Python 3 from Beginner to Expert – Learn Python from Scratch
Python 3 from Beginner to Expert – Learn Python from Scratch, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 146 lectures, 11 quizzes, based on 204 reviews, and has 1236 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn what Python and programming language is variables / types of variables arithmetic, assigment operators importing and using python libraries what are functions and how to use them conditional statements I will teach you what are and when to use lists, collections, tuples, dictionaries Advanced list, dictionary, set expressions and generator generating phrases will not be a problem for you Transforming the data stored in memory will become easy Loops will be for you a simple element of Python syntax File Handling Random Events JSON Refactoring the code handling API practical examples Installing external packages using PyPi and pip Handling Visual Studio Code Object Oriented Programming: classes, methods, dunder/static methods, multi-file projects This course is ideal for individuals who are beginner or person who wants to understand programming It is particularly useful for beginner or person who wants to understand programming.
Enroll now: Python 3 from Beginner to Expert – Learn Python from Scratch
Title: Python 3 from Beginner to Expert – Learn Python from Scratch
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 146
Number of Quizzes: 11
Number of Published Lectures: 145
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 157
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 154
Original Price: $149.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn what Python and programming language is
- variables / types of variables
- arithmetic, assigment operators
- importing and using python libraries
- what are functions and how to use them
- conditional statements
- I will teach you what are and when to use lists, collections, tuples, dictionaries
- Advanced list, dictionary, set expressions and generator generating phrases will not be a problem for you
- Transforming the data stored in memory will become easy
- Loops will be for you a simple element of Python syntax
- File Handling
- Random Events
- Refactoring the code
- handling API practical examples
- Installing external packages using PyPi and pip
- Handling Visual Studio Code
- Object Oriented Programming: classes, methods, dunder/static methods, multi-file projects
Who Should Attend
- beginner
- person who wants to understand programming
Target Audiences
- beginner
- person who wants to understand programming
Save your precious time by buying this course. You will learn how to program in Python in a fast and easy way!
If you want to learn a language that can be used in every circumstance and earn good money, then you are in the right place!
All of this is presented by a young man who shares his knowledge, so the language used can be easily understood by everyone.
The course is designed for those who don’t have any prior knowledge about programming. It doesn’t matter if you have never written any programs or have no idea about programming… After my course, all of this will change. You will bust the myth that programming is a difficult thing only for the few!
Python is:
easy to learn and read.
universal (tons of useful libraries available)
Python is often used by professional programmers. Despite the fact that they use other languages on a daily basis, they still use Python to solve complex problems.
Python is used by:
Google (YouTube)
So learning it gives you enormous opportunity on the market.
After the course, you will know:
how to import and use Python libraries
what are the functionsand how do you use them??
how arithmetic, logicaland relational operatorswork
how to operate on strings:
how to create conditions with the help of conditional statements
what they are and when to use lists, collections, tuples, and dictionaries
How to create advanced expressionsfor generating lists, dictionaries,and sets
how loopswork
how to handle files
How to create random events in a minigame
how to support JSONformat on a practical example: requesting content from APIservers
how to install external PyPipackages
how to handle Visual Studio Code
How do I program using object-oriented programming?
That’s not all!
The Python course has a lot of practical exercises.
I believe that everyone has the ability to develop software if they are taught properly. Including you. I’m going to give you the context of each new concept I teach you. After my course, you will finally understand everything that you code.
Over 340,000 students bought my courses, and all of them are happy. You will also be satisfied with this course. If you do not like the course, remember that within 30 days you can request a full refund. I guarantee your satisfaction.
If you have any questions regarding the topics covered in this Python course, please feel free to ask. I’m always happy to help those who want to learn!
Please check out the free lessons first! See for yourself the great quality of my course, and enjoy it!
JOIN NOW and become Expert in Python
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Python Basics
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is Python? Installation and first execution
Lecture 3: Variables, creating and running external script, interactive Shell
Lecture 4: Comments
Lecture 5: Types of Variables
Lecture 6: Math Operators
Lecture 7: Exercise: adding VAT to products
Lecture 8: Semicolon and ENTER – assigning multiple values to variables at once
Lecture 9: Assignment operators
Lecture 10: Playing with Strings (Slicing, adding and having fun)
Lecture 11: Bullet Points for Python Basic Section
Chapter 2: Useful Shortcuts Used by Programmers
Lecture 1: The most useful shortcuts used by programmers
Chapter 3: Functions and Libraries basics
Lecture 1: Importing libraries, what are functions – basics
Lecture 2: ATTENTION – important lecture about common mistake regarding functions
Lecture 3: Taking data from user and type conversion (casting)
Lecture 4: EXERCISE: Retrieving and Formatting User Input in Python
Chapter 4: Conditional statements
Lecture 1: Comparison (Relational) Operators
Lecture 2: Instruction 'if' why INDENTATION is IMPORTANT in Python | DO NOT SKIP!
