Practical Java : Spring Boot 3 REST API with Elasticsearch 8
Practical Java : Spring Boot 3 REST API with Elasticsearch 8, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.21, with 132 lectures, 11 quizzes, based on 469 reviews, and has 5653 subscribers.
You will learn about Various tricks offered by Spring to ease your programming effort Practical Knowledge of Spring Boot : REST API, Unit test Document your REST API and keep your source code sync with documentation Learn the basic of source code version control Understand basic usage of Elasticsearch & Kibana, and how to integrate java code with them Create basic data visualization & dashboard using Elastic search & Kibana This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone with some basic knowledge in Java and an interested in web programming or You wants to learn about technology REST API using Java, as a learning path toward microservice architecture or Java Developer who wants to improve their skill & efficiency by using Spring Framework or Those who curious about Elasticsearch and Java code to work with it It is particularly useful for Anyone with some basic knowledge in Java and an interested in web programming or You wants to learn about technology REST API using Java, as a learning path toward microservice architecture or Java Developer who wants to improve their skill & efficiency by using Spring Framework or Those who curious about Elasticsearch and Java code to work with it.
Enroll now: Practical Java : Spring Boot 3 REST API with Elasticsearch 8
Title: Practical Java : Spring Boot 3 REST API with Elasticsearch 8
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.21
Number of Lectures: 132
Number of Quizzes: 11
Number of Published Lectures: 66
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 143
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 70
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Various tricks offered by Spring to ease your programming effort
- Practical Knowledge of Spring Boot : REST API, Unit test
- Document your REST API and keep your source code sync with documentation
- Learn the basic of source code version control
- Understand basic usage of Elasticsearch & Kibana, and how to integrate java code with them
- Create basic data visualization & dashboard using Elastic search & Kibana
Who Should Attend
- Anyone with some basic knowledge in Java and an interested in web programming
- You wants to learn about technology REST API using Java, as a learning path toward microservice architecture
- Java Developer who wants to improve their skill & efficiency by using Spring Framework
- Those who curious about Elasticsearch and Java code to work with it
Target Audiences
- Anyone with some basic knowledge in Java and an interested in web programming
- You wants to learn about technology REST API using Java, as a learning path toward microservice architecture
- Java Developer who wants to improve their skill & efficiency by using Spring Framework
- Those who curious about Elasticsearch and Java code to work with it
New Update on July 2023
Updated to Elasticsearch 8.x and Spring Boot 3.x
Updated all videos with better audio
As a developer, we need to work productively. In Java programming, one way to achieve this is by Using Spring Framework. Recognized as one of the popular framework in Java world, Spring will increase developer productivity a lot. It has wide arrays of technology that can be used on almost any enterprise use-cases.
This course is suitable for you, if you already write codes (especially Java) for some times, and want to know new things, that relevant to today’s job demand. Or you just tech savvy that want to sharpen your Java programming skills to get more advanced level. In some of companies, you might have been work with legacy Java systems that already 5 years old or more. In that case, this course is suitable to refresh your mind, keep updated and get ready to adapt to new technology.
You don’t have to be advanced Java programmer to learn this course, although some basic Java programming is required. I will teach you step by step, started from little theory to give you some clarity, and most of the times we will do practical hand-codes, or using tech-related-tools.
What Will You Learn?
In this course, we will use following technologies
Spring & Spring Boot
Eclipse & Spring Tools Suite
Spring Data for Elasticsearch
Git & Github
Logging with logback
Automatic API documentation with Swagger
You will get introduction and practical lesson how to using them during your journey as Java developer.
Note for Non-Windows Users
I’m very sorry, but currently I don’t have Mac or Linux environment, so I can’t show you step-by-step video to install our tools in environment other than Windows. You can find step-by step installation guide on each product’s page but currently not in this course. However, the content of the course is applicable for any operating system.
What “Practical” Means?
