Python Exercises for Beginners: Solve 100+ Coding Challenges
Python Exercises for Beginners: Solve 100+ Coding Challenges, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.44, with 256 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 383 reviews, and has 4081 subscribers.
You will learn about Practice your coding and problem-solving skills with 100+ Python Coding Challenges designed for Beginners. Check your solutions with detailed step-by-step video lectures that explain how to solve each challenge. Learn how to use Python tools to solve exercises using strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, conditionals, loops, recursion, files, and more. Solve challenging problems that combine your knowledge of the fundamentals of programming in Python. Ask questions to your instructor if you need any assistance or guidance. Download the sample solutions as Python files to run, test, and experiment with the code. This course is ideal for individuals who are Learners who are familiar with the basics of programming in Python and would like to expand their knowledge through practical exercises. or Computer Science students and learners who wish to develop their problem-solving and computational-thinking skills. or Self-taught learners who want to practice their Python skills and learn how to translate problems into Python code using the tools of the language. It is particularly useful for Learners who are familiar with the basics of programming in Python and would like to expand their knowledge through practical exercises. or Computer Science students and learners who wish to develop their problem-solving and computational-thinking skills. or Self-taught learners who want to practice their Python skills and learn how to translate problems into Python code using the tools of the language.
Enroll now: Python Exercises for Beginners: Solve 100+ Coding Challenges
Title: Python Exercises for Beginners: Solve 100+ Coding Challenges
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.44
Number of Lectures: 256
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 254
Number of Curriculum Items: 264
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 254
Original Price: $44.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Practice your coding and problem-solving skills with 100+ Python Coding Challenges designed for Beginners.
- Check your solutions with detailed step-by-step video lectures that explain how to solve each challenge.
- Learn how to use Python tools to solve exercises using strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, conditionals, loops, recursion, files, and more.
- Solve challenging problems that combine your knowledge of the fundamentals of programming in Python.
- Ask questions to your instructor if you need any assistance or guidance.
- Download the sample solutions as Python files to run, test, and experiment with the code.
Who Should Attend
- Learners who are familiar with the basics of programming in Python and would like to expand their knowledge through practical exercises.
- Computer Science students and learners who wish to develop their problem-solving and computational-thinking skills.
- Self-taught learners who want to practice their Python skills and learn how to translate problems into Python code using the tools of the language.
Target Audiences
- Learners who are familiar with the basics of programming in Python and would like to expand their knowledge through practical exercises.
- Computer Science students and learners who wish to develop their problem-solving and computational-thinking skills.
- Self-taught learners who want to practice their Python skills and learn how to translate problems into Python code using the tools of the language.
If you are learning Python and you want to take your Python skills to the next level with intensive practice, then this course is for you. Apply your knowledge to solve more than 100 Python exercises and check your solutions with step-by-step video lectures with visual effects and diagrams.
Solve 100+ Exercises to Take Your Python Skills to the Next Level.
Solve more than 100 exercises and improve your problem-solving and coding skills.
Learn new Python tools such as built-in functions and modules.
Apply your knowledge of Python to solve practical coding challenges.
Understand how the code works line by line behind the scenes.
Identify different ways to solve a problem and which one is more conciseand efficient.
Test your code with different values and inputs to verify its correctness.
Gain practical and valuable coding skills.
Course Updates
The course is updated with new exercises and resources:
August 2022– NEW Updated Section 1
November 2021 –NEWExercise: Find the Intersection of Two Sets
November 2021 –NEWExercise: Balanced Square Brackets
Improve your Python Skills and Gain Valuable Practical Experience
Python is currently one of the most popular programming languages and its popularity continues to rise every year. It is used for real-world applications in diverse areas such as Web Development, Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and many more. Learning Python is your next step into the powerful world of computer science. Through practice, you can improve your coding and problem-solving skills. You will also learn new tools that you can use in Python.
Your knowledge of Python will be extremely helpful in any field, including:
Web Development
Machine Learning
Data Science
Artificial Intelligence
Game Development
Mobile App Development
Medical Software
Computer Vision
and… many more!
Coding skills are essential to succeed in the world of the future. Therefore, if you are thinking about entering any of these fields or if you are planning to expand your computer science skills, then this course is for you.
The concepts and techniques that you will learn in this course are easily transferable to other programming languages like Java, JavaScript, and many more because you will practice how to analyze and solve problems using code.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Analyzea problem step by step and develop a solution in Python.
