Practical Database Guide with RDBMS(MySQL) & NoSQL(MongoDB)
Practical Database Guide with RDBMS(MySQL) & NoSQL(MongoDB), available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 103 lectures, based on 53 reviews, and has 381 subscribers.
You will learn about Best of both database types – RDBMS(MySQL) & NoSQL(MongoDB) Basic to advanced SQL queries with complex data-structures NoSQL database structure designing using MongoDB Practical hands-on assignments with their solutions Database Indexing, Stored Procedures & Transactions… Prepare for real- world interview questions This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn databases or Developers who are working with databases(or plan to work in the future) or Application, web and mobile app developers It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn databases or Developers who are working with databases(or plan to work in the future) or Application, web and mobile app developers.
Enroll now: Practical Database Guide with RDBMS(MySQL) & NoSQL(MongoDB)
Title: Practical Database Guide with RDBMS(MySQL) & NoSQL(MongoDB)
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 103
Number of Published Lectures: 103
Number of Curriculum Items: 103
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 103
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Best of both database types – RDBMS(MySQL) & NoSQL(MongoDB)
- Basic to advanced SQL queries with complex data-structures
- NoSQL database structure designing using MongoDB
- Practical hands-on assignments with their solutions
- Database Indexing, Stored Procedures & Transactions…
- Prepare for real- world interview questions
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn databases
- Developers who are working with databases(or plan to work in the future)
- Application, web and mobile app developers
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn databases
- Developers who are working with databases(or plan to work in the future)
- Application, web and mobile app developers
Whether you are a full-stack, mobile, or even an AI developer – storing and managing DATA is the KEY!
Why am I mentioning these three types of developers?
Because there are tremendous job opportunities in these skill-sets and knowing RDBMS and NoSQL is a compulsion nowadays for these developers.
There is a shortage of hands-on talent (I am in this industry for the past 25 years and I know what talent pool is required to fulfill such said jobs).
Gone are those days when companies used to hire professionals on just one skill-set. Nowadays corporations are looking for multi-dimensional individuals who can perform a bunch of work together.
That’s the reason this course is designed and delivered in such a way that you get a 360-degree view of the development community especially when it comes to the database part i.e., MySQL as the medium to learn RDBMS concepts and MongoDB to learn about NoSQL concepts.
Once you go through this course, I am pretty sure you won’t have to refer to any further material to get to know about RDBMS and NoSQL.
It is totally up to you whether you want to learn just one of them or both. This is a comprehensive and progressive course that covers both the concepts in detail along with questions asked in real-world interviews. The practical assignments are those coding exercises that are asked by tech teams of top IT companies and which you need to learn in day-to-day programming.
This is a hands-on course and we’ll work on a wide variety of assignments so that you know how the data is dealt with in real-world scenarios.
By the end of this course, I am confident that you’ll have all the knowledge that you need to work with MySQL & MongoDB for your next projects!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Installation
Lecture 1: Installing MySQL on Windows
Lecture 2: Installing MySQL on macOS
Lecture 3: SQLYog Installation
Lecture 4: SQLYog Walkaround & Executing Basic Queries
Chapter 2: Managing Database
Lecture 1: Creating & Understanding Database
Lecture 2: DROP Database
Chapter 3: Datatypes
Lecture 1: MySQL DataTypes
Lecture 2: Numeric DataTypes
Lecture 3: Numeric DataTypes – Decimal
Lecture 4: Numeric Datatypes – Double & Float, Bool, Boolean
Lecture 5: Date and Time Datatypes – Date, DateTime, Timestamp
Lecture 6: Date and Time Data Types – Time
Lecture 7: String Data Types – Char and Varchar
Lecture 8: String Data Types – Blob & Text
Lecture 9: String Data Types – ENUM
Chapter 4: Managing Tables
Lecture 1: Database Storage Engines – Quick Reference
Lecture 2: Creating & Understanding Tables
Lecture 3: Introduction to Foreign Key
Lecture 4: Creating Tables With Foreign Key
Lecture 5: Alter Table Command – ADD, MODIFY
Lecture 6: Alter Table Command – CHANGE, DROP, RENAME
Chapter 5: Modifying Data in MySQL
Lecture 1: Insert Query [Inserting A Record To Table]
Lecture 2: Insert Ignore Into Clause – INSERT IGNORE INTO & ON DUPLICATE KEY
Lecture 3: Inserting Hierarchical Data
Lecture 4: Update Single Row
Lecture 5: Updating Multiple Records (The “IN” Operator)
Chapter 6: Querying Data
Lecture 1: SELECT Clause
Chapter 7: Sorting Data
Lecture 1: ORDER BY Clause
Chapter 8: Filtering Data
Lecture 1: WHERE Clause Introduction
Lecture 2: WHERE Clause With Equality Operator
Lecture 3: WHERE Clause With Comparison Operators
Lecture 4: AND Operator
Lecture 5: OR Operator
Lecture 6: IN Operator
Lecture 7: BETWEEN Operator
Lecture 8: LIKE Operator
Lecture 9: REGEX Operator
Lecture 10: LIMIT Operator
Lecture 11: IS NULL Operator
Chapter 9: Joining Tables
Lecture 1: Alias
Lecture 2: Introduction to JOINS
Lecture 3: INNER JOIN
Lecture 4: LEFT JOIN
Lecture 5: RIGHT JOIN
Lecture 6: SELF JOIN
Lecture 7: CROSS JOIN
Chapter 10: Grouping Data
Lecture 1: GROUP BY
Lecture 2: Aggregate functions (COUNT(), SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX())
Lecture 3: HAVING Clause
Chapter 11: Subqueries
Lecture 1: Subquery
Chapter 12: Set Operators
Lecture 1: UNION
Chapter 13: Practice Assignment
Lecture 1: Practice Assignment
Chapter 14: Stored Procedures
Lecture 1: Introduction to Stored Procedure "SP"
Lecture 2: Listing Stored Procedure
Lecture 3: Creating Stored Procedure
Lecture 4: Modifying Stored Procedure
Lecture 5: Parameters in SP
Lecture 6: Variables in SP
Lecture 7: IF-ELSE Statement in SP
Lecture 8: Stored Function
Lecture 9: MySQL Indexing
Lecture 10: MySQL Transactions – COMMIT and ROLLBACK
Chapter 15: MongoDB
Lecture 1: Installing MongoDB on Windows
Lecture 2: Creating Database
Lecture 3: Create Collection
Lecture 4: MongoDB Binary JSON(BSON)
Lecture 5: Inserting Single Document
Lecture 6: Inserting Multiple/Bulk document
Lecture 7: Loading Sample Datasets
Lecture 8: Updating Document
Lecture 9: Querying Document
Lecture 10: Querying Document With Comparison Operators
Lecture 11: Querying document Using IN & NOT IN
Lecture 12: Querying documents – Logical Operators ($and & $or)
Lecture 13: Querying documents – Logical Operators ($nor and $not)
Lecture 14: Limiting Records
Lecture 15: Sorting Records
Lecture 16: Aggregate Command – countDocuments()
Lecture 17: Aggregate Command – distinct()
Lecture 18: Aggregate Command – aggregate()
Lecture 19: Date Query
Lecture 20: $regex Operator
Lecture 21: MongoDB Indexes
Chapter 16: Database Must-Know concepts
Lecture 1: Introduction
Nirmal Joshi
Founder CEO,Corporate Trainer,Programming Aficionado
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 14 votes
- 5 stars: 32 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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