As the title says, we will learn practical things about Java, especially Spring Framework. This course’s purpose is preparing you to be ready to handle real-life applications. Of course, real-life applications has a lot more complexity and a lot more difficult that what we will learn in this course. Java framework itself has been around for 20 years, with Spring Framework has been live since 2003. With such long history, it is impossible to tell everything in just one course. This course is to preparing you to take the first few steps for begin journey as advanced Java developer, particularly using Spring Framework.
In this course, you will get several hand-on code, and tips for best-practice in REST API programming with Spring Boot.
Is This Course Suitable for You?
To answer this, please see the preview video on section 1.
If you have basic understanding of Java, and eager to learn, then this course is suitable for you. But if you are a seasoned Java developer that constantly update your knowledge, you might even smarter then me, and this course might be too easy for you.
Please check the course content to find out if this course can meet your expectation.
You Get Involved in This Course
Being a programmer need discipline and persistence. You need to learn. You will get errors, fix, and improve it -again and again- until you become good. This course will give you some quizzes and coding exercises, where you can get involved, and practice what you have learned. Of course, not all of you happy with this approach. So I design the quiz and coding exercises to be optional. Work with them if you like, or straight to the answers and practice directly.
Why Choose Me as Your Instructor?
— Experience —
I have been developing Java apps for enterprise since early 2010, from old-style JSP & JDBC, up to Spring framework which is currently most popular Java framework. Based on real-life experience, I know what should be done to create program that not just functionally runs, but also technically good. I experience programmers pain point, or operation team pain point and how to handle them.
I have been lead team as Engineering Manager & Architect for several years, and as a part of responsibility, coaching and teaching tech skills also part of my job. So I can deliver good lectures, based on real-life experience on Java programming.
— Serious —
I became instructor not for social purpose, but to earn some money. Thus, you are my customers, and I try my best not to disappoint you. I will try to give best value for you, so you feel happy spend your money, and take another of my course. I will try to answer your question, as long as it still in this course’s scope.
Elasticsearch & Kibana for Java Developers
In this course, I will introduce you to technology that maybe you’re not familiar with: Elastic search & Kibana.
These two technologies are quite popular. Knowing those two things will be an added value for every developer. Elasticsearch is commonly used as search engine because it is very fast. We will learn basic data manipulation with Spring Data Elasticsearch.
We will also learn about Kibana, an open source tools to visualize data (example : create real-time chart) and creating dashboard from several charts.
API Unit Testing & Documentation
You will learn how to write unit testing. That is a source code to test source code. We can do unit testing for repetitive test tasks, and helping make sure that no broken code due to some changes.
Also, in this course we will learn how to create API documentation with almost no effort, because we will use library to help us create API documentation automatically. The API documentation output are: HTML, or JSON format that can be transferred to more sophisticated API documentation tools.
Full English Subtitle
This course comes with perfect English subtitle. I myself not a native English speaker, so to give better experience for students (you), I provides accurate English subtitle for all lectures.
This course is safe!
This course comes with a 30 day money-back guarantee. That means if you are not satisfied with this course, just let me know and I’ll give your money back 100%. So no risk at your side for taking this Java course. You can be equip yourself with knowledge for real-world: Java, Spring, database, version control with github, REST API, and many more. You can go on, develop good enterprise or start-up software, potentially make an awesome career (and money) for yourself. Or you get your money back if you don’t like it.
Of course, you can see some preview course, all for FREE. Just find out the course content marked as Preview and play the video. No credit card required, no question asked, just play the video.
Road to Microservice
REST API is one important pillar of microservice architecture. In micro service, we use REST API and asynchronous messaging for inter-service communication. Services communicating by exchanging messages over REST API, or messaging channels like RabbitMQ.
In this course, you will learn the theory and hand-code of messaging with REST API your one step ahead toward modern micro service architecture.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome!
