Python Programming in 5 Hours
Python Programming in 5 Hours, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.55, with 106 lectures, 28 quizzes, based on 416 reviews, and has 12971 subscribers.
You will learn about Computer programming with Python Fundamentals of how programming works Data Types, Operators and Strings Collection Types: Tuple, List, Dictionary to store data Function and Lambda to reuse code Object Oriented Programming with Classes Modules, namespace and libraries Test Driven Development by Unit Test Understand complex topics like Decorator How to write code in Visual Studio Code editor and PyCharm IDE How to use Mac Terminal and Windows Powershell Files Input and Output including JSON, CSV and Binary Web Scraping SQLite Database Connectivity This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who is completely new to computer programming or Anyone having basic programming knowledge of other languages like Php, Javascript or Anyone who is interested in web development, data science or deep learning It is particularly useful for Anyone who is completely new to computer programming or Anyone having basic programming knowledge of other languages like Php, Javascript or Anyone who is interested in web development, data science or deep learning.
Enroll now: Python Programming in 5 Hours
Title: Python Programming in 5 Hours
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.55
Number of Lectures: 106
Number of Quizzes: 28
Number of Published Lectures: 104
Number of Published Quizzes: 27
Number of Curriculum Items: 135
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 132
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Computer programming with Python
- Fundamentals of how programming works
- Data Types, Operators and Strings
- Collection Types: Tuple, List, Dictionary to store data
- Function and Lambda to reuse code
- Object Oriented Programming with Classes
- Modules, namespace and libraries
- Test Driven Development by Unit Test
- Understand complex topics like Decorator
- How to write code in Visual Studio Code editor and PyCharm IDE
- How to use Mac Terminal and Windows Powershell
- Files Input and Output including JSON, CSV and Binary
- Web Scraping
- SQLite Database Connectivity
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who is completely new to computer programming
- Anyone having basic programming knowledge of other languages like Php, Javascript
- Anyone who is interested in web development, data science or deep learning
Target Audiences
- Anyone who is completely new to computer programming
- Anyone having basic programming knowledge of other languages like Php, Javascript
- Anyone who is interested in web development, data science or deep learning
The course is updatedand added new materials in 2020.
Python is one of the popular and beginner-friendly computer programming languages in the world.
It is everywhere. Using the Python programming language, you can develop a backend web application. You can use Python language in data science including machine learning, deep learning. We can also use Python in data analysis, data visualization and different kind of scripting. Python is also very popular in web scraping project where a program automatically collects data from various websites.
I carefully crafted this course to help anyone, who wants to be a computer programmer as fast as possible. The goal of this Python programming course for absolute beginners is to speed up someone who never wrote any computer programming code but wants to be a computer programmer very fast.
If you have other computer programming experiences like JavaScript, Java, C++, C#, PHP or Ruby, you will learn Python much faster by following my course. This course is designed for any age of people who never programmed in Python before.
This Python course started from setup in both mac and in windows. You will also learn about various way to run Python programming code. You can run in Python-specific IDE like PyCharm or you can learn how to use Visual Studio code editor and mac terminal and windows Powershell to run Python code.
Next, you will see the variables, the fundamental concept of Python programming where you can store data. You will also learn about how different kind of operators works in Python. Then you will learn about String, making decision-based on data, iterating part of code and some collection.
I will teach you, how to define list or array, how to use them. How to use Tuple and Dictionary, two important collection type in Python. You will also learn about the unit of a python program like function and how to use it. You will learn the inline function called Lambda in Python.
Then I will teach you, Object-oriented programming or in short OOP in Python. Using this concept you can create reusable code. You will also learn about the modules and some important packages in Python. I will not stop here, I will teach you about how to handle runtime programming error in Python by using Exception Handling.
In the advanced section, you will learn files input and output operation, CSV and JSON file parsing. You will also run about Python-based regular expression. Finally, I will teach you test-driven development by unit testing in Python, Decorator, and Closure. You will also see some tutorials linked at the end.
