Python Logical Programs and Data Structures for beginners
Python Logical Programs and Data Structures for beginners, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 124 lectures, based on 58 reviews, and has 824 subscribers.
You will learn about Programs using Numbers Programs using Strings Programs using Arrays Programs using Recursion Programs on Patterns Concepts of Time Complexity Programs on Sorting Programs on Searching Implement Data Structures Create LinkedLists Create Stack Work with Queues Implement Trees Work on problems using Data Structures And more in easy steps This course is ideal for individuals who are College Students Attending Interviews or Students who want to improve logic or Students who want to overcome fear of programming It is particularly useful for College Students Attending Interviews or Students who want to improve logic or Students who want to overcome fear of programming.
Enroll now: Python Logical Programs and Data Structures for beginners
Title: Python Logical Programs and Data Structures for beginners
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 124
Number of Published Lectures: 124
Number of Curriculum Items: 134
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 134
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Programs using Numbers
- Programs using Strings
- Programs using Arrays
- Programs using Recursion
- Programs on Patterns
- Concepts of Time Complexity
- Programs on Sorting
- Programs on Searching
- Implement Data Structures
- Create LinkedLists
- Create Stack
- Work with Queues
- Implement Trees
- Work on problems using Data Structures
- And more in easy steps
Who Should Attend
- College Students Attending Interviews
- Students who want to improve logic
- Students who want to overcome fear of programming
Target Audiences
- College Students Attending Interviews
- Students who want to improve logic
- Students who want to overcome fear of programming
All source code is available for download
Responsive Instructor – All questions answered within 24 hours
Professional video and audio recordings (check the free previews)
Are you a College Student withPython background who is interested in improving your programming skills or overcome the fear of coding , this course is for you.This course is for experienced developers as well.
You will start working on simple programs and move using numeric types
Print Digits in a number
Sum of Digits in a number
Check if a number is palindrome or not
Convert integer to binary and visa versa
Check if a given number is Special and Perfect Number
and More
Work with Strings:
Reverse a String in different ways
Count the words in given text
Find words,Remove Vowels
Find Duplicates,Replace Next Character
and More
Understand Recursion and write programs using it
Write programs using Arrays and Matrices
Sum of positive and negative numbers in a array
Find min and max element in a array
Reverse elements in a array
Check if a given matrix is a sparse matrix
Do Matrix Transpose
Swap Rows and Columns
Work with patterns:
Print Right Triangle
Print Inverted Right Triangle
Mirrored Right Triangle
Understand Time and Space Complexity
Implement Bubble Sort and enhance it
Implement Selection Sort
Implement Linear Search
Implement Binary Search using recursive and non recursive ways
Data Structures:
What are Data Structures
Different Types of Data Structures
Linked Lists:
Create a LinkedList
Insert at the end
Insert at the beginning
Insert in the middle
Delete at different positions
Find Nth Node
Check if list has a loop
Reverse a List
Work with Double LinkedList
Create a stack using an array
Create a stack using a List
Reverse a String using a stack
Check if symbols are balanced
Create a Queue using an Array
Create a Queue using a List
enQueue, deQueue
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How to make the best of this course
Lecture 3: Download Projects
Chapter 2: Numbers
Lecture 1: Even or Odd
Lecture 2: Leap Year Checker
Lecture 3: Credit Card Issuer
Lecture 4: Print digits in a number
Lecture 5: Print number using for loop
Lecture 6: Sum of digits in a number
Lecture 7: Sum of prime digits
Lecture 8: Count the digits in a number
Lecture 9: Check for Duck Number
Lecture 10: Duck number in single line
Lecture 11: Reverse a number
Lecture 12: Reverse a number – Single Line
Lecture 13: Palindrome or not
Lecture 14: Covert integer to binary
Lecture 15: Integer to Binary 2nd way
Lecture 16: Fibonacci Series
Lecture 17: Recursion Logic
Lecture 18: Fibonacci Series using recursion
Lecture 19: Niven Number
Lecture 20: Special Number
Lecture 21: Print Prime Numbers
Lecture 22: Perfect Number Check
Chapter 3: Strings
Lecture 1: Reverse a String
Lecture 2: Remove Vowels
Lecture 3: Add Duplicates
Lecture 4: Count chars and words
Lecture 5: Find and Remove Character
Lecture 6: Print Even Words
Lecture 7: Print Next Character
Lecture 8: Check Order
Chapter 4: Recursion
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Factorial
Lecture 3: Sum of numbers till N
Lecture 4: Power
Chapter 5: Arrays and Matrices
Lecture 1: Sum of even numbers
Lecture 2: Sum of Positive and Negative
Lecture 3: Reverse elements in a array
Lecture 4: Mini Peaks
Lecture 5: Min and Max in a array
Lecture 6: Print last M elements
Lecture 7: Number of occurances
Lecture 8: Delete frist occurance
Lecture 9: Create and print matrix
Lecture 10: Matrix Addition
Lecture 11: Print diagonal elements
Lecture 12: Sparse Matrix
Lecture 13: Swap Rows
Lecture 14: Matrix Transpose
Lecture 15: Symmetric or not
Lecture 16: Swap Columns
Chapter 6: Patterns
Lecture 1: Right Triangle
Lecture 2: Right Triangle – Two Variations
Lecture 3: Inverted Right Triangle
Lecture 4: Inverted Right Triangle Pattern 2
Lecture 5: Mirrored Right Triangle
Lecture 6: Pyramid
Lecture 7: Downward Pyramid
Lecture 8: Right Pyramid
Lecture 9: Sandglass
Chapter 7: Algorithm Complexity
Lecture 1: Algorithm
Lecture 2: Time Complexity
Lecture 3: Constant Time Complexity
Lecture 4: Logarithmic Time Complexity
Lecture 5: Linear Time Complexity
Lecture 6: Quadratic Time Complexity
Lecture 7: Exponential Time Complexity
Chapter 8: Sorting
Lecture 1: Bubble Sort Introduction
Lecture 2: Implement Bubble Sort
Lecture 3: Enhancement 1
Lecture 4: Enhancement 1 Implementation
Lecture 5: Enhancement 2
Lecture 6: Enhancement 2 Implementation
Lecture 7: Selection Sort
Lecture 8: Insertion Sort
Lecture 9: Insertion Sort Implementation
Chapter 9: Searching
Lecture 1: Linear Search
Lecture 2: Linear Search Implementation
Lecture 3: Binary Search
Bharath Thippireddy
IT Architect and Best Selling Instructor- 700000+ students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 20 votes
- 5 stars: 35 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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