Python & Introduction to Data Science
Python & Introduction to Data Science, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 68 lectures, based on 1130 reviews, and has 45882 subscribers.
You will learn about Basic Notebook commands Variables and conversions in Python Variables, lists, dictionaries, sets, classes in Python Definition of a function Date management Reading and writing files Mathematical functions in Numpy Functions to create random data Indexing methods Pivot tables in Pandas Display options RAM memory optimization for large amounts of data This course is ideal for individuals who are Researchers in the field of data analysis, machine learning and data mining, who want to consolidate the basics or Beginners who want to start learning the Python programming language or Programmers who already have experience with other languages and want to learn the Python language or Any student wishing to pursue a career in the field of Data Science or Anyone who wants to approach this new field for work or personal growth It is particularly useful for Researchers in the field of data analysis, machine learning and data mining, who want to consolidate the basics or Beginners who want to start learning the Python programming language or Programmers who already have experience with other languages and want to learn the Python language or Any student wishing to pursue a career in the field of Data Science or Anyone who wants to approach this new field for work or personal growth.
Enroll now: Python & Introduction to Data Science
Title: Python & Introduction to Data Science
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 68
Number of Published Lectures: 68
Number of Curriculum Items: 68
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 68
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Basic Notebook commands
- Variables and conversions in Python
- Variables, lists, dictionaries, sets, classes in Python
- Definition of a function
- Date management
- Reading and writing files
- Mathematical functions in Numpy
- Functions to create random data
- Indexing methods
- Pivot tables in Pandas
- Display options
- RAM memory optimization for large amounts of data
Who Should Attend
- Researchers in the field of data analysis, machine learning and data mining, who want to consolidate the basics
- Beginners who want to start learning the Python programming language
- Programmers who already have experience with other languages and want to learn the Python language
- Any student wishing to pursue a career in the field of Data Science
- Anyone who wants to approach this new field for work or personal growth
Target Audiences
- Researchers in the field of data analysis, machine learning and data mining, who want to consolidate the basics
- Beginners who want to start learning the Python programming language
- Programmers who already have experience with other languages and want to learn the Python language
- Any student wishing to pursue a career in the field of Data Science
- Anyone who wants to approach this new field for work or personal growth
Python is the most important language in the field of data, and its libraries for analysis and modeling are the most relevant tools to use.
In this course we will start building the basics of Python and then going to deepen the fundamental libraries like Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.
The four main features of this course are:
1. Clear and simplified language, suitable for everyone
2. Practical and efficient
3. Examples, illustrations and demonstrations with relative explanations
4. Continuous updating of contents and exercises
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: 01 Python & Introduction to Data Science
Chapter 2: Python
Lecture 1: 2.01 Configuration of the development environment
Lecture 2: 2.02 How to install Python libraries
Lecture 3: 2.03 Basic Notebook Controls
Lecture 4: 2.04 Introduction to Python
Lecture 5: 2.05 Operations in Python
Lecture 6: 2.06 Variables and conversions in Python
Lecture 7: 2.07 Strings and functions of modifications
Lecture 8: 2.08 Python’s Lists
Lecture 9: 2.09 Functions with lists
Lecture 10: 2.10 Dictionaries in Python
Lecture 11: 2.11 Functions with dictionaries
Lecture 12: 2.12 Set in Python
Lecture 13: 2.13 Assignment mechanism in Python
Lecture 14: 2.14 Conditional instructions in Python
Lecture 15: 2.15 Python iteration instructions
Lecture 16: 2.16 Creating functions in Python
Lecture 17: 2.17 Scripts and modules in Python
Lecture 18: 2.18 Error handling in Python
Lecture 19: 2.19 Reading and writing files in Python
Lecture 20: 2.20 Classes in Python
Lecture 21: 2.21 Inheritance of classes in Python
Lecture 22: 2.22 Time management functions
Lecture 23: 2.23 Practical exercises with Python (1)
Lecture 24: 2.24 Practical exercises with Python (2)
Lecture 25: 2.25 Practical exercises with Python (3)
Lecture 26: 2.26 Practical exercises with Python (4)
Lecture 27: 2.27 Practical exercises with Python (5)
Lecture 28: 2.28 Practical exercises with Python (6)
Chapter 3: Numpy
Lecture 1: 3.01 Introduction to Numpy
Lecture 2: 3.02 Arrays in Numpy
Lecture 3: 3.03 Indexing of matrices in Numpy
Lecture 4: 3.04 Copy, arange and random in Numpy
Lecture 5: 3.05 Data type and conversion to Numpy
Lecture 6: 3.06 Mathematical Functions in Numpy
Lecture 7: 3.07 Order functions in Numpy
Lecture 8: 3.08 Data management functions in Numpy
Lecture 9: 3.09 Functions to create arrays in Numpy (1)
Lecture 10: 3.10 Functions to create arrays in Numpy (2)
Lecture 11: 3.11 Logical operations in Numpy
Lecture 12: 3.12 Random in Numpy
Lecture 13: 3.13 Reading files in Numpy
Lecture 14: 3.14 Writing files in Numpy
Lecture 15: 3.15 Practical exercises with Numpy (1)
Lecture 16: 3.16 Practical exercises with Numpy (2)
Lecture 17: 3.17 Practical exercises with Numpy (3)
Lecture 18: 3.18 Practical exercises with Numpy (4)
Lecture 19: 3.19 Practical exercises with Numpy (5)
Lecture 20: 3.20 Practical exercises with Numpy (6)
Lecture 21: 3.21 Practical exercises with Numpy (7)
Chapter 4: Pandas
Lecture 1: 4.01 Introduction to Pandas
Lecture 2: 4.02 DataFrame and Series in Pandas
Lecture 3: 4.03 Indexing methods in Pandas
Lecture 4: 4.04 Groupby in Pandas
Lecture 5: 4.05 Mathematical Operations in Pandas
Lecture 6: 4.06 Indexing and editing of a Series data
Lecture 7: 4.07 Indexing, editing and deletion of a DataFrame
Lecture 8: 4.08 Merge in DataFrame
Lecture 9: 4.09 Display options in Pandas
Lecture 10: 4.10 Pivot chart in Pandas
Lecture 11: 4.11 Managing dates in Pandas (1)
Lecture 12: 4.12 Managing dates in Pandas (2)
Lecture 13: 4.13 Processing data in Pandas (1)
Lecture 14: 4.14 Processing of data in Pandas (2)
Lecture 15: 4.15 Methods for editing strings in Pandas
Lecture 16: 4.16 Advanced indexing methods in Pandas
Lecture 17: 4.17 Create graphs in Pandas
Lecture 18: 4.18 Memory management for large data
AI Educational Company
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 19 votes
- 2 stars: 35 votes
- 3 stars: 175 votes
- 4 stars: 447 votes
- 5 stars: 454 votes
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