Python Searching & Sorting Algorithms – A Practical Approach
Python Searching & Sorting Algorithms – A Practical Approach, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.9, with 124 lectures, 35 quizzes, based on 63 reviews, and has 692 subscribers.
You will learn about How to Implement Searching and Sorting Algorithms in Python. Visualize how they work behind the scenes as the code runs. Compare the efficiency of these algorithms using Big O Notation. Relate each line of code with its main purpose in the algorithm. Learn the best case, the average case, and the worst case of each algorithm. Explain how these algorithms work and apply them to new scenarios. This course is ideal for individuals who are New programmers who have learned the basics of Python. or Developers who wish to expand their algorithmic toolbox. or Self-taught developers and Computer Science Students. or Programmers who need to refresh their knowledge. or Developers who are preparing for an interview. It is particularly useful for New programmers who have learned the basics of Python. or Developers who wish to expand their algorithmic toolbox. or Self-taught developers and Computer Science Students. or Programmers who need to refresh their knowledge. or Developers who are preparing for an interview.
Enroll now: Python Searching & Sorting Algorithms – A Practical Approach
Title: Python Searching & Sorting Algorithms – A Practical Approach
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.9
Number of Lectures: 124
Number of Quizzes: 35
Number of Published Lectures: 124
Number of Published Quizzes: 35
Number of Curriculum Items: 168
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 168
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to Implement Searching and Sorting Algorithms in Python.
- Visualize how they work behind the scenes as the code runs.
- Compare the efficiency of these algorithms using Big O Notation.
- Relate each line of code with its main purpose in the algorithm.
- Learn the best case, the average case, and the worst case of each algorithm.
- Explain how these algorithms work and apply them to new scenarios.
Who Should Attend
- New programmers who have learned the basics of Python.
- Developers who wish to expand their algorithmic toolbox.
- Self-taught developers and Computer Science Students.
- Programmers who need to refresh their knowledge.
- Developers who are preparing for an interview.
Target Audiences
- New programmers who have learned the basics of Python.
- Developers who wish to expand their algorithmic toolbox.
- Self-taught developers and Computer Science Students.
- Programmers who need to refresh their knowledge.
- Developers who are preparing for an interview.
Learn how to implement Searching and Sorting algorithms in Python. Understand how they work behind the scenes through a detailed visual and practical approach. Be able to relate each line of code to the actual inner workings of the algorithms as they run.
Enter the World of Computer Science and Algorithms with the Right Skills.
Learn how to implement these algorithms in Python.
Be able to explain how they work behind the scenes.
Learn how to compare them based on their efficiency.
Be able to apply them to new scenarios.
Add New Skills To Your Algorithmic Toolbox
Basic knowledge of algorithms is vital for every developer. Searching and Sorting algorithms is a key topic commonly asked during technical interviews. Be one step ahead of your competition by learning these skills with this on-demand course. Python is the most popular and approachable programming language and its popularity continues to rise year-over-year.
Having a firm grasp of Searching and Sorting algorithms will not only help you during your job search, it will also enhance your computational thinking skills. Be able to dive into more advanced algorithms with the solid foundation that this course provides. With detailed and didactic slides, animations, explanations, and exercises, you will dive into the world of algorithms through an engaging and practical learning experience.
Content & Overview
With high quality video lectures that include graphics and animations, you will learn the following algorithms:
Linear Search
Binary Search
Bubble Sort
Selection Sort
Insertion Sort
Merge Sort
You will also learn how to use the timeit module to time the execution of small code snippets.
Course by the Numbers
1,050+ PDF slides.
96+ quiz questions.
23+ Downloadable Python files.
10+ PDF handouts.
10 coding exercises.
9 mini projects.
Learning Material & Practice:
High-Quality Video Lectures – Carefully designed graphics and animations.
Coding Exercises with detailed solutions – Execute and test your code directly in the browser.
Mini Projects with detailed solutions – Dive deeper into each algorithm by completing a mini project per section.
Quizzes – Test your knowledge and receive instant feedback.
Code with Print Statements – See how the algorithms work behind the scenes as the code runs.
PDF Handouts – Each section has a PDF handout with a graphical and detailed summary of the algorithm.
PDF Slides – You can download the PDF slides displayed in the videos.
Articles – Detailed descriptions of key aspects of the topics to complement your knowledge.
Why is this course unique?
This course is unique because of its emphasis on providing visual and detailed explanations of how the algorithms work behind the scenes, so you will not only learn how to implement them in Python, you will also learn how they work in such detail that you will be able to explain and visualize the steps of the process, given a particular input.
You will see how the algorithms work behind the scenes as the code runs with downloadable Python files thatcontain implementations with carefully designed print statements. No more trying to guess what is happening behind the scenes when the algorithm runs!
You will have access to unique downloadable PDF handouts specially designed for the course (one per section) with complete and graphical descriptions of the algorithms.
