Pre-Programming: Everything you need to know before you code
Pre-Programming: Everything you need to know before you code, available at $119.99, has an average rating of 4.54, with 114 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 12302 reviews, and has 124838 subscribers.
You will learn about Better understand the fundamentals of how programming works Understand the fundamentals of how computers work and how that relates to modern web technology Choose what programming language and path they want to pursue in their career Understand and apply the 8 basic concepts of programming Evaluate, install, and modify any content management system Understand world technology trends like responsive design, pair programming, PaaS systems, and the growth of APIs Make a decision about what technology and ecosystem interests you Correctly understand and apply the concept of a programming framework Call out your friends for not knowing the difference between a framework, library, and IDE (they'll love you) Communicate with others about technology in a way that doesn't immediately give away your inexperience Impress your friends during drinks with random factoids about Bill Gates & Steve Jobs Finally understand the reason Comcast keeps billing you $29.99 This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in learning how to program that is already struggling or intimidated by the process or Anyone who wants to better communicate with development teams they work with or Anyone who wants to hire, vet, & manage developers more effectively or Anyone who is simply interested in getting an in depth understanding of modern web & mobile technology trends It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in learning how to program that is already struggling or intimidated by the process or Anyone who wants to better communicate with development teams they work with or Anyone who wants to hire, vet, & manage developers more effectively or Anyone who is simply interested in getting an in depth understanding of modern web & mobile technology trends.
Enroll now: Pre-Programming: Everything you need to know before you code
Title: Pre-Programming: Everything you need to know before you code
Price: $119.99
Average Rating: 4.54
Number of Lectures: 114
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 87
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 122
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 93
Original Price: $109.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Better understand the fundamentals of how programming works
- Understand the fundamentals of how computers work and how that relates to modern web technology
- Choose what programming language and path they want to pursue in their career
- Understand and apply the 8 basic concepts of programming
- Evaluate, install, and modify any content management system
- Understand world technology trends like responsive design, pair programming, PaaS systems, and the growth of APIs
- Make a decision about what technology and ecosystem interests you
- Correctly understand and apply the concept of a programming framework
- Call out your friends for not knowing the difference between a framework, library, and IDE (they'll love you)
- Communicate with others about technology in a way that doesn't immediately give away your inexperience
- Impress your friends during drinks with random factoids about Bill Gates & Steve Jobs
- Finally understand the reason Comcast keeps billing you $29.99
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in learning how to program that is already struggling or intimidated by the process
- Anyone who wants to better communicate with development teams they work with
- Anyone who wants to hire, vet, & manage developers more effectively
- Anyone who is simply interested in getting an in depth understanding of modern web & mobile technology trends
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in learning how to program that is already struggling or intimidated by the process
- Anyone who wants to better communicate with development teams they work with
- Anyone who wants to hire, vet, & manage developers more effectively
- Anyone who is simply interested in getting an in depth understanding of modern web & mobile technology trends
60%+ of people who try to learn how to program end up quitting.
Is it because “programming just isn’t for everyone“?
Or is it because only those with experience in hard sciences can learn it?
No, neither of those are true. It’s simply due to the fact that the vast majority of people who try don’t have a basic understanding of the technology they’re going to use.
How exactly can you tackle responsive design if you don’t know how a browser works?
How are you going to create a desktop application if you don’t know what makes your computer freeze constantly (besides porn, obviously)?
How are you going to hide your confused facial expression the next time your site’s server crashes because of a “node socket problem” in your full stack Javascript?
If you’ve ever taken your computer to a technician and said “Make it work” or “It don’t work good. Me cry” then you’re exactly who needs this course.
Over the next 10 years the United States is expected to add over 2 million programming jobs. Jobs that pay well over $100,000 a year. And that’s just the United States (Merica’).
So if you’re trying to jump on the coding gravy train, put down your bronze statuette of Elon Musk standing on Mars, and start filling in the gaps in your “tech literacy”. Even if you yourself do not become a “coding ninja” yourself all the future coding ninjas you work with with thank you (and tell you to stop calling them coding ninjas).
About your instructor:
Hi, I’m Evan Kimbrell. I too struggled to learn the basics of programming. If failing to program were a sport, I’d be on the Dream Team.
Today, I run a web and mobile development agency called Sprintkick and over the last 4 years we’ve built and managed over 100+ web & mobile applications.