Solvea problem in Python using different approaches.
Usebuilt-in Python functions and modules to solve a problem efficiently.
Understandhow the code works behind the scenes.
Workwith the main elements of Python: strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, conditionals, loops, recursion, files, and more..
Testyour code with various inputs and values to verify its correctness.
Learning Material & Resources
Coding Challenges: 100+ coding challenges with detailed descriptions and hints to guide you through this journey.
Exercises Divided by Levels of Difficulty: the exercises are divided into two levels, so you can start working on them according to your skill level and then solve more advanced exercises as you practice.
Video Lectures: 10+ hours of video lectures and resources with step-by-step solutions and explanations of how to analyze the problems and how the code works behind the scenes.
Visual Effects: You will learn how to solve these exercises with carefully designed visual effects, animations, and diagrams.
Test Cases:each coding challenge has test cases to help you test if your solution is correct. Each problem can be solved in multiple ways, so these test cases will help you confirm if your solution is correct.
Python Files: you will be able to download the sample solutions as Python files to run and experiment with the code in your device.
Progress Tracker: a PDF poster that you can print and cross out as you complete the exercises to help you track your progress.
Cornell Note-taking Method Page Format: a PDF format that you can print to take notes following the Cornell Note-taking Method (a page divided into three sections to write your notes, comments, and summary).
Code Notebook Format: a PDF format that you can print to write your solutions or the sample solutions by hand, analyze the code, and add your comments.
The Coding Challenges Cover:
Lists and Tuples
Miscellaneous and More Challenging Exercises
Most exercises combine different elements from these topics, but the exercises are grouped by their most relevant category.
What makes this course unique?
This course is unique because of its emphasis on providing visual and detailed explanations of how the solutions work behind the scenes, so you will not only learn how to implement them in Python, you will actually understand the purpose of each line of code.
Unique study materials complement the course experience. You will find three PDF resourcesspecifically designed for the course: a poster, a note-taking page format with the Cornell Note-taking Method, and a code notebook.
Check your solutions with detailed video lectures and download the sample solutions to run the code on your device.
You will receive a certificate of completion that you can add to your social media profiles to showcase your new skills.
You will also have lifetime access to the course.
You are very welcome to watch the preview lectures and check out the full course curriculum.
If you are looking for an engaging, visual, and practical course, then you found it.
Enroll now, practice your problem-solving skills, and showcase your new Python knowledge.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Course: Let's Start Coding
Lecture 1: Welcome: Course Structure and PDF Resources
Lecture 2: Welcome to the Course – Important Course Information
Lecture 3: Collect Your Badge, Introduce Yourself, and Share your Goals
Chapter 2: Exercises 1 – 8 | Strings (Level 1)
Lecture 1: Welcome to String Exercises
Lecture 2: Challenge: Print the Length of a String
Lecture 3: Solution: Print the Length of a String
Lecture 4: Challenge: Print the Character at a Specific Index
Lecture 5: Solution: Print the Character at a Given Index
Lecture 6: Challenge: Reverse a String
Lecture 7: Solution: Reverse a String
Lecture 8: Challenge: First and Last Three Characters of a String
Lecture 9: Solution: First and Last Three Characters of a String
Lecture 10: Milestone Reached
Lecture 11: Challenge: Remove Characters at Even Indices
Lecture 12: Solution: Remove Characters at Even Indices
Lecture 13: Challenge: Check if a String Only Contains Numbers
Lecture 14: Solution: Check if a String Only Contains Numbers
Lecture 15: Challenge: Remove nth Character from a String
Lecture 16: Solution: Remove nth Character from a String
Lecture 17: Challenge: Replace a Character in a String
Lecture 18: Solution: Replace a Character in a String
Lecture 19: Collect and Share Your Badge
