Python in 3 Hours: Python Programming for Beginners
Python in 3 Hours: Python Programming for Beginners, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.26, with 35 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 668 reviews, and has 18795 subscribers.
You will learn about Master all the basics of Python Programming Write hardcore programs using Python Pass their exams related to Python Develop problem solving ability This course is ideal for individuals who are This Python course is meant for newbies who are not familiar with Python syntax or Students looking for a quick refresher on Python or Someone who doesn't care about the theory and just wants to write cool programs or Anyone with a passion to learn something new or Anyone who is willing to work hard to learn a new and complicated programming language or Intermediate level programmers who are looking to get a clear view of the complex concepts of Python Programming or This course is probably not for you if you're an expert programmer looking to learn advanced Python concepts It is particularly useful for This Python course is meant for newbies who are not familiar with Python syntax or Students looking for a quick refresher on Python or Someone who doesn't care about the theory and just wants to write cool programs or Anyone with a passion to learn something new or Anyone who is willing to work hard to learn a new and complicated programming language or Intermediate level programmers who are looking to get a clear view of the complex concepts of Python Programming or This course is probably not for you if you're an expert programmer looking to learn advanced Python concepts.
Enroll now: Python in 3 Hours: Python Programming for Beginners
Title: Python in 3 Hours: Python Programming for Beginners
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.26
Number of Lectures: 35
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 35
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 39
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 39
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master all the basics of Python Programming
- Write hardcore programs using Python
- Pass their exams related to Python
- Develop problem solving ability
Who Should Attend
- This Python course is meant for newbies who are not familiar with Python syntax
- Students looking for a quick refresher on Python
- Someone who doesn't care about the theory and just wants to write cool programs
- Anyone with a passion to learn something new
- Anyone who is willing to work hard to learn a new and complicated programming language
- Intermediate level programmers who are looking to get a clear view of the complex concepts of Python Programming
- This course is probably not for you if you're an expert programmer looking to learn advanced Python concepts
Target Audiences
- This Python course is meant for newbies who are not familiar with Python syntax
- Students looking for a quick refresher on Python
- Someone who doesn't care about the theory and just wants to write cool programs
- Anyone with a passion to learn something new
- Anyone who is willing to work hard to learn a new and complicated programming language
- Intermediate level programmers who are looking to get a clear view of the complex concepts of Python Programming
- This course is probably not for you if you're an expert programmer looking to learn advanced Python concepts
This course will not waste your time, Are you tired of watching tutorials that take hours to explain simple concepts? You came to right place. All this course asks you is 2-3 hours of your life.
Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms.
This is the class I wish I had when I was trying to learn Python Programming. I have a unique way of teaching, as I know how it must be overwhelming to learn a very complex programming language. Best part of this course is No prior programming experience is required.
This tutorial introduces the student informally to the basic concepts and features of the Python language and system. It helps to have a Python interpreter handy for hands-on experience, but I have also provided downloadable lecture notes so the tutorial can be read off-line as well.
Python is one of the most powerful yet simple to learn programming languages in the world. What makes python stand out from other programming languages is its simplicity.
Python is mainly used for Web Development, Game Development and Software projects.
So if you want to make cool websites or a fun game or a ground breaking software’s. This is where you start – Basics of Python.
I will walk you through everything you need to start writing fun programs. From Installing Pycharm in your PC/Mac to mastering all the key concepts of Python. All that and more in just 3 hours.
You will learn by writing working programs. This course will solidify all the basic Python concepts.
Still not sold?
Here’s What People Are Saying About My Programming Courses:
“Excellent Course. Worth every Dollar.
I always wanted to learn python. Few months back I purchased Ajay’s C++ course and I loved it. I was excited to see him release a course on python. The course doesn’t deviate from topic like most courses on Python. This course didn’t disappoint at all. I am only half way in the course, but I am still able to write small programs. Downloadable lecture notes makes the learning process a lot easier. If you are a beginner like me and want to write fun programs on Python fast, look no further and enroll this course”
“Perfect Course for Beginners at Wonderful Price.
Well, I was little concerned about enrolling this course as it was just released, but I have to say it beats all the other C++ Courses in the market. The best part is that it’s just 2 hours, the content is straight forward and doesn’t waste your time just as it’s said in the promo video. Worth every buck! Will recommend it to all the beginners.”
“Very Good Course for Beginners
This course covers all the Basic concepts of C++ in easily understandable and interactive way. The instructor Ajay is also very helpful and replies readily to your queries and doubts. Overall I would strongly recommend this course to you if you are looking for basic knowledge of C++.”
“Excellent Course
I really enjoyed taking this course. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone with an interest in C++. It covers all the basics and good tips are given during the course. Ajay certainly knows the subject he teaches here. Looking forward to his next course.”
“Good primer
I’m brand new to Python, so this course was really just what I needed. I would like it to have been a bit longer, and go a bit deeper, but as a brand new Python coder, I really enjoyed it and learned the basics.”
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Installing Pycharm
Lecture 3: First Program : Game ON!!!
Chapter 2: Python Basics
Lecture 1: Variables
Lecture 2: Lecture Notes: Variables
Lecture 3: Input Functions
Lecture 4: Lecture Notes: Input Functions
Chapter 3: Conditional Statements or Selection Statements
Lecture 1: if statement
Lecture 2: elif statement
Lecture 3: else statement
Lecture 4: Lecture Notes: Conditional Statements or Selection Statements
Lecture 5: Python App 1: Building our very first real world application
Chapter 4: Iteration Statements
Lecture 1: For Loop
Lecture 2: While Loop
Lecture 3: Infinite Loops
Lecture 4: Lecture Notes: Iteration Statements
Chapter 5: Functions or Methods
Lecture 1: Functions
Lecture 2: More about Functions
Lecture 3: Return Statement
Lecture 4: Default Arguement
Lecture 5: Lecture Notes: Functions
Chapter 6: Strings
Lecture 1: String Basics
Lecture 2: String Slicing
Lecture 3: More String Features
Lecture 4: String Operations
Chapter 7: Lists
Lecture 1: Introduction to List
Lecture 2: Accessing List elements
Lecture 3: List Operations
Lecture 4: Conditional Statements for lists
Lecture 5: List Methods or List Functions
Lecture 6: More List Functions
Lecture 7: Lecture Notes: Lists
Chapter 8: Dictionaries and Modules
Lecture 1: Dictionaries
Lecture 2: Modules in Python
Lecture 3: User Defined Modules
Ajay Warrier
Making Your Life Easier.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 16 votes
- 3 stars: 103 votes
- 4 stars: 253 votes
- 5 stars: 285 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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