Python 3: Project-based Python, Algorithms, Data Structures
Python 3: Project-based Python, Algorithms, Data Structures, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 102 lectures, 41 quizzes, based on 882 reviews, and has 5657 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn Python 3 from scratch, in-depth Understand the fundamentals of programming languages Learn to visualize Algorithms, Data Structures, Program Execution and Information flow Learn to use Python to build projects Algorithms (basic to advanced) – sort, search, insert, delete Data Structures – elementary to complex Become proficient in technical interview topics This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners who have never programmed before or Programmers switching to Python or Job interview candidates looking to understand the subject matter behind technical interview questions or Intermediate and advanced programmers looking to understand algorithms and data structures or Anyone looking to understand the foundations of computer science or Anyone looking to learn how to visualize programs and information flow It is particularly useful for Beginners who have never programmed before or Programmers switching to Python or Job interview candidates looking to understand the subject matter behind technical interview questions or Intermediate and advanced programmers looking to understand algorithms and data structures or Anyone looking to understand the foundations of computer science or Anyone looking to learn how to visualize programs and information flow.
Enroll now: Python 3: Project-based Python, Algorithms, Data Structures
Title: Python 3: Project-based Python, Algorithms, Data Structures
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 102
Number of Quizzes: 41
Number of Published Lectures: 102
Number of Published Quizzes: 41
Number of Curriculum Items: 143
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 143
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn Python 3 from scratch, in-depth
- Understand the fundamentals of programming languages
- Learn to visualize Algorithms, Data Structures, Program Execution and Information flow
- Learn to use Python to build projects
- Algorithms (basic to advanced) – sort, search, insert, delete
- Data Structures – elementary to complex
- Become proficient in technical interview topics
Who Should Attend
- Beginners who have never programmed before
- Programmers switching to Python
- Job interview candidates looking to understand the subject matter behind technical interview questions
- Intermediate and advanced programmers looking to understand algorithms and data structures
- Anyone looking to understand the foundations of computer science
- Anyone looking to learn how to visualize programs and information flow
Target Audiences
- Beginners who have never programmed before
- Programmers switching to Python
- Job interview candidates looking to understand the subject matter behind technical interview questions
- Intermediate and advanced programmers looking to understand algorithms and data structures
- Anyone looking to understand the foundations of computer science
- Anyone looking to learn how to visualize programs and information flow
Join the most comprehensiveand beginner friendlycourse onlearningto code with Python – one of the top programming languages in the world –and using it to build Algorithms and Data Structures with Projects utilizing themfrom scratch.
You will get:
1) 14+ hours of animation heavy instructional video
2) 14 coding exercisesusing Udemy’s internal python coding environment
3) Quizzesto test your understanding at every step
4) 80+ Python scriptswith practice exercisesand lecture notes
5) Live help channel and designated office hours with the instructor
6) Multiple assessment teststo test your progress
7) A free Python e-book
and much, much more!
This course is truly one of a kind and focused solely on your learning.
Check out some of the amazing reviews it’s receiving:
From Ryan – “I’ve only had it for one day and it’s been absolutely incredible. Wonderful instructor that does a terrific job of explaining complex topics. I’m not even a quarter of the way in and I already feel that I’ve gotten exponentially more than what I paid.”
From Jason – “Great course, the instructor is clearly well-versed with Python programming and gives very clear instruction. I particularly found the algorithms and data structures section to be valuable. Strongly recommend this course, the best Python programming course I’ve taken by a significant margin.”
From Rob – “As a software engineer that needs to get up to speed on some Python for a data-science project, this was perfect. It’s in-depth where it needs to be, clear, and very well put together.”
I will walk you step-by-step through the fascinating world of Python programming using visualizations of programs as they execute, algorithms as they run and data structures as they are constructed. Nothing is left to the imagination, we’ll see it all and then build it all.
Since it caters to a broad spectrum of students, the course is split in two parts, part 1 focusing on the Python programming language and part 2 focusing on Algorithms, Data Structures, Performance Analysis and larger scale projects. Details below:
Part 1: Python and programming fundamentals
Text – Strings
Numbers – Ints and Floats
Execution flow control – Branching with if/elif/else
Compound data types – Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, Sets
Iterables and Iteration with generators, for and while loops and more!
Functions, execution context and frames, building custom functions
List comprehension
Lambda expressions
Generators and creating your own generators with yield
Objects and building classes, methods, special methods
Reading from and writing to files using context managers
Visualization with each topic and more!
