Python Game Development™: Build 5 Professional Games
Python Game Development™: Build 5 Professional Games, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4, with 112 lectures, based on 198 reviews, and has 33626 subscribers.
You will learn about Master some complex games with most easiest programming language Develop a basic logic of programming with Python Will know how to make best GUI games with Python Will know how to use arrays of python libraries Will learn advanced concepts of python like OOP, Functional Programming, Decorators etc. Python basics like data-types, loops, decision-makings, file handling, libraries, modules, date-times etc. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn Python Programming by making games or Anyone who wants to know blender scripting or Anyone who wants to develop games but doesn't have any programming skills It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn Python Programming by making games or Anyone who wants to know blender scripting or Anyone who wants to develop games but doesn't have any programming skills.
Enroll now: Python Game Development™: Build 5 Professional Games
Title: Python Game Development™: Build 5 Professional Games
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 112
Number of Published Lectures: 112
Number of Curriculum Items: 112
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 112
Original Price: $174.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master some complex games with most easiest programming language
- Develop a basic logic of programming with Python
- Will know how to make best GUI games with Python
- Will know how to use arrays of python libraries
- Will learn advanced concepts of python like OOP, Functional Programming, Decorators etc.
- Python basics like data-types, loops, decision-makings, file handling, libraries, modules, date-times etc.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn Python Programming by making games
- Anyone who wants to know blender scripting
- Anyone who wants to develop games but doesn't have any programming skills
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn Python Programming by making games
- Anyone who wants to know blender scripting
- Anyone who wants to develop games but doesn't have any programming skills
Have you ever wanted to build a gamewith a graphical interface but didn’t know how to? Maybe you even know how to create tools on a command line but have no idea how to convert it into a graphical interface that people can click on. In this course, we will be learning Python GUI Programming + Turtle + other advanced python modules to build graphical user interfaces (GUI) and games from scratch.
Game projects covered:
1. Solitaire
2. Space Shooter
3. Chain Reaction
4. Pac-man
5. Car Racing
6. Snake and many more.
Basic Python course Highlights:
Installing Python
Running Python Code
Number Data Types
Print Formatting
args/ kwargs
Built-in Functions
Debugging and Error Handling
External Modules
Object-Oriented Programming
Advanced Methods
and much more!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to pygame
Chapter 2: CORE PYTHON: Learning objects and data structures
Lecture 1: Install Python on Windows
Lecture 2: Download and setup Pycharm code editor on Windows
Lecture 3: Download Visual Studio code editor on Windows
Lecture 4: Install python on Linux Machine
Lecture 5: Download and setup Pycharm code editon on Linux (optional)
Lecture 6: How to read Python documentation
Lecture 7: Variables on Python
Lecture 8: Data Types: String, Set and Numbers
Lecture 9: Data Types: List, Dictionaty and Tuple
Lecture 10: Operators and Operands
Lecture 11: Logical Operators and Operations
Lecture 12: Comments and User Input
Lecture 13: Built-in Modules and Creating your own Modules
Lecture 14: Python "List" Data Structures
Lecture 15: Python "Dictionary" Data Structures
Lecture 16: Learn Strings and String Methods in detail
Lecture 17: String Formatting
Lecture 18: Python Indentation
Lecture 19: Python Conditionals: if…else statements
Lecture 20: Looping in Python: while Loops
Lecture 21: Looping in Python: for Loops
Lecture 22: User Defined Functions in Python
Lecture 23: Default Arguments in Python
Lecture 24: Anonymous/Lambda functions
Chapter 3: Advanced Python Programming
Lecture 1: Functional Programming: lambda, map and reduce
Lecture 2: Iterators in Python
Lecture 3: Generators in Python
Lecture 4: Decorators
Lecture 5: List and Dictionary Comprehensions
Lecture 6: Classes and Objects in Python
Lecture 7: Basic Inheritance in Python
Lecture 8: Multiple Inheritance in Python
Lecture 9: Polymorphism in Python
Lecture 10: Properties
Lecture 11: Operator Overloading in Python
Lecture 12: Exception Handling
Lecture 13: File Handling
Lecture 14: __name__ == "__main__"
Chapter 4: Python module for Game Developers
Lecture 1: Python "math" module
Lecture 2: Python "random" module
Lecture 3: Python "datetime" module
Lecture 4: Python "sqlite" module
Lecture 5: Python "collection" module
Lecture 6: Python "os" module
Chapter 5: Game development (turtle/pygame) module
Lecture 1: Introduction to Game Development
Lecture 2: Introduction to turtle module
Lecture 3: Computation using vectors and Magic methods (operator overloading)
Lecture 4: Start using turtle with simple animation
Lecture 5: Introduction to Vector class
Lecture 6: Snake Game Capstone: Creating Layouts and Handling Movements
Lecture 7: Snake Game Capstone: Make movements of Snake character
Lecture 8: Snake Game Capstone: Creating boundaries for game
Lecture 9: Pacman Game Capstone: Creating game world
Lecture 10: Pacman Game Capstone: Valid and Invalid movements for characters
Lecture 11: Pacman Game Capstone: Making movement for Pacman
Lecture 12: Pacman Game Capstone: Rendering ghosts and their movements
Lecture 13: Introduction to pygame module
Lecture 14: Let's talk about frame-rate
Lecture 15: Loading images/sprites using pygame
Lecture 16: Pygame DODGE CAR CAPSTONE: Render Player and screen
Lecture 17: Pygame DODGE CAR CAPSTONE: Rendering Enemies
Lecture 18: Pygame DODGE CAR CAPSTONE: Handling Collisions
Lecture 19: Pygame PACMAN CAPSTONE: Start creating game characters
Lecture 20: Pygame PACMAN CAPSTONE: Learning about Levels
Lecture 21: Pygame PACMAN CAPSTONE: Loading sprites and create Game Loop
Lecture 22: Pygame PACMAN CAPSTONE: Handle rotations and collisions of Sprites
Lecture 23: Pygame PACMAN CAPSTONE: Handling ghost movements
Lecture 24: Pygame PACMAN CAPSTONE: Wrap Up!!
Chapter 6: Chain Reaction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Chain Reaction
Lecture 2: Basic Math to Know for Chain Reaction game
Lecture 3: Creating a spot (in grids) and neighbors grid
Lecture 4: Initializing and drawing grid
Lecture 5: Game Loop
Lecture 6: Drawing atoms and showing present grid
Lecture 7: Handling mouse events
Lecture 8: Rendering two atoms
Lecture 9: Rendering three atoms
Lecture 10: Overflow of atoms
Lecture 11: Making atoms to vibrate and Wrapping up game!
Chapter 7: Space Shooter Game
Lecture 1: Introduction to the space shooter game
Lecture 2: Creating Player
Lecture 3: Loading player sprite sheets
Lecture 4: Game Loop and Handling input events
Lecture 5: Moving Up and Down for Player
Lecture 6: Adding Bullets for player
Lecture 7: Rendering Enemies for game
Lecture 8: Handling collisions between game objects
Lecture 9: Rendering score in the game
Lecture 10: Rendering "Game Over" screen
Chapter 8: Solitaire Game
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Solitaire Game
Sachin Kafle
Founder of CSAMIN & Bit4Stack Tech Inc. [[Author, Teacher]]
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 28 votes
- 4 stars: 62 votes
- 5 stars: 101 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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