Programming Statistical Applications in R
Programming Statistical Applications in R, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.8, with 89 lectures, based on 57 reviews, and has 1704 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand how to create and manipulate R data structures used in scientific programming applications. Understand and use important statistical R programming concepts such as looping and control structures, interactive data input and formatting output, writing functions as programs, writing output to a file and plotting output. Understand and be able to use the R apply family of functions efficiently. Know how to debug programs and how to make programs run more efficiently. Understand and be able to implement various resampling methods effectively, including bootstrapping, jackknifing and N-fold cross validation. This course is ideal for individuals who are You do NOT need to be experienced with R, nor do you need to have experience with computer programming to successfully complete this course. or The course would be useful to anyone interested in learning more about statistical programming using the R language. or Course is good for undergraduate students seeking to acquire programming skills and knowledge of R software. or Course is useful for graduate students seeking to acquire and refine their skills relating to data analysis and manipulation. It is particularly useful for You do NOT need to be experienced with R, nor do you need to have experience with computer programming to successfully complete this course. or The course would be useful to anyone interested in learning more about statistical programming using the R language. or Course is good for undergraduate students seeking to acquire programming skills and knowledge of R software. or Course is useful for graduate students seeking to acquire and refine their skills relating to data analysis and manipulation.
Enroll now: Programming Statistical Applications in R
Title: Programming Statistical Applications in R
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.8
Number of Lectures: 89
Number of Published Lectures: 89
Number of Curriculum Items: 89
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 89
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand how to create and manipulate R data structures used in scientific programming applications.
- Understand and use important statistical R programming concepts such as looping and control structures, interactive data input and formatting output, writing functions as programs, writing output to a file and plotting output.
- Understand and be able to use the R apply family of functions efficiently.
- Know how to debug programs and how to make programs run more efficiently.
- Understand and be able to implement various resampling methods effectively, including bootstrapping, jackknifing and N-fold cross validation.
Who Should Attend
- You do NOT need to be experienced with R, nor do you need to have experience with computer programming to successfully complete this course.
- The course would be useful to anyone interested in learning more about statistical programming using the R language.
- Course is good for undergraduate students seeking to acquire programming skills and knowledge of R software.
- Course is useful for graduate students seeking to acquire and refine their skills relating to data analysis and manipulation.
Target Audiences
- You do NOT need to be experienced with R, nor do you need to have experience with computer programming to successfully complete this course.
- The course would be useful to anyone interested in learning more about statistical programming using the R language.
- Course is good for undergraduate students seeking to acquire programming skills and knowledge of R software.
- Course is useful for graduate students seeking to acquire and refine their skills relating to data analysis and manipulation.
Programming Statistical Applications in R is an introductory course teaching the basics of programming mathematical and statistical applications using the R language. The course makes extensive use of the Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation using R (spuRs) package from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). The course is a scientific-programming foundations course and is a useful complement and precursor to the more simulation-application oriented R Programming for Simulation and Monte-Carlo Methods Udemy course. The two courses were originally developed as a two-course sequence (although they do share some exercises in common). Together, both courses provide a powerful set of unique and useful instruction about how to create your own mathematical and statistical functions and applications using R software.
Programming Statistical Applications in R is a "hands-on" course that comprehensively teaches fundamental R programming skills, concepts and techniques useful for developing statistical applications with R software. The course also uses dozens of "real-world" scientific function examples. It is not necessary for a student to be familiar with R, nor is it necessary to be knowledgeable about programming in general, to successfully complete this course. This course is 'self-contained' and includes all materials, slides, exercises (and solutions); in fact, everything that is seen in the course video lessons is included in zipped, downloadable materials files. The course is a great instructional resource for anyone interested in refining their skills and knowledge about statistical programming using the R language. It would be useful for practicing quantitative analysis professionals, and for undergraduate and graduate students seeking new job-related skills and/or skills applicable to the analysis of research data.