Lecture 2: Before You Start : Reccomendation and Tips
Lecture 3: Course Structure
Lecture 4: Technology In This Course
Chapter 2: Installation
Lecture 1: Download Links
Lecture 2: Installation (Windows)
Chapter 3: REST API & JSON
Lecture 1: REST API Basic Concept
Lecture 2: JSON Overview
Chapter 4: First Java Code With REST API
Lecture 1: More About Spring Framework
Lecture 2: Why Spring Boot?
Lecture 3: Hello Spring Boot
Lecture 4: Try API Using Postman
Lecture 5: Practical Tips : Using Eclipse
Lecture 6: Gradle
Lecture 7: Tips : Semantic Versioning
Lecture 8: Automatic Reload with Spring Boot Devtools
Chapter 5: Application Deployment
Lecture 1: Create Executable Jar
Lecture 2: Create Deployable War
Lecture 3: Deploy as Docker
Lecture 4: Spring Boot Configuration
Chapter 6: Version Control Using Git
Lecture 1: Version Control, Git, & Github
Lecture 2: Git Basic Commands
Lecture 3: Creating Github Repository
Lecture 4: Git Basic Usage
Chapter 7: Log
Lecture 1: What is Log?
Chapter 8: Spring REST Server – Producing JSON (Part One)
Lecture 1: What We Will Build : JSON
Lecture 2: Creating JSON Response
Lecture 3: Practical Tips : Eclipse Package Presentation
Lecture 4: Creating Request with JSON Body
Lecture 5: Fixing Car API : Public Constructor
Chapter 9: Spring REST Server- Producing JSON (Part Two)
Lecture 1: What We Will Build (Part 2)
Lecture 2: Fixing Car & Generate Random Car
Lecture 3: Working With Collection
Lecture 4: Java Class as JSON Attribute
Lecture 5: Practical Tips : Validate JSON String
Lecture 6: More Jackson Annotations
Chapter 10: Working With HTTP Request & Spring Data Elasticsearch
Lecture 1: Elasticsearch Security
Lecture 2: Elasticsearch & Spring Data
Lecture 3: Consuming API & Elasticsearch Data Source
Lecture 4: Basic Elasticsearch Operation Using Postman
Lecture 5: Spring Data & Http Variables
Lecture 6: Spring Data Query – Theory
Lecture 7: Spring Data Query – In Action
Lecture 8: Practical Tips : Spring Data – Method Name Cheat Sheet & Elasticsearch Query
Lecture 9: Pagination & Sorting
Chapter 11: Working With HTTP Headers
Lecture 1: Working With HTTP Headers
Chapter 12: Spring REST API Exception Handling
Lecture 1: Customize HTTP Response
Lecture 2: Practical Tips : Response Entity – Constructor or Builder?
Lecture 3: Exception Handling at Controller
Lecture 4: Handle Multiple Exception Types
Lecture 5: Global Exception Handling
Chapter 13: REST API Unit Testing
Lecture 1: About Unit Testing
Lecture 2: Introducing JUnit Test Case
Lecture 3: Getting Content & Header for Test
Lecture 4: Testing Car API
Lecture 5: Practical Tips : Test Coverage
Chapter 14: Using Elasticsearch & Kibana to Monitor API
Lecture 1: Disable Elasticsearch Security
Lecture 2: API Monitor with Elasticsearch & Kibana
Lecture 3: Visualize API Data
Lecture 4: Create a Dashboard
Lecture 5: Practical Tips : Logging & Monitoring Tools
Chapter 15: Share Your API with Other Developer!
Lecture 1: Automatic API Documentation
Lecture 2: Customize API Documentation
Chapter 16: What's Next?
Lecture 1: What's Next?
Chapter 17: Resources & References (Including Bonus)
Lecture 1: Bonus : Microservices, Message Brokers, & More
Lecture 2: Download Source Code & Scripts
Timotius Pamungkas
Java Software Engineer, Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 12 votes
- 3 stars: 56 votes
- 4 stars: 159 votes
- 5 stars: 230 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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