PHP for Beginners : Learn PHP Programming From Scratch!
PHP for Beginners : Learn PHP Programming From Scratch!, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 3.75, with 60 lectures, based on 66 reviews, and has 2133 subscribers.
You will learn about Write PHP codes easily Understand PHP and Web Terminology Create Your Own PHP Pages! Catch the Opportunities in the Web Development! Understanding PHP Variables Using PHP Output Statements Introducing PHP Data Types Using Strings in PHP Programming Creating and Using PHP Operators Creating and Using PHP Constants Lifetime Author Support This course is ideal for individuals who are University or College Students or Graduates or Workers or Beginners on PHP or Anyone who wants to learn PHP or Software Developers (Java/.Net/ Python, …) interacting with the web programming It is particularly useful for University or College Students or Graduates or Workers or Beginners on PHP or Anyone who wants to learn PHP or Software Developers (Java/.Net/ Python, …) interacting with the web programming.
Enroll now: PHP for Beginners : Learn PHP Programming From Scratch!
Title: PHP for Beginners : Learn PHP Programming From Scratch!
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 3.75
Number of Lectures: 60
Number of Published Lectures: 58
Number of Curriculum Items: 61
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 58
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Write PHP codes easily
- Understand PHP and Web Terminology
- Create Your Own PHP Pages!
- Catch the Opportunities in the Web Development!
- Understanding PHP Variables
- Using PHP Output Statements
- Introducing PHP Data Types
- Using Strings in PHP Programming
- Creating and Using PHP Operators
- Creating and Using PHP Constants
- Lifetime Author Support
Who Should Attend
- University or College Students
- Graduates or Workers
- Beginners on PHP
- Anyone who wants to learn PHP
- Software Developers (Java/.Net/ Python, …) interacting with the web programming
Target Audiences
- University or College Students
- Graduates or Workers
- Beginners on PHP
- Anyone who wants to learn PHP
- Software Developers (Java/.Net/ Python, …) interacting with the web programming
An easy course does not mean to understand easily, it means just thinking to understand. This course is not just easily explained, but also explained in detail, and many examples. If you get this course, please try to write and run all the examples with me. If you follow what I said in this course, “You will be a PHP Developer in a short time.”
You can ask any questions about this course from the discussion board.
Your questions will be answered immediately.
Benefits of Taking This PHP Course:
PHP is one of the best-used programming languages in the world and I can say that this is the most used web development language. If you learn how to create PHP pages, that means you can do anything in the web. PHP is a very strong web language and you can do anything you wish with PHP. The popularity of PHP is increasing because of its power of the web. You can use PHP with HTML, javascript, CSS, and with many things.
I think, learning PHP can change your life like many rich people in the world. You should know that the best web pages in the world like Facebook are using PHP while developing their sites.
Now, the only thing in front of you to make a site like that is learning PHP.
You may have your best chance with learning PHP…
No-Risk – Money-Back Guarantee:
Finally, there is no risk. You can preview 10% of the course for free. Once you purchase the course, if for some reason you are not happy with the course, Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.
So you have nothing to lose, sign up for this course and learn how to write PHP code easily from scratch..
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Module 1: PHP Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Module 2: What is PHP and Why is it used for?
Lecture 1: What is PHP and Why is It Used For?
Lecture 2: Why PHP?
Lecture 3: What can PHP do?
Chapter 3: Module 3: Installing Environmental Programs
Lecture 1: How to Download, Install and Use the XAMPP Server
Chapter 4: Module 4: Let's begin to coding! Dive into the PHP Syntax
Lecture 1: Basic PHP Syntax
Lecture 2: Comments in PHP!
Lecture 3: Case Sensitivity
Chapter 5: Module 5: PHP Variables
Lecture 1: Introduction to PHP variables!
Lecture 2: Creating Variables
Lecture 3: Variable Scope Part 1 – (Local and Global Keyword)
Lecture 4: Variable Scope Part 2 – (Static Keyword)
Chapter 6: Module 6: PHP Output Statements
Lecture 1: What is "echo" statement and how is it used?
Lecture 2: What is "print" statement and how is it used?
Chapter 7: Module 7: PHP Data Types
Lecture 1: What are the Data Types in PHP?
Lecture 2: Integer and Float(Double) data types
Lecture 3: Boolean and Null Data Types
Lecture 4: Array Data Types
Lecture 5: String Data Types
Lecture 6: Object Data Types
Lecture 7: Resource Data Type
Chapter 8: Module 8: Strings in PHP
Lecture 1: Get the Length of a String
Lecture 2: Reversing a String
Lecture 3: Searching Text Within a String
Lecture 4: Getting the Number of Words in a String
Lecture 5: Replace Text within a String
Chapter 9: Module 9: PHP Constants
Lecture 1: What are the PHP constants?
Lecture 2: Creating PHP Constants
Lecture 3: Globality of Constants
Chapter 10: Module 10: PHP Operators
Lecture 1: What are PHP Operators & Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 2: Increment and Decrement Operators
Lecture 3: Assignment Operators
Lecture 4: Comparison Operators
Lecture 5: Logical Operators (And, Or, Not)
Lecture 6: String Operators
Chapter 11: Module 11: Control Structures (Conditional Statements)
Lecture 1: What are Control Structures & IF Statements
Lecture 2: IF…ELSE Statements
Lecture 3: If .. Elsif .. Else Statements
Lecture 4: Switch Statement
Chapter 12: Module 12: PHP Loops
Lecture 1: For Loop
Lecture 2: While Loop
Lecture 3: Do..while Loop
Lecture 4: Foreach loop
Lecture 5: Break & Continue Keywords
Chapter 13: Module 13: PHP Functions
Lecture 1: What is a Function?
Lecture 2: Creating Functions in PHP
Lecture 3: Function Arguments – Pass by Value & Pass by Reference
Lecture 4: Default Argument Values
Lecture 5: Variable Number Of Arguments
Lecture 6: Returning Values & Recursion
Lecture 7: Nested Functions
Chapter 14: Module 14: PHP Arrays
Lecture 1: What is an array?
Lecture 2: Creating Arrays
Lecture 3: Printing Arrays
Lecture 4: Indexed Arrays
Lecture 5: Associative Arrays
Lecture 6: Multidimensional Arrays
Chapter 15: Bonus
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 14 votes
- 5 stars: 37 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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