Professional JavaScript (Beginner to Advanced!)
Professional JavaScript (Beginner to Advanced!), available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.49, with 122 lectures, based on 407 reviews, and has 2369 subscribers.
You will learn about How to code JS in 2024 by building realistic projects from scratch and seeing how it all fits together Best practices in 2024 Avoid hundreds of beginner mistakes so the people who have to interact with your code have it easy Deeply master JS/programming basics: var/let/const, functions, objects & arrays, etc. Critical best practices that every JS-developer should know (e.g. how to use async/await) Learn how to communicate with an API properly by using fetch() Learn the crucial additions to JS: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, etc. Easily master React/NextJS/Angular/Vue or NodeJS afterwards since you mastered concepts often used in those frameworks Build modern web apps without frameworks and see why people use React Implement a simple build process for JS with webpack and Babel BONUS: By going through the course you'll naturally improve design/HTML/CSS too This course is ideal for individuals who are You want to master modern JavaScript because you recognize that it's the most important fundamental skill for web developers or You want to master modern JavaScript because you recognize that it underlies all other popular tech (React, NodeJS, etc.) It is particularly useful for You want to master modern JavaScript because you recognize that it's the most important fundamental skill for web developers or You want to master modern JavaScript because you recognize that it underlies all other popular tech (React, NodeJS, etc.).
Enroll now: Professional JavaScript (Beginner to Advanced!)
Title: Professional JavaScript (Beginner to Advanced!)
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.49
Number of Lectures: 122
Number of Published Lectures: 122
Number of Curriculum Items: 122
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 122
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to code JS in 2024 by building realistic projects from scratch and seeing how it all fits together
- Best practices in 2024
- Avoid hundreds of beginner mistakes so the people who have to interact with your code have it easy
- Deeply master JS/programming basics: var/let/const, functions, objects & arrays, etc.
- Critical best practices that every JS-developer should know (e.g. how to use async/await)
- Learn how to communicate with an API properly by using fetch()
- Learn the crucial additions to JS: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, etc.
- Easily master React/NextJS/Angular/Vue or NodeJS afterwards since you mastered concepts often used in those frameworks
- Build modern web apps without frameworks and see why people use React
- Implement a simple build process for JS with webpack and Babel
- BONUS: By going through the course you'll naturally improve design/HTML/CSS too
Who Should Attend
- You want to master modern JavaScript because you recognize that it's the most important fundamental skill for web developers
- You want to master modern JavaScript because you recognize that it underlies all other popular tech (React, NodeJS, etc.)
Target Audiences
- You want to master modern JavaScript because you recognize that it's the most important fundamental skill for web developers
- You want to master modern JavaScript because you recognize that it underlies all other popular tech (React, NodeJS, etc.)
This is the #1 resource to master modern JavaScript (ES6+)!
Take your JavaScript to an advanced, professional level by building beautiful, real-world projects from scratch (2 small beginner projects, 1 big intermediate project and 1 big advanced project). Other courses start from outdated concepts first (like ES5 and below) — we will use modern concepts right from the start (ES6+ like const/let and arrow functions — of course properly explained).
Course Projects
Top-tier, real-world projects. Expertly engineered to help you code modern websites & web apps with the latest best practices.
2 Small beginner projects:
Fancy Counter: Build a useful counter app
Word Analytics:Build a slick word analytics app
1 Big intermediate project:
CorpComment: Build a sleek public feedback tool
1 Big advanced project:
rmtDev: Build a stylish job board for remote developer jobs
What You’ll Learn
1) How to code JS in 2024 by building realistic projects from scratch and seeing how it all fits together
2) Avoid hundreds of beginner mistakes so the people who have to interact with your code have it easy
3) Deeply master JS/programming basics: var/let/const, functions, objects & arrays, etc.
4) Critical best practices that every JS-developer should know (e.g. how to use async/await)
5) Learn how to communicate with an API properly by using fetch()
6) Learn the crucial additions to JS: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, etc.
