Python Masterclass 2024: Build 24 Real World Python Projects
Python Masterclass 2024: Build 24 Real World Python Projects, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 1017 lectures, 29 quizzes, based on 7838 reviews, and has 30752 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn Python right from the basics, no prior coding knowledge required. Learn how to build full stack web applications with Python & Django Build a portfolio of 23 real world projects, qualify for a python developer jobs. Learn how to automate social media posts using Selenium Make GUI based Applications in Python using Tkinter Learn how to process images & videos using OpenCV Learn how to make your own web-scraping tool using Python Build database oriented desktop apps with Python, PostgreSQL & Tkinter. Learn how to build web applications with Python & Flask Learn how to perform data analysis using Python Learn object oriented programming in Python Learn how to perform file compression & decompression using Python Learn how to analyse supermarket sales data using data analysis Build a QR code generator using Python Build a text-to-speech converter Learn how to hash passwords in Python Build a budget tracker application with Python & ChartJS Build a calculator app using Python & Tkinter Build a video downloader app with Python Learn PyQt6 to build real world desktop applications Build a Calculator App with PyQt6 Build a Notepad App with PyQt6 This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners who want to learn Python. or Beginners who want to learn Django. or Beginners who want to learn Flask. or Web Developers. or Students who wish to learn a new skill to develop their career. or Who want to get a job as a Python developer. It is particularly useful for Beginners who want to learn Python. or Beginners who want to learn Django. or Beginners who want to learn Flask. or Web Developers. or Students who wish to learn a new skill to develop their career. or Who want to get a job as a Python developer.
Enroll now: Python Masterclass 2024: Build 24 Real World Python Projects
Title: Python Masterclass 2024: Build 24 Real World Python Projects
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 1017
Number of Quizzes: 29
Number of Published Lectures: 778
Number of Published Quizzes: 22
Number of Curriculum Items: 1046
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 800
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn Python right from the basics, no prior coding knowledge required.
- Learn how to build full stack web applications with Python & Django
- Build a portfolio of 23 real world projects, qualify for a python developer jobs.
- Learn how to automate social media posts using Selenium
- Make GUI based Applications in Python using Tkinter
- Learn how to process images & videos using OpenCV
- Learn how to make your own web-scraping tool using Python
- Build database oriented desktop apps with Python, PostgreSQL & Tkinter.
- Learn how to build web applications with Python & Flask
- Learn how to perform data analysis using Python
- Learn object oriented programming in Python
- Learn how to perform file compression & decompression using Python
- Learn how to analyse supermarket sales data using data analysis
- Build a QR code generator using Python
- Build a text-to-speech converter
- Learn how to hash passwords in Python
- Build a budget tracker application with Python & ChartJS
- Build a calculator app using Python & Tkinter
- Build a video downloader app with Python
- Learn PyQt6 to build real world desktop applications
- Build a Calculator App with PyQt6
- Build a Notepad App with PyQt6
Who Should Attend
- Beginners who want to learn Python.
- Beginners who want to learn Django.
- Beginners who want to learn Flask.
- Web Developers.
- Students who wish to learn a new skill to develop their career.
- Who want to get a job as a Python developer.
Target Audiences
- Beginners who want to learn Python.
- Beginners who want to learn Django.
- Beginners who want to learn Flask.
- Web Developers.
- Students who wish to learn a new skill to develop their career.
- Who want to get a job as a Python developer.
Python Masterclass 2024: Build 24 Real World Python Projects
This course is designed for beginners who want to learn Python programming language from scratch.
The course contains two parts:
1. Python Basics (Section 1 to Section 14)
2. Python Projects(Section 15 to Section 44 )
Here Is What You Get By Enrolling In This Course:
Word-By-Word Explanation: In the entire course, I explain each line of code, without skipping a single line of code.
High Quality Content: Over 65+ hours HD(1080p) Videos.
Well Structured & Easy To Learn:Course has been specially designed to make it easy for the students to learn Python, Django, Data Analysis, PyQt6, Flask, Tkinter, OpenCV, File Compression, Desktop App development with PostgreSQL & Web Scraping.
24 X 7 Support: I will always be there to guide you in your journey to become Python expert.
Here Is Everything You Will Learn In This Complete Course:
In this hands-on course, you will learn Python right starting from scratch to the level where you can build almost anything with it, be it a fully functional database oriented web application or an automation tool.
This course will teach you Python right from scratch from a very basic level and will gradually move you towards more advanced topics.
We not just cover all the Python basics but also the most popular Python libraries such as Django, Flask, Tkinter & Selenium.
The Complete Course is divided into 17 Major sections.
Here is a brief description of what you will learn in each section.
Section 1:Python basics.
This section covers all the basics of Python, starting right from installing the required tools to covering topics like mathematical operators, strings, accepting user input, string operations, variables, conditionals like if, elif, control structures such as while & for loop, functions, modules & packages, lists, file handling, OOP in Python, regular expressions. Almost every basic Python concept is covered in this section.
Section 2:Make GUI In Python Using Tkinter.
