PHP MVC Framework CodeIgniter Tutorial for Beginners Project
PHP MVC Framework CodeIgniter Tutorial for Beginners Project, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 126 lectures, based on 1576 reviews, and has 7819 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn to use CodeIgniter Learn to build Web Applications Have a new PHP Skill that would increase income This course is ideal for individuals who are This is meant for students who want to developer PHP dynamic applications and websites faster or This is meant for students who have basic Knowledge of OOP in PHP or This is meant for students who want to become better at PHP or This is meant for students who want to improve their careers or get a better one It is particularly useful for This is meant for students who want to developer PHP dynamic applications and websites faster or This is meant for students who have basic Knowledge of OOP in PHP or This is meant for students who want to become better at PHP or This is meant for students who want to improve their careers or get a better one.
Enroll now: PHP MVC Framework CodeIgniter Tutorial for Beginners Project
Title: PHP MVC Framework CodeIgniter Tutorial for Beginners Project
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 126
Number of Published Lectures: 125
Number of Curriculum Items: 126
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 125
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn to use CodeIgniter
- Learn to build Web Applications
- Have a new PHP Skill that would increase income
Who Should Attend
- This is meant for students who want to developer PHP dynamic applications and websites faster
- This is meant for students who have basic Knowledge of OOP in PHP
- This is meant for students who want to become better at PHP
- This is meant for students who want to improve their careers or get a better one
Target Audiences
- This is meant for students who want to developer PHP dynamic applications and websites faster
- This is meant for students who have basic Knowledge of OOP in PHP
- This is meant for students who want to become better at PHP
- This is meant for students who want to improve their careers or get a better one
UPDATED as of March 2016
BIGGEST CodeIgniter Course in UDEMY!
Hands on Real Life Project inside!
Do you want to really master PHP dynamic applications and website development?
Then this course will speed up the process by allowing you to learn how to use the most popular PHP framework in the planet, “CodeIgniter”.
Coding in PHP or any other language can be time consuming, especially for common tasks. Using a framework is the best way to apply common tasks, like:
- Security
- Form validation
- Database configurations
- Database queries (CRUD)
If you want to be a head of the competition and get paid more, then using a FRAMEWORK is the way to do.
High paying jobs require knowledge of frameworks, since speed and accuracy are crucial for the development team and company.
Having knowledge of using frameworks will allow you to find a hight paying job, or find a job easier than not having the skill at all.
My Personal Experience
My first job interview required a codeigniter knowledge and because I did not have the skill, I did not get the job even though I knew how to code in PHP.
That jobs started at 75K per year in the US and that could’ve propelled big time in my career, it wasn’t until after I acquired this skill that jobs were pouring in from everywhere.
I created this course with the intention to provide you with the knowledge you need to use codeigniter to develop applications fast and efficiently. I also create this course to help you provide a great skill that will propel you in your web development career.
Why Codeigniter?
Because is the most popular PHP framework and is on demand for jobs and freelance projects.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: CodeIgniter Basics
Lecture 1: Intro to the Course
Lecture 2: Exercise Files
Lecture 3: What is code igniter and how it works?
Lecture 4: Installing CodeIgniter
Lecture 5: Get Into the file structure
Lecture 6: Using methods in views
Lecture 7: Creating custom controllers
Lecture 8: Creating a model and a database
Lecture 9: Creating the users controller and creating a user model method
Lecture 10: Auto-loading Model
Lecture 11: Processing a result from a model in a controller
Lecture 12: Transferring data to views
Chapter 2: CRUD with CodeIgniter
Lecture 1: Intro to the CRUD
Lecture 2: Helper function examples
Lecture 3: Selecting Data in our DB table based on parameters
Lecture 4: Conditions in our Queries
Lecture 5: Inserting Data
Lecture 6: Updating Data
Lecture 7: Deleting Data
Chapter 3: Project # 1 : Login Application
Lecture 1: Intro to the Login APP
Lecture 2: Downloading Assets
Lecture 3: Creating Main Template
Lecture 4: Creating main file structure and loading main content
Lecture 5: Loading sidebar view
Lecture 6: Starting our CodeIgniter Form
Lecture 7: Creating the username input and attributes in the CodeIgniter way 🙂
Lecture 8: Creating the password and submit inputs
Lecture 9: Form processing methods
Chapter 4: Project # 1 : Login Application – Form Validation with CodeIgniter
Lecture 1: Intro to Form Validation
Lecture 2: Form Validation Part 1
Lecture 3: Form Validation Part 2
Lecture 4: Form Validation Part 3 and using sessions
Lecture 5: Form Validation Part 4
Lecture 6: Setting up the else condition for validations
Lecture 7: Creating login user method in the user moded
Lecture 8: Giving our user some sessions with CodeIgniter
Lecture 9: Setting up notifications
Lecture 10: Displaying form based on conditions
Lecture 11: Creating the logout form
Lecture 12: Creating the logout method
Lecture 13: Creating an admin view
Lecture 14: Wrapping this up
Chapter 5: EXTRA LECTURES – Project #1 = Extended
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Modifying index.php
Chapter 6: Project #1: User Registration
Lecture 1: Creating more users columns
Lecture 2: Creating register view
Lecture 3: Creating register Method and Challenge
Lecture 4: Validations and Solution
Lecture 5: Navigation and Links
Lecture 6: Testing and setting up create user method
Lecture 7: Creating the user model code
Lecture 8: Testing and Creating User
Lecture 9: Password Encription
Lecture 10: Updating Login Code with password encryption
Chapter 7: Project #1: Projects
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Projects Home Page
Lecture 3: Creating the projects table
Lecture 4: Access to projects page code
Lecture 5: Projects model setup
Lecture 6: Displaying projects – bootstrapping part 1
Lecture 7: Displaying projects – bootstrapping part 2
Lecture 8: Displaying projects – bootstrapping part 3
Lecture 9: Displaying projects – bootstrapping part 4
Lecture 10: Displaying specific projects part #1
Lecture 11: Displaying specific projects part #2
Lecture 12: Displaying specific projects part #3
Lecture 13: Displaying specific projects part #4
Lecture 14: Creating the create method part 1
Lecture 15: Creating the create method part 2
Lecture 16: Creating the create project method in models and view
Lecture 17: Creating Projects
Lecture 18: Creating our projects controller edit method
Lecture 19: Creating the edit project method in the model
Lecture 20: Creating the get projects method in the model
Lecture 21: Editing projects
Lecture 22: Deleting projects
Lecture 23: Notifications and custom delete link
Lecture 24: Displaying projects part 1
Lecture 25: Displaying projects part 2
Lecture 26: Fixing Home page and a little bootstraping
Chapter 8: Project #1: Tasks
Lecture 1: Intro to Tasks Section
Lecture 2: Creating the tasks table in the database, plus tasks controller and model
Lecture 3: Coding the tasks display method
Lecture 4: Displaying individual tasks
Lecture 5: Create task method 1
Lecture 6: Create task method 2
Lecture 7: Create task due date and CI URI class
Lecture 8: Task display links
Lecture 9: Edit task method in the controller
Lecture 10: Setting up important needed methods in the task model
Lecture 11: Display data in the edit task view
Lecture 12: Displaying date and BUG Fixing CHALLENGE
Edwin Diaz
Web Developer & Premium Instructor – 800,000 students -
Coding Faculty Solutions
Coding Faculty
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 21 votes
- 2 stars: 26 votes
- 3 stars: 151 votes
- 4 stars: 458 votes
- 5 stars: 920 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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