Don’t waste your precious time
This 5-hour python course is the shortest and elegant programming course published on Udemy. I personally do not like to watch the long, boring video tutorial. I like to know the specific thing in the right way.
ZERO Risk with Money Back Guarantee…
I am very confident that you will love my Python programming course. In case you’re not happy, you can claim your FULL money back within 30 days. So sign up today and let’s start learning!
By the end of this course, you’ll understand:
Fundamental of Computer Programming using Python
Advanced and Modern Python Features
Object-Oriented Programming using Python
Collection types like list, dictionary and how to use them
The Clear understanding of Modules and Package
How to handle error in Programming
How to use Regular Expression
Test-Driven Development by Unit Testing
Decorator and Closure concept in programming
By solving coding challenges in the curricular you will boost your confidence
So don’t waste your time by overthinking and Let’s enroll in my course. I will be more than happy to guide you in this journey!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: How to follow
Lecture 1: How to follow this course
Chapter 2: Setup
Lecture 1: Python 3 in Mac: How to Install
Lecture 2: Code Editor: Visual Studio Code in Mac
Lecture 3: IDE Install: PyCharm in Mac
Lecture 4: Python 3 in Windows: How to Install
Lecture 5: Code Editor: Visual Studio Code in Windows
Lecture 6: IDE Install: PyCharm in Windows
Chapter 3: Hello World: First Program
Lecture 1: Writing code in IDLE in Windows
Lecture 2: Writing code in IDLE in Mac
Lecture 3: Writing code in Terminal in Mac
Lecture 4: Writing code in Windows Powershell
Lecture 5: Writing code by VS Code and Running in Mac Terminal
Lecture 6: Writing code by VS Code and Running in Windows Powershell
Lecture 7: Writing code and running in Windows PyCharm IDE
Lecture 8: Writing code and running in Mac PyCharm IDE
Chapter 4: Variables
Lecture 1: What is variable
Lecture 2: Types of variable
Lecture 3: Variable naming rules
Lecture 4: Comments
Lecture 5: Statements, Expression and Case Sensitivity
Chapter 5: Operators
Lecture 1: Basic mathematical operators
Lecture 2: Type casting
Lecture 3: Negative operator
Lecture 4: Remainder operator
Lecture 5: Divmod operator
Lecture 6: Exponential operator
Chapter 6: Code Documentation
Lecture 1: All Codes in Written Form
Chapter 7: String
Lecture 1: Introduction and common operation
Lecture 2: String matching, searching, replacing
Lecture 3: String interpolation
Lecture 4: String slicing
Chapter 8: Making Decision or Condition
Lecture 1: if
Lecture 2: else
Lecture 3: if elif else
Lecture 4: Logical operator and | or
Lecture 5: String compare
Lecture 6: Not equal to
Lecture 7: Nested condition
Chapter 9: Loop or Iteration
Lecture 1: While loop
Lecture 2: Infinite loop
Lecture 3: Break statement
Lecture 4: Continue statement
Lecture 5: For loop
Chapter 10: List
Lecture 1: List, empty list, accessing list items
Lecture 2: 2D List or Matrix
Lecture 3: List slicing
Lecture 4: List iteration
Lecture 5: Sum of list numbers
Lecture 6: List modification: adding, deleting
Lecture 7: Get and remove last item
Lecture 8: Remove list item by value
Lecture 9: Splitting string into list items
Lecture 10: Concatenation of list item to make a string
Lecture 11: Sorting, reversing and list length
Lecture 12: Checking list item by value
Chapter 11: Tuple
Lecture 1: Introduction and how to use
Lecture 2: Iteration, comparing and unpacking
Chapter 12: Dictionary
Lecture 1: Introduction and how to use
Lecture 2: Modification: Item adding, deleting and replacing
Lecture 3: Iteration and sorting
Chapter 13: Set
Mahmud Ahsan
Senior Software Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 18 votes
- 2 stars: 23 votes
- 3 stars: 75 votes
- 4 stars: 161 votes
- 5 stars: 139 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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