Once done with the basics, we know learn the Tkinter library which allows us to create desktop based applications with Python. We learn how to create GUI apps using Tkinter & Python and also build a fully functional Desktop app i.e a calculator.
Section 3:Making Database Oriented Desktop Apps With PostgreSQL.
Making a simple desktop app alone isn’t sufficient, it needs a backend database to store some data. To do the same we learn how to connect our desktop apps to the backend. In this section we build a student management system software using Python, Tkinter to design the GUI & PostgreSQL database to store the data for our application in the backend.
Section 4: File Compression & Encoding In Python.
In this section we will learn how to perform file compression in Python to reduce file size. We also learn how to de-compress the compressed data and the methods used for it. We build a GUI based file compression tool using Python & Tkinter and a file compression library.
Section 5: Text To Speech Converter Using Python.
Text could be converted into speech/audio and that is exactly what is being covered in this specific section where we build a tool that generates audio from a given text. Not just that, we also learn how to convert an entire text file into mp3 which can be used to generate audiobooks from ebooks. We also learn how to convert the user input into speech.
Section 6: QR Code Generator.
We build a simple tool that can convert any link and convert it into a QR code that can be scanned via any smartphone that has a QR code reader. This tool creates QR code images that can be shared anywhere and the entire tool is built using Python & Tkinter.
Section 7: Video Downloader App.
In this section we built another tool to build our Python skills. This tool accepts a video URL, asks us to select the path where we want to download the specified video and then downloads that video to the specified path on our operating system. Not just that, this tool will also be able to convert video files into pure mp3 files as well. We build this tool from scratch right from architecting the code to designing the functionality to creating a user interface, all of it done using Python.
Section 8: Building A Credit Card Validator Using Lhun’s Algorithm.
In this section we will learn what is Lhun’s algorithm and how it is used to validate credit cards. We learn how Lhun’s algorithm can be implemented in Python and used to validate credit card numbers. This section is designed to teach algorithmic thinking and implementation in Python.
Section 9: PyQT6
In this section we will learn PyQt which is one of the most popular Python libraries to build desktop applications using the QT Framework. We will learn the latest version of PyQt i.e PyQt6 and learn how it is different from Tkinter. We will cover all the essential concepts about building GUIs with PyQt and build a couple of sample applications like a calculator app and a fully functional notepad app. We will also build a fully functional paint application which allows us to draw using a pencil and a marker and also allow us to choose colours to draw, we can also save these drawings as an image file on our computer. In this paint application we learn how to track mouse movements and mouse actions such as clicking and releasing of a button.
Section 10: Data Analysis.
Python is being widely used in the data science domain and hence it is important to learn how to use Python to analyse data. Hence in this section we learn how to use the tools and techniques used to perform data analysis. We start off by learning the Pandas library which is used to perform data analysis and all the basic concepts like DataFrames, Reindexing, Indexing, Broadcasting and also learn how to perform data plotting and visualisation with the Matplotlib library.
In this section we also have a data science project which is based on analysing supermarket data to find insightful information which helps take better business decisions. We also learn how to represent data visually using multiple types of charts and bar graphs built using matplotlib.
Section 11: Python Web Framework Django 3.
This section will teach you how to build full-stack web applications with Python & Django 3. Django is one of the most popular web frameworks for Python and is used to program the back-end side of out web app. In this section we will learn Django right from basics and will build a simple book store web application. We will learn how to create models, how to route URL requests, how to create different views for our web app, how to integrate HTML templates and a lot more.
In this section we also build a fully functional todo list application built using Django. This application performs all the basic CRUD operations which stands for Create, Read, Update & Delete data from the database. While building this application, we ensure that all the important concepts of Django are throughly covered and implemented.
Section 12: Python Web Framework Flask.
Flask is a micro web framework for Python used to build simpler web apps. If you want to develop some simple and small websites, you can do so using Flask. In this section we cover flask basics suck as Routing, Dynamic URLs, Templates, passing data to the server & site cookies.
Section 13: REST APIs Using Django Rest Framework.
In this section we learn how to build our own REST APIs using the Django Rest Framework. If you already have a Django web app built, you can create API endpoints for it using the Django Rest Framework. In this section we will build a fully functional REST API with features such as search, filtering & authentication.
Section 14: Web Scraping in Python.
Python can also be used to crawl websites and gather data from it. In this section we learn the same, we build a web crawler which crawls up any website of our choice and gathers links from it. Web crawlers are used by many search engines to rank websites and in this section we learn how to build a smaller version of it using Python.
Section 15: Automation with Python & Selenium.
Python is widely used for automation as well, especially for testing. Selenium web driver is one such tool which has been built for automating tests but the same can be used for automating other browser based tasks as well. In this section we learn how to automate tasks using Selenium and will also build a Facebook Bot that automatically posts status for us.
Section 16: Best Practices: Writing Clean & Efficient Python Code.
To be a good Python engineer/ developer you need to know how to write clean, concise and efficient Python code. In this section we learn some of the best practice that you must follow while writing Python code so.
