Python for Financial Markets Analysis
Python for Financial Markets Analysis, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 120 lectures, based on 93 reviews, and has 1046 subscribers.
You will learn about Create interactive data apps with Streamlit Simple to advance practical time series analysis Create trading strategies with technical indicators signals Algo trading with Buy Low and Sell High Strategies Create a stock screener Create a web based (flask) candlesticks pattern screener Calculate Return, Risk, Correlation and Rolling Statistics for Stocks, Indexes and Portfolios Create Financial Indexes with price, equal and value weighted formations Portfolio analysis with pyfolio Finding Higher High and Lower Lows in time series Get 40+ technical indicators and create custom indicators This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is designed for anyone interested in using AI tools like ChatGPT and more to create amazing content, regardless of their background or experience. or Whether you're an entrepreneur, student, professional, or just a curious learner, this course is accessible, engaging, and empowering for everyone. or Anyone who want to explore the world of financial markets or Anyone who want to transition from Excel into Python or Anyone who want to step into Financial Data Science by learning Pandas and more or Anyone who want to learn how to do time series analysis on any global financial market instruments. i.e. Stocks, Indexes, Crypto and more or Everyone who wants to learn how to code and apply their skills in practice in financial world It is particularly useful for This course is designed for anyone interested in using AI tools like ChatGPT and more to create amazing content, regardless of their background or experience. or Whether you're an entrepreneur, student, professional, or just a curious learner, this course is accessible, engaging, and empowering for everyone. or Anyone who want to explore the world of financial markets or Anyone who want to transition from Excel into Python or Anyone who want to step into Financial Data Science by learning Pandas and more or Anyone who want to learn how to do time series analysis on any global financial market instruments. i.e. Stocks, Indexes, Crypto and more or Everyone who wants to learn how to code and apply their skills in practice in financial world.
Enroll now: Python for Financial Markets Analysis
Title: Python for Financial Markets Analysis
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 120
Number of Published Lectures: 120
Number of Curriculum Items: 120
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 120
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create interactive data apps with Streamlit
- Simple to advance practical time series analysis
- Create trading strategies with technical indicators signals
- Algo trading with Buy Low and Sell High Strategies
- Create a stock screener
- Create a web based (flask) candlesticks pattern screener
- Calculate Return, Risk, Correlation and Rolling Statistics for Stocks, Indexes and Portfolios
- Create Financial Indexes with price, equal and value weighted formations
- Portfolio analysis with pyfolio
- Finding Higher High and Lower Lows in time series
- Get 40+ technical indicators and create custom indicators
Who Should Attend
- This course is designed for anyone interested in using AI tools like ChatGPT and more to create amazing content, regardless of their background or experience.
- Whether you're an entrepreneur, student, professional, or just a curious learner, this course is accessible, engaging, and empowering for everyone.
- Anyone who want to explore the world of financial markets
- Anyone who want to transition from Excel into Python
- Anyone who want to step into Financial Data Science by learning Pandas and more
- Anyone who want to learn how to do time series analysis on any global financial market instruments. i.e. Stocks, Indexes, Crypto and more
- Everyone who wants to learn how to code and apply their skills in practice in financial world
Target Audiences
- This course is designed for anyone interested in using AI tools like ChatGPT and more to create amazing content, regardless of their background or experience.
- Whether you're an entrepreneur, student, professional, or just a curious learner, this course is accessible, engaging, and empowering for everyone.
- Anyone who want to explore the world of financial markets
- Anyone who want to transition from Excel into Python
- Anyone who want to step into Financial Data Science by learning Pandas and more
- Anyone who want to learn how to do time series analysis on any global financial market instruments. i.e. Stocks, Indexes, Crypto and more
- Everyone who wants to learn how to code and apply their skills in practice in financial world
Welcome to Python for Financial Markets Analysis!
Are you interested in how people use Python to conduct rigorous financial analysis and pursue algorithmic trading, then this is the right course for you!
This course will guide you through everything you need to know to use Python for analyzing financial markets data! I’ve worked for Bloomberg for 17+ years and will present the knowledge to help you in this course.
We’ll start off by learning the fundamentals of financial market data, importing large datasets and then proceed to learn about the various core libraries used in the Finance world including jupyter, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, statsmodels, yfinance, plotly, cufflinks and much more. We will use jupyter notebooks, google colabs and visual studio to write our python apps for finance.
We’ll cover the following topics:
Python Fundamentals
NumPy for High Speed Numerical Processing
Pandas for Efficient Data Analysis
Matplotlib for Data Visualization
Pandas Time Series Analysis Techniques
Importing financial markets data
Working with single and multiple stocks with prices, fundamental data
Streaming real-time data prices
Create interactive financial charts with plotly, cuffllinks
Using annotation to tell the data story
Simple to advanced time series analysis
Time series analysis with indexing, filling and resampling
Rate of returns analysis for stocks, crypto and indexes
Create Financial Indexes with price, equal and value weighted formations
Create custom technical indicators – Squeeze momentum, point and figure and more
Create trading strategies with technical indicators
Explore stock statistics with peer analysis, returns rates, and heatmaps
Find best and worst returns months for any global instruments
Create your very own stock screen
Create your very own web based (flask) candlestick pattern screener
Algo trading with Buy Low and Sell High Strategies
Portfolio analysis with pyfolio
Create interactive data apps with streamlit
and much more…
Why you should listen to me…
In my career, I have built an extensive level of expertise and experience in both areas: Finance and Coding
17 years experience in Bloomberg for the Finance and Investment Industry…
Build various financial markets analytics companies like
ClickAPIs and more
Python & Pandas:
My existing companies extensively used python based models and algorithms
Code, models, and workflows are Real World Project-proven
Best Seller author on Udemy
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What are you waiting for? Guaranteed Satisfaction: Otherwise, get your money back with 30-Days-Money-Back-Guarantee.
