Python & SoftwareEng: Professional Programming for Beginners
Python & SoftwareEng: Professional Programming for Beginners, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 66 lectures, 15 quizzes, based on 28 reviews, and has 227 subscribers.
You will learn about Basics of Programming Python programming language Basics of Programming Methodology Basics of Software Engineering Tools such as PyCharm, Git, etc. Basics of Software Testing Basics of Graphical User Interface (GUI) Agile Methodology for software product development A Planner program that you will build over the course, can use daily for yourself, and can share with others This course is ideal for individuals who are You want to learn HOW TO program. or You want to learn Python in a memorable way. or You want to become a Software Engineer. or You know some programming language already but want to learn software engineering. or You want to learn by programming rather than just from lectures, slides or text books. or You want to re-learn the basics of programming and software engineering in a proper way. or You are a manager who wants to understand what goes into software development. or You want to improve your thinking skills! It is particularly useful for You want to learn HOW TO program. or You want to learn Python in a memorable way. or You want to become a Software Engineer. or You know some programming language already but want to learn software engineering. or You want to learn by programming rather than just from lectures, slides or text books. or You want to re-learn the basics of programming and software engineering in a proper way. or You are a manager who wants to understand what goes into software development. or You want to improve your thinking skills!.
Enroll now: Python & SoftwareEng: Professional Programming for Beginners
Title: Python & SoftwareEng: Professional Programming for Beginners
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 66
Number of Quizzes: 15
Number of Published Lectures: 66
Number of Published Quizzes: 15
Number of Curriculum Items: 100
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 100
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Basics of Programming
- Python programming language
- Basics of Programming Methodology
- Basics of Software Engineering
- Tools such as PyCharm, Git, etc.
- Basics of Software Testing
- Basics of Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Agile Methodology for software product development
- A Planner program that you will build over the course, can use daily for yourself, and can share with others
Who Should Attend
- You want to learn HOW TO program.
- You want to learn Python in a memorable way.
- You want to become a Software Engineer.
- You know some programming language already but want to learn software engineering.
- You want to learn by programming rather than just from lectures, slides or text books.
- You want to re-learn the basics of programming and software engineering in a proper way.
- You are a manager who wants to understand what goes into software development.
- You want to improve your thinking skills!
Target Audiences
- You want to learn HOW TO program.
- You want to learn Python in a memorable way.
- You want to become a Software Engineer.
- You know some programming language already but want to learn software engineering.
- You want to learn by programming rather than just from lectures, slides or text books.
- You want to re-learn the basics of programming and software engineering in a proper way.
- You are a manager who wants to understand what goes into software development.
- You want to improve your thinking skills!
Steve Jobs, the man who brought us the iPhonesaid:
“I thinkevery body in this countryshould learn how to program a computer.. should learn a computer language…because it teaches you how to think.“
“I view computer science as aliberal art. It should be something thateverybody learns… takes a year in their lives.. one of the courses they take is ..learning how to program.” [ — Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview, 1995]
This course teaches you how to think, about computer programs; it doesn’t just teach you a programming language.
Along the way, want to learn programming? Eager to become a software engineer? How about learning the basics of the world’s hottest programming language Python, wildly popular software engineering tools, and excellent programming methodology?
This hands-on, continuously evolving course that will grow to have 20+ hours of screen-cast programming-session recordingswill teach you — a novice — how to create useful computer programs that people can use, and how to continually upgrade your programswith new features based on user requirements. In fact, you will build and evolve your own program, “myPlanner“, during the course, alongside evolving your programming skills. Read the storyline of the program’s evolution in the resources section of the very first lecture or the “Future Lectures!” section, both of which are available for free preview.
The Python programming language is ranked as the hottest programming language on the planet right now. (Search the internet for “Python popularity” and see for yourself!) Python is also a popular platform for the wildly in-demand programming job of data scientist. This course teaches Python and how to use it in a professional manner.
