Python PCEP: Become Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer
Python PCEP: Become Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer, available at $99.99, has an average rating of 4.64, with 75 lectures, 16 quizzes, based on 6758 reviews, and has 31837 subscribers.
You will learn about Start programming from scratch Understand Python basics Prepare for PCEP-30-02 exam Get basic Python skills for Software Development, Data Science, Machine Learning etc. Apply for entry-level Python jobs Code along with me for real-life programming practice This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners with no programming experience or Wanna-be software developers and data analysts or People who need the minimum of Python for Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence or Beginner programmers who want to pass PCEP-30-02 It is particularly useful for Beginners with no programming experience or Wanna-be software developers and data analysts or People who need the minimum of Python for Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence or Beginner programmers who want to pass PCEP-30-02.
Enroll now: Python PCEP: Become Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer
Title: Python PCEP: Become Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer
Price: $99.99
Average Rating: 4.64
Number of Lectures: 75
Number of Quizzes: 16
Number of Published Lectures: 74
Number of Published Quizzes: 16
Number of Curriculum Items: 91
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 90
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Start programming from scratch
- Understand Python basics
- Prepare for PCEP-30-02 exam
- Get basic Python skills for Software Development, Data Science, Machine Learning etc.
- Apply for entry-level Python jobs
- Code along with me for real-life programming practice
Who Should Attend
- Beginners with no programming experience
- Wanna-be software developers and data analysts
- People who need the minimum of Python for Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Beginner programmers who want to pass PCEP-30-02
Target Audiences
- Beginners with no programming experience
- Wanna-be software developers and data analysts
- People who need the minimum of Python for Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Beginner programmers who want to pass PCEP-30-02
Welcome! My name’s Adrian and I’m a professional Software Developer. If you’ve never written code before and want to try programming for yourself, then you’ve just found an excellent course for that!
According to statistics, Python is in the top 3 programming languages all around the world. It is much easier and quicker to learn that most other languages. At the same time, it’s extremely popular among software developers, data analysts and other IT professions. All of this makes it an excellent choice for your first programming language.
In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Python 3 and you’ll get prepared for the Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer exam (PCEP). You don’t need any programming experience. I’ll show you how to install Python and start writing code from scratch. We’ll then delve straight into the code together. You’ll aso have a chance to create your own programs.
This course has 5 main modules, each one focusing on a different exam block. At the end of each module, you’ll have a chance to solve an exam quiz to check your skills.
This course also comes with a mock PCEP exam at the very end. It will have the same format as your actual exam, with the same passing grade and time limit. It will show you what kinds of questions you can expect.
• concise – the short video lectures focus on the most important aspects: there are just 4 hours of videos to get you started ASAP
• based on practice – instead of useless academic theory, you learn the best developing practices drawn from my work experience,
• reasonably priced – compared to stationary developer bootcamps, the course is much cheaper, so you save not only time but also money,
• available anywhere, anytime – the online form lets you run the course in the most convenient place (at home, work or in a café) and time (while commuting by metro or relaxing at home after work), so you can adjust it to your agenda,
• accessible on desktop, mobile and TV – you can display my lectures on the device of your choice, so you don’t have to stick to your PC,
• certificate of completion – after completing the course, you will receive a printable certificate that will make your resume more attractive.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Preparation
Lecture 1: What Can I Do With Python?
Lecture 2: The necessary tools
Lecture 3: Getting Started With Anaconda
Lecture 4: Using online environments
Lecture 5: How to Get The Most Out of This Course?
Lecture 6: PCEP Syllabus vs This course
Chapter 2: Module 1: Basic Concepts
Lecture 1: Your first Python program
Lecture 2: More about print()
Lecture 3: Read This Before Taking Coding Exercises
Lecture 4: Coding Exercise 1: Solution
Lecture 5: Variables
Lecture 6: Data Types
Lecture 7: Comments
Lecture 8: Numerical representations
Lecture 9: Operators
Lecture 10: Extra: How does modulo division % work?
Lecture 11: Extra: Watch out for integer division!
Lecture 12: Coding Exercise 2: Solution
Lecture 13: Reassigning values
Lecture 14: The input() function
Lecture 15: A bit of technical theory
Lecture 16: Coding Exercise 3: Solution
Chapter 3: Module 2: Data Types, Evaluations, Basic I/O
Lecture 1: Type casting
Lecture 2: Coding Exercise 4: Solution
Lecture 3: More about operators
Lecture 4: More about print() and strings
Lecture 5: Bit operators
Chapter 4: Module 3: Control Flow – Conditional Blocks and Loops
Lecture 1: If statements
Lecture 2: Logical operators and Conditions
Lecture 3: Joining multiple conditions
Lecture 4: Nested if statements
Lecture 5: Coding Exercise 5: Solution
Lecture 6: The while loop
Lecture 7: The for loop
Lecture 8: break and continue
Lecture 9: Other loop features
Lecture 10: Coding Exercise 6: Solution
Chapter 5: Module 4: Data Collections – Tuples, Dictionaries, Lists and Strings
Lecture 1: Introduction to lists
Lecture 2: Deleting list elements
Lecture 3: Adding new elements to lists
Lecture 4: Iterating lists
Lecture 5: Coding Exercise 7: Solution
Lecture 6: Changing element positions
Lecture 7: Checking element presence
Lecture 8: Copying lists
Lecture 9: List comprehension
Lecture 10: Nested lists
Lecture 11: Adding and multiplying lists
Lecture 12: Further string features
Lecture 13: Introduction to tuples
Lecture 14: Tuple operations
Lecture 15: Tuples in lists, lists in tuples
Lecture 16: Coding Exercise 8: Solution
Lecture 17: Introduction to dictionaries
Lecture 18: Dictionary operations
Lecture 19: Coding Exercise 9: Solution
Chapter 6: Module 5: Functions and Exceptions
Lecture 1: Introduction to writing functions
Lecture 2: Functions with parameters
Lecture 3: Default parameter values
Lecture 4: Name scopes
Lecture 5: The None value
Lecture 6: The return keyword
Lecture 7: Coding Exercise 10: Solution
Lecture 8: Recursion
Lecture 9: Generators
Lecture 10: Introduction to exceptions
Lecture 11: Can you catch SyntaxErrors?
Lecture 12: Exception hierarchy
Lecture 13: Propagating exceptions
Lecture 14: Assertion exceptions
Chapter 7: Congratulations!
Lecture 1: Congratulations!
Chapter 8: Mock Exam
Chapter 9: Next steps
Lecture 1: Where to go next?
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Lecture 3: LinkedIn: Show your new skills!
Adrian Wiech
Senior Software Engineer & Udemy Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 28 votes
- 2 stars: 36 votes
- 3 stars: 346 votes
- 4 stars: 2232 votes
- 5 stars: 4116 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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