Section 17:Network Programming In Python Using Sockets: Building A Chat Application.
Networking is an important concept in IT & Computer Science as it facilitates communication between devices or servers. Keeping this in mind, this section covers the basic networking concepts and we learn how to implement them using Python by building a simple desktop based chat application. In this section we learn what is an IP address, what are ports, sockets and buffers and how they could be used to implement a communication program. We lean how sockets can be used for communication between process on the same and on different devices.
Section 18: Image Processing With Python & OpenCV.
Python can also be used to process and manipulate images and videos. In this section we learn how to use OpenCV library with Python to manipulate images. We learn some interesting things like capturing webcam video, tracking images from a live video, different image thresholding techniques, image blurring, averaging and Gaussian filtering.
So let’s begin the journey of becoming an expert in Python.
In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message me directly and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible!
Make sure to enrol in the course before the price changes.
Take yourself one step closer towards becoming a professional Python developer by clicking the “take this course button” now!
Join the journey.
Ashutosh Pawar
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction To The Course
Chapter 2: Introduction To Python Programming Language
Lecture 1: Python A High Level Programming Language
Lecture 2: General Purpose Programming Languages
Lecture 3: Dynamic Typing & Garbage Collection In Python
Lecture 4: How To Use Section Notes For Effective Learning
Lecture 5: Section Notes
Lecture 6: Up Next
Chapter 3: Installing Python & Pycharm
Lecture 1: Installing Python On Windows
Lecture 2: Installing PyCharm On Windows
Lecture 3: Installing Python On Mac
Lecture 4: Installing PyCharm On Mac
Lecture 5: Installing Python On Linux
Lecture 6: Installing PyCharm On Linux
Lecture 7: How To Fix Installation Issues
Chapter 4: Using Python Shell
Lecture 1: Using Python Shell On Windows
Lecture 2: Using Python Shell On Mac
Lecture 3: Using Python Shell On Linux
Chapter 5: Basic Python Concepts
Lecture 1: Basic Arithmetic Operations In Python
Lecture 2: Exponent & Modulus Operators
Lecture 3: Creating Strings & Using Escape Characters
Lecture 4: Accepting User Input
Lecture 5: Concatenation Of Strings
Lecture 6: Data Types In Python
Lecture 7: Variable Declaration & Assignment
Lecture 8: Naming Conventions To Follow While Creating Variables
Lecture 9: Operators In Python
Lecture 10: Logical Operators
Lecture 11: Hello World Program Using PyCharm On Windows
Lecture 12: Hello World Program Using PyCharm On Mac
Lecture 13: Hello World Program Using PyCharm On Linux
Lecture 14: Adding Comments To Your Code
Lecture 15: Accepting Input & Adding Numbers
Lecture 16: Creating Username & Email Using Concatenation
Lecture 17: Comparing User Strings
Lecture 18: Creating A Simple Interest Calculator
Lecture 19: F Strings In Python
Lecture 20: Creating A BMI Calculator
Lecture 21: Source code
Lecture 22: Section Notes
Chapter 6: Lists, Dictionaries & Sets
Lecture 1: Lists In Python
Lecture 2: Storing Different Data Types In A List
Lecture 3: Negative Indexing
Lecture 4: List Slicing
Lecture 5: List Slicing Using Negative Indexing
Lecture 6: In & Not In Operators
Lecture 7: List Functions
Lecture 8: Addition & Multiplication Operation On Lists
Lecture 9: Nesting Lists
Lecture 10: Mutability Of Lists
Lecture 11: Tuples
Lecture 12: Dictionaries
Lecture 13: Creating Dictionaries Using dict()
Lecture 14: Get Method
Lecture 15: Update & Pop Method
Lecture 16: Items & Keys Method
Lecture 17: Set & Creating Sets
Lecture 18: Empty Set
Lecture 19: Set Operations
Lecture 20: Add & Remove Set Methods
Lecture 21: Searching Items In A List
Lecture 22: Adding & Removing Items
Lecture 23: Adding List Item At A Position
Lecture 24: Adding Products To A Dictionary
Lecture 25: Deleting Items From Dictionary
Lecture 26: Editing Dictionary Values
Lecture 27: Source code
Lecture 28: Coding Challenge 2
Lecture 29: Coding Challenge 2 Solution
Lecture 30: Section Notes
Chapter 7: Conditionals In Python
Lecture 1: If Conditional Statement
Lecture 2: Understanding Indentation In Python
Lecture 3: Accept User Input & Check If Condition
Lecture 4: Elif Statement
Lecture 5: Nested If
Lecture 6: Nested If Example
Lecture 7: Range Function
Lecture 8: For Loop
Lecture 9: Looping Through List
Lecture 10: Looping Through A Dictionary
Lecture 11: While Loop
Ashutosh Pawar
Python & Django Geek, Software Engineer, Entrepreneur.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 106 votes
- 2 stars: 158 votes
- 3 stars: 879 votes
- 4 stars: 2877 votes
- 5 stars: 3817 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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