PHPUnit – Unit & Selenium Testing For PHP Developers
PHPUnit – Unit & Selenium Testing For PHP Developers, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 78 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 153 reviews, and has 1145 subscribers.
You will learn about You will get familiar with different types of testing code You will learn PHPUnit You will learn Selenium for PHPUnit You will write testable code You will write maintainable code You will find bugs quicker in your code You will save your time by performing fast automated tests You will be able to write fast automated tests for PHP applications You will practice PHPUnit knowledge by doing quizes, coding excersises, etc. You will build from scratch a real world application in PHP using Test Driven Development (TDD) approach You will learn how to test api clients using PHPUnit & Guzzle This course is ideal for individuals who are Everyone who wants to learn PHPUnit and Selenium for PHPUnit or Everyone who wants to write better (testable & maintainable) code in PHP or Everyone who wants to learn TDD – Test Driven Development or Everyone who wants to automate the process of testing user interfaces of PHP apps (UI) or Everyone who wants to increase chances to get hired as a PHP developer or Developers who are bored with manual testing in a web browser while coding or Everyone who wants to practice PHPUnit knowledge It is particularly useful for Everyone who wants to learn PHPUnit and Selenium for PHPUnit or Everyone who wants to write better (testable & maintainable) code in PHP or Everyone who wants to learn TDD – Test Driven Development or Everyone who wants to automate the process of testing user interfaces of PHP apps (UI) or Everyone who wants to increase chances to get hired as a PHP developer or Developers who are bored with manual testing in a web browser while coding or Everyone who wants to practice PHPUnit knowledge.
Enroll now: PHPUnit – Unit & Selenium Testing For PHP Developers
Title: PHPUnit – Unit & Selenium Testing For PHP Developers
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 78
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 78
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 87
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 86
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will get familiar with different types of testing code
- You will learn PHPUnit
- You will learn Selenium for PHPUnit
- You will write testable code
- You will write maintainable code
- You will find bugs quicker in your code
- You will save your time by performing fast automated tests
- You will be able to write fast automated tests for PHP applications
- You will practice PHPUnit knowledge by doing quizes, coding excersises, etc.
- You will build from scratch a real world application in PHP using Test Driven Development (TDD) approach
- You will learn how to test api clients using PHPUnit & Guzzle
Who Should Attend
- Everyone who wants to learn PHPUnit and Selenium for PHPUnit
- Everyone who wants to write better (testable & maintainable) code in PHP
- Everyone who wants to learn TDD – Test Driven Development
- Everyone who wants to automate the process of testing user interfaces of PHP apps (UI)
- Everyone who wants to increase chances to get hired as a PHP developer
- Developers who are bored with manual testing in a web browser while coding
- Everyone who wants to practice PHPUnit knowledge
Target Audiences
- Everyone who wants to learn PHPUnit and Selenium for PHPUnit
- Everyone who wants to write better (testable & maintainable) code in PHP
- Everyone who wants to learn TDD – Test Driven Development
- Everyone who wants to automate the process of testing user interfaces of PHP apps (UI)
- Everyone who wants to increase chances to get hired as a PHP developer
- Developers who are bored with manual testing in a web browser while coding
- Everyone who wants to practice PHPUnit knowledge
Do you want to be able to test your code and thus become a better programmer?
Welcome to the very comprehensive PHPUnit (testing framework for PHP) and Selenium for PHPUnit course. PHPUnit is a tool for testing code written in PHP language. And Selenium is a tool for automating web browsers that we will use in this course to test application interfaces. You will learn not only about unit tests but also what integration, functional and acceptance tests are. Particular emphasis will be placed on php unit testing.
Code testing is very important. Here there are most important benefits:
you don’t waste time as a web developer for manual testing in a web browser
you find mistakes in the code faster
what’s more, by mastering PHPUnit you will start to write code that is testable (you will learn in the course what is non-testable code!)
and your code will be easier to maintain, i.e. it will be easier to adapt it to the changes you might need
In short: if you haven’t known PHPUnit yet, you’ll simply be a better PHP programmer after completing this course. PHPUnit is a very important skill and if you’re looking for a job as a PHP developer, it will allow you to increase your chances to get hired.
During the course, we will be discussing the most important aspects of PHPUnit and Selenium for PHPUnit on practical examples with hands-on coding, such as assertions, data providers, mocks and others (see the curriculum for more information). You will also learn how to test api clients.
The most interesting part of this course is building from scratch a real MVC-based application in PHP and PHPUnit using TDD – Test Driven Development approach. This is an application for managing product multi-level categories – which is not easy to implement. PHPUnit will be particularly useful here. It will be a very comprehensive TDD – not only unit tests but we will also test the user interface of this application using Selenium WebDriver. The HTML template of this application built using the Zurb Foundation Framework will be available to download (not because I think it is the best, just the template for this particular application was easiest to build using Zurb). We will be coding the backend from scratch using Slim Microframework for PHP. We will also use a great package from Laravel called illuminate/database for Laravel Eloquent ORM, thanks to which database operations are very easy.
To better consolidate the acquired knowledge the course includes, in addition to lectures, coding exercises, quizzes, assignments and other practical activities.
