Python Automation Testing With Pytest
Python Automation Testing With Pytest, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.48, with 73 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 2900 reviews, and has 14823 subscribers.
You will learn about Everything about Pytest framework Test execution and Reporting with Pytest framework Building a easy test automation framework End to End Test automation with Python Pytest Python Testing with Pytest This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner to intermediate test developer who wants to learn Pytest for automation or Anyone who wants to learn test automation easily or Anyone who wants to be SDET with Python or Anyone who wants to learn Python Testing It is particularly useful for Beginner to intermediate test developer who wants to learn Pytest for automation or Anyone who wants to learn test automation easily or Anyone who wants to be SDET with Python or Anyone who wants to learn Python Testing.
Enroll now: Python Automation Testing With Pytest
Title: Python Automation Testing With Pytest
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.48
Number of Lectures: 73
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 73
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 80
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 80
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Everything about Pytest framework
- Test execution and Reporting with Pytest framework
- Building a easy test automation framework
- End to End Test automation with Python Pytest
- Python Testing with Pytest
Who Should Attend
- Beginner to intermediate test developer who wants to learn Pytest for automation
- Anyone who wants to learn test automation easily
- Anyone who wants to be SDET with Python
- Anyone who wants to learn Python Testing
Target Audiences
- Beginner to intermediate test developer who wants to learn Pytest for automation
- Anyone who wants to learn test automation easily
- Anyone who wants to be SDET with Python
- Anyone who wants to learn Python Testing
Hi! Welcome to Python Automation Testing With Pytest!
This course will help you master automation testing with Pytest framework. Pytest is a testing framework which allows us to write test codes using python. We can write code to test anything in any environment, like database, API, and even GUI if you want. It is a simple framework to learn, just like python.
In this course, we will be go through all topics of Python Pytest framework and it assumes that you have minimal prior experience with Python coding.
We will learn everything about Pytest that will help us build a test automation framework easily. We will cover all important aspects of pytest and also how automation is done in real test environment.
Some of topics are highlighted below, we will go thru all of this and more:
Test Naming, and Test discovery
Different types of Assertions
Skipping tests and markers
Parametrized or data driven testing
Fixtures – one of the interesting topics in pytest
Passing cmd line args in pytest
Pytest-BDD – the BDD framework with Pytest
Thank you and see you in this course!!!
Note: This course is solely about Pytest framework, and details in depth about its related topics. How you can use the popular pytest framework within your whole test suite.
This course is designed for all levels of QA test professionals who want to work with Python automation, starting from absolute beginner level to advanced users. Anyone can follow along from top, by understanding each of the lessons and replicating it on their system. No worries if you are in any level of expertise, you can directly go to the session that you want to learn.
Few Comments from Udemy Learners:
Hi Kumar, I realized that the lectures have been upgraded into a better mode. I came back for revision of pytest and noticed that lecture notes are finally provided. Also, there are also your personal annotation in the videos which are very helpful. Thanks for improvement. Appreciate it.
Overall the course is good. It gives the understanding of software testing environment other than just programming. Certainly there will be difference in reviews depending on someone’s knowledge in Python programming language. I am new in this domain and I know basic Python programming language. So I think if you provide more complex examples also in the course content that would be fine for better exposure and to get the understanding of how deep we need to go or to know where we actually stand in this field. It was good experience with this course. We get good and helpful knowledge in less time.
hi kumar,your course is goood
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Installation and Setup
Lecture 1: Please Read(time <1min)
Lecture 2: Python Installation
Lecture 3: Pycharm installation & Setup
Chapter 3: Pytest 101: Create Project and First Test
Lecture 1: About Pytest
Lecture 2: Pycharm: Create project and VirtualEnv
Lecture 3: Pycharm: Installing python packages
Lecture 4: Optional Read
Lecture 5: Write First Tests & Tests Conventions
Lecture 6: Running Our Tests
Lecture 7: Understanding Test Outputs(1/2)
Lecture 8: Understanding Test Outputs(2/2)
Lecture 9: Handouts
Chapter 4: Pytest: Assertions and Test Discovery
Lecture 1: Assertions
Lecture 2: Test Class
Lecture 3: Test Discovery
Lecture 4: About
Lecture 5: pytest.raises Assertion(1/2)
Lecture 6: pytest.raises Assertion(2/2)
Lecture 7: Handouts
Chapter 5: Pytest: Skip/Mark and Pytest Options
Lecture 1: Pls Read(time <1min)
Lecture 2: Skipping Tests
Lecture 3: Grouping/Marking Tests(1/3)
Lecture 4: Marking Tests(2/3)
Lecture 5: Marking Tests(3/3)
Lecture 6: xfail: Expecting to Fail Marker(1/2)
Lecture 7: xfail: Expecting to Fail Marker(2/2)
Lecture 8: Run test by testname
Lecture 9: Pytest Cmd line options(1/2)
Lecture 10: Pytest Cmd line options(2/2)
Lecture 11: Test Outcomes
Lecture 12: Handouts
Lecture 13: Run Tests from Jenkins(optional)
Chapter 6: Pytest: Parameterize and Setup/TearDown Tests(Fixtures)
Lecture 1: Parametrizing Tests(1/2)
Lecture 2: Parametrizing Tests(2/2)
Lecture 3: Fixture Basics(1/3)
Lecture 4: Fixture Basics(2/3)
Lecture 5: Fixture Basics(3/3)
Lecture 6: Setup/Teardown in Fixtures
Lecture 7: Multiple Fixtures
Lecture 8: Fixture TearDown Example
Lecture 9: Sharing Fixtures
Lecture 10: Tracing Fixture Execution
Lecture 11: Introspecting the Calling Test Function
Lecture 12: Factories as Fixtures
Lecture 13: Parametrizing from Fixtures(1/2)
Lecture 14: Parametrizing from Fixtures(2/2)
Lecture 15: Fixture Scope
Lecture 16: Handouts
Chapter 7: Pytest: Customizations
Lecture 1: Pass Arguments in Pytest Cmdline
Lecture 2: Pass Arguments in Pytest Cmdline(fix-issue)
Lecture 3: Configuring Pytest(1/2)
Lecture 4: Configuring Pytest(2/2)
Lecture 5: Dataprovider(DataDriven Tests)
Lecture 6: Using configuration files(1/2)
Lecture 7: Configuration files(2/2)
Lecture 8: Handouts
Chapter 8: Pytest-BDD
Lecture 1: Intro Pytest-BDD
Lecture 2: Pytest-BDD Terms & Rules
Lecture 3: Write First BDD Test Scenario
Lecture 4: Execute BDD Tests & About "target_fixture"
Lecture 5: BDD Scenario Decorator
Lecture 6: Pytest BDD & Fixtures
Lecture 7: Pytest-BDD About Background
Lecture 8: Pytest-BDD Parameterize
Lecture 9: Pytest-BDD Parameterize(contd..)
Lecture 10: Note on pytest-bdd latest version(>5.0.0)
Lecture 11: Pytest-BDD Parameterize(code updates)
Lecture 12: Pytest-BDD ScenarioOutline
Lecture 13: Pytest Tags & BDD
Chapter 9: Thanks
Lecture 1: Jenkins Installation/Run(Windows)
Lecture 2: Pytest Cheat Sheet & Code
Lecture 3: Thanks!
Kumar S
SDET, Lead Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 37 votes
- 2 stars: 39 votes
- 3 stars: 354 votes
- 4 stars: 1188 votes
- 5 stars: 1282 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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