Pro data science in Python
Pro data science in Python, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.9, with 47 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 37 reviews, and has 500 subscribers.
You will learn about Use complex scikit-learn tools for machine learning Do statistical analysis using Statsmodels Read, transform and manipulate data using Pandas Use Keras for neural networks Solve both supervised and unsupervised machine learning problems Do time series analysis and forecasting using Statsmodels Classify images using Deep Convolutional Networks This course is ideal for individuals who are Data science beginners, and intermediate users or Statisticians, and CS students wanting to strengthen their data science skills It is particularly useful for Data science beginners, and intermediate users or Statisticians, and CS students wanting to strengthen their data science skills.
Enroll now: Pro data science in Python
Title: Pro data science in Python
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Lectures: 47
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 47
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 51
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 51
Original Price: £44.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Use complex scikit-learn tools for machine learning
- Do statistical analysis using Statsmodels
- Read, transform and manipulate data using Pandas
- Use Keras for neural networks
- Solve both supervised and unsupervised machine learning problems
- Do time series analysis and forecasting using Statsmodels
- Classify images using Deep Convolutional Networks
Who Should Attend
- Data science beginners, and intermediate users
- Statisticians, and CS students wanting to strengthen their data science skills
Target Audiences
- Data science beginners, and intermediate users
- Statisticians, and CS students wanting to strengthen their data science skills
This course explores several data science and machine learning techniques that every data science practitioner should be familiar with. Fundamentally, the course pivots over four axis:
- Pandas and Matplotlib for working with data
- Keras for Deep Learning,
- Scikit-learn for machine learning
- Statsmodels for statistics
This course explores the fundamental concepts in these big four topics, and provides the student with an overview of the problems that can be solved nowadays.
I only focus on the computational and practical implications of these techniques, and it is assumed that the student is partially familiar with Statistics-ML-Data Science – or is willing to complement the techniques presented here with theoretical material. Python programming experience will be absolutely necessary, as we only explain how to define Classes in Python (as we will use them along the course)
The teaching strategy is to briefly explain the theory behind these techniques, show how these techniques work in very simple problems, and finally present the student with some real examples. I believe that these real examples add an enormous value to the student, as it helps understand why these techniques are so used nowadays (because they solve real problems!)
Some examples that we will attack here will be: Forecasting the GDP of the United States, forecasting London new houses prices, identifying squares and triangles in pictures, predicting the value of vehicles using online data, detecting spam on SMS data, and many more!
In a nutshell, this course explains how to:
- Define classes for storing data in a better way
- Plotting data
- Merging, pivoting, subsetting, and grouping data via Pandas
- Using linear regression via Statsmodels
- Working with time series/forecasting in Statsmodels
- Several unsupervised machine learning techniques, such as clustering
- Several supervised techniques such as random forests, classification trees, Naive Bayes classifiers, etc
- Define Deep Learning architectures using Keras
- Design different neural networks such as recurrent neural networks, multi-layer perceptrons,etc.
- Classify Audio/sounds in a similar way that Alexa, Siri and Cortana do using machine learning
The student needs to be familiar with statistics, Python and some machine learning concepts
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Object Oriented programming in Python
Lecture 1: Classes 1
Lecture 2: Classes 2
Chapter 3: Pandas
Lecture 1: Loading data in Pandas
Lecture 2: Looping through Pandas Datasets – Lambda expressions
Lecture 3: Merging data
Lecture 4: Grouping data in Pandas
Lecture 5: Pivoting data in Pandas
Chapter 4: Plotting
Lecture 1: Setting up Matplotlib
Lecture 2: Line plots
Lecture 3: Bar plots
Chapter 5: Linear regression in Statsmodels
Lecture 1: Introduction to linear regression
Lecture 2: Linear Regression: Part1
Lecture 3: Linear regression: Part2
Chapter 6: Time Series in Statsmodels
Lecture 1: Intro to time series
Lecture 2: Forecasting the US GDP: Part1
Lecture 3: Forecasting the US GDP: Part2
Lecture 4: Forecasting London property prices
Chapter 7: Introduction to machine learning
Lecture 1: Introduction to machine learning
Lecture 2: Installing scikit-learn
Chapter 8: Machine learning with Scikit-learn: Supervised problems
Lecture 1: Naive Bayes – Bernoulli – Multinomial
Lecture 2: Detecting spam in SMS
Lecture 3: Linear support Vector machines SVM (SVM and LinearSVC)
Lecture 4: Lasso – Ridge
Lecture 5: Decision Trees
Lecture 6: Introduction to ensemble methods
Lecture 7: Averaging ensemble methods: Part 1: Bagging
Lecture 8: Averaging ensemble methods: Part 2: Random forests
Lecture 9: Boosting ensemble methods
Chapter 9: Machine learning with Scikit-learn: Unsupervised problems
Lecture 1: Principal components
Lecture 2: K-Means
Lecture 3: DBScan
Lecture 4: Clustering and PCA on real countries data from Kaggle
Chapter 10: Processing sound and identifying words in Audio
Lecture 1: Reading WAV files and extracting features
Lecture 2: Classifying word using Adaboost and SVM
Chapter 11: Reading and processing images
Lecture 1: A class that maps BW images to Python objects
Lecture 2: A class that maps RGB Images to Python objects
Chapter 12: Deep Learning with Keras
Lecture 1: Quick Intro to Neural Networks, Theano, and Keras
Lecture 2: Keras – Theano or Tensorflow installation
Lecture 3: Keras Layers
Lecture 4: Multi-Layer Perceptron: Identifying triangles and squares
Lecture 5: Predicting real house prices in the US using deep learning
Lecture 6: The model API: Merging layers and more complex models
Lecture 7: Predicting German car prices using Deep Learning – batch training
Lecture 8: Deep Convolutional Networks: Predicting if hands are closed
Lecture 9: Deep Convolutional Networks: Predicting Nuts and Bolts
Lecture 10: Running high performance code in AWS
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 11 votes
- 5 stars: 13 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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