The course begins with basic instruction about installing and using the R console and the RStudio application and provides necessary instruction for creating and executing R scripts and R functions. Basic R data structures are explained, followed by instruction on data input and output and on basic R programming techniques and control structures. Detailed examples of creating new statistical R functions, and of using existing statistical R functions, are presented. Boostrap and Jackknife resampling methods are explained in detail, as are methods and techniques for estimating inference and for constructing confidence intervals, as well as of performing N-fold cross validation assessments of competing statistical models. Finally, detailed instructions and examples for debugging and for making R programs run more efficiently are demonstrated.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Course Materials, Installing Packages, and Executing Scripts
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to Course Materials
Lecture 3: Install R and RStudio
Lecture 4: General Discussion of R
Lecture 5: A Look at the R Console and RStudio
Lecture 6: Executing Script and Installing Packages in RStudio (part 1)
Lecture 7: Executing Script and Installing Packages in RStudio (part 2)
Lecture 8: R Script Demonstrations using RStudio
Lecture 9: Scripting Basic Data Structures (part 1)
Lecture 10: Scripting Basic Data Structures (part 2)
Lecture 11: R Functions (part 1)
Lecture 12: R Functions (part 2)
Lecture 13: R Functions (part 3)
Lecture 14: Manipulating Matrices (part 1)
Lecture 15: Manipulating Matrices (part 2)
Lecture 16: Manipulating Matrices (part 3)
Chapter 2: Basic R Programming Concepts and Techniques
Lecture 1: Basic R Programming Concepts and Examples (part 1)
Lecture 2: Basic R Programming Concepts and Examples (part 2)
Lecture 3: Basic R Programming Concepts and Examples (part 3)
Lecture 4: Looping Control Structure Examples (part 1)
Lecture 5: Looping Control Structure Examples (part 2)
Lecture 6: Looping and Control Structure Exercises
Lecture 7: Data Input and Output (part 1)
Lecture 8: Data Input and Output (part 2)
Lecture 9: Formatting Output (part 1)
Lecture 10: Formatting Output (part 2)
Lecture 11: Interactive Input and Output
Lecture 12: Looping and Control Structure Exercises (part 1)
Lecture 13: Looping and Control Structure Exercises (part 2)
Lecture 14: Looping and Control Structure Exercises (part 3)
Lecture 15: Writing Output to a File (part 1)
Lecture 16: Writing Output to a File (part 2)
Lecture 17: Plotting as Output (part 1)
Lecture 18: Plotting as Output (part 2)
Lecture 19: Exercise: Writing Statistical and Scientific Expressions
Lecture 20: Exercise Solution: Writing Statistical and Scientific Functions
Chapter 3: Writing User-Defined Functions in R
Lecture 1: Writing Functions as Programs (part 1)
Lecture 2: Writing Functions as Programs (part 2)
Lecture 3: Windsorized Means Example
Lecture 4: Writing Functions in R (part 1)
Lecture 5: Writing Functions in R (part 2)
Lecture 6: Writing Functions in R (part 3)
Lecture 7: Writing Functions in R (part 4)
Lecture 8: Apply Family of Functions (part 1)
Lecture 9: Apply Family of Functions (part 2)
Lecture 10: Apply Family of Functions (part 3)
Lecture 11: Apply Family of Functions (part 4)
Lecture 12: Apply Family of Functions (part 5)
Lecture 13: Making Programs Run Efficiently
Lecture 14: Exercise: Writing Functions and Programs
Lecture 15: Exercise Solutions: Writing Functions and Programs (part 1)
Lecture 16: Exercise Solutions: Writing Functions and Programs (part 2)
Lecture 17: Exercise: Vector Maker Functions
Chapter 4: Data Types and Structures: Factors, Dataframes and Lists
Lecture 1: Exercise Solutions: Vector Maker Functions (part 1)
Lecture 2: Exercise Solutions: Vector Maker Functions (part 2)
Lecture 3: Data Types: Factors (part 1)
Lecture 4: Data Types: Factors (part 2)
Lecture 5: Data Structures: Dataframes (part 1)
Lecture 6: Data Structures: Dataframes (part 2)
Lecture 7: Data Structures: Dataframes (part 3)
Lecture 8: Data Structures: Dataframes (part 4)
Lecture 9: Data Structures: Lists (part 1)
Lecture 10: Data Structures: Lists (part 2)
Chapter 5: Bootstrap and Jackknife Resampling Methods
Lecture 1: Bootstrap Estimate of Standard Error and Bias (part 1)
Lecture 2: Bootstrap Estimate of Standard Error and Bias (part 2)
Lecture 3: Bootstrapping a Ratio Statistic
Lecture 4: Jackknife Estimate of Bias and Standard Error
Lecture 5: Bootstrapping Confidence Intervals (part 1)
Lecture 6: Bootstrapping Confidence Intervals (part 2)
Lecture 7: Bootstrapping Confidence Intervals (part 3)
Lecture 8: N-Fold Cross Validation of Models (part 1)
Lecture 9: N-Fold Cross-Validation of Models (part 2)
Lecture 10: N-Fold Cross-Validation of Models (part 3)
Lecture 11: Bootstrap-Jackknife Resampling Exercise
Chapter 6: Debugging and Program Efficiency
Lecture 1: Bootstrap-Jackknife Resampling Exercise Solution
Lecture 2: Debugging R Programs
Lecture 3: Findruns Program Debugging Example (part 1)
Lecture 4: Findruns Program Debugging Example (part 2)
Lecture 5: Additional Programming Considerations
Lecture 6: Program Efficiencies and Scoping Rules
Lecture 7: Selecting Environment to Debug
Lecture 8: Creating S3 and S4 Classes (part 1)
Lecture 9: Creating S3 and S4 Classes (part 2)
Lecture 10: Creating S3 and S4 Classes (part 3)
Lecture 11: Numerical Accuracy and Program Efficiency (part 1)
Lecture 12: Numerical Accuracy and Program Efficiency (part 2)
Lecture 13: More on Program Efficiency (part 1)
Lecture 14: More on Program Efficiency (part 2)
Lecture 15: Selection Sort Exercise
Geoffrey Hubona, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of MIS and Data Analytics
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 17 votes
- 4 stars: 16 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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