Python Mega Course: Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 Apps
Python Mega Course: Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 Apps, available at $189.99, has an average rating of 4.61, with 483 lectures, 78 quizzes, based on 67554 reviews, and has 327216 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn Python from beginner to advanced through real-world examples to transform your career Learn to build industry-ready Python applications from scratch and deploy them for real users Learn practical programming skills, tricks, and tools required by companies and which universities don't teach Learn all major Python topics from machine learning and data science to web development Learn OOP, APIs, SQL, Git, GUIs, Flask, Django, Bootstrap, ML, AI, and more Build Python web apps, a movie recommendation system, data visualization dashboards, desktop GUIs, and more. This course is ideal for individuals who are Absolute beginners and beginners who know some Python already It is particularly useful for Absolute beginners and beginners who know some Python already.
Enroll now: Python Mega Course: Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 Apps
Title: Python Mega Course: Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 Apps
Price: $189.99
Average Rating: 4.61
Number of Lectures: 483
Number of Quizzes: 78
Number of Published Lectures: 458
Number of Published Quizzes: 74
Number of Curriculum Items: 561
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 532
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn Python from beginner to advanced through real-world examples to transform your career
- Learn to build industry-ready Python applications from scratch and deploy them for real users
- Learn practical programming skills, tricks, and tools required by companies and which universities don't teach
- Learn all major Python topics from machine learning and data science to web development
- Learn OOP, APIs, SQL, Git, GUIs, Flask, Django, Bootstrap, ML, AI, and more
- Build Python web apps, a movie recommendation system, data visualization dashboards, desktop GUIs, and more.
Who Should Attend
- Absolute beginners and beginners who know some Python already
Target Audiences
- Absolute beginners and beginners who know some Python already
In this intensive 60-day course, you will transform from a beginner with no coding experience to a proficient Python programmer capable of building real-world applications and applying for or landing an entry-level job in the tech industry. With a curriculum designed around hands-on projects, you will acquire the practical skills and experience that employers demand.
The “Python Mega Course” is designed to provide a hands-on, immersive learning experience. You will gain practical skills by building 20 diverse applications, ranging from simple scripts to complex web apps. Each project is crafted to teach you essential programming concepts, best practices, and the problem-solving techniques required in a professional environment.
Below you can find the 20 applications you will build during the course. The curriculum recommends a 60-day timeframe to complete the course, but you can also consume the content at your own pace as well:
1. To-do app (both as a desktop GUI and as a web app) covering all Python basics
2. Project showcase website built in Python to publish your Python projects
3. Task automation: Generating PDF receipts with Python
4. Extracting Excel data and creating reports
5. Automated Daily News Digest Emails with Python
6. Build an API serving historical weather data
7. Weather forecast data dashboard
8. Natural Language Processing of eBooks
9. Webcam monitoring email alert app
10. Web scraping of websites
11. Hotel booking app using Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
12. Understanding programs coded by others: Inspecting the Mario game codebase
13. Student Management System Desktop GUI app with SQLite and PyQt
14. Student Management System Desktop GUI app with MySQL and PyQt
15. Intelligent chatbot with ChatGPT and PyQt
16. Job application web app with Flask
17. Job application web app with Django
18. Restaurant kitchen web app
19. Movie recommendation system
20. Build and publish a third-party Python package
The 20 applications have been carefully selected to cover all major Python areas including Python basics, task automation, data analysis and visualization, APIs, SQL databases, object-oriented programming, desktop GUIs, web development, data science and machine learning, and even developing third-party packages with Python.
More Course Benefits
Comprehensive Learning: This course covers both the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of Python programming. You’ll gain a deep understanding of Python concepts and apply them immediately to build 20 practical applications. From basic syntax to advanced topics like web development, data analysis, and machine learning, this course covers it all.
Hands-on Experience: Learning by doing is the core principle of this course. You’ll dive right into coding from day one, building real-world applications alongside the instructor. With each project, you’ll strengthen your skills, experiment with different techniques, and develop the confidence to code independently.
Portfolio Building: As you progress through the course, you’ll create an impressive portfolio of 20 Python applications hosted on your GitHub account. This portfolio will serve as tangible evidence of your programming skills, showcasing your abilities to potential employers or clients.
Multimodal Learning Approach: Our proven multimodal learning approach ensures that you grasp Python concepts thoroughly. You’ll benefit from video lectures, hands-on exercises, code reviews, quizzes, and independent projects. This comprehensive approach caters to different learning styles and ensures you truly understand and retain what you learn.
Career Preparation: Whether you’re seeking a career change or aiming to level up in your current role, this course prepares you for success. You’ll develop the skills needed to apply for junior developer positions confidently. Additionally, you’ll learn important tools like Git and GitHub, essential for collaborating with other developers and showcasing your work to potential employers.