Software engineering tools such as Integrated Development Environments and Version Control Systems, program development methodologies such as Agile, and programming skills such as requirement specification, top-down design, object-oriented design, and software testing are essential requirements for a software engineer. This course teaches the basics of all these tools, methodologies, and skills.
The attraction of this course is that it is designed to help you learn the basics of all the above in a natural and easy manner by taking you on a guided tour of evolving your own computer program. At each stage of your program’s evolution you will learn the necessary tools, processes, and methodologies just exactly when you need them, thus building in your mind a nice, complete and memorable storyline of all the things you learn.
This holistic course is a combination of two courses that are often taught separately: a programming language course and a software engineering course. Each video lecture is a programming session captured on screen rather than a talking head and power-point slides, and downloadable for every lecture is the fully working program developed in that lecture!
Here are some of the highly marketable skills you will acquire from this course:
Python programming language
Agile Methodolgy
Requirements specification
Top-down Program design
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Software Testing
PyCharm IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
GIT Version Control System
User Interface(UI) design
etc., etc., etc.
So, hop on board, join the class and become a software engineer!
Target Audience:
You want to become a professional programmer but have no prior programming background
You want to learn the Python programming language and the basics of software engineering
You want to re-learn programming in a better way
Skills Needed:
You already have or are willing to develop the habits of precise, logical, and systematic thinking and expression, being organized in your work, and persistence and patience. This course will not only make you a very good beginning programmer, but also perhaps make your approach to all other work as well more methodical.
Course Mechanics:
In the very first lecture you will build your very first program, and with each subsequent lecture you will grow your program organically into something bigger, along the way learning all the different tools, methods, processes and methodologies required.
Thus, you will pickup the basics of all the different skills needed towards becoming a professional programmer, not just a particular programming language. Just as becoming a good writer involves much more than learning English grammar and vocabulary, becoming a good programmer involves much more than just learning a programming language. This course will start you on the path to becoming a good programmer.
As you progress in the course, not only will you have your own working Planner program that you can show off to your friends, but also you will grow a beginner programmer skill set of the most in-demand things in the software industry.
Additional Course Lectures:
This course provides you a unique opportunity to shape the lectures to your benefit. The course has been seeded with an initial 20 lectures, and at least as many more lectures are in preparation and will be added to the course in the near future. These latter lectures will take into account all student feedback on the initial seed lectures. Such development of any product, based on user feedback and involving many releases/upgrades, is referred to as Agile Product Development, a methodology that is taught in this course. Your feedback will shape not only what is taught next but also how it is taught. The earlier you join the course and the more feedback you give, the more you can shape this course to your liking!
Course Outcomes:
Computer programming is not just about learning a programming language. In this course you will learn in an easy, enjoyable, and motivating manner how to develop working software programs, that is, the basics of Software Engineering. You will be learning the Python programming language along the way.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction: Start Programming Now
Lecture 1: [Programming improves Thinking!] Steve Jobs on Programming
Lecture 2: [Program Output] Your First Program: A Planner
Lecture 3: Share your Program File
Lecture 4: [Design & Documentation] Start Planning and Organizing your Program
Lecture 5: [Program Input] Wait for User Input!
Lecture 6: [UI; Unit Testing] The User Interface is Important!