Chapter 3: Exercises 9 – 16 | Strings (Level 2)
Lecture 1: Challenge: Change Commas by Dots
Lecture 2: Solution: Change Commas by Dots in a String
Lecture 3: Challenge: Check if String Contains All Letters in the Alphabet
Lecture 4: Solution: Check if String Contains All Letters in the Alphabet
Lecture 5: Challenge: Remove Spaces from a String
Lecture 6: Solution: Remove Spaces from a String
Lecture 7: Challenge: Check if a String Starts with a Prefix
Lecture 8: Solution: Check if a String Starts with a Prefix
Lecture 9: Challenge: Check if a String Ends with a Suffix
Lecture 10: Solution: Check if a String Ends with a Suffix
Lecture 11: Milestone Reached
Lecture 12: Challenge: Reverse Words in a String (*)
Lecture 13: Solution: Reverse Words in a String (*)
Lecture 14: Challenge: Count Repeated Characters (*)
Lecture 15: Solution: Count Repeated Characters (*)
Lecture 16: Challenge: Sort Words in Alphabetical Order (*)
Lecture 17: Solution: Sort Words in Alphabetical Order (*)
Lecture 18: Collect and Share Your Badge
Chapter 4: Exercises 17 – 25 | Lists, Tuples, and Sets (Level 1)
Lecture 1: Welcome to Lists and Tuples Exercises
Lecture 2: Challenge: Multiply all Elements in a List
Lecture 3: Solution: Multiply all Elements in a List
Lecture 4: Challenge: Print Elements on the Same Line Without Commas
Lecture 5: Solution: Print Elements on the Same Line Without Commas
Lecture 6: Challenge: Get Max and Min Values
Lecture 7: Solution: Get Max and Min Values
Lecture 8: Challenge: Check if List is Empty or Not
Lecture 9: Solution: Check if List is Empty or Not
Lecture 10: Milestone Reached
Lecture 11: Challenge: Print the Elements and Their Indices
Lecture 12: Solution: Print the Elements and Their Indices
Lecture 13: Challenge: Remove Matching Element
Lecture 14: Solution: Remove Matching Element
Lecture 15: Challenge: Remove Duplicates from a List
Lecture 16: Solution: Remove Duplicates from a List
Lecture 17: Challenge: Count Elements Greater than 3
Lecture 18: Solution: Count Elements Greater than 3
Lecture 19: Challenge: Find the Intersection of Two Sets
Lecture 20: Solution: Find the Intersection of Two Sets
Lecture 21: Collect and Share Your Badge
Chapter 5: Exercises 26 – 33 | Lists, Tuples, and Sets (Level 2)
Lecture 1: Challenge: Difference Between Two Lists
Lecture 2: Solution: Difference Between Two Lists
Lecture 3: Challenge: Distance Between Two 3D Points
Lecture 4: Solution: Distance Between Two 3D Points
Lecture 5: Challenge: Print Common Elements in Two Lists
Lecture 6: Solution: Print Common Elements in Two Lists
Lecture 7: Challenge: Find the Second Largest Value in a List
Lecture 8: Solution: Find the Second Largest Value in a List
Lecture 9: Milestone Reached
Lecture 10: Challenge: Find the Second Smallest Value in a List
Lecture 11: Solution: Find the Second Smallest Value in a List
Lecture 12: Challenge: Make a Frequency Dictionary from the Elements of a List (*)
Lecture 13: Solution: Make a Frequency Dictionary from the Elements of a List (*)
Lecture 14: Challenge: Flatten a List that Contains Lists (*)
Lecture 15: Solution: Flatten a List that Contains Lists (*)
Lecture 16: Challenge: Generate all Permutations of a List (*)
Lecture 17: Solution: Generate all Permutations of a List (*)
Lecture 18: Challenge: Use Tuples
Lecture 19: Collect and Share Your Badge
Chapter 6: Exercises 34 – 39 | Dictionaries (Level 1)
Lecture 1: Welcome to Dictionary Exercises
Lecture 2: Challenge: Check if a Key Exists in a Dictionary
Lecture 3: Solution: Check if a Key Exists in a Dictionary
Lecture 4: Challenge: Add a Key-Value Pair Only if the Key is Not in the Dictionary
Lecture 5: Solution: Add a Key-Value Pair Only if the Key is Not in the Dictionary
Lecture 6: Challenge: Merge Two Dictionaries
Lecture 7: Solution: Merge Two Dictionaries
Lecture 8: Milestone Reached
Lecture 9: Challenge: Check if All Values are Equal
Lecture 10: Solution: Check if All Values are Equal
Lecture 11: Challenge: Find the Maximum Value in a Dictionary
Lecture 12: Solution: Find the Maximum Value in a Dictionary
Lecture 13: Challenge: Find the Minimum Value in a Dictionary
Lecture 14: Solution: Find the Minimum Value in a Dictionary
Estefania Cassingena Navone
Software Developer, Instructor and Technical Writer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 27 votes
- 4 stars: 106 votes
- 5 stars: 242 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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