Programming the Arduino – Getting Started
Programming the Arduino – Getting Started, available at $99.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 79 lectures, based on 1131 reviews, and has 6911 subscribers.
You will learn about Create structured and efficient Arduino programs C and Arduino programming (+best practices) Become more autonomous when programming on Arduino, and rely less on copying/pasting Write code and practice instead of just sitting and watching Build a very basic Arduino circuit Get more confidence for your next Arduino projects This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners who want to learn the Arduino through programming and practising or People who are tired of copying/pasting from the Internet because they don’t understand the code or Makers who already have a running project, but feel that they lack the programming foundation they need or Developers who already have some basic programming experience, and want to dive in Arduino programming It is particularly useful for Beginners who want to learn the Arduino through programming and practising or People who are tired of copying/pasting from the Internet because they don’t understand the code or Makers who already have a running project, but feel that they lack the programming foundation they need or Developers who already have some basic programming experience, and want to dive in Arduino programming.
Enroll now: Programming the Arduino – Getting Started
Title: Programming the Arduino – Getting Started
Price: $99.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 79
Number of Published Lectures: 79
Number of Curriculum Items: 79
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 79
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create structured and efficient Arduino programs
- C and Arduino programming (+best practices)
- Become more autonomous when programming on Arduino, and rely less on copying/pasting
- Write code and practice instead of just sitting and watching
- Build a very basic Arduino circuit
- Get more confidence for your next Arduino projects
Who Should Attend
- Beginners who want to learn the Arduino through programming and practising
- People who are tired of copying/pasting from the Internet because they don’t understand the code
- Makers who already have a running project, but feel that they lack the programming foundation they need
- Developers who already have some basic programming experience, and want to dive in Arduino programming
Target Audiences
- Beginners who want to learn the Arduino through programming and practising
- People who are tired of copying/pasting from the Internet because they don’t understand the code
- Makers who already have a running project, but feel that they lack the programming foundation they need
- Developers who already have some basic programming experience, and want to dive in Arduino programming
You want to learn Arduino programming from the beginning ?
You want to write Arduino code that works, and that you can understand ?
You want to really do things by yourself, instead of reading theory and copying/pasting some code ?
Then you are in the right place!
The goal of this course is to give you, step by step, the Arduino programming foundation that you need, along with a ton of practice, so you will be more confident to create much more complex and nice Arduino programs in the future.
You don’t need any special knowledge or programming experience to start this course, I will explain everything in details.
Every line of code that you see in this course will be written in front of you. I will write code, and you will also write code. No copy and paste.
For every important step on this course, you will do a programming activity to practice and get a better understanding.
Along the different activities, I’ll also give you some programming best practices that I’ve learned myself, so you’ll improve much faster than if you were just alone.
Why this course ?
Because I found that it’s hard to find a tutorial or course online that is mainly focused on Arduino programming.
I recognize that plugging out-of-the-box components can be cool, because you feel that you are making complex things, but for real, you are just using easy-to-plug blocks that work by themselves. And now, when you need to make something more complex by yourself, or even a basic thing that has no “fancy” component doing it for you, then at this point, you feel lost, and need to go back to the basics. Or you find some random code from the Internet that you can copy and paste, and hope that this code will just work out of the box.
I personally come from a programming background. So, when I first started to program on Arduino, I quickly noticed how limited most people are, just because they don’t have the required programming basics.
What I found is that most people are limited by the programming side. When you use Arduino, OK this is a hardware board, but the true value you add to your circuit, robot, or anything else, comes from the programming side. You can’t skip that if you want to become an advanced Arduino Maker.
So… Start your learning today and unleash your programming creativity !
Here is an overview of what you will learn through the course:
Install the Arduino IDE and upload a program to your Arduino board
C programming in the Arduino environment
Setup a basic Arduino circuit
Use digital and analog pins to control external hardware components
Communicate with the outside
Store values on your Arduino board
Create a multitask program
Separate your program into reusable blocks of code
… and much more !
Please make sure to read the following. This course is NOT for you if :
You want an Arduino course specialized in hardware
You just want to quickly plug components, copy and paste some code
You are not interested in software development
You already have strong basics in Arduino programming
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome !
