PHP with Laravel for beginners – Become a Master in Laravel
PHP with Laravel for beginners – Become a Master in Laravel, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.36, with 413 lectures, based on 12800 reviews, and has 57330 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn to build applications using laravel To install Laravel using Windows and MAC You will learn how use Laravel You will learn how to use routes You will learn how to create and use Controllers and what they are You will learn how to create Views an what they are You will learn to use the templating engine Blade How to connect and use Databases How to create migrations and what they are You will learn about Laravel ORM (Object Relational Mapper) and Raw SQL queries. Database stuff 🙂 How to use Laravel Tinker – Command line program to play around with Laravel without persisting data Database: Eloquent One to One – CRUD Database: Eloquent One to Many – CRUD Database: Eloquent Many to Many – CRUD Database: Eloquent Polymorphic – CRUD Form Validation You will learn to download third party libraries to add to Laravel You will learn to upload files You will learn about Middleware and security You will learn about sesssions You will learn about sending emails You will learn Github or version control You will learn how to install a WYSIWYG editor To install a commenting system / Disqus You will learn to create a BULK functionality that you can use the CRUD on it You will learn to deploy Laravel on share hosting accounts, like godaddy And lots of more cool things This course is ideal for individuals who are People looking for web programming jobs should take this course or People looking to learn everything about laravel should take this course or Students who want to take their PHP skills to another level should take this course It is particularly useful for People looking for web programming jobs should take this course or People looking to learn everything about laravel should take this course or Students who want to take their PHP skills to another level should take this course.
Enroll now: PHP with Laravel for beginners – Become a Master in Laravel
Title: PHP with Laravel for beginners – Become a Master in Laravel
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.36
Number of Lectures: 413
Number of Published Lectures: 409
Number of Curriculum Items: 413
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 409
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn to build applications using laravel
- To install Laravel using Windows and MAC
- You will learn how use Laravel
- You will learn how to use routes
- You will learn how to create and use Controllers and what they are
- You will learn how to create Views an what they are
- You will learn to use the templating engine Blade
- How to connect and use Databases
- How to create migrations and what they are
- You will learn about Laravel ORM (Object Relational Mapper) and Raw SQL queries. Database stuff 🙂
- How to use Laravel Tinker – Command line program to play around with Laravel without persisting data
- Database: Eloquent One to One – CRUD
- Database: Eloquent One to Many – CRUD
- Database: Eloquent Many to Many – CRUD
- Database: Eloquent Polymorphic – CRUD
- Form Validation
- You will learn to download third party libraries to add to Laravel
- You will learn to upload files
- You will learn about Middleware and security
- You will learn about sesssions
- You will learn about sending emails
- You will learn Github or version control
- You will learn how to install a WYSIWYG editor
- To install a commenting system / Disqus
- You will learn to create a BULK functionality that you can use the CRUD on it
- You will learn to deploy Laravel on share hosting accounts, like godaddy
- And lots of more cool things
Who Should Attend
- People looking for web programming jobs should take this course
- People looking to learn everything about laravel should take this course
- Students who want to take their PHP skills to another level should take this course
Target Audiences
- People looking for web programming jobs should take this course
- People looking to learn everything about laravel should take this course
- Students who want to take their PHP skills to another level should take this course
Right now on Laravel 7.10 but of course as new versions come out, I will keep updating the course.
Over 30,000 students in this course and over 600,000 students here at Udemy.
Best Rated, Best Selling, Biggest and just baddest course on Laravel around 🙂
Oh, it’s also the best course for complete beginners and of course regular beginners 🙂
Laravel has become one of the most popular if not the most popular PHP framework. Employers are asking for this skill for all web programming jobs and in this course we have put together all of them, to give you the best chance of landing that job; or taking it to the next level.
Why is Laravel so popular? Because once you learn it, creating complex applications are easy to do, because thousands of other people have created code we can plug (packages) into our Laravel application to make it even better.
There are many reasons why Laravel is on the top when it comes to PHP frameworks but we are not here to talk about that, right?
You are here because you want to learn Laravel, and find out what course to take, right? Alright, let’s list what this course has to offer so that you can make your decision?
