Practice advanced SQL queries with MySQL 5.7+
Practice advanced SQL queries with MySQL 5.7+, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 79 lectures, based on 588 reviews, and has 5356 subscribers.
You will learn about write user defined functions write stored procedures simulate some of the analytic (window) functions work with cursors use the right indexes and partitions write advanced & beautiful queries This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who know SQL basics and want to get to next level or Business intelligence (BI) analysts or BI developers or Data scientists or IT specialists or QA analysts & testers or Automation testers or DB administrators or NOT beginners (in this course you already need to have basic / intermediate SQL knowledge) It is particularly useful for Those who know SQL basics and want to get to next level or Business intelligence (BI) analysts or BI developers or Data scientists or IT specialists or QA analysts & testers or Automation testers or DB administrators or NOT beginners (in this course you already need to have basic / intermediate SQL knowledge).
Enroll now: Practice advanced SQL queries with MySQL 5.7+
Title: Practice advanced SQL queries with MySQL 5.7+
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 79
Number of Published Lectures: 79
Number of Curriculum Items: 79
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 79
Original Price: €49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- write user defined functions
- write stored procedures
- simulate some of the analytic (window) functions
- work with cursors
- use the right indexes and partitions
- write advanced & beautiful queries
Who Should Attend
- Those who know SQL basics and want to get to next level
- Business intelligence (BI) analysts
- BI developers
- Data scientists
- IT specialists
- QA analysts & testers
- Automation testers
- DB administrators
- NOT beginners (in this course you already need to have basic / intermediate SQL knowledge)
Target Audiences
- Those who know SQL basics and want to get to next level
- Business intelligence (BI) analysts
- BI developers
- Data scientists
- IT specialists
- QA analysts & testers
- Automation testers
- DB administrators
- NOT beginners (in this course you already need to have basic / intermediate SQL knowledge)
I designed this course especially for those who already know the basics and wonder how to get to the next level. Maybe you’re a BI analyst, IT specialist, QA analyst, automation tester, DB admin, aspiring data scientist or just passionate to learn SQL. You’ll learn how to use analytic functions, how to take advantage of table partitioning, how to write user-defined functions, procedures with cursors and even how to write beautiful code. All of that with the focus on themostpopular open-source database: MySQL.
In this course, we’ll write the code & MySQL queries together. I prepared 2 test databases, 70+ lectures, 4+ hours of video and lots of examples and practices so that you can learn advanced SQL techniques by writing the code. You’ll not learn just by watching me and eating pop-corn. You need to write the queries, and I’ll help you! I believe that’s the only way for you to adopt this new knowledge.
At the end of this course you will not just know these advanced techniques, but also know how to use them in practice.
Anyways, you have nothing to lose. Try this course and if you can honestly say that you learned nothing, just email Udemy, and they will give you a 100% refund within 30 days.
Recent reviews
- “The course was great. Now, I write beautiful queries, using coding style conventions and best practices.” –Mauro
- Last course update: March 2017
- Video quality: Very high (1080p HD, 1920×1080)
- Length: Over 5 hours
Course Highlights
We’ll go through my personal best practices in writing advanced SQL code which I adopted in the last years. Thus some of the videos are long and content-heavy. I had to divide some of them into three parts because of Udemy’s limit of 20 mins/video.
If you are a BI developer, automation tester, data analyst, or a DB admin, I’m sure you’ll appreciate the hands-on examples and practices. They will help you understand the concepts and learn them by writing the advanced SQL code for MySQL.
If you have a tech background, you’ll like the attached .md files with all the SQL code used in the course.
Please note
- Basics such as how to instal a database and SQL tools is not covered in the course.
- This course focuses on MySQL, not PostgreSQL (a new course focused on PostgreSQL coming soon!).
Did you know?
- Did you know that even SQL code can be beautiful? The more advanced SQL code I wrote for MySQL or PostgreSQL, the more I focused on writing beautiful code. It’s especially important if you work with several colleagues on the same codebase.
- I recorded all the video content (5+ hours of final footage) in one day, from early morning to late night? I believe you need to get into the zone to produce great content, be creative or to learn efficiently. Thus I recommend the same to you: purchase this course, dedicate 1 full day to it, turn off your smartphone and learn, learn, learn.
- There’s a quiz before and after the course. Take it to check your level of knowledge at the beginning of the course to assess your level of SQL & MySQL knowledge. Then take it after the course. If you learn nothing, ask for refund. (Although I’m certain this doesn’t happen!)
- As a CTO, I’m responsible for HotelQuickly’s product, engineering, technical infrastructure and databases – we use MySQL & PostgreSQL. Prior to joining HotelQuickly I spent 4 years working as a data warehouse consultant, developing and optimising data marts running on Oracle.
Featured Testimonials (see them all on the bottom of this page)
- “Let’s be clear: If you used only basics of the sql, you will definitely learn lots of new stuff here. This is definitely not the introductory course to MySQL and author will not waste your time by explaining basics to you. Author is very knowledgeable about the topic and you will surely learn, at least how to write well structured queries, and you can apply those immediately in your work. In first 3 chapters you will have a lot of explanations and practices to keep you busy.” -Dusan Kostic (see full below)
- “SELECT * FROM `the_most_fascinating`.`course` 🙂 I really like it!!! Thank you a lot Michal for you very professional work!!” -Andrey Ivashkin
- “This is great course on MYSQL, I learned more here, than any other course I have taken so far.” -David Abraham
- “Lots of stuff you can learn from this course. There are still more to MySQL than just creating databases. I would recommend anyone to take this course after they know the basics.” -Raymond John Escobar
Enjoy & have fun with SQL & MySQL! 🙂
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: S01 Kick-off
Lecture 1: 2018 update
Lecture 2: S01-L01 Introduction & kick-off
Lecture 3: S01-L02 How to get most out of this course?