Lecture 2: Hardware components used in this course
Lecture 3: How to get the most out of this course
Chapter 2: Your First Steps with Arduino Programming
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Install the Arduino IDE
Lecture 3: Connect your Arduino board
Lecture 4: Arduino Program Architecture
Lecture 5: Upload Your First Program !
Lecture 6: First Activity : It's Time to Practice
Lecture 7: First Activity – Solution
Lecture 8: Debug Your Program
Lecture 9: Reset the Arduino Program Without Uploading it Again
Lecture 10: Section Conclusion
Chapter 3: C Programming for Arduino – Part 1
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Variables
Lecture 3: Variables – Data Types
Lecture 4: Functions
Lecture 5: Scope
Lecture 6: Activity 2 : Write a New Function and Print the Result on the Serial Monitor
Lecture 7: Activity 2 – Solution
Chapter 4: C Programming for Arduino – Part 2
Lecture 1: Comments
Lecture 2: Conditions
Lecture 3: Conditional Operators
Lecture 4: Switch Statement
Lecture 5: Activity 3 : Practice on Conditions
Lecture 6: Activity 3 – Solution
Chapter 5: C Programming for Arduino – Part 3
Lecture 1: Loops
Lecture 2: Arrays
Lecture 3: Constants
Lecture 4: Activity 4 : Compute the Max Value From an Array of Numbers
Lecture 5: Activity 4 – Solution
Lecture 6: C programming for Arduino – Conclusion
Chapter 6: Build a Simple Arduino Circuit Step by Step
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Understand How a Breadboard Works
Lecture 3: Pick the Right Resistors
Lecture 4: Build Your First Small Circuit
Chapter 7: Use Digital Pins to Control Hardware Components
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Hardware Setup : Add 3 LEDs
Lecture 3: pinMode() function
Lecture 4: digitalWrite() function
Lecture 5: Activity 5 : Blink 4 LEDs for your next Christmas Tree
Lecture 6: Activity 5 – Solution
Lecture 7: Activity 6 – Optimize Your Code With Arrays
Lecture 8: Activity 6 – Solution
Lecture 9: Hardware Setup : Add a Push Button
Lecture 10: digitalRead() function
Lecture 11: Activity 7 : Stop Blinking the LEDs When You Press the Button
Lecture 12: Activity 7 – Solution
Lecture 13: analogWrite() function
Lecture 14: Section Conclusion
Chapter 8: Communicate With The User – Make Your Programs More Dynamic
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Read Data From Serial
Lecture 3: Activity 8 : Let The User Choose Which LED to Power ON
Lecture 4: Activity 8 – Solution
Lecture 5: Use the EEPROM memory
Lecture 6: Activity 9 : Keep the User Choice For The Next Boot
Lecture 7: Activity 9 – Solution
Lecture 8: Section Conclusion
Chapter 9: Use Analog Pins
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Hardware Setup : Add a Potentiometer
Lecture 3: analogRead() function
Lecture 4: Activity 10 : Choose Which LED to Power ON With The Potentiometer
Lecture 5: Activity 10 – Solution
Lecture 6: Use an Analog Pin as a Digital Pin
Lecture 7: Section Conclusion
Chapter 10: Create Multitask Programs
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Get the Current Time with millis()
Lecture 3: Blink a LED Without delay()
Lecture 4: Blink 2 LEDs With a Different Blink Rate
Lecture 5: Activity 11 : Blink 4 LEDS With 4 Different Rates, Using Arrays and Functions
Lecture 6: Activity 11 – Solution
Lecture 7: micros() and delayMicroseconds() functions
Lecture 8: Activity 12 : Create a Complete Multitask Program !
Lecture 9: Activity 12 – Solution
Lecture 10: Section Conclusion
Chapter 11: Conclusion
Lecture 1: What You've Learned
Lecture 2: What to Do Next
Chapter 12: Bonus
Lecture 1: Write Object Oriented Code with Arduino
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Edouard Renard
Software Engineer and Robotics Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 25 votes
- 3 stars: 127 votes
- 4 stars: 422 votes
- 5 stars: 545 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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