Part 2: Algorithms, Data Structures and Performance Analysis
Sorting algorithms (basic) – Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort
Sorting algorithms (advanced) – Merge sort, Quick sort
Big O notation, complexity analysis, divide and conquer, math visualizations
Recursion in-depth with examples
Searching algorithms – Bisection search, hashing
Data Structures with Linked lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Binary Search Trees
Operations with Data structures – insert, search, update, delete
Multiple projects with increasing level of complexity that tie the concepts together
Visualizations of every algorithm, data structure and operations and more!
So whether you are interested in learning the top programming language in the world in-depth
OR interested in learning the fundamental Algorithms, Data Structures and performance analysis that make up the core foundational skillset of every accomplished programmer/designer or software architect
OR you are looking to ace your next technical interview
OR all 3 above – This is the course for you!
And on top of that, it comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied in any way, you will not only get your money back but you also get to keep the free e-book and tons of downloadable practice exercises and code just for trying it out!
So what are you waiting for? Learn to code with Python while building projects and implementing algorithms and data structures, and gain a core competency in Computer Science that will advance your career and increase your knowledge in the most effective way!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Live help, office hours and Python e-book
Lecture 3: Course structure and content overview
Chapter 2: Development environment setup
Lecture 1: [IMPORTANT] – Note to beginners, please don't skip this
Lecture 2: Section intro and overview
Lecture 3: Command line basics cheat sheet
Lecture 4: Download and install Python
Lecture 5: Setup Atom as text editor (setup used in this course)
Lecture 6: Exploring Jupyter Notebooks interface (optional)
Chapter 3: Python in-depth
Lecture 1: Section intro and overview
Lecture 2: Command line/Terminal basics
Lecture 3: Strings, variables, top down execution flow
Lecture 4: (IMPORTANT) A note on quizzes, coding exercises and assessment tests
Lecture 5: Strings: concatenation, indexing, slicing, python console
Lecture 6: String methods, functions and import statements
Lecture 7: Print formatting and special characters
Lecture 8: Numbers, math, type casting and input
Lecture 9: Assessment test – Python basics: Text, numbers and print formatting
Lecture 10: Introduction to branching (if, elif, else) and conditionals
Lecture 11: Building if, elif, else blocks incrementally
Lecture 12: Lists, dicts, sets and tuples – Intro to compound data types in Python
Lecture 13: Lists – an in-depth look 1
Lecture 14: Lists – an in-depth look 2
Lecture 15: Dictionaries, sets and tuples
Lecture 16: Iterators, for loops, generators, list comprehension
Lecture 17: Assessment test – Lists, dicts, tuples, sets and iteration
Lecture 18: While loops, enumerate, zip
Lecture 19: Functions – an introductory look
Lecture 20: Functions – implementation step by step
Lecture 21: Functions – execution context, frames, mutable vs. immutable arguments in-depth
Lecture 22: Assessment test – Functions, data types, iterators
Lecture 23: Classes and objects – an introductory look
Lecture 24: Building a custom Student class and intro to special methods
Lecture 25: Add some methods to the class
Lecture 26: Special methods and what they are
Lecture 27: Reading from and writing to files
Lecture 28: Add read functionality and utilize special and static methods
Lecture 29: Inheritance, subclasses and complete example class
Lecture 30: Bonus Python specific content (Optional)
Lecture 31: Python specifics – Lambda expressions
Lecture 32: Lambda expressions and map function
Lecture 33: Generators – under the hood
Lecture 34: Build your own generators using yield
Chapter 4: Algorithms – Sort, performance, complexity and big O notation
Lecture 1: Introduction to section 4 and overview of the material covered in it
Lecture 2: Bubble sort demonstration and complexity analysis
Lecture 3: Bubble sort implementation
Lecture 4: Selection sort demonstration and complexity analysis
Lecture 5: Selection sort implementation
Lecture 6: Insertion sort demonstration and assignment handoff
Lecture 7: Insertion sort programmatic execution step by step
Lecture 8: Performance measures – deep dive with a programmatic view
Lecture 9: O(nlog(n)) performance and algorithm prerequisites
Lecture 10: Analyze log(n), visualize the math behind it and how it relates to algorithms
Lecture 11: Merge sort visualization and complexity analysis
Lecture 12: Implement merge function – part 1
Lecture 13: Implement merge function – part 2
Lecture 14: Implement merge function – part 3
Lecture 15: A look at the recursive divide function
Lecture 16: In-depth look at execution context of recursive divide function
Lecture 17: Recursion mini-project 1 – Countdown timer
Lecture 18: Recursion mini-project 2 – Factorial
Lecture 19: Recursion mini-project 3 – Fibonacci series
Lecture 20: Complete merge sort algorithm and analyze updated execution context
Mashrur Hossain
Technology Professional and Entrepreneur -
Nathan House
Leading Cyber Security Expert – CEO of StationX
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 62 votes
- 4 stars: 269 votes
- 5 stars: 534 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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