Benefits of taking this course (I promise to be brief)
1. Top PHP instructor (with other successful PHP courses with great reviews)
2. Top support groups
3. An amazing project that we will be building and taking to Github
4. Lots of cybernetic coffee to keep you awake…..
5. Did I mention I was not boring and you will not fall asleep?
Ok, Let’s break each of these down, shall we?
Top Instructor…..
I don’t like boasting but my other PHP courses can speak for me 🙂
Top support groups
I make sure everybody helps in the class and we also have Facebook support groups if needed.
The Amazing project / real-life application…
On this project, you will learn everything you need for creating awesome applications the easy way with Laravel, and new features will be implemented all the time, just the curriculum and look at the updates section.
Full Source Code is available at Github
Oh yeah, we take this to Github (An app repository online) and even show you how, so you will learn that too.
Lots of practical skill with some theory so you get more experience that its essential for becoming a Professional Laravel Developer.
This course will take your game a new level. Imagine being able to create the next Facebook or Twitter, or even getting the developer job you dream of? What about just a programming job? You can achieve all that if you study with us and really focus. We will help you along the way.
Here are some my lovely students (Not to show off of course) 🙂
REVIEWS ——————————->
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Understood MVC in one sentence after so many years! Great job Edwin. A great deal of effort has been put by Edwin to create the content in two parts, first for understanding the basic components (eloquent relationships, views, controller etc) and then actually using it in a project. And he loves teaching. We love learning from him!
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Great Course! Everything was explained well and if you will have any questions they will give you good answers, or you will find the answers in Q&A.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
I would recommend this course to Laravel beginners like me, it covers a lot and the idea of learning on short-manageable videos + learning from errors that follow is a home run best approach! I am satisfied with course and especially with teacher Edwin who is extreme motivator…….
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
I loved the course!! Learned a lot and actually applied it, I’m very happy. 10-stars!!!
Get it? Not every course its perfect we do get the best reviews for a good reason, of course you can’t please everybody but we try.
Are you ready to to create the next Facebook or Twitter? …………….
Lets start with the fundamentals
Downloading Laravel
Installing it with composer
Lets also use Laravel Homestead
We learn about Routes, Controllers, views, models, migrations, template engines, middleware and more
Lets learn the CRUD, create, read, update and deleting data 🙂
Wait, lets also learn the CRUD with all the ELOQUENT relationships,
Lets learn so database stuff 🙂
One To One
One To Many
One To Many (Inverse)
Many To Many
Has Many Through
Polymorphic Relations
Many To Many Polymorphic Relations
Querying Relations
Relationship Methods Vs. Dynamic Properties
Querying Relationship Existence
Querying Relationship Absence
Counting Related Models
Inserting & Updating Related Models
The save Method
The create Method
Belongs To Relationships
Many To Many Relationships
Let me break down some things from the projects but not all, cause my hands are a little tired 🙂
Authentication system
Multi-users with roles, Admins, subscribers and whatever you want 🙂
User profiles
Uploading photos, multi pictures
Multiple input selections
User, CRUD
Category CRUD
Photo CRUD
Pretty URL’s
Commenting system, reply system with tree
Disqus commenting system
Sessions, and flash messages
Email Sending
EMAIL testing
Lots more, too many to list
Oh did I mention we keep updating the course with new versions?
Did I also mention this LARAVEL course is the best-rated course, the best selling and the biggest of its kind here in Udemy?
