Python Programming For Beginners: Learn Python In 9 Days
Python Programming For Beginners: Learn Python In 9 Days, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 88 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 301 reviews, and has 1013 subscribers.
You will learn about You will be able to program You will learn logical thinking You will learn problem solving skills You will learn a sought-after and in-demand programming language You will build your confidence through being successful at every step, learning by doing This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn to program. or Anyone who wants to learn Python. or Anyone who has tried to learn programming but has found other courses too fast-moving. or Anyone who is willing to give it a go. or Anyone who wants to learn an amazing, marketable, desirable skill. It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn to program. or Anyone who wants to learn Python. or Anyone who has tried to learn programming but has found other courses too fast-moving. or Anyone who is willing to give it a go. or Anyone who wants to learn an amazing, marketable, desirable skill.
Enroll now: Python Programming For Beginners: Learn Python In 9 Days
Title: Python Programming For Beginners: Learn Python In 9 Days
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 88
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 88
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 90
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 90
Original Price: £99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will be able to program
- You will learn logical thinking
- You will learn problem solving skills
- You will learn a sought-after and in-demand programming language
- You will build your confidence through being successful at every step, learning by doing
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn to program.
- Anyone who wants to learn Python.
- Anyone who has tried to learn programming but has found other courses too fast-moving.
- Anyone who is willing to give it a go.
- Anyone who wants to learn an amazing, marketable, desirable skill.
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn to program.
- Anyone who wants to learn Python.
- Anyone who has tried to learn programming but has found other courses too fast-moving.
- Anyone who is willing to give it a go.
- Anyone who wants to learn an amazing, marketable, desirable skill.
Python programmers are in demand.
Python programmers are well paid.
Python is an awesome language to learn.
Have you tried to learn to program but have found it hard going?
Have you tried other courses but they have gone too fast, too soon?
I know how you feel. It’s frustrating to get to a certain stage and then get left behind as new concepts whizz by. I hate not understanding stuff – I want to grasp it properly and be able to use it in my own life for my own purposes.
That’s why I’ve created this course.
You will learn how to code if you follow the instructions step by step, one at a time.
Take your time and do it your own way. You can learn this stuff in 9 days or you can learn it in 90 days – it really is up to you. Take my ideas and turn them into your own. Ask why I did things a certain way and try it your own way. This is your journey and I am here to help you succeed.
Imagine how it is going to feel when you encounter a problem and you can solve it by writing a program in Python. Then you can share it with your friends and colleagues to make their lives easier too.
Programming really is a superpower and it is one that you can possess.
By taking this course you will:
· Become a Python programmer
· Develop your logical thinking skills
· Develop your problem solving skills
· Develop your perseverance
· Build your confidence with computers and coding
· Make yourself more employable
· Open up new avenues of opportunity
I am a trained, qualified teacher with more than 20 years of experience in the classroom and online. I love teaching and getting people excited about coding. I have taught thousands of students either face to face or online and it never gets old. Watching the light of understanding dawn in a student’s eyes is what makes it all worthwhile for me. It is a real privilege that you have chosen me to guide you in your coding journey and I will make every effort to help you succeed.
Maybe you don’t think you have the time for learning this stuff. Do you have 15 minutes free in your day? Watch one video and think about the question I pose when you pause the screen. Keep doing this for a few weeks and, before you realise it, you are a programmer.
Maybe you don’t think it will work for you. It will work if you follow the steps. I know this because I have seen it work for thousands of students from all sorts of backgrounds, with all levels of starting ability, age and ambition.
If you haven’t already done so, please sign up for the course. You really won’t regret it. Even if, in the unlikely scenario that you find it isn’t for you, you have the no quibbles, no-questions-asked guarantee of all your money back within the first 30 days of signing up.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Check out the curriculum for all the things you are going to learn in this course and imagine how you are going to feel when you finish it and you pick up the certificate at the end to show that you are now a Python programmer.