Looking Forward to seeing you in the Course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Importing Financial Markets Data
Lecture 1: Install python
Lecture 2: Install Anaconda
Lecture 3: Downloading and Importing finance data
Lecture 4: Installing required package
Lecture 5: Download OHLC price for single stock
Lecture 6: Get specfic time range data
Lecture 7: Get Intra-day data
Lecture 8: Get Pre and Post Market Data
Lecture 9: Fundamentals, Dividends, Splits and News
Lecture 10: Splits and Dividends
Lecture 11: Import multiple stocks
Lecture 12: Export Data to CSV and Excel
Lecture 13: From Dictionary > Series > Frame
Lecture 14: Get Stock Earnings Information
Lecture 15: Get Stock Analyst Recommendations
Lecture 16: Get Stock Options Data
Lecture 17: Get Stock Shareholders
Lecture 18: Import and normalize Financial Indexes
Lecture 19: Import ETFs and Mutual Fund Data
Lecture 20: Import currency data
Lecture 21: Import Cryptocurrencies
Lecture 22: Import Treasury Yields Data
Lecture 23: Streaming real-time data
Chapter 2: Python Basic 101
Lecture 1: Data types and Numbers
Lecture 2: Variables
Lecture 3: Integers and Float
Lecture 4: Strings
Lecture 5: Lists
Lecture 6: Dictionaries
Lecture 7: For loops
Lecture 8: If conditions
Lecture 9: Functions
Chapter 3: Creating Interactive Financial Charts
Lecture 1: Explore Plotly and cufflinks
Lecture 2: Customizing charts
Lecture 3: Spread Charts
Lecture 4: Interactive Histogram
Lecture 5: Candle and OHLC Charts
Lecture 6: Technical Indicators : SMA and Bollinger Bands
Lecture 7: Adding Volume and MACD Indicators
Lecture 8: Using annotation to tell the story
Lecture 9: Create an interactive candle chart + technical indicators
Chapter 4: Time Series Analysis
Lecture 1: The power of index()
Lecture 2: Handling missing data in time series
Lecture 3: Creating new data frame and using reindex
Lecture 4: Using bfill and ffill methods
Lecture 5: Resample time series
Lecture 6: Timezone travel with time series
Lecture 7: Shifting dates
Lecture 8: Find largest and smallest numbers
Lecture 9: Pandas profiling library
Chapter 5: Translating SQL style queries
Lecture 1: Calculate Boolean statistics
Lecture 2: Construct multiple boolean conditions
Lecture 3: Translate SQL where clauses
Chapter 6: Rate of Returns Analysis
Lecture 1: Calculate rate of returns
Lecture 2: Log returns of a security
Lecture 3: Rate of return for a portfolio
Lecture 4: Rate of returns for major indices
Lecture 5: Calculate Annualize Returns
Chapter 7: Exploring Risk Analysis
Lecture 1: Calculating a security risk
Chapter 8: Creating weighted indexes
Lecture 1: Prepare data, normalize data
Lecture 2: Calculate Price Weighted Index
Lecture 3: Calculate weights of constituents over time
Lecture 4: Calculate Equal Weighted Index
Chapter 9: Point and figure charts
Lecture 1: Create point and figure charts
Chapter 10: Quick Stock Analysis
Lecture 1: Exploring Rolling Mean, Returns Deviations
Lecture 2: Exploring Peer Analysis
Lecture 3: Returns Rates and Risk with heat map
Lecture 4: Find best and worst returns by months
Chapter 11: Explore Stock Statistics
Lecture 1: Calculate SMA on the fly
Lecture 2: Calculate technical indicators with custom values
Lecture 3: Calculate custom up and down days
Lecture 4: Min, max and delta changes
Chapter 12: Crypto vs Stock Market correlations
Lecture 1: Is crypto market is correlation to stock market?
Chapter 13: Exploring Technical Indicators
Lecture 1: Introduction to technical indicators
Lecture 2: Simple Moving Averages (SMA)
Lecture 3: Exponential Moving Averages (EMA)
Lecture 4: Bollinger Bands
Lecture 5: MACD
Lecture 6: Create technical indicator manually – MACD
Lecture 7: Create technical indicator manually – MACD – Part 2
Lecture 8: Relative Strength Index (RSI)
Lecture 9: RSI – Overbought / Oversold Signals
Lecture 10: Calculate pivot points
Lecture 11: Getting 40+ technical indicators…
Chapter 14: Technical Indicators Signals
Lecture 1: Simple Moving Averages – Setting up data, and strategy
Lecture 2: Visualization
Adnan Waheed
Founder KlickAnalytics and ex-Bloomberg employee
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 25 votes
- 5 stars: 58 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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