7) Easily master React/Angular/Vue or Node.js afterwards since you mastered concepts often used in those frameworks
8) Build modern web apps without frameworks and see why people use React
9) Implement a simple build process for JS with webpack and Babel
10) BONUS: By going through the course you’ll naturally improve design/HTML/CSS too
Specifically, these are the concepts you will learn in no particular order
What is JavaScript & What can we do with it
how to include JS in HTML-file (‘defer’)
when to use let instead of const
deep mastery of data types & structures (arrays, objects, etc.)
deep mastery of functions (traditional vs arrow functions)
template literals (“)
ternary operator (? 🙂
how to manipulate HTML (also called DOM manipulation) — querySelector(), getting user input from input field, disabling buttons, etc.
how to manipulate CSS
dealing with events (e.g. click and typing events)
event delegation (event bubbling)
deal with forms (user submits data — very common)
how modern websites and web apps work generally from a JavaScript perspective
if-else statements
&& operator
array methods (e.g. .forEach(), .map(), .slice(), .join())
string methods (e.g. .includes(), .trim())
DRY-concept (Don’t Repeat Yourself)
how to extract repetitive code into its own helper function
how to communicate with servers properly
fetch() API
how to work with JSON
synchronous vs asynchronous code
promises (.then and .catch)
error handling (throw new Error)
2xx, 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes
async / await
try / catch
what is ‘state’ and ‘rendering’
overall structure / architecture
folder structure
most common loop (forEach)
increment or decrement by 1 (++ and –)
unary plus operator (+)
modularity (IIFE’s vs separate your JS-code into multiple files)
how to deal with XSS
comments in JS
regular expressions
URL-structure (scheme / protocol, domain, query string parameters)
undefined and null
truthy and falsy values
optional chaining (?.)
import/export (ES Modules) vs require/module.exports (CommonJS)
named export vs default export
default value for function parameter
what is refactoring
helper / utility functions
implement common features like sorting & pagination
routing (e.g. how to manipulate URL)
window object
build process (webpack, Babel, PostCSS)
formatting in JS (semicolons, tabs vs spaces)
for loop
and more! (can’t include everything here)
Avoid struggling with JavaScript for years to come. Hope to see you in the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction (Why JS Is So Profitable & Course Projects)
Lecture 2: Learning to Code #1 – Mindset (Imposter Syndrome & Confidence)
Lecture 3: Learning to Code #2 – Steep Learning Curve = Barrier to Entry
Lecture 4: Learning to Code #3 – StackOverflow for Beginners
Lecture 5: Setting Up Our Development Environment #1: Browser (Market Share)
Lecture 6: Setting Up Our Development Environment #2: Code Editor
Lecture 7: READ BEFORE STARTING: Project resources (e.g. image URLs)
Chapter 2: Beginner JavaScript
Lecture 1: HTML & CSS Fundamentals for JavaScript Developers
Lecture 2: Variables and Data Types (Intro)
Lecture 3: 'var' & Strings
Lecture 4: Numbers
Lecture 5: snake_case vs kebab-case vs camelCase
Lecture 6: var vs let vs const
Lecture 7: Booleans
Lecture 8: Arrays
Lecture 9: Objects
Lecture 10: Outputting Variable Values in Console
Lecture 11: Traditional Functions (Function Declarations)
Lecture 12: Function Input (Also Called 'Parameter' or 'Argument')
Lecture 13: Returning Something From Function
Lecture 14: Summary of Functions
Lecture 15: Alternative Traditional Function (Function Expressions)
Lecture 16: Arrow Functions
Lecture 17: Arrow Functions (Shorter Syntax)
Lecture 18: How to Name Functions
Lecture 19: String Concatenation
Lecture 20: Template Literals (“ — Backticks in JavaScript)
Lecture 21: if-else Statement (> and < Operators)
Lecture 22: == vs === Equality Operators
Lecture 23: Other Operators (>=, <=, !, !=, &&, ||)
Lecture 24: Ternary Operator (? 🙂
Lecture 25: Truthy & Falsy Values
Lecture 26: var vs let
Lecture 27: Selecting HTML-Elements With JavaScript
Lecture 28: Manipulating HTML With JavaScript (DOM Manipulation)
Lecture 29: textContent vs innerHTML
Lecture 30: innerHTML vs insertAdjacentHTML (Inserting HTML With JavaScript)
Lecture 31: Option 1 – Manipulating CSS With JavaScript ('style')
Lecture 32: Option 2 – Manipulating CSS With JavaScript ('classList')
Lecture 33: Events and Event Handler Functions
Lecture 34: Common Mistake With addEventListener
Lecture 35: Finished This Section! Well Done!
