Predictive Modeling with Python
Predictive Modeling with Python, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 3.85, with 68 lectures, based on 74 reviews, and has 16406 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn the predictive modeling in python, linear regression, logistic regression, the fitting model with a sci-kit learn library, the fitting model with stat model library, ROC curves, backward elimination approach, stats model package, etc. You will be guided through the installation of the required software. Data Pre-processing, which includes Data frame, splitting dataset, feature scaling, etc. You will gain an edge on Linear Regression, Salary Prediction, Logistic Regression. You will get to work on various datasets dealing with Credit Risk and Diabetes. This course is ideal for individuals who are This Predictive Modeling with Python Course can be taken up by anyone who shares a decent amount of interest in this field. The earlier someone starts the further they can reach. In the case of students who are pursuing a course in statistics, or computer science graduates it is a very good opportunity to direct your career in that direction. As this is a much demand skill every IT professional is looking for a good switch and entering the domain of predictive analysis. or Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Business Analyst, Market Research Analyst, Quality Engineer, Solution Architect, Programmer Analyst, Statistical Analyst, Statistician It is particularly useful for This Predictive Modeling with Python Course can be taken up by anyone who shares a decent amount of interest in this field. The earlier someone starts the further they can reach. In the case of students who are pursuing a course in statistics, or computer science graduates it is a very good opportunity to direct your career in that direction. As this is a much demand skill every IT professional is looking for a good switch and entering the domain of predictive analysis. or Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Business Analyst, Market Research Analyst, Quality Engineer, Solution Architect, Programmer Analyst, Statistical Analyst, Statistician.
Enroll now: Predictive Modeling with Python
Title: Predictive Modeling with Python
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 3.85
Number of Lectures: 68
Number of Published Lectures: 68
Number of Curriculum Items: 68
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 68
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn the predictive modeling in python, linear regression, logistic regression, the fitting model with a sci-kit learn library, the fitting model with stat model library, ROC curves, backward elimination approach, stats model package, etc.
- You will be guided through the installation of the required software. Data Pre-processing, which includes Data frame, splitting dataset, feature scaling, etc. You will gain an edge on Linear Regression, Salary Prediction, Logistic Regression. You will get to work on various datasets dealing with Credit Risk and Diabetes.
Who Should Attend
- This Predictive Modeling with Python Course can be taken up by anyone who shares a decent amount of interest in this field. The earlier someone starts the further they can reach. In the case of students who are pursuing a course in statistics, or computer science graduates it is a very good opportunity to direct your career in that direction. As this is a much demand skill every IT professional is looking for a good switch and entering the domain of predictive analysis.
- Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Business Analyst, Market Research Analyst, Quality Engineer, Solution Architect, Programmer Analyst, Statistical Analyst, Statistician
Target Audiences
- This Predictive Modeling with Python Course can be taken up by anyone who shares a decent amount of interest in this field. The earlier someone starts the further they can reach. In the case of students who are pursuing a course in statistics, or computer science graduates it is a very good opportunity to direct your career in that direction. As this is a much demand skill every IT professional is looking for a good switch and entering the domain of predictive analysis.
- Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Business Analyst, Market Research Analyst, Quality Engineer, Solution Architect, Programmer Analyst, Statistical Analyst, Statistician
Predictive Modeling is the use of data and statistics to predict the outcome of the data models. This prediction finds its utility in almost all areas from sports, to TV ratings, corporate earnings, and technological advances. Predictive modeling is also called predictive analytics. With the help of predictive analytics, we can connect data to effective action about the current conditions and future events. Also, we can enable the business to exploit patterns and which are found in historical data to identify potential risks and opportunities before they occur. Python is used for predictive modeling because Python-based frameworks give us results faster and also help in the planning of the next steps based on the results.
Our course ensures that you will be able to think with a predictive mindset and understand well the basics of the techniques used in prediction. Critical thinking is very important to validate models and interpret the results. Hence, our course material emphasizes on hardwiring this similar kind of thinking ability. You will have good knowledge about the predictive modeling in python, linear regression, logistic regression, the fitting model with a sci-kit learn library, the fitting model with stat model library, ROC curves, backward elimination approach, stats model package, etc.