How does one so technologically challenged manage to pull this off? Well, first off I would disagree with “technologically challenged” (come on) and second it was actually straight forward. I just had to spend a concerted amount of time learning what I needed to know about basic computer, web, and programming technology as well as modern technology trends and advanced concepts.
This course is an accelerated path designed to get you to “I get it” and finally start communicating correctly & effectively about technology.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The basics
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: Join our community on Slack!
Lecture 3: Why care about computers?
Lecture 4: What is a computer?
Lecture 5: How does a computer work?
Lecture 6: How do computers send & receive information?
Lecture 7: Machinespeak & The Matrix
Lecture 8: What's an operating system?
Lecture 9: Operating systems in the modern era
Lecture 10: Desktop software
Lecture 11: ACTIVITY: Get involved
Lecture 12: Review & Recap: Section 1
Lecture 13: Review sheets & course activities – all in one PDF
Chapter 2: The Internet
Lecture 1: The history of the internet
Lecture 2: The anatomy of the internet
Lecture 3: Domain, IP, DNS
Lecture 4: How do browsers work?
Lecture 5: How does mobile internet work?
Lecture 6: The anatomy of a website
Lecture 7: The anatomy of a mobile site
Lecture 8: OPTIONAL: Let's talk about Netscape
Lecture 9: Review & Recap: Section 2
Chapter 3: Front, back, & stacks
Lecture 1: What is front-end vs. back-end?
Lecture 2: ACTIVITY: Front or Back? Look at job descriptions and see which is which
Lecture 3: What do I mean by language?
Lecture 4: HTML
Lecture 5: ACTIVITY: Let's try out some HTML
Lecture 6: CSS
Lecture 7: ACTIVITY: Let's try modifying a CSS sheet
Lecture 8: JavaScript
Lecture 9: ACTIVITY: Let's try Javascript
Lecture 10: Let's talk about back-end
Lecture 11: Python
Lecture 12: PHP
Lecture 13: Ruby
Lecture 14: What's a tech stack?
Lecture 15: Common stacks for web
Lecture 16: Review & Recap: Section 3
Chapter 4: Core concepts of coding
Lecture 1: Intro to the core concepts of programming
Lecture 2: Intro to Sublime
Lecture 3: Syntax
Lecture 4: Variables
Lecture 5: Printing
Lecture 6: Commenting
Lecture 7: Strings
Lecture 8: Arrays
Lecture 9: Review & Recap: Section 4
Chapter 5: Frameworks & APIs
Lecture 1: What is a framework?
Lecture 2: Front-end frameworks
Lecture 3: Back-end frameworks
Lecture 4: What's an IDE? How is this different?
Lecture 5: Libraries
Lecture 6: What is an API?
Lecture 7: ACTIVITY: Make a mashup
Lecture 8: Review & Recap: Section 5
Chapter 6: Content management systems
Lecture 1: What is a CMS?
Lecture 2: The big three CMS: WordPress, Drupal, Magento
Lecture 3: Let's look at WordPress
Lecture 4: The new guard CMS: WYSIWYG, Squarespace, Weebly, Shopify
Lecture 5: Let's look at Shopify
Lecture 6: Picking one over the other
Lecture 7: ACTIVITY: SquareSpace or WordPress?
Lecture 8: Review & Recap: Section 6
Chapter 7: Advanced concepts
Lecture 1: GIT
Lecture 2: OOP
Lecture 3: ACTIVITY: Find examples of software bugs
Lecture 4: Continuous integration
Lecture 5: Review & Recap: Section 7
Chapter 8: Tech trends
Lecture 1: Full stack JS
Lecture 2: Pair programming
Lecture 3: Full stack design
Lecture 4: Hybrid apps
Lecture 5: Responsive design
Lecture 6: Saas, Paas, & Iaas
Lecture 7: SWIFT
Lecture 8: Review & Recap: Section 8
Chapter 9: Choose your path
Lecture 1: Intro to section 9
Lecture 2: Web development vs. software engineering vs. hackers vs. full stack design
Lecture 3: How do you choose?
Lecture 4: How to learn front-end development
Lecture 5: How to learn back-end development
Lecture 6: PHP, Ruby, Python
Lecture 7: Should I specialize in new technologies?
Lecture 8: ACTIVITY: Job titles
Lecture 9: Extra resources
Evan Kimbrell
Founder of Sprintkick | Ex-VC | Ex-startup founder
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 62 votes
- 2 stars: 105 votes
- 3 stars: 771 votes
- 4 stars: 3769 votes
- 5 stars: 7595 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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