Python Programming Bible | Networking, GUI, Email, XML, CGI
Python Programming Bible | Networking, GUI, Email, XML, CGI, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.9, with 97 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 2583 reviews, and has 113976 subscribers.
You will learn about Python programming Application programming Semantics of general programming The format of coding applications All the functions of Python programming Application programming This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone looking to learn about Python or People looking to learn about programming or Those seeking to understand how Python works or People seeking guidance on how to create Python based programs or Beginners and experts in this field or People seeking more knowledge on the various features of the Python programming language It is particularly useful for Anyone looking to learn about Python or People looking to learn about programming or Those seeking to understand how Python works or People seeking guidance on how to create Python based programs or Beginners and experts in this field or People seeking more knowledge on the various features of the Python programming language.
Enroll now: Python Programming Bible | Networking, GUI, Email, XML, CGI
Title: Python Programming Bible | Networking, GUI, Email, XML, CGI
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Lectures: 97
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 97
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 105
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 105
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Python programming
- Application programming
- Semantics of general programming
- The format of coding applications
- All the functions of Python programming
- Application programming
Who Should Attend
- Anyone looking to learn about Python
- People looking to learn about programming
- Those seeking to understand how Python works
- People seeking guidance on how to create Python based programs
- Beginners and experts in this field
- People seeking more knowledge on the various features of the Python programming language
Target Audiences
- Anyone looking to learn about Python
- People looking to learn about programming
- Those seeking to understand how Python works
- People seeking guidance on how to create Python based programs
- Beginners and experts in this field
- People seeking more knowledge on the various features of the Python programming language
Learn about everything there is to know about Python Applications and How To Program Them. A step by step process is used to show explain every facet of these topics.
Gain a good understanding of the following concepts with this course:
What Python is?
How to program in the Python language
Features of the Python programming language
Coding semantics
Website programming
Design practises of applications
Application programming
GUI programming
CGI programming
Network programming
Email programming
XML programming
Python is fast becoming a worldwide Tour De Force that is requested by all companies such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft. This course will ensure you are not left as more and more companies request this awesome language. This course will teach your everything about programming Python applications and websites.
You will receive all the knowledge to use and leverage the powerful technology behind these amazing and wonderful platforms.
Over 205,000 students have enrolled on my courses and all of them are extremely satisfied. You will also be satisfied with this course. If you do not like the course, remember that within 30 days you can request a full refund. I guarantee you satisfaction.
If you have any questionsregarding the topics covered in this course, please feel free to ask. I’m always happy to help those who want to learn.
To summarise this is what you get:
• Lifetime access to HD quality videos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.
• All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection!
• Downloadable starter code and final code for each section.
• Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck.
• Multiple coding challenges to practice your new skills (solutions included).
Sounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the “Take this course” button, and join me in the only course that you will need!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & Setup
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Setup On Mac OS X
Lecture 3: Setup On Linux/Ubuntu
Lecture 4: Setup On Windows
Lecture 5: Run Code Online
Chapter 2: Basics
Lecture 1: Comments
Lecture 2: Variables & Variable Types
Lecture 3: Lists
Lecture 4: Tuples
Lecture 5: Dictionary
Lecture 6: Data Type Conversion
Lecture 7: Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 8: Comparison Operators
Lecture 9: Assignment Operators
Lecture 10: Bitwise Operators
Lecture 11: Logical Operators
Lecture 12: Membership Operators
Lecture 13: Identity Operators
Lecture 14: Operator Precedence
Lecture 15: Decision Making
Lecture 16: Loops
Lecture 17: Loop Control Statements
Lecture 18: Numbers
Lecture 19: Strings
Lecture 20: Lists In Depth
Lecture 21: Tuples In Depth
Lecture 22: Dictionary In Depth
Lecture 23: Date & Time
Lecture 24: Functions
Lecture 25: Modules
Lecture 26: File Inputs & Ouputs
Lecture 27: Handling Exceptions
Chapter 3: Classes/Objects
Lecture 1: Simple Example
Lecture 2: Creating Instance Objects
Lecture 3: Accessing Attributes
Lecture 4: Constructor New & Init Method
Lecture 5: Destroying Objects
Lecture 6: Class Inheritance
Lecture 7: Overriding Methods
Lecture 8: Overloading Methods
Lecture 9: Overloading Operators
Lecture 10: Data Hiding
Chapter 4: Regular Expressions
Lecture 1: Match Function
Lecture 2: Search Function
Lecture 3: Advanced Expressions
Lecture 4: Search & Replace
Chapter 5: CGI Programming
Lecture 1: Basic CGI Programming
Lecture 2: GET Method
Lecture 3: POST Method
Lecture 4: Cookies
Chapter 6: Database
Lecture 1: Setup Database
Lecture 2: Connect To Database
Lecture 3: Create Table
Lecture 4: INSERT Operation
Lecture 5: READ Operation
Lecture 6: UPDATE Operation
Lecture 7: DELETE Opereation
Lecture 8: Simple Network Example
Lecture 9: Simple Client
Chapter 7: Multithreading
Lecture 1: Initiate a New Thread
Lecture 2: Create Thread
Lecture 3: Synchronise Threads
Lecture 4: Multithreaded Priority Queue
Chapter 8: XML
Lecture 1: Parse an XML File
Chapter 9: GUI
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Button
Lecture 3: Canvas
Lecture 4: Checkbutton
Lecture 5: Entry
Lecture 6: Frame
Lecture 7: Label
Lecture 8: Listbox
Lecture 9: Menubutton
Lecture 10: Menu
Lecture 11: Message
Lecture 12: Radiobutton
Lecture 13: Scale
Lecture 14: Scrollbar
Lecture 15: Text
Lecture 16: Toplevel
Lecture 17: Spinbox
Lecture 18: PanedWindow
Lecture 19: MessageBox
Lecture 20: LabelFrame
Frahaan Hussain
CEO and Lead Developer at Sonar Systems
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 92 votes
- 2 stars: 197 votes
- 3 stars: 632 votes
- 4 stars: 946 votes
- 5 stars: 716 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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