Let’s get started!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Python Fundamentals: Day 1 – Intro, IDEs and dealing with mistakes
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: Installing Python
Lecture 4: Integrated Development Environments vs Text Editors
Lecture 5: How to deal with errors
Lecture 6: Finding and fixing errors
Lecture 7: Finding errors challenge walkthrough
Chapter 2: Python Fundamentals: Day 2 – Variables , types and the input function
Lecture 1: Python fundamentals: Variables
Lecture 2: Python fundamentals: Types
Lecture 3: Changing types: Casting
Lecture 4: Naming conventions
Lecture 5: Python fundamentals: The input function
Lecture 6: Coding Challenge 1: Walkthrough
Lecture 7: Progress review
Lecture 8: Coffee break
Chapter 3: Python fundamentals: Day 3 – Controlling the flow of a program with conditionals
Lecture 1: Controlling how programs flow
Lecture 2: Python fundamentals: The 'if' statement
Lecture 3: Python fundamentals: If and else
Lecture 4: Offering other options: If, elif and else
Lecture 5: Conditionals: Common errors
Lecture 6: Indentation and Coding Challenge 2
Lecture 7: Coding Challenge 2: Walkthrough
Lecture 8: Python fundamentals: Comparison operators
Lecture 9: Multiple 'if' blocks
Lecture 10: Nested 'if' statements
Lecture 11: Project 1: Chloe's Classic Coffee
Lecture 12: Project 1: Walkthrough part 1
Lecture 13: Project 1: Walkthrough part 2
Lecture 14: Progress review
Lecture 15: Coffee break
Chapter 4: Python fundamentals: Day 4 – Repeating code with loops
Lecture 1: Introduction to loops
Lecture 2: Python fundamentals: While loops
Lecture 3: Infinite loops
Lecture 4: Using loops to validate input
Lecture 5: Python fundamentals: The 'continue' keyword
Lecture 6: The modulo operator
Lecture 7: Coding Challenge 3
Lecture 8: Coding Challenge 3: Walkthrough
Lecture 9: Progress review
Lecture 10: Coffee break
Chapter 5: Python fundamentals: Day 5 – Loops and lists
Lecture 1: Python fundamentals: For loops
Lecture 2: Python fundamentals: The range function
Lecture 3: For loops and strings
Lecture 4: Coding Challenge 4: Walkthrough
Lecture 5: Coding Challenge 4: Alternative solutions
Lecture 6: Python fundamentals: Indexing strings
Lecture 7: Python fundamentals: Indexes
Lecture 8: Python fundamentals: Lists
Lecture 9: Python fundamentals: List methods
Lecture 10: Project 2
Lecture 11: Project 2: Walkthrough part 1
Lecture 12: Project 2: Walkthrough part 2
Lecture 13: Progress review
Lecture 14: Coffee break
Chapter 6: Python fundamentals: Day 6 – Structuring code with functions
Lecture 1: Python fundamentals: Introduction to functions
Lecture 2: Python fundamentals: The 'return' keyword
Lecture 3: Program flow with functions
Lecture 4: Python fundamentals: Arguments and parameters
Lecture 5: Python fundamentals: Variable scope – part 1
Lecture 6: Python fundamentals: Variable scope – part 2
Lecture 7: Scope and for loops
Lecture 8: Python fundamentals: Error handling
Lecture 9: Coding Challenge 5
Lecture 10: Coding Challenge 5: Walkthrough
Chapter 7: Python fundamentals: Day 7 – Importing modules for additional functionality
Lecture 1: Python fundamentals: Importing modules
Lecture 2: Using the random module to simulate a coin toss
Lecture 3: Coding Challenge 6
Lecture 4: Coding Challenge 6: Walkthrough – part 1
Lecture 5: Coding Challenge 6: Walkthrough – part 2
Lecture 6: Python fundamentals: The time module
Lecture 7: Python fundamentals: More time please
Lecture 8: Random methods and Coding Challenge 7
Lecture 9: Coding Challenge 7: Walkthrough
Chapter 8: Intermediate Python: Day 8 – External files, dictionaries and nested loops
Lecture 1: Intermediate Python: Importing external files – part 1
Lecture 2: Intermediate Python: Importing external files – part 2
Lecture 3: Intermediate Python: Dictionaries – part 1
Lecture 4: Intermediate Python: Dictionaries – part 2
Lecture 5: Intermediate Python: Tuples
Lecture 6: Intermediate Python: 2D lists
Lecture 7: Intermediate Python: Nested for loops – part 1
Lecture 8: Intermediate Python: Nested for loops – part 2
Lecture 9: Intermediate Python: Importing CSV files
Lecture 10: Intermediate Python: Exporting to CSV files
Lecture 11: Intermediate Python: Exporting to text files
Chapter 9: Day 9 – Final project
Lecture 1: Project 3
Lecture 2: Project 3: Walkthrough – part 1
Lecture 3: Project 3: Walkthrough – part 2
Lecture 4: Conclusion and congratulations!
Jonathan Martin
Teacher, developer and author
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 17 votes
- 4 stars: 99 votes
- 5 stars: 183 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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