, as it was simply perfect in my opinion. … I would rate this course higher than 5 stars if that were possible. Thank you Carlos!”
Thomas says: “Honestly, I’ve seen some good udemy courses… This course is one of the best structured iv’e seen. It places a priority on the practice challenges that allows the quality of the course to rival a university course … Great instruction, great value for the course!”
Roshan says: “great course to cover all the fundamentals, great for interview preparations.”
Paul says “This course is very thorough, and Carlos is a skilled instructor!”
Radu says “Very clear course, concise presentation, excellent tips, very good pronunciation, captions without errors, lots of exercises for practice… Thank you for the excellent course, Carlos.”
Learn Oracle SQL in a practical and smart way and jump-start your career as an Oracle SQL developer:
Learn everything about the SELECT statement including the FROM, JOIN, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, OVER, PIVOT and all other related clauses.
Learn how to use all types of operators in Oracle SQL.
Learn how to use numeric, text, date, conversion, aggregate, analytic, and other types of Oracle SQL functions.
Learn how to add, modify, and delete information from Oracle databases using SQL by means of the UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE and other kinds of statements.
Learn how to use SQL to create and use tables, constraints, sequences, indexes, and views.
Solve interesting and challenging problems by actually writing Oracle SQL code, which will improve your learning and retention, and will give you confidence to put your skills to work in real life situations.
Get tips and knowledge that is usually only learned through years of SQL experience.
Much more.
Carlos created this course because most courses, if not all, focus too much on “telling” or “demonstrating” how to do things, but don’t give you, as a student, the opportunity to test and practice what is being taught. Some of them tell you to practice or to do things along with the instructor, but unfortunately, such an approach doesn’t really work. Seeing how things are done or just copying or repeating what you see on the screen is not going to help you learn SQL. You might feel that you are learning, but when the time comes for you to write a command on your own, you are most likely not going to feel very confident.
Here you will learn and practice much more than just SQL basics.
Content and Overview:
This course will not only help beginners learn the SQL language. If you already have previous SQL knowledge, you will also learn a lot of new concepts, features and techniques that will make you an even better SQL developer.
After setting the learning environment, it starts with the most basic concepts about databases in general and a very short introduction to Oracle and the SQL language.
You will start learning about the simplest SQL statements, and before you even notice it, you will have covered all the SQL basics and will be gradually progressing to more advanced concepts.
The course includes several topics that some people, including experienced developers and other instructors, consider advanced, such as Analytic Functions, Hierarchical Queries, Pivot and Unpivot features, and many more.
It does not include demonstration lectures because the whole course is a coding demonstration. In 90% of the video lectures, you will be watching the instructor’s computer screen while he types, explains, and runs Oracle SQL code.
It does not include labs at the end of each section because practically every lesson has a coding task for you to practice what you are learning.
Please note that PL/SQL (Oracle’s procedural language) is not covered in this course.
The instructor will not only teach you SQL. He will share his decades of Oracle experience with you through what he calls “experience tips”. Those tips can really help you differentiate and stand out.
Final words from the instructor:
You could enjoy being seen as an experienced and knowledgeable SQL developer by your friends, peers, and potential employers in a very short time, but you have to take action. If you want my help, you’ve got it.
-Carlos, founder of the Standout-Dev Academy.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Course and Curriculum Overview
Lecture 2: Use Udemy's Features Wisely!
Lecture 3: Let’s run some SQL code right away!
Lecture 4: How to take Full Advantage of the Course
Lecture 5: IMPORTANT: Practice Challenges and Coding Exercises
Chapter 2: Environment Setup
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How to take the course without installing any program
Lecture 3: Setting Up and using Apex to take the course on the browser
Lecture 4: Using Live SQL to take the course on the browser
Lecture 5: Downloading and installing Oracle Database Express Edition 18c
Lecture 6: Taking the Course on a Mac or Windows "Home" Computer
Lecture 7: Downloading and installing Oracle Sql Developer
Lecture 8: Oracle Sql Developer Basics
Chapter 3: Basic Database and SQL Concepts
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Basic Database Concepts (Tables, rows, columns, primary and foreign keys, etc)
Lecture 3: What is SQL?
Lecture 4: Basic Oracle Database Concepts and Architecture (Database, Instance, Storage…)
Lecture 5: The Multitenant Architecture
Lecture 6: Basic Oracle Database Peculiarities
Lecture 7: Section Recap (BC)
Chapter 4: Retrieving information from the Database using SQL (The SELECT statement)
Lecture 1: Introduction to retrieving information from an Oracle database.
