Programming and Game Design for DeckBuilding Games
Programming and Game Design for DeckBuilding Games, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.72, with 64 lectures, based on 9 reviews, and has 125 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a card system, with functions for drawing, shuffling, etc Create UI and animations to display cards and show action feedback, like card going from deck to hand, from hand to discard, being played, etc Create an Input system for the player be able to Select, Drag, Skip turn, etc Create units and simple stat systems, as well as interactions with those values Create a modular effect system for the cards, including different targeting mechanisms, costs and requirements to use Create a State Machine to control the flux of the game Create a modifier system to deal with status effects, artifacts, etc and how those alter the stats This course is ideal for individuals who are Game Developers or Recently Graduated Programmers or Programmers with little experience on games or Lovers of card games and deckbuilding games like Slay the Spire/Magic/etc It is particularly useful for Game Developers or Recently Graduated Programmers or Programmers with little experience on games or Lovers of card games and deckbuilding games like Slay the Spire/Magic/etc.
Enroll now: Programming and Game Design for DeckBuilding Games
Title: Programming and Game Design for DeckBuilding Games
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.72
Number of Lectures: 64
Number of Published Lectures: 64
Number of Curriculum Items: 64
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 64
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a card system, with functions for drawing, shuffling, etc
- Create UI and animations to display cards and show action feedback, like card going from deck to hand, from hand to discard, being played, etc
- Create an Input system for the player be able to Select, Drag, Skip turn, etc
- Create units and simple stat systems, as well as interactions with those values
- Create a modular effect system for the cards, including different targeting mechanisms, costs and requirements to use
- Create a State Machine to control the flux of the game
- Create a modifier system to deal with status effects, artifacts, etc and how those alter the stats
Who Should Attend
- Game Developers
- Recently Graduated Programmers
- Programmers with little experience on games
- Lovers of card games and deckbuilding games like Slay the Spire/Magic/etc
Target Audiences
- Game Developers
- Recently Graduated Programmers
- Programmers with little experience on games
- Lovers of card games and deckbuilding games like Slay the Spire/Magic/etc
This course is designed for aspiring game developers who want to learn how to create card building games like Slay the Spire and Magic the Gathering. Students will learn the technical skills necessary to build a game from scratch, including programming, effects, targeting cards, and UI design.
Learn all the way from developing the basics of a card system like having a deck, drawing and shuffling and then having complex modular targeting and effects systems to use on enemy units!
So, very briefly, the course teaches how to create basic card system functions; card animations going from hand to deck, shuffling and others; player input like using cards and skipping turns; targeting enemies, your own units or all; requirements to use like energy cost; effect systems that cause damage, heals or gain block; a state machine to controle the flux of game like maintenance phase, draw phase, etc; modifier systems to have status effects like Vulnerable, which increases how much damage the unit takes.
By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of how to design and program card building games, and will have a working prototype of their own card game. Whether you’re interested in pursuing a career in game development or just want to build your own games for fun, this course is a great way to get started!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Unity and Preparing the Environment
Lecture 3: Text Editor
Chapter 2: Setting up the Environment and UI
Lecture 1: Creating the Project and Getting the Art
Lecture 2: Creating the Card Prefab
Lecture 3: Creating the Prefab Variants
Lecture 4: Solving the Image Order Problem
Lecture 5: Adding a Horizontal Layout
Lecture 6: CardHolder
Lecture 7: Creating the Deck
Lecture 8: Moving the Cards
Lecture 9: Rotating the Cards
Lecture 10: Draw and Discard
Lecture 11: Shuffling Cards back into the Deck
Chapter 3: Beginning the Effect System
Lecture 1: Using Interfaces
Lecture 2: Using Different Child GameObjects
Lecture 3: Discard After Playing
Chapter 4: Inputs
Lecture 1: Adding the Input System
Lecture 2: Making the Card Selectable
Lecture 3: Drag System
Lecture 4: Drag System Pt. 2
Lecture 5: Detecting When a Card is Used
Lecture 6: Adding a Delay Between Card Movements
Lecture 7: Automatically Shuffling
Lecture 8: Effect When the Card is Used
Chapter 5: Units, Effects and Targeting
Lecture 1: Unit and Stats
Lecture 2: Finding Sprites for the Units
Lecture 3: CombatTester and Setting Initial Stats
Lecture 4: Starting our Target System
Lecture 5: ITarget
Lecture 6: TargetPlayer
Lecture 7: TargetAllEnemies
Chapter 6: State Machine
Lecture 1: StateMachine and State
Lecture 2: Adding Functionality to the LoadState
Lecture 3: Initializing Units
Lecture 4: Units Queue and TurnBeginState
Lecture 5: RecoveryState
Lecture 6: Playing Cards in the Correct State
Lecture 7: Ending Your Turn
Lecture 8: Clicking Units
Lecture 9: System for Playing Cards in Sequence
Lecture 10: Adding the Possibility of Multiple Effects per Card
Chapter 7: More Effects and Requirement System
Lecture 1: TargetUnit
Lecture 2: Visual Feedback for Pointing at an Unit
Lecture 3: IPlayability
Lecture 4: Spending Energy
Lecture 5: Energy UI
Lecture 6: Stats Get/Sets
Lecture 7: Block Effect
Lecture 8: Block Protecting From Damage
Lecture 9: Victory and Loss Condition
Lecture 10: Status Effect
Lecture 11: Duration for Status Effects
Lecture 12: Damage Modifier
Lecture 13: Damage Modifier with Reference Type
Lecture 14: Percentage Status Effect
Lecture 15: Separating DoAttackDamage and TakeAttackDamage
Lecture 16: Modifying Block Values
Lecture 17: Mixing Stat Modifiers and the Percentage Effects
Lecture 18: Changing ICardEffect to an Abstract Class
Lecture 19: Applying Status Effects
Lecture 20: Stacking
Lecture 21: Disabling an Unit
Chapter 8: Project Backup
Lecture 1: Project Backup
TheCodingCult (aka Henrique de Carvalho)
College Teacher/Programmer/Indie GameDev
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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