For each lecture that requires coding, there are file resources that you can download and copy & paste, but I encourage you to write code from the screen.
I promise that you’ll be a better PHP developer after completing this PHPUnit course. And even if for some reason you will not like this course, Udemy always offers you a 30-day money back guarantee. But I doubt that you will not like it. I am 100% sure that you will be happy with this course and your PHP code will be better from now!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What is PHPUnit and why it is very useful thing to learn. How you will learn it
Lecture 2: Let's see PHPUnit in action!
Lecture 3: Course structure
Lecture 4: Overview of an application that we will build using PHPUnit and TDD approach
Lecture 5: How to benefit from these course as much as is possible
Lecture 6: How the course videos & resources look like
Chapter 2: PHPUnit basics
Lecture 1: PHPUnit requirements and installation using Composer tool
Lecture 2: PHPUnit command line
Lecture 3: Write our first PHPUnit test
Lecture 4: Error output
Lecture 5: TestDox – Agile style test results
Lecture 6: Most common assertions in PHPUnit
Lecture 7: Most common annotations in PHPUnit
Lecture 8: Data providers
Lecture 9: Test dependencies
Lecture 10: Test errors and exceptions
Chapter 3: PHPUnit configuration
Lecture 1: Apply coloring console test output and testdox automatically
Lecture 2: Organize test suite using XML configuration file
Lecture 3: Create PHP constants in XML configuration file
Chapter 4: PHPUnit – dive deeper
Lecture 1: Fixtures – setup initial state before testing
Lecture 2: Test private & protected attributes
Lecture 3: Use anonymous classes to mock objects without setter method
Lecture 4: Test private & protected methods
Lecture 5: PHPUnit with interfaces
Lecture 6: PHPUnit with abstract classes
Lecture 7: Test static methods
Lecture 8: Risky, incomplete and skipped tests
Lecture 9: Custom assertions
Lecture 10: Code Coverage Analysis
Chapter 5: Test Doubles & mocking real objects – replacing real objects for testing
Lecture 1: Stubs
Lecture 2: Mock Objects
Lecture 3: Mocking traits and abstract classes
Lecture 4: Mocking web services
Chapter 6: Acceptance (not only unit) testing with PHPUnit. Use Selenium
Lecture 1: Different types of tests
Lecture 2: Install Selenium WebDriver and create first acceptance test in PHPUnit
Lecture 3: Getting elements on websites using Selenium WebDriver
Lecture 4: Clicking links using Selenium WebDriver
Lecture 5: Setting values for inputs and sending forms using Selenium WebDriver
Lecture 6: Mark your test as incomplete. Deal with cookies
Lecture 7: Assert delayed content, e.g. loaded by Ajax
Chapter 7: TDD – test driven development with PHPUnit & Selenium
Lecture 1: TDD cycle – test, code, refactor
Lecture 2: Slim PHP micro framework crash course (OPTIONAL)
Lecture 3: HTML layout for our example app using Zurb Foundation framework
Lecture 4: Install and configure PHPUnit & Selenium Web Driver
Lecture 5: Test proper strings on the main page
Lecture 6: Test confirmation box when trying to delete a category
Lecture 7: Assert existing links to edit and delete a category
Lecture 8: Click edit link and see proper stuff for this on the website
Lecture 9: Test validation of the html form
Lecture 10: Test visibility of categories in the menu
Lecture 11: Convert database result into nested PHP array – part 1
Lecture 12: Convert database result into nested PHP array – part 2
Lecture 13: Refactor the code used for testing conversion of database result
Lecture 14: Convert PHP array into HTML nested list – part 1
Lecture 15: Convert PHP array into HTML nested list – part 2
Lecture 16: Install Laravel Eloquent ORM to manage database operations
Lecture 17: Use Laravel models to interact with the database
Lecture 18: Display categories dynamically from the database
Lecture 19: Enable adding child categories to the Laravel Category Model
Lecture 20: Convert categories array from database to html nested ul li list
Lecture 21: Improve our tests
Lecture 22: Delete parent category and its children
Lecture 23: Show chosen category dynamically
Lecture 24: Make input values dynamic when a category is edited
Lecture 25: Show categories for html select list dynamically
Lecture 26: Test correct parent category for edited one
Lecture 27: Test editing category
Lecture 28: Test adding a new category
Lecture 29: Add redirection to some actions
Lecture 30: Practice activity – refactor the code
Lecture 31: Practice activity – build this app again with your framework or in plain PHP
Chapter 8: Testing REST API's with PHPUnit, Guzzle & Json Server
Lecture 1: Install PHPUnit and Guzzle PHP HTTP client
Lecture 2: Testing live api – not recommended
Lecture 3: Prepare for right testing – refactor the code
Lecture 4: Mock api responses to test read requests
Lecture 5: Install Json Server and test GET api request
Lecture 6: Test POST and DELETE requests
Lecture 7: Test PATCH and PUT requests
Robert Apollo
Full Stack Web Development Courses
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 18 votes
- 4 stars: 43 votes
- 5 stars: 80 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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