PostgreSQL and MySQL for Beginners
PostgreSQL and MySQL for Beginners, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 137 lectures, 56 quizzes, based on 163 reviews, and has 14087 subscribers.
You will learn about How to write SELECT queries to fetch relevant data in PostgreSQL and MySQL How to filter and sort the data using WHEN, logical operators and ORDER BY How to group and aggregate data in PostgreSQL and MySQL How to apply joins and combining queries in PostgreSQL and MySQL String, mathematical, date-time functions and pattern matching in PostgreSQL and MySQL Understanding of VIEWS and INDEXES in PostgreSQL and MySQL How to write subqueries in PostgreSQL and MySQL This course is ideal for individuals who are Working Professionals beginning their Data journey or Anyone curious to learn and compare both PostgreSQL and MySQL or Students about to join their first corporate job It is particularly useful for Working Professionals beginning their Data journey or Anyone curious to learn and compare both PostgreSQL and MySQL or Students about to join their first corporate job.
Enroll now: PostgreSQL and MySQL for Beginners
Title: PostgreSQL and MySQL for Beginners
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 137
Number of Quizzes: 56
Number of Published Lectures: 135
Number of Published Quizzes: 55
Number of Curriculum Items: 193
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 190
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to write SELECT queries to fetch relevant data in PostgreSQL and MySQL
- How to filter and sort the data using WHEN, logical operators and ORDER BY
- How to group and aggregate data in PostgreSQL and MySQL
- How to apply joins and combining queries in PostgreSQL and MySQL
- String, mathematical, date-time functions and pattern matching in PostgreSQL and MySQL
- Understanding of VIEWS and INDEXES in PostgreSQL and MySQL
- How to write subqueries in PostgreSQL and MySQL
Who Should Attend
- Working Professionals beginning their Data journey
- Anyone curious to learn and compare both PostgreSQL and MySQL
- Students about to join their first corporate job
Target Audiences
- Working Professionals beginning their Data journey
- Anyone curious to learn and compare both PostgreSQL and MySQL
- Students about to join their first corporate job
4 Reasons why you should choose this SQL course
Carefully designed curriculum teaching you everything in SQL that you will need for Data analysis in businesses
Comprehensive – covers basic and advanced SQL statements in both, PostgreSQL and MySQL
Downloadable resources covering important topics on SQL
Your queries on SQL and anything covered in the Masterclass will be responded by the Instructor himself
A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this SQL course.
Why should you choose this course?
This is a complete tutorial on SQL which can be completed within a weekend. SQL is the most sought after skill for Data analysis roles in all the companies. PostgreSQL and MySQL are highly desired skills for database management and data analysis roles. So whether you want to start a career as a data scientist or just grow you data analysis skills, this course will cover everything you need to know to do that.
What makes us qualified to teach you?
The course is taught by Abhishek, Pukhraj and Nadeem. Instructors of the course have been teaching Data Science and Machine Learning for over a decade. They have an in-depth knowledge in advanced SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, database management, and various data analysis tools available in the market.
We are also the creators of some of the most popular online courses – with over 1 million enrollments and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:
I had an awesome moment taking this course. It broaden my knowledge more on the power use of SQL as an analytical tools. Kudos to the instructor! – Sikiru
Very insightful, learning very nifty tricks and enough detail to make it stick in your mind. – Armand
Our Promise
Teaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content, practice sheet or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message.
By the end of this course, your confidence in using SQL will soar. You’ll have a thorough understanding of how to use SQL for Data analytics as a career opportunity.
Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I’ll see you in lesson 1!
Start-Tech Academy
Why learn SQL?
SQL is the most universal and commonly used database language. It powers the most commonly used database engines like PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite, and MySQL. Simply put, If you want to access databases then yes, you need to know SQL.
It is not really difficult to learn SQL. SQL is not a programming language, itβs a query language. The primary objective where SQL was created was to give the possibility to common people to get interesting data from the database. It is also an English-like language so anyone who can use English at a basic level can write SQL queries easily.
SQL is one of the most sought-after skills by hiring employers.
You can earn good money
How much time does it take to learn SQL?
SQL is easy but no one can determine the learning time it takes. It totally depends on you. The method we adopted to help you learn SQL quickly starts from the basics and takes you to advanced level within hours. You can follow the same, but remember you can learn nothing without practicing it. Practice is the only way to learn SQL quickly.
What’s the difference between SQL and PostgreSQL?
SQL is a language. Specifically, the “Structured Query Language”
PostgreSQL is one of several database systems, or RDMS (Relational Database Management System). PostgresSQL is one of several RDMS’s, others of which are Oracle, Informix, MySQL, and MSQL.
