Professional Node.js
Professional Node.js, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3.3, with 55 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 40 reviews, and has 228 subscribers.
You will learn about Design server-side JavaScript patterns and understand their application via use cases Write asynchronous code by leveraging various constructs Understand data processing with transform streams and combine them into different layouts Use tricks to solve concerns and get higher scalability and modularity in your apps Untangle modules by coherently organizing and connecting them Reuse popular techniques to solve common design and coding issues Leverage React and its ecosystem in universal applications This course is ideal for individuals who are This is an ideal course for developers, who are already in contact with Node .js, and now want to get the most out of it in terms of productivity, design quality, and scalability. You need only some prior exposure to the technology. This course will cover some basics before moving on to the advanced concepts. It is particularly useful for This is an ideal course for developers, who are already in contact with Node .js, and now want to get the most out of it in terms of productivity, design quality, and scalability. You need only some prior exposure to the technology. This course will cover some basics before moving on to the advanced concepts.
Enroll now: Professional Node.js
Title: Professional Node.js
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3.3
Number of Lectures: 55
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 55
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 63
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 63
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Design server-side JavaScript patterns and understand their application via use cases
- Write asynchronous code by leveraging various constructs
- Understand data processing with transform streams and combine them into different layouts
- Use tricks to solve concerns and get higher scalability and modularity in your apps
- Untangle modules by coherently organizing and connecting them
- Reuse popular techniques to solve common design and coding issues
- Leverage React and its ecosystem in universal applications
Who Should Attend
- This is an ideal course for developers, who are already in contact with Node .js, and now want to get the most out of it in terms of productivity, design quality, and scalability. You need only some prior exposure to the technology. This course will cover some basics before moving on to the advanced concepts.
Target Audiences
- This is an ideal course for developers, who are already in contact with Node .js, and now want to get the most out of it in terms of productivity, design quality, and scalability. You need only some prior exposure to the technology. This course will cover some basics before moving on to the advanced concepts.
Through Professional Node.js, you will be presented with various sets of patterns that you can use to efficiently solve your everyday development and design problems. You will understand what different traditional design patterns look like in Node.js, and how to design modules that focus on performing a single task at a time. You will gain an understanding of the basic building blocks and principles of writing large and well-organized Node.js applications. You will be able to apply these principles to problems that don’t fall within the scope of existing patterns.
About the Authors
Mario Casciaro is a software engineer and entrepreneur, passionate about technology, science, and open source knowledge. Mario graduated with a master’s degree in software engineering and started his professional career at IBM, where he worked for several years on different enterprise products, such as Tivoli Endpoint Manager, Cognos Insight, and SalesConnect. He then moved to D4H Technologies, a growing SaaS company, to lead the development of a new bleeding-edge product for managing emergency operations in real time. Currently, Mario is the cofounder and CEO of Sponsorama, a platform to help online projects raise funds through corporate sponsorship. Mario is also the author of the first edition of Node.js Design Patterns.
Luciano Mammino is a software engineer who was born in 1987, the same year that Nintendo released Super Mario Bros in Europe, which happens to be his favorite video game. He started coding at the age of 12 using his father’s old Intel 386, with only the DOS operating system and the QBasic Interpreter. After studying for a master’s degree in computer science, he developed his programming skills, mostly as a web developer, working mainly as a freelancer for companies and start-ups all over Italy. After a start-up parenthesis of 3 years as CTO and cofounder of Sbaam in Italy and in Ireland, he decided to relocate to Dublin to work as a senior PHP engineer at Smartbox. He loves developing open source libraries and working with frameworks such as Symfony and Express. He is convinced that JavaScript’s success is still at the very beginning and that it will have a huge impact on most web- and mobile-related technologies in the future. For this reason, he spends most of his free time improving his knowledge of JavaScript and playing with Node.js.
James Murphy is a software consultant and entrepreneur. His passions include technology, self-improvement, and psychology. He graduated from the computer science department of the University of Manchester. He’s worked for a number of the UK’s top tech companies, ranging from the Hut Group and Auto Trader to the BBC and Booking. Having previously been a lead engineer at Booking, James decided to delve further into entrepreneurship and contracting. His first experience with Node.js was working on the second generation of BBC Live, which was built entirely using Node.js and microservices on the AWS platform. He has a blog at devangst and is also a contributing author and member of the Simple Programmer community. He is the author of Node.js Design Patterns, Second Edition, by Packt.
Glenn Daytonhas been a full stack developer for several years now with a strong passion for teaching spanning an even longer amount of time. He works at NASA JPL as a Backend Developer helping build tools that modernize the way spacecraft are tested.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Setting the Stage
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: Setting Up the Environment
Lecture 3: Lesson Overview
Lecture 4: Learning the Node way
Lecture 5: Understanding Node.js Version 6 and ES2015
Lecture 6: Template Literals
Lecture 7: Working with the Reactor Pattern (Part 1)
Lecture 8: Working with the Reactor Pattern (Part 2)
Lecture 9: Summary
Chapter 2: Node.js Essential Patterns
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: The Callback Pattern
Lecture 3: The Module System and its Patterns
Lecture 4: The Observer Pattern
Lecture 5: Summary
Chapter 3: Asynchronous Control Flow Patterns with Callbacks
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: The Difficulties of Asynchronous Programming
Lecture 3: Using Plain JavaScript
Lecture 4: The async Library
Lecture 5: Summary
Chapter 4: Asynchronous Control Flow Patterns with ES2015 and Beyond
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: Getting to Know Promises
Lecture 3: Generators
Lecture 4: Async/Await Using Babel
Lecture 5: Comparison
Lecture 6: Summary
Chapter 5: Coding with Streams
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: Discovering the Importance of Streams
Lecture 3: Getting Started with Streams (Part 1)
Lecture 4: Getting Started with Streams (Part 2)
Lecture 5: Asynchronous Control Flow with Streams
Lecture 6: Piping Patterns
Lecture 7: Summary
Chapter 6: Design Patterns
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: Factory
Lecture 3: Revealing Constructor
Lecture 4: Proxy
Lecture 5: Decorator
Lecture 6: Adapter
Lecture 7: Strategy
Lecture 8: State
Lecture 9: Template
Lecture 10: Middleware
Lecture 11: Command
Lecture 12: Summary
Chapter 7: Wiring Modules
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: Modules and Dependencies
Lecture 3: Patterns for Wiring Modules (Part 1)
Lecture 4: Patterns for Wiring Modules (Part 2)
Lecture 5: Wiring Plugins
Lecture 6: Summary
Chapter 8: Universal JavaScript for Web Applications
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: Sharing Code with the Browser
Lecture 3: Introducing Webpack
Lecture 4: Patterns for Wiring Modules (Part 2)
Lecture 5: Summary
Packt Publishing
Tech Knowledge in Motion
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
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