Chapter 3: Mini-Project: Fancy Counter
Lecture 1: Project Intro
Lecture 2: Project HTML & CSS (Don't Skip)
Lecture 3: Fancy Counter – Coding JavaScript
Chapter 4: Mini-Project: Word Analytics
Lecture 1: Project Intro
Lecture 2: Project HTML & CSS (Don't Skip)
Lecture 3: Word Analytics – Coding JavaScript
Chapter 5: Intermediate JavaScript
Lecture 1: Strings (Intermediate)
Lecture 2: Numbers (Intermediate)
Lecture 3: Booleans (Intermediate)
Lecture 4: Arrays (Intermediate)
Lecture 5: Objects (Intermediate)
Lecture 6: Increment (++) & Decrement (–)
Lecture 7: Console
Lecture 8: Functions (Intermediate)
Lecture 9: Hoisting
Lecture 10: Timers (setTimeout & setInterval)
Lecture 11: Loops (forEach & for)
Lecture 12: Fetch API
Lecture 13: Fetch API Example (Get Data & Display On Page)
Lecture 14: Fetch API Quick Summary
Lecture 15: Intermediate DOM #1: Manipulating the DOM
Lecture 16: Intermediate DOM #2: Event Object
Lecture 17: Intermediate DOM #3: Event Bubbling & Event Delegation
Chapter 6: Project 1: CorpComment
Lecture 1: Project Introduction
Lecture 2: Project Setup
Lecture 3: VS Code Extension: Live-Server
Lecture 4: Counter Component (JS Fundamentals, DOM Manipulation, Events)
Lecture 5: Submit Component (Form Data & If/Else & setTimeout() & Array Methods & “ & ? 🙂
Lecture 6: Refactoring (DRY Principle & Constants & Extract Repetitive Logic Into Function)
Lecture 7: Feedback List Component (Get Data With Fetch & AJAX & JSON & Promises & Errors)
Lecture 8: More Refactoring (Shortcut When Object Property Name = Value & [].forEach())
Lecture 9: Form/Submit Component (Post Data With Fetch & JSON & Headers & Error Handling)
Lecture 10: Feedback List Component – Expand & Upvote (Event Delegation / Bubbling & ++/–)
Lecture 11: Hashtag List Component (=== / !== & forEach() & querySelector())
Lecture 12: Final Loose Ends (Modularity / IIFE & Naming Things & XSS)
Chapter 7: Advanced JavaScript
Lecture 1: VS Code Shortcuts
Lecture 2: Arrays (Advanced)
Lecture 3: Objects (Advanced)
Lecture 4: Functions (Advanced)
Lecture 5: Destructuring
Lecture 6: Spread Operator (…)
Lecture 7: Primitives vs Reference Values
Lecture 8: undefined and null
Lecture 9: Short Circuiting With && and ||
Lecture 10: Fetch API With Async Await
Lecture 11: ES Modules (import / export)
Lecture 12: File Paths
Lecture 13: Other Loops (while & for of)
Lecture 14: Switch Statement
Lecture 15: Window Object
Lecture 16: Math
ByteGrad by Wesley
Web Developer & Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 23 votes
- 4 stars: 109 votes
- 5 stars: 268 votes
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