Lecture 3: EXERCISE: Simple Calculator
Lecture 4: EXERCISE: Absolute value of a number
Lecture 5: Values different than 0
Lecture 6: Logical Operators
Chapter 5: Loops
Lecture 1: Loop while
Lecture 2: EXERCISE: Adding numbers taken from the user
Lecture 3: Loop for
Lecture 4: Instruction break and continue
Lecture 5: EXERCISE: Guess the number
Chapter 6: Lists
Lecture 1: What are Lists? Basic operations on lists
Lecture 2: Checking if element is 'in' or 'not in' the list
Lecture 3: EXERICSE: Giving secret access
Lecture 4: Operating on lists with Functions
Chapter 7: Advanced Types
Lecture 1: Tuples – what does immutable mean?
Lecture 2: Dictionaries
Lecture 3: Sets
Lecture 4: Operations on sets
Lecture 5: Nested types
Lecture 6: Processing nested types using loops
Lecture 7: Dictionary inside Dictionary, Dictionary inside List – when to choose which?
Lecture 8: Extracting (Iterating Through) values from nested dictionaries
Lecture 9: EXERCISE: Dynamic dictionary with definitions
Chapter 8: Transformations
Lecture 1: List comprehensions
Lecture 2: Generator Expressions
Lecture 3: Dictionary Comprehensions
Lecture 4: Set Comprehension
Lecture 5: EXERCISE: Finding numbers that are divisible by 7, but are not divisible by 5
Chapter 9: Functions – Basics
Lecture 1: What are functions? How to create a function? Why should we use functions?
Lecture 2: Multiple parameters in function (passing more arguments)
Lecture 3: Returning values from function
Lecture 4: Return & invoke
Lecture 5: EXERCISE: Count the area of figures
Lecture 6: EXERCISE: Add functions to existing code
Chapter 10: Functions – Advanced
Lecture 1: Multi module application | How to import your own module?
Lecture 2: enum – what it is and why you should use it?
Lecture 3: EXERCISE: Sum of all numbers up to the one entered by user | IMPORTANT lecture
Lecture 4: Measuring PERFORMANCE of code | How well (fast) some part of code work | time
Lecture 5: Function as argument of another function | How to measure performance of func
Lecture 6: default arguments
Lecture 7: named (keyword) and unnamed (positional) arguments
Lecture 8: EXERCISE – checking if value is in container
Lecture 9: Variable Length Argument (Multiple Arguments sent and saved in single parameter)
Lecture 10: Local vs Global Variables – scope – lifetime of variables
Lecture 11: Mutable vs immutable objects
Lecture 12: Shallow vs Deep copy of object
Lecture 13: Lambda | Anonymous functions – what are they? when should you use them?
Lecture 14: Use the any() function to determine if a list contains any even numbers
Lecture 15: Use the all() function to determine if a person has a required set of skills.
Lecture 16: EXERICSE: Enumarate() tasks and show them to the user
Chapter 11: Random numbers
Lecture 1: Drawing random numbers – creating a program that checks if you hit the monster
Lecture 2: Random events – choice vs choices function
Lecture 3: shuffle – shuffling cards in 'war' game
Lecture 4: EXERCISE: Drawing elements without REPETITION – lottery game – 6 numbers from 49
Lecture 5: EXERCISE | GAME | Drawing random chests colours with random rewards
Lecture 6: EXERCISE | GAME | Drawing approximate value to a certain value
Chapter 12: Working with Files in Python and Exceptions | I/O operations
Lecture 1: What is a file? How to create it? Why do we need to CLOSE it? How to save data?
Lecture 2: Exceptions, try, finally block
Lecture 3: Opening the file using: with… as…:
Lecture 4: Reading the content of file – read vs readlines, splitting lines, encoding
Lecture 5: seek and tell – changing and reading the position of last operation in file
Lecture 6: append – adding text at the end of file
Lecture 7: a+, r+, w+ – two function file opening modes
Arkadiusz Włodarczyk
Excellent teacher, Expert in Programming
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 16 votes
- 4 stars: 63 votes
- 5 stars: 117 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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