Let’s start this and let’s create big things 🙂
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The first steps
Lecture 1: Meet your professor Edwin
Lecture 2: Introduction to laravel and MVC
Lecture 3: Reference files
Chapter 2: Windows – Local Environment Setup
Lecture 1: New – Tools
Lecture 2: New – Using MySQL
Lecture 3: New- Installing Node.js
Lecture 4: New – Installing Laravel
Lecture 5: Installing a Specific Version of Laravel
Chapter 3: MAC- Local Environment Setup
Lecture 1: NEW – PHP Upgrade
Lecture 2: New – Installing and Using MySQL on MAC OS X
Lecture 3: New – Installing Node.js
Lecture 4: New – Tools and Installing Laravel
Lecture 5: New – Using Valet in your Laravel projects – OPTIONAL
Lecture 6: Installing a Specific Version of Laravel
Chapter 4: Laravel Fundamentals – Routes
Lecture 1: New UPDATE – Serving our App
Lecture 2: New UPDATE – Please Watch
Lecture 3: New – Laravel Structure Overview
Lecture 4: Route Introduction
Lecture 5: Routes part 1
Lecture 6: Routes part 2
Lecture 7: Naming Routes
Chapter 5: Laravel Fundamentals – Controllers
Lecture 1: Intro to chapter with Edwin
Lecture 2: Creating Controllers
Lecture 3: Laravel 8 – IMPORTANT UPDATE
Lecture 4: Routing Controllers
Lecture 5: Passing data
Lecture 6: Resources and Controllers
Chapter 6: Laravel Fundamentals – Views
Lecture 1: Intro to chapter with Edwin
Lecture 2: Creating views and custom method
Lecture 3: Passing data to views
Chapter 7: Laravel Fundamentals – Laravel Blade templating engine
Lecture 1: Intro to chapter with Edwin
Lecture 2: Master layout setup
Lecture 3: Some more blade features
Chapter 8: Laravel Fundamentals – Database – Laravel Migrations
Lecture 1: Intro to chapter with Edwin
Lecture 2: Environment configurations
Lecture 3: New – Windows OS – Migrations
Lecture 4: New – MAC OS – Migrations
Lecture 5: Creating migrations and dropping them
Lecture 6: Adding columns to existing tables using migrations
Lecture 7: Some more migration commands
Chapter 9: Laravel Fundamentals – Raw SQL Queries
Lecture 1: Section Intro with Edwin Diaz
Lecture 2: Inserting data
Lecture 3: Reading Data
Lecture 4: Updating Data
Lecture 5: Deleting Data
Chapter 10: Laravel Fundamentals – Database – Eloquent / ORM
Lecture 1: Section Intro with Edwin Diaz
Lecture 2: Reading Data
Lecture 3: Reading / Finding with Constraints
Lecture 4: More ways to retrieve data
Lecture 5: Inserting / Saving Data
Lecture 6: Creating data and configuring mass assignment
Lecture 7: Updating with Eloquent
Lecture 8: Deleting Data
Lecture 9: Soft Deleting / Trashing
Lecture 10: Retrieving deleted / trashed records
Lecture 11: Restoring deleted / trashed records
Lecture 12: Deleting a record permanently
Chapter 11: Laravel Fundamentals – Database – Eloquent Relationships
Lecture 1: Section intro with Edwin Diaz
Lecture 2: One to One relationship
Lecture 3: The inverse relation
Lecture 4: One to many relationship
Lecture 5: Some random tips
Lecture 6: Many to many relations part 1
Lecture 7: Many to many relations part 2
Lecture 8: Querying intermediate table
Lecture 9: Has many through relation part 1
Lecture 10: Has many through relation part 2
Lecture 11: Polymorphic relation part 1
Lecture 12: Polymorphic relation part 2
Lecture 13: Polymorphic relation the inverse
Lecture 14: Polymorphic relation many to many part 1
Lecture 15: Polymorphic relation many to many part 2
Lecture 16: Polymorphic relation many to many – retrieving
Lecture 17: Polymorphic relation many to many – retrieving owner
Chapter 12: Laravel Fundamentals – Database – Tinker
Lecture 1: Section Intro with Edwin Diaz
Lecture 2: Creating data with tinker
Lecture 3: Finding record and using constraints in tinker
Lecture 4: Updating and deleting with tinker
Lecture 5: Playing around with relations in tinker
Chapter 13: Database – Eloquent One to One Relationship CRUD
Lecture 1: Section intro with Edwin Diaz
Lecture 2: New – Create a new laravel project with migrations
Lecture 3: Database configuration and migration
Lecture 4: Setting up Relations
Lecture 5: Creating data for user
Lecture 6: Updating Data
Lecture 7: Reading and deleting data
Chapter 14: Database – Eloquent One to Many Relationship CRUD
Edwin Diaz
Web Developer & Premium Instructor – 800,000 students -
Coding Faculty Solutions
Coding Faculty
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 303 votes
- 2 stars: 388 votes
- 3 stars: 1216 votes
- 4 stars: 3645 votes
- 5 stars: 7244 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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