Performance Testing using LoadRunner 12.50
Performance Testing using LoadRunner 12.50, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 155 lectures, 13 quizzes, based on 3239 reviews, and has 15781 subscribers.
You will learn about Students reported that they were able to troubleshoot the issues faced in the real projects after taking this class Even if you are using any other performance testing tool, this course will provide you core guidelines for utilizing it for maximum benefits in less time. By end of the course you will learn to develop a workable strategy for load testing of an enterprise system and be ready to handle any performance testing project using LoadRunner tool This course is ideal for individuals who are Perfect for beginners to experienced level professionals who want to make career in performance testing or Performance Testers, Software Testers, QAs, Developers, BAs, Leads, and Managers or Entry level candidates who wants to learn Performance testing using LoadRunner or You can start this course with basic Manual Testing skills or Best QA testing career option for those who want to be in automation testing with basic programming skills It is particularly useful for Perfect for beginners to experienced level professionals who want to make career in performance testing or Performance Testers, Software Testers, QAs, Developers, BAs, Leads, and Managers or Entry level candidates who wants to learn Performance testing using LoadRunner or You can start this course with basic Manual Testing skills or Best QA testing career option for those who want to be in automation testing with basic programming skills.
Enroll now: Performance Testing using LoadRunner 12.50
Title: Performance Testing using LoadRunner 12.50
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 155
Number of Quizzes: 13
Number of Published Lectures: 155
Number of Published Quizzes: 13
Number of Curriculum Items: 168
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 168
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Students reported that they were able to troubleshoot the issues faced in the real projects after taking this class
- Even if you are using any other performance testing tool, this course will provide you core guidelines for utilizing it for maximum benefits in less time.
- By end of the course you will learn to develop a workable strategy for load testing of an enterprise system and be ready to handle any performance testing project using LoadRunner tool
Who Should Attend
- Perfect for beginners to experienced level professionals who want to make career in performance testing
- Performance Testers, Software Testers, QAs, Developers, BAs, Leads, and Managers
- Entry level candidates who wants to learn Performance testing using LoadRunner
- You can start this course with basic Manual Testing skills
- Best QA testing career option for those who want to be in automation testing with basic programming skills
Target Audiences
- Perfect for beginners to experienced level professionals who want to make career in performance testing
- Performance Testers, Software Testers, QAs, Developers, BAs, Leads, and Managers
- Entry level candidates who wants to learn Performance testing using LoadRunner
- You can start this course with basic Manual Testing skills
- Best QA testing career option for those who want to be in automation testing with basic programming skills
Welcome to “Isha Training Solutions”
**************UPDATED THE COURSE ON 2nd Sept 2018**************
Modified the installation files <Both 12.53 and 12.50> and provided more clarity on the mode of installation
**************UPDATED THE COURSE ON 26 JULY 2018****************
Quiz for each section
Added a new section called “Miscellaneous section” and added a video demonstrating a script to “Merge 2 arrays”
I am able to Record, Replay back, Add transactions & Add Check Points, then why should I take this course?
This course is much deeper than just record and playback.
Students reported that they were able to troubleshoot the issues by themselves after attending the course.
Also, reported that the course helped them to break the interviews confidently.
Lots of C functions, LR functions, conversions etc…will be discussed.
If you are lead, you will understand which NFR’s to collect from client and exact process to follow during project implementation. (PTLC).
Here is our all new and improved Performance testing with LoadRunner training course of 33+ hours conducted by the LoadRunner expert having 14+
years of practical industry experience!
Learn all the basic and advanced performance testing concepts with hands-on practical examples. The course syllabus is designed by considering the current job market trends and industry requirements.
Performance Tester is in high Demand!!!!
At the end of the course be ready to handle any performance testing project using LoadRunner tool. Even if you are using any other performance testing tool, this course will provide you core guidelines for utilizing it for maximum benefits in less time.
My other courses on Udemy
Apache Jmeter – Basics to Intermediate level
Advance LoadRunner Scripting for HTTP/HTML Protocol
WebServices Performance Testing Using Loadrunner(SOAP &REST)
Loadrunner 12.50 SAPGUI Protocol scripting
Pls email me on for any questions / concerns. For immediate response, pls Whatsapp me on +91-8019952427.