All of these RDMSs use SQL as their language. Each of them have minor variations in the “dialect” of SQL that they use, but it’s all still SQL.
Which is better, PostgreSQL or MySQL?
Both are excellent products with unique strengths, and the choice is often a matter of personal preference.
PostgreSQL offers overall features for traditional database applications, while MySQL focuses on faster performance for Web-based applications.
Open source development will bring more features to subsequent releases of both databases.
Who uses these databases?
Here are a few examples of companies that use PostgreSQL: Apple, BioPharm, Etsy, IMDB, Macworld, Debian, Fujitsu, Red Hat, Sun Microsystem, Cisco, Skype.
Companies that use MySQL:Uber, Airbnb, Netflix, Udemy, Pinterest etc.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Course Resources
Lecture 1: Course resources
Lecture 2: This is a milestone!
Chapter 3: Setting up PostgreSQL and PGAdmin
Lecture 1: Installing PostgreSQL and pgAdmin in your PC
Lecture 2: If pgAdmin is not opening…
Chapter 4: Installing MySQL
Lecture 1: Installing and Setting up MySQL
Chapter 5: Fundamental SQL statements
Lecture 1: CREATE in PostgreSQL
Lecture 2: CREATE in MySQL
Lecture 3: Exercise 1: Create DB and Table
Lecture 4: Solutions to all Exercises
Lecture 5: INSERT in PostgreSQL
Lecture 6: INSERT in MySQL
Lecture 7: Import data from File in PostgreSQL
Lecture 8: Import data from File in MySQL
Lecture 9: Exercise 2: Inserting and Importing data
Lecture 10: SELECT statement in PostgreSQL
Lecture 11: SELECT statement in MySQL
Lecture 12: SELECT DISTINCT in PostgreSQL
Lecture 14: WHERE in PostgreSQL
Lecture 15: WHERE in MySQL
Lecture 16: Logical Operators in PostgreSQL
Lecture 17: Logical Operators in MySQL
Lecture 18: Exercise 3: SELECT, WHERE & Logical
Lecture 19: UPDATE in PostgreSQL
Lecture 20: UPDATE in MySQL
Lecture 21: DELETE in PostgreSQL
Lecture 22: DELETE in MySQL
Lecture 23: ALTER Part 1 in PostgreSQL
Lecture 24: ALTER Part 2 in PostgreSQL
Lecture 25: ALTER in MySQL
Lecture 26: Exercise 4: Update, Delete and Alter Table
Chapter 6: Restore and Back-up in PostgreSQL
Lecture 1: Restore and Back-up
Lecture 2: Debugging restoration issues
Lecture 3: Creating DB using CSV files
Lecture 4: Debugging summary and Code for CSV files
Lecture 5: Exercise 5: Restore and Back-up
Chapter 7: Restore and Back-up in MySQL
Lecture 1: Restoring and Back-up in MySQL
Lecture 2: Restore and Back-up in MySQL
Chapter 8: Selection commands: Filtering
Lecture 1: IN in PostgreSQL
Lecture 2: IN in MySQL
Lecture 3: BETWEEN in PostgreSQL
Lecture 4: BETWEEN in MySQL
Lecture 5: LIKE in PostgreSQL
Lecture 6: LIKE in MySQL
Lecture 7: Exercise 6: In, Like & Between
Chapter 9: Selection commands: Ordering
Lecture 1: Side Lecture: Commenting in SQL
Lecture 2: ORDER BY in PostgreSQL
Lecture 3: ORDER BY in MySQL
Lecture 4: LIMIT in PostgreSQL
Lecture 5: LIMIT in MySQL
Lecture 6: Exercise 7: Sorting
Chapter 10: Aliases
Lecture 1: AS in PostgreSQL
Lecture 2: AS in MySQL
Chapter 11: Aggregate Commands
Lecture 1: COUNT in PostgreSQL
Lecture 2: COUNT in MySQL
Lecture 3: SUM in PostgreSQL
Lecture 4: SUM in MySQL
Lecture 5: AVERAGE in PostgreSQL
Lecture 6: AVERAGE in MySQL
Lecture 7: MIN & MAX in PostgreSQL
Lecture 8: MIN & MAX in MySQL
Chapter 12: Group By Commands
Lecture 1: GROUP BY in PostgreSQL
Lecture 2: GROUP BY in MySQL
Lecture 3: HAVING in PostgreSQL
Lecture 4: HAVING in MySQL
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5,000,000+ Enrollments | 4.5 Rated | 160+ Countries
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 14 votes
- 4 stars: 66 votes
- 5 stars: 80 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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