Lecture 7: [Variables] Let the User add one Reminder per Planner invocation
Lecture 8: [File Output] Store Reminders in a File
Chapter 2: Decisions: Control Flow in Programs — The Basics
Lecture 1: ["for" Statement] Repetitively Process Stored Reminders
Lecture 2: ["if" Statement] Give the User Choice in the Planner's Flow
Lecture 3: ["while" Stmt] Let the User add Multiple Reminders in single Planner invocation
Lecture 4: [Design Patterns; UI] Enable the User to correct Typos and such
Chapter 3: Code Flow: Flowcharts – An Aid for Designing your Program
Lecture 1: [Flowcharts] Let the User switch between Planner Phases anytime
Lecture 2: Watch this Movie Clip to Plan the Phase Switching
Lecture 3: [Program Phases] Plan the Planner's Phase Switches
Lecture 4: ["break", "else" Stmts] Implement the Planner's Phases: Part 1
Lecture 5: ["continue" Stmt] Implement the Planner's Phases: Part 2
Lecture 6: ["Bugs"; Debugging] Planner Phases: Lessons Learnt
Lecture 7: [Agile Development] Planner Phases: Putting It All Together
Chapter 4: Programming Tools: PyCharm — An Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Lecture 1: [IDE: Integrated Development Environment] PyCharm your Planner Phases to code
Lecture 2: [Pgm Upgrades] Leverage PyCharm and finish the Planner Phases
Lecture 3: [Tidbit:] Working Directories and File Pathnames
Chapter 5: Code Versions: Git — A Popular Version Control System (VCS)
Lecture 1: [Version Control (VCS)] A Mental Model for Maintaining your Program Versions
Lecture 2: [Git] Walk-through of the first few Git commands
Lecture 3: [Git] More Shopping with Git
Lecture 4: [VCS in IDEs] Using Git in Pycharm
Lecture 5: [VCS Personalized] Meaningful Names for Git Commands
Chapter 6: Repetitive Tasks: Loops — Conditionals, Exits
Lecture 1: [PyCharm+Git] Planner: Interleave viewing and adding reminders
Lecture 2: [Design Patterns] Program Loops: Similar Loops for Similar Phases
Chapter 7: Code Reuse: Functions
Lecture 1: [Agile: "Backlog"] Planner: Show All Reminders
Lecture 2: [Functions] Python Functions: Introduction
Lecture 3: [Parameters] Arguments to a Function
Lecture 4: [Mockup & Design] Program Upgrade: UI Mockup and Code Design
Lecture 5: [Bugs] Upgrading your Program to a Bug.
Chapter 8: Errors: Program Debugging — A First Session
Lecture 1: [Debugging in IDE] Debug a program one statement at a time
Chapter 9: Lists: Maintaining Lists of Things in Python
Lecture 1: [Data Structures] Python Lists: An Introduction
Lecture 2: [Bugs] Aside: Fix a UI Bug
Lecture 3: [Functions: Multiple Return Values] Add A List of Reminders to your Planner
Lecture 4: [Lists] More about Python Lists
Lecture 5: [List index] Jumping around the list of reminders: Specification
Lecture 6: [Strings] Implementation: Jumping around the reminders list
Lecture 7: [IDE Local History vs. Git] Fix a missed VCS Commit
Lecture 8: [List deletions] Delete reminders
Chapter 10: Variables: Values, Names, Types and Scope
Lecture 1: [Scope] The Problem of Variable Visibility
Lecture 2: [Scope] Local and Global Variables
Lecture 3: [Scope] Parameters to Functions
Lecture 4: [Refactoring] Localize the Reminders list operations – 1
Lecture 5: [Parameters] Call by Reference / Output Parameters
Chapter 11: Program Structure: Code Refactoring
Lecture 1: [Refactoring] The Importance of Code Rewriting
Lecture 2: [Refactoring] Localize the Reminders list operations – 2
Lecture 3: [Design Principles] Hierarchy, Replication
Lecture 4: [UI Mockup] Specification for Un-deleting Reminders
Lecture 5: [Spaghetti Code] Adding Reminders from multiple program places
Lecture 6: [Code Reuse] Nested Function Calls
Chapter 12: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Lecture 1: A Motivating Case for Objects
Lecture 2: Concept of Objects and their Types (Classes)
Lecture 3: Specifying Object Types (Classes) and Creating Objects
Lecture 4: Customizing Objects of the same Type/Class
Sriram Vajapeyam
Computer Scientist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 17 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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