Flexibility and Lifetime Access: We understand that everyone has different schedules and commitments. That’s why this course is designed to fit seamlessly into your routine. Study at your own pace, whether it’s dedicating a few hours every day or working through modules during weekends. Plus, you’ll have lifetime access to all course materials, ensuring you can revisit and reinforce your learning whenever you need to.
Are you ready to unlock the full potential of Python and become a proficient programmer? Enroll today and join thousands of students who have already transformed their lives with Python.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: MODULE 1️⃣: PYTHON BASICS (Day 1 – 20) ↓
Lecture 1: Welcome to Module 1
Chapter 2: Day 1- App 1: Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)
Lecture 1: Your PDF Cheat Sheet
Lecture 2: ▶️ The Four Types of Computer Programs
Lecture 3: ▶️ Today's Goals #print #variables #functions #lists
Lecture 4: Python and PyCharm Download Links
Lecture 5: Installing Python and PyCharm
Lecture 6: Daily Python Projects
Lecture 7: ▶️ Create and Run Your First Python Program #print #strings
Lecture 8: ▶️ Getting User Input #input #variables
Lecture 9: ▶️ Storing User Input #lists
Lecture 10: ⚛️ Coding Experiments
Lecture 11: ⭐️ Bonus Example
Lecture 12: ❗️Good to Know #fixing-bugs
Lecture 13: ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises
Lecture 14: ⚙️ Programming Tool/Concept of the Day: The Python Console
Lecture 15: ❓ FAQ
Lecture 16: ◼️ Cheat Sheet
Lecture 17: ❗️Congratulations!
Chapter 3: Day 2 – App 1: Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)
Lecture 1: ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday
Lecture 2: ▶️ Getting User Input Repeatedly #while-loop
Lecture 3: ❗️ Good to Know #pycharm-theme
Lecture 4: ▶️ Storing User Input Repeatedly #methods
Lecture 5: ⚛️ Coding Experiments
Lecture 6: ⭐️ Bonus Example
Lecture 7: Coding Exercise 3
Lecture 8: Coding Exercise 4
Lecture 9: ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises
Lecture 10: ⚙️ Programming Tool/Concept of the Day: How to Find the Code You Need
Lecture 11: ❓ FAQ
Lecture 12: ◼️ Cheat Sheet
Chapter 4: Day 3 – App 1: Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)
Lecture 1: ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday
Lecture 2: ▶️ Todo List View and Program Exit #match-case
Lecture 3: ▶️ Improving the Program Output #for-loops
Lecture 4: ❗️Good to Know #discord
Lecture 5: ⚛️ Code Experiments
Lecture 6: ⭐️ Bonus Example
Lecture 7: ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises
Lecture 8: ⚙️ Programming Tool/Concept of the Day: What Surprisingly is Python
Lecture 9: ❓FAQ
Lecture 10: ◼️ Cheat Sheet
Chapter 5: Day 4 – App 1: Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)
Lecture 1: ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday
Lecture 2: ▶️ Add an "Edit" Feature #type-conversion #list-indexing
Lecture 3: ⚛️ Coding Experiments
Lecture 4: ⭐️ Bonus Example #tuples
Lecture 5: ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises
Lecture 6: ⚙️ Programming Tool/Concep of the Day: Text Editors, Code Editors, IDE, PyCharm
Lecture 7: ❓ FAQ
Lecture 8: ◼️ Cheat Sheet
Chapter 6: Day 5 – App 1: Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)
Lecture 1: ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday
Lecture 2: ▶️ Numbered Todos #enumerate
Lecture 3: ▶️ Improving the Program Output ▶️ #f-strings #formatting-strings
Lecture 4: ▶️ Add a "Complete Todo" Feature
Lecture 5: ❗️Good to Know #Q&A
Lecture 6: ⚛️ Code Experiments
Lecture 7: ⭐️ Bonus Example
Lecture 8: ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises
Lecture 9: ⚙️ Programming Tool/Concept of the Day: How to Ask Good Programming Questions
Lecture 10: ❓ FAQ
Lecture 11: ◼️ Cheat Sheet
Chapter 7: Day 6 -App 1: Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)
Lecture 1: ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday
Lecture 2: ▶️ Storing Items in Text Files #text-files #read #write #writelines #readlines
Lecture 3: ▶️ Getting Todo Items from Text Files #read-text-files
Lecture 4: ▶️ How Data Types are Created #types
Lecture 5: ⚛️ Code Experiments
Lecture 6: ⭐️ Bonus Example
Ardit Sulce
Python Programmer. Founder and Author, PythonHow.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 552 votes
- 2 stars: 991 votes
- 3 stars: 6004 votes
- 4 stars: 23515 votes
- 5 stars: 36504 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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