In this course, you will get an introduction to Predictive Modelling with Python. You will be guided through the installation of the required software. Data Pre-processing, which includes Data frame, splitting dataset, feature scaling, etc. You will gain an edge on Linear Regression, Salary Prediction, Logistic Regression. You will get to work on various datasets dealing with Credit Risk and Diabetes.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and Installation
Lecture 1: Introduction to Predictive Modelling with Python
Lecture 2: Installation
Chapter 2: Data Preprocessing
Lecture 1: Data Preprocessing
Lecture 2: Dataframe
Lecture 3: Imputer
Lecture 4: Create Dumies
Lecture 5: Splitting Dataset
Lecture 6: Features Scaling
Chapter 3: Linear Regression
Lecture 1: Introduction to Linear Regression
Lecture 2: Estimated Regression Model
Lecture 3: Import the Library
Lecture 4: Plot
Lecture 5: Tip Example
Lecture 6: Print Function
Chapter 4: Salary Prediction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Salary Dataset
Lecture 2: Fitting Linear Regression
Lecture 3: Fitting Linear Regression Continue
Lecture 4: Prediction from the Model
Lecture 5: Prediction from the Model Continue
Chapter 5: Profit Prediction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Multiple Linear Regression
Lecture 2: Creating Dummies
Lecture 3: Removing one Dummy and Splitting Dataset
Lecture 4: Training Set and Predictions
Lecture 5: Stats Models to Make Optimal Model
Lecture 6: Steps to Make Optimal Model
Lecture 7: Making Optimal Model by Backward Elimination
Lecture 8: Adjusted R Square
Lecture 9: Final Optimal Model Implementation
Chapter 6: Boston Housing
Lecture 1: Introduction to Jupyter Notebook
Lecture 2: Understanding Dataset and Problem Statement
Lecture 3: Working with Correlation Plots
Lecture 4: Working with Correlation Plots Continue
Lecture 5: Correlation Plot and Splitting Dataset
Lecture 6: MLR Model with Sklearn and Predictions
Lecture 7: MLR model with Statsmodels and Predictions
Lecture 8: Getting Optimal model with Backward Elimination Approach
Lecture 9: RMSE Calculation and Multicollinearity Theory
Lecture 10: VIF Calculation
Lecture 11: VIF and Correlation Plots
Chapter 7: Logistic Regression
Lecture 1: Introduction to Logistic Regression
Lecture 2: Understanding Problem Statement and Splitting
Lecture 3: Scaling and Fitting Logistic Regression Model
Lecture 4: Prediction and Introduction to Confusion Matrix
Lecture 5: Confusion Matrix Explanation
Lecture 6: Checking Model Performance using Confusion Matrix
Lecture 7: Plots Understanding
Lecture 8: Plots Understanding Continue
Chapter 8: Diabetes
Lecture 1: Introduction and data Preprocessing
Lecture 2: Fitting Model with Sklearn Library
Lecture 3: Fitting Model with Statmodel Library
Lecture 4: Using Statsmodel Package
Lecture 5: Backward Elimination Approach
Lecture 6: Backward Elimination Approach Continue
Lecture 7: More on Backward Elimination Approach
Lecture 8: Final Model
Lecture 9: ROC Curves
Lecture 10: Threshold Changing
Lecture 11: Final Predictions
Chapter 9: Credit Risk
Lecture 1: Intro to Credit Risk
Lecture 2: Label Encoding
Lecture 3: Gender Variable
Lecture 4: Dependents and Education Variable
Lecture 5: Missing Values Treatment in Self Employed Variable
Lecture 6: Outliers Treatment in Applicant Income Variable
Lecture 7: Missing Values
Lecture 8: Property Area Variable
Lecture 9: Splitting Data
Lecture 10: Final Model and Area under ROC Curve
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 24 votes
- 5 stars: 34 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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