A real time project is also added to this course. Once, you have completed the course, you can check your knowledge on the LoadRunner tool by completing this project
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Performance Testing
Lecture 1: Hand out / Course Material for the Course
Lecture 2: Access to Instructor – Kumar Gupta
Lecture 3: Software Testing
Lecture 4: Why Performance Testing
Lecture 5: Why Applications Become Slow
Lecture 6: What is Perfomance Testing
Lecture 7: VUsers
Chapter 2: Software Architecture
Lecture 1: Running Notes for this course created by the Students
Lecture 2: What is Architecture?
Lecture 3: The Importance of Architecture for Performance Testing
Lecture 4: What is A Server
Lecture 5: Understanding Servers
Lecture 6: Application Layers
Lecture 7: Two Tier Architecture
Lecture 8: Three Tier Architecture
Lecture 9: N Tier Architecture
Lecture 10: Know your Servers and Host Machines
Lecture 11: Protocol
Chapter 3: Installation of LR (LoadRunner)
Lecture 1: Installation of LoadRunner
Chapter 4: Performance Testing
Lecture 1: What is Performance Testing
Lecture 2: What is Performance Testing Part-2
Lecture 3: Terminology of PT
Lecture 4: Performance Testing Vs Performance Engineering
Lecture 5: Performance Testing Life Cycle (PTLC)
Chapter 5: NFR Gathering
Lecture 1: NFR Gathering
Lecture 2: NFR Gathering Part-2
Chapter 6: Work Load Modelling
Lecture 1: Work Load Modelling
Lecture 2: Work Load Modelling Part-2
Lecture 3: Work Load Modelling Part-3
Lecture 4: Little's Law
Lecture 5: Little's Law Part-2
Chapter 7: Introduction to LoadRunner
Lecture 1: Components of Loadrunner
Lecture 2: VUGen
Lecture 3: Controller
Lecture 4: Analyzer
Lecture 5: LR Architecture
Lecture 6: Where are LR Components Installed?
Lecture 7: Calculation of LG's
Lecture 8: LR Basic Flow
Chapter 8: VUGen
Lecture 1: VUGen Panes and Layouts
Lecture 2: Steps to Create a Script
Lecture 3: Protocol Advisor
Lecture 4: VUGen Recording Events Part1
Lecture 5: VUGen Recording Events Part2
Lecture 6: VUGen_Recording Events_Part3
Lecture 7: Why Protocol Needs to be set in VUGen?
Lecture 8: Protocol advisor
Lecture 9: VUGen LR Functions_Cache and cookies
Lecture 10: VUGen: Understanding Piece of code
Lecture 11: VuGen: Run-Time Settings (RTS)
Lecture 12: Recording Script Using VUGen
Lecture 13: HTTP Methods
Lecture 14: VuGen: Playback
Lecture 15: VUGen: Playback with Comments
Lecture 16: VuGen: Playback with Transactions
Lecture 17: Call Actions
Lecture 18: HTML Based Script And URL Based Script Part 1
Lecture 19: HTML Based Script And URL Based Script Part2
Lecture 20: HTML Based Script And URL Based Script Part3
Lecture 21: Check Points
Lecture 22: Text Check Points Part 1
Lecture 23: Text Check Points Part2
Lecture 24: Image Check Points
Lecture 25: Rendezvous Point
Chapter 9: C Functions
Lecture 1: C Functions
Lecture 2: C Functions: Datatypes
Lecture 3: C Functions: Declaration of Variables
Lecture 4: C Functions: Programming
Lecture 5: C Functions: Script Storage
Lecture 6: C Functions: Declaration of Strings
Lecture 7: C Functions: Comparison of Two Strings
Lecture 8: C Functions: Strcmp Function
Lecture 9: C Functions: Conversions – Part1
Lecture 10: C Functions: Conversions – Part2
Lecture 11: C Functions: Conversions Part3
Lecture 12: C Functions: Conversions Part4
Lecture 13: Where do we use conversions – Part 1
Lecture 14: Where do we use conversions – Part2
Lecture 15: Where do we use conversions – Part3
Chapter 10: Parameterization
Lecture 1: Purpose of Parameterization
Lecture 2: How to do Parameterization – Part1
Lecture 3: How to do Parameterization – Part2
Kumar Gupta Isha Training Solutions
Performance Testing Specialist -
Anand Kumar Gupta
Kumar Gupta – Performance Testing Specialist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 47 votes
- 2 stars: 58 votes
- 3 stars: 316 votes
- 4 stars: 1178 votes
- 5 stars: 1640 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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