Practical Deep Learning with PyTorch
Practical Deep Learning with PyTorch, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 58 lectures, based on 1700 reviews, and has 6711 subscribers.
You will learn about Effectively wield PyTorch, a Python-first framework, to build your deep learning projects Master deep learning concepts and implement them in PyTorch This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn deep learning or Deep learning researchers using other frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, Torch, and Caffe or Any python programmer It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn deep learning or Deep learning researchers using other frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, Torch, and Caffe or Any python programmer.
Enroll now: Practical Deep Learning with PyTorch
Title: Practical Deep Learning with PyTorch
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 58
Number of Published Lectures: 58
Number of Curriculum Items: 58
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 58
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Effectively wield PyTorch, a Python-first framework, to build your deep learning projects
- Master deep learning concepts and implement them in PyTorch
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn deep learning
- Deep learning researchers using other frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, Torch, and Caffe
- Any python programmer
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn deep learning
- Deep learning researchers using other frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, Torch, and Caffe
- Any python programmer
Growing Importance of Deep Learning
Deep learning underpins a lot of important and increasingly important applications today ranging from facial recognition, to self-driving cars, to medical diagnostics and more.
Made for Anyone
Although many courses are very mathematical or too practical in nature, this course strikes a careful balance between the two to provide a solid foundation in deep learning for you to explore further if you are interested in research in the field of deep learning and/or applied deep learning. It is purposefully made for anyone without a strong background in mathematics. And for those with a strong background, it would accelerate your learning in understanding the different models in deep learning.
Code As You Learn
This entire course is delivered in a Python Notebook such that you can follow along the videos and replicate the results. You can practice and tweak the models until you truly understand every line of code as we go along. I highly recommend you to type every line of code when you are listening to the videos as this will help a lot in getting used to the syntax.
Gradual Learning Style
The thing about many guides out there is that they lack the transition from the very basics and people often get lost or miss out vital links that are critical in understanding certain models. Because of this, you can see how every single topic is closely linked with one another. In fact, at the beginning of every topic from logistic regression, I take the time to carefully explain how one model is simply a modification from the previous. That is the marvel of deep learning, we can trace back some part of it to linear regression where we will start.
Diagram-Driven Code
This course uses more than 100 custom-made diagrams where I took hundreds of hours to carefully create such that you can clearly see the transition from one model to another and understand the models comprehensively. Also, the diagrams are created so you can clearly see the link between the theory that I would teach and the code you would learn.
Mentor Availability
When I first started learning, I wished I had a mentor to guide me through the basics till the advanced theories where you can publish research papers and/or implement very complicated projects. And this course provides you with free access to ask any question, no matter how basic. I will be there and try my very best to answer your question. Even if the material is covered here, I will take the effort to point you to where you can learn here and more resources beyond this course.
Math Prerequisite FAQ
This is not a course that emphasizes heavily on the mathematics behind deep learning. It focuses on getting you to understand how everything works first which is very important for you to easily catch up on the mathematics later on. There are mathematics involved but they are limited with the sole aim to enhance your understanding and provide a gentle learning curve for future courses that would dive much deeper into it.
Latest Python Notebooks Compatible with PyTorch 0.4 and 1.0
There are very small changes from PyTorch 0.3 for this deep learning series where you will find it is extremely easy to transit over!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Software Requirements
Lecture 1: CPU Software Requirements
Lecture 2: CPU Installation of PyTorch
Lecture 3: PyTorch with GPU on AWS
Lecture 4: PyTorch with GPU on Linux
Lecture 5: PyTorch with GPU on MacOSX
Chapter 3: PyTorch Fundamentals: Matrices
Lecture 1: Matrix Basics
Lecture 2: Seed for Reproducibility
Lecture 3: Torch to NumPy Bridge
Lecture 4: NumPy to Torch Bridge
Lecture 5: GPU and CPU Toggling
Lecture 6: Basic Mathematical Tensor Operations
Lecture 7: Summary of Matrices
Chapter 4: PyTorch Fundamentals: Variables and Gradients
Lecture 1: Variables
Lecture 2: Gradients
Lecture 3: Summary of Variables and Gradients
Chapter 5: Linear Regression with PyTorch
Lecture 1: Linear Regression Introduction
Lecture 2: Linear Regression in PyTorch
Lecture 3: Linear Regression From CPU to GPU in PyTorch
Lecture 4: Summary of Linear Regression
Chapter 6: Logistic Regression with PyTorch
Lecture 1: Logistic Regression Introduction
Lecture 2: Linear Regression Problems
Lecture 3: Logistic Regression In-depth
Lecture 4: Logistic Regression with PyTorch
Lecture 5: Logistic Regression From CPU to GPU in PyTorch
Lecture 6: Summary of Logistic Regression
Chapter 7: Feedforward Neural Network with PyTorch
Lecture 1: Logistic Regression Transition to Feedforward Neural Network
Lecture 2: Non-linearity
Lecture 3: Feedforward Neural Network in PyTorch
Lecture 4: More Feedforward Neural Network Models in PyTorch
Lecture 5: Feedforward Neural Network From CPU to GPU in PyTorch
Lecture 6: Summary of Feedforward Neural Network
Chapter 8: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with PyTorch
Lecture 1: Feedforward Neural Network Transition to CNN
Lecture 2: One Convolutional Layer, Input Depth of 1
Lecture 3: One Convolutional Layer, Input Depth of 3
Lecture 4: One Convolutional Layer Summary
Lecture 5: Multiple Convolutional Layers Overview
Lecture 6: Pooling Layers
Lecture 7: Padding for Convolutional Layers
Lecture 8: Output Size Calculation
Lecture 9: CNN in PyTorch
Lecture 10: More CNN Models in PyTorch
Lecture 11: CNN Models Summary
Lecture 12: Expanding Model's Capacity
Lecture 13: CNN From CPU to GPU in PyTorch
Lecture 14: Summary of CNN
Chapter 9: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
Lecture 1: Introduction to RNN
Lecture 2: RNN in PyTorch
Lecture 3: More RNN Models in PyTorch
Lecture 4: RNN From CPU to GPU in PyTorch
Lecture 5: Summary of RNN
Chapter 10: Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM)
Lecture 1: Introduction to LSTMs
Lecture 2: LSTM Equations
Lecture 3: LSTM in PyTorch
Lecture 4: More LSTM Models in PyTorch
Lecture 5: LSTM From CPU to GPU in PyTorch
Lecture 6: Summary of LSTM
Chapter 11: What's Next?
Lecture 1: What's Next?
Deep Learning Wizard
Deep Learning Researcher, NUS
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 45 votes
- 2 stars: 81 votes
- 3 stars: 233 votes
- 4 stars: 648 votes
- 5 stars: 693 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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