Lecture 2: Creating the first Test Tables
Lecture 3: Basic Oracle Datatypes (NUMBER, VARCHAR2, DATE, LOB, etc)
Lecture 4: The SELECT Statement in its Simplest Form (SELECT and FROM clauses)
Lecture 5: Practice Challenge: Basic SELECT Statement
Lecture 6: Column and Table Aliases in Oracle
Lecture 7: Solution to the practice challenges in this section (RIFD)
Lecture 8: Section Recap (RIFD)
Chapter 5: Filtering and Sorting Results in SQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to filtering and sorting results from SQL queries.
Lecture 2: Filtering Results (Introducing the WHERE Clause)
Lecture 3: Practice Challenge: Filtering Results
Lecture 4: More complex WHERE Conditions
Lecture 5: Practice Challenge: More complex WHERE Conditions
Lecture 6: Solution to the More Complex Conditions Challenge
Lecture 7: Filtering Duplicate Rows (DISTINCT Clause)
Lecture 8: Ordering the Results (ORDER BY Clause) Part 1
Lecture 9: Ordering the Results (ORDER BY Clause) Part 2
Lecture 10: Understanding and Handling NULLs
Lecture 11: Practice Challenge: Understanding and Handling NULLs
Lecture 12: Understanding and Handling NULLs Part 2
Lecture 13: NULL-handling Functions in Oracle SQL (NVL, COALESCE)
Lecture 14: Practice Challenge: NULL-handling Functions in Oracle SQL
Lecture 15: NULL-handling Functions in Oracle SQL Part 2 (NVL2, NULLIF, LNNVL)
Lecture 16: Practice Challenge: NULL-handling Functions in Oracle SQL Part 2
Lecture 17: Solution to the practice challenges in this section (FSR)
Lecture 18: Section Recap (FSR)
Chapter 6: Operators used in SQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to the use of Operators in SQL.
Lecture 2: Comparison Operators (=,<,>,ANY,ALL)
Lecture 3: SQL Operators (LIKE, IN, BETWEEN, IS NULL)
Lecture 4: Practice Challenge: SQL Operators
Lecture 5: Logical Operators (AND, OR, NOT)
Lecture 6: Practice Challenge: Logical Operators
Lecture 7: Substitution Variables
Lecture 8: Practice Challenge: Substitution Variables
Lecture 9: Solution to the practice challenges in this section (O)
Lecture 10: Section Recap (O)
Chapter 7: Group Operations in SQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to Group Operations in SQL.
Lecture 2: Aggregate Functions (MIN, MAX, SUM, COUNT, AVG)
Lecture 3: Practice Challenge: Aggregate Functions
Lecture 4: Grouping Rows (The GROUP BY Clause)
Lecture 5: Practice Challenge: Grouping Rows
Lecture 6: Filtering Group Results (HAVING Clause)
Lecture 7: Practice Challenge: Filtering Group Results
Lecture 8: Solution to the practice challenges in this section (GO)
Lecture 9: Section Recap (GO)
Chapter 8: Subqueries in SQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to Subqueries in Oracle SQL.
Lecture 2: Understanding Subqueries
Lecture 3: Practice Challenge: Subqueries
Lecture 4: Common Questions About Subqueries
Lecture 5: Inline Views
Lecture 6: Practice Challenge: Inline Views
Lecture 7: Subquery Factoring (The WITH Clause)
Lecture 8: Practice Challenge: Subquery Factoring
Lecture 9: Top-N Queries (And Intro to ANALYTIC Functions)
Lecture 10: Practice Challenge: Top-N Queries
Lecture 11: The Row Limiting Clause (FETCH FIRST n ROWS, OFFSET, etc)
Lecture 12: Practice Challenge: The Row Limiting Clause
Lecture 13: Solution to the practice challenges in this section (S)
Lecture 14: Section Recap (S)
Chapter 9: Single Row SQL Functions
Lecture 1: Introduction to Single Row Functions in Oracle SQL.
Lecture 2: What is a Function?
Carlos DL
Software Development Director & Chief Educator -
Standout-Dev Academy
Helping Developers Stand Out
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 27 votes
- 2 stars: 49 votes
- 3 stars: 388 votes
- 4 stars: 1817 votes
- 5 stars: 2525 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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