Lecture 4: S01-L03 Environment setup
Lecture 5: Side note: How to install MySQL
Lecture 6: Side note: Important resources
Lecture 7: S01-L04 Sample database
Lecture 8: S01-L05 What can I really do BEFORE the course?
Lecture 9: S01-L06 Checklist before jumping on section S02
Lecture 10: UPDATE [Dec 2017] – Slack
Chapter 2: S02: Coding and style conventions
Lecture 1: S02-L01 Intro: Coding style and conventions
Lecture 2: S02-L02 How to write a beautiful query? (Video part 1/2)
Lecture 3: S02-L02 How to write a beautiful query? (Video part 2/2)
Lecture 4: S02-L03 My personal best practices (Video part 1/3)
Lecture 5: S02-L03 My personal best practices (Video part 2/3)
Lecture 6: S02-L03 My personal best practices (Video part 3/3)
Lecture 7: S02-P01 Coding practice
Lecture 8: S02-P02 Coding practice
Lecture 9: S02-P03 Coding practice
Chapter 3: S03 Indexes
Lecture 1: S03-L01 Intro: Indexes & why to use them?
Lecture 2: S03-L02 Unique index
Lecture 3: S03-L03 Composite index
Lecture 4: S03-L04 Partial index
Lecture 5: S03-L05 Index hints (Use, Force, Ignore)
Lecture 6: S03-L06 Functions on indexed columns
Lecture 7: S03-L07 Using two indexes in one query for the same table
Lecture 8: S03-P01 Coding practice
Lecture 9: S03-P02 Coding practice
Lecture 10: S03-R01 Additional reading: MySQL 5.7 Create Index
Lecture 11: S03-R02 Additional reading: How MySQL Uses Indexes?
Lecture 12: S03-R03 Additional reading: Multiple-Column indexes
Lecture 13: S03-R04 Additional reading: Index hints
Chapter 4: S04 Partitions
Lecture 1: S04-L01 Intro: Partitions & why to use them?
Lecture 2: S04-L02 How to work with partitions?
Lecture 3: S04-P01 Coding practice
Lecture 4: S04-R01 Additional reading: Partitioning overview
Lecture 5: S04-R02 Additional reading: Partitioning types
Lecture 6: S04-R03 Additional reading: Partition selection
Lecture 7: S04-R04 Additional reading: Partitioning MySQL database with high load solutions
Chapter 5: S05 Variables
Lecture 1: S05-L01 Intro: Variables & why to use them?
Lecture 2: S05-L02 Session variable
Lecture 3: S05-P01 Coding practice
Lecture 4: S05-R01 Additional reading: Show Variables
Lecture 5: S05-R02 Additional reading: User-defined variables
Lecture 6: S05-R03 Additional reading: Advanced MySQL user variable techniques
Chapter 6: S06 Analytic functions
Lecture 1: S06-L01 Intro: Analytic (window) functions
Lecture 2: S06-L02 ROW_NUMBER()
Lecture 3: S06-P01 Coding practice
Lecture 4: S06-R01 Additional reading: Difference between ROW_NUMBER, RANK and DENSE_RANK
Lecture 5: S06-R02 Additional reading: PostgreSQL Window Functions
Lecture 6: S06-R03 Additional reading: How to select the first_least_max row per group
Lecture 7: S06-R04 Additional reading: How to number rows in MySQL?
Chapter 7: S07 User-defined functions
Lecture 1: S07-L01 Intro: Functions & why to use them?
Lecture 2: S07-L02 Relevant coding standards
Lecture 3: S07-P01 Coding practice
Lecture 4: S07-R01 Additional reading: Create procedure and function
Lecture 5: S07-R02 Additional reading: CREATE FUNCTION Syntax for User-Defined Functions
Lecture 6: S07-R03 Additional reading: Adding a New User-Defined Function
Lecture 7: S07-R04 Additional reading: FAQ- Stored Procedures and Functions
Chapter 8: S08 Stored procedures
Lecture 1: S08-L01 Intro: Procedures & why to use them?
Lecture 2: S08-L02 How to write procedures?
Lecture 3: S08-L03 Events
Lecture 4: S08-P02 Coding practice
Lecture 5: S08-P01 Coding practice
Lecture 6: S08-P03 Coding practice
Lecture 7: S08-R01 Additional reading: SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS Syntax
Lecture 8: S08-R02 Additional reading: Using Stored Routines (Procedures and Functions)
Lecture 9: S08-R03 Additional reading: Procedures, Functions, Triggers, LAST_INSERT_ID
Chapter 9: S09 Cursors
Lecture 1: S09-L01 Intro: Cursors & why to use them?
Lecture 2: S09-L02 Cursor in a procedure
Lecture 3: S09-P01 Coding practice
Lecture 4: S09-R01 Additional reading: Cursors
Lecture 5: S09-R02 Additional reading: Cursor DECLARE syntax
Lecture 6: S09-R03 Additional reading: Cursor FETCH syntax
Lecture 7: S09-R04 Additional reading: Cursor CLOSE syntax
Lecture 8: S09-R05 Additional reading: Cursors in MySQL stored procedures
Chapter 10: Next steps
Lecture 1: What can I really do AFTER the course?
Lecture 2: Course review
Lecture 3: Next steps & conclusion
Michal Juhas
Tech Entrepreneur
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 25 votes
- 2 stars: 34 votes
- 3 stars: 88 votes
- 4 stars: 166 votes
- 5 stars: 274 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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