If you need to learn or refresh the basics of lists, tuples, and algorithmic time complexity, the course has you covered. The Quick Refreshersection offers a short but comprehensive introduction to these topics through interactive video lectures, exercises, and didactic PDF handouts.
You will check your knowledge with short Quizzes after each main lecture. The Quizzes provide instant feedback, so you can see the correct answer immediately. The quiz questions were designed to make you think more deeply about the topics presented.
You will be able to download the PDF slides used in the videos, so you can take your learning material with you even if you don’t have an internet connection when you commute to work. Study algorithms anywhere, at any time.
Finally, you will practice communications skills in the Mini Projects(one per section), where you will explain how the algorithms work step by step when they are applied to a particular input. Each mini project comes with a sample answer, so you will always be able to check your solution. Being able to explain how the algorithms work is a key skill during interviews.
You are very welcome to watch the preview lectures and check out the full course curriculum.
What are you waiting for? If you are looking for an engaging, visual, and practical course, you’ve found it.
Add “Searching and Sorting Algorithms in Python” to your resume and showcase your new skills!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Course
Lecture 1: Importance and Evolution of Searching and Sorting Algorithms
Lecture 2: Welcome to the Course | Please Introduce Yourself
Lecture 3: Important Course Information and Resources
Lecture 4: Collect and Share Your Badge
Chapter 2: Quick Review: Lists, Tuples, and Algorithmic Time Complexity
Lecture 1: Purpose of the Quick Review
Lecture 2: Welcome to this Section
Lecture 3: Section Handouts & Resources
Lecture 4: What is an Algorithm?
Lecture 5: Introduction to Lists (Lists 101)
Lecture 6: Lists | Helpful Resources
Lecture 7: Introduction to Tuples (Tuples 101)
Lecture 8: Tuples | Helpful Resources
Lecture 9: Slicing Lists and Tuples
Lecture 10: Lists & Tuples | More Challenging Practice Exercises
Lecture 11: Algorithmic Time Complexity 101
Lecture 12: Meaning of c in Big O Notation
Lecture 13: Time Complexity | Helpful Resources
Lecture 14: Recursion | Helpful Links
Lecture 15: Let's Dive Into These Algorithms!
Lecture 16: Collect and Share Your Badge
Chapter 3: Linear Search – The Most Intuitive Search Algorithm
Lecture 1: Introduction to Linear Search
Lecture 2: Section Handout & Slides
Lecture 3: Visual Walkthrough of Linear Search
Lecture 4: Code Walkthrough of Linear Search
Lecture 5: Linear Search | Code
Lecture 6: Time Complexity of Linear Search
Lecture 7: Step-By-Step Example
Lecture 8: Collect and Share Your Badge
Chapter 4: Binary Search – An Efficient Search Algorithm
Lecture 1: Introduction to Binary Search
Lecture 2: Section Handout & Slides
Lecture 3: Visual Walkthrough of Binary Search
Lecture 4: Code Walkthrough (Iterative)
Lecture 5: Binary Search | Iterative Code
Lecture 6: Overflow Bug Prevention for Huge Lists
Lecture 7: Code Walkthrough (Recursive)
Lecture 8: Binary Search | Recursive Code
Lecture 9: Binary Search | Testing Larger Inputs (250,000 items!)
Lecture 10: Time Complexity of Binary Search
Lecture 11: First Step-By-Step Example
Lecture 12: Second Step-By-Step Example
Lecture 13: Collect and Share Your Badge
Chapter 5: Bubble Sort – Your First Sorting Algorithm
Lecture 1: Introduction to Bubble Sort
Lecture 2: Section Handout & Slides
Lecture 3: Important Sorting Terminology
Lecture 4: Visual Walkthrough of Bubble Sort
Lecture 5: Code Walkthrough
Lecture 6: Bubble Sort | Code (Basic Version)
Lecture 7: Bubble Sort | Code (Optimized)
Lecture 8: Time Complexity of Bubble Sort
Lecture 9: First Step-By-Step Example
Lecture 10: Second Step-By-Step Example
Lecture 11: Collect and Share Your Badge
Chapter 6: Selection Sort – Optimizing the Process
Lecture 1: Introduction to Selection Sort
Lecture 2: Section Handout & Slides
Lecture 3: Visual Walkthrough of Selection Sort
Lecture 4: Code Walkthrough
Lecture 5: Selection Sort | Code
Lecture 6: Time Complexity of Selection Sort
Lecture 7: First Step-By-Step Example | Visual
Lecture 8: First Step-By-Step Example | Code
Lecture 9: Working with Strings
Lecture 10: Second Step-By-Step Example | Visual
Lecture 11: Second Step-By-Step Example | Code
Lecture 12: Collect and Share Your Badge
Chapter 7: Insertion Sort – Build the List One By One
Lecture 1: Quick Tip: How to Leave or Update Your Review
Lecture 2: Introduction to Insertion Sort
Lecture 3: Section Handout & Slides
Estefania Cassingena Navone
Software Developer, Instructor and Technical Writer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 11 votes
- 5 stars: 47 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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