Physics + Python – Solve basic physics problems with Python
Physics + Python – Solve basic physics problems with Python, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 71 lectures, based on 52 reviews, and has 390 subscribers.
You will learn about You'll learn how to model problems of physics computationlly You'll develop algorithmic thinking You'll review some concepts of physics You'll learn one of the most popular programming languages This course is ideal for individuals who are Students/professionals of math/physics or Students/professionals of engineering or Students/professionals of computer science or Students/professionals of chemistry or People interested in the subject It is particularly useful for Students/professionals of math/physics or Students/professionals of engineering or Students/professionals of computer science or Students/professionals of chemistry or People interested in the subject.
Enroll now: Physics + Python – Solve basic physics problems with Python
Title: Physics + Python – Solve basic physics problems with Python
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 71
Number of Published Lectures: 71
Number of Curriculum Items: 71
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 71
Original Price: $34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You'll learn how to model problems of physics computationlly
- You'll develop algorithmic thinking
- You'll review some concepts of physics
- You'll learn one of the most popular programming languages
Who Should Attend
- Students/professionals of math/physics
- Students/professionals of engineering
- Students/professionals of computer science
- Students/professionals of chemistry
- People interested in the subject
Target Audiences
- Students/professionals of math/physics
- Students/professionals of engineering
- Students/professionals of computer science
- Students/professionals of chemistry
- People interested in the subject
Did you know that, nowadays, programming is everywhere, especially in science? This course is for those who want to model basic problems of physics computationally. In this course, we will use one of the most popular programming languages: Python! Python is a programming language used in different fields, such as data science, statistics, artificial intelligence, and also scientific computing.
Here, we will use this programming language to solve basic problems of physics. By basic problems of physics, I mean high school level problems, like calculating the velocity, solving electric circuits, thermal dilation, etc. A perfect match for those that are in basic scientific areas and want to start learning how to program!
At the end of the course, you will have a brief introduction to two third-party libraries of Python:
1-Numpy, which is primarily used for number crunching and linear algebra, and
2-Matplotlib, the most commonly used library to plot data in Python.
Each session of the course is divided into three parts:
1-Basic Python lectures:
In these lessons, you will learn how to use the basic commands, data structures and functions of Python
In these lessons, I propose exercises to be solved and explain how these exercises are supposed to be solved
In these videos, I show you the solution of the exercises step-by-step
Throughout this course, you’ll solve 20+ exercises to model problems of physics with Python, including:
Calculating the force
Gravitational force formula
Text manipulation with strings
Thermal expansion formulas
Solving a quadratic equation
Building a menu to choose formulas
Calculating the Euclidean distance between two atoms
Simulating a physics exam
Creating functions for temperature conversion
Plotting the trajectory of an object
and many more!!
Therefore: if you wish to model basic physics’ problems and learn one of the most popular programming languages, then this course is for you!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course overview/introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to Python
Lecture 3: COLAB environment
Chapter 2: Variables and data types
Lecture 1: Variables and data types
Lecture 2: Arithmetics
Lecture 3: User input
Lecture 4: Exercises
Lecture 5: Solution: Calculating the force
Lecture 6: Solution: Gravitational force
Chapter 3: Strings
Lecture 1: Strings: methods and manipulation
Lecture 2: Exercises
Lecture 3: Solution: Text manipulation
Lecture 4: Solution: Table construction
Chapter 4: Logical operators and conditional statements
Lecture 1: Logical and relational operators
Lecture 2: Conditional statements
Lecture 3: Complex and nested conditions
Lecture 4: Exercises
Lecture 5: Solution: solving a quadratic equation
Lecture 6: Solution: Menu of thermal expansion calculation
Chapter 5: Loops
Lecture 1: The for loops
Lecture 2: Nested for loops
Lecture 3: The while loops
Lecture 4: Exercises
Lecture 5: Solution: Menu of formulas
Lecture 6: Solution: Option menu with loops
Lecture 7: Solution: Distance from the soil in a free fall
Chapter 6: Collections
Lecture 1: Tuples
Lecture 2: Lists
Lecture 3: Dictionaries
Lecture 4: Nested data structures
Lecture 5: Exercises
Lecture 6: Solution: Euclidean distance between atoms
Lecture 7: Solution: Temperatures in a list
Lecture 8: Solution: Atoms and atomic number
Lecture 9: Miniproject: simulating a physics exam
Lecture 10: Solution: part 1
Lecture 11: Solution: part 2
Chapter 7: Functions
Lecture 1: Definition and introduction to functions
Lecture 2: Optional parameters, nested functions and docstrings
Lecture 3: Exercises
Lecture 4: Solution: temperature conversion
Lecture 5: Solution: Function of ideal gas law
Lecture 6: Solution: Function of the gravitational force formula
Lecture 7: Solution: Creating functions for the quadratic equation
Chapter 8: Modules in Python
Lecture 1: Math module
Lecture 2: Time module
Lecture 3: Random module
Lecture 4: Exercises
Lecture 5: Solution: Projectile motion
Lecture 6: Solution: Free fall time
Chapter 9: Errors and exceptions in Python
Lecture 1: Errors and exceptions in Python
Lecture 2: Treating errors and exceptions
Lecture 3: Exercise
Lecture 4: Solution: Error treatment in inputs
Chapter 10: A brief introduction to the Numpy module
Lecture 1: Difference in operations between numpy arrays and lists
Lecture 2: Methods available both in arrays and lists
Lecture 3: Arrays may have more than 1 dimension
Lecture 4: Additional functions of the numpy module
Lecture 5: Representing matrices and matrix multiplication
Lecture 6: Matrices and linear systems
Lecture 7: Exercises
Lecture 8: Solution: Manipulating arrays
Lecture 9: Solution: new arrays
Lecture 10: Solution: Linear system in an electric circuit
Chapter 11: Introduction to plotting (graphs) in Python with Matplotlib
Lecture 1: Intro to line charts
Lecture 2: Intro to bar plots
Lecture 3: Intro to pie charts
Lecture 4: Exercises
Lecture 5: Solution: Plotting a sine wave
Lecture 6: Solution: Plotting the trajectory of an object
Chapter 12: Extra section
Lecture 1: Bonus lecture
Guilherme Matos Passarini, phD
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 13 votes
- 5 stars: 32 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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