Python Testing 101
Python Testing 101, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3.75, with 32 lectures, based on 18 reviews, and has 258 subscribers.
You will learn about Unit testing with Python 'unittest' framework Fundamentals of Unit Testing or White box testing in Python Writing and executing Testcases in Python Execute Unit Tests in CI/CD server Jenkins Using Mock or Test Double in Python Unittesting Test execution and Reporting with Pytest framework with Jenkins Parameterized Testing with Parameterized Package Code collaboration and run tests from Code repo like GitHub Using Git for code version control This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers who want to start writing unit tests for their Python project or QA engineers who want to learn Unit testing or White Box Testing or Anyone who wants to learn testing and automation or Anyone who wants to use Jenkins to execute Python tests or Anyone who wants to learn about CI/CD with Python projects or Anyone who wants to learn Pytest for running Python Tests It is particularly useful for Developers who want to start writing unit tests for their Python project or QA engineers who want to learn Unit testing or White Box Testing or Anyone who wants to learn testing and automation or Anyone who wants to use Jenkins to execute Python tests or Anyone who wants to learn about CI/CD with Python projects or Anyone who wants to learn Pytest for running Python Tests.
Enroll now: Python Testing 101
Title: Python Testing 101
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3.75
Number of Lectures: 32
Number of Published Lectures: 32
Number of Curriculum Items: 32
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 32
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Unit testing with Python 'unittest' framework
- Fundamentals of Unit Testing or White box testing in Python
- Writing and executing Testcases in Python
- Execute Unit Tests in CI/CD server Jenkins
- Using Mock or Test Double in Python Unittesting
- Test execution and Reporting with Pytest framework with Jenkins
- Parameterized Testing with Parameterized Package
- Code collaboration and run tests from Code repo like GitHub
- Using Git for code version control
Who Should Attend
- Developers who want to start writing unit tests for their Python project
- QA engineers who want to learn Unit testing or White Box Testing
- Anyone who wants to learn testing and automation
- Anyone who wants to use Jenkins to execute Python tests
- Anyone who wants to learn about CI/CD with Python projects
- Anyone who wants to learn Pytest for running Python Tests
Target Audiences
- Developers who want to start writing unit tests for their Python project
- QA engineers who want to learn Unit testing or White Box Testing
- Anyone who wants to learn testing and automation
- Anyone who wants to use Jenkins to execute Python tests
- Anyone who wants to learn about CI/CD with Python projects
- Anyone who wants to learn Pytest for running Python Tests
Welcome to Python Testing 101 – Unit Testing Python code with Python Unittest framework.
Unit testing is a software testing methodology wherein the individual components or parts of the program, called units, are tested independently with all the required dependencies. Unit testing is mostly done by developers, who write the programs for the units. In most of the software projects, unit testing is part of a formal process of development with proper schedule and or efforts allocated for writing unit tests.
The course lets you get your hands dirty with the basic building blocks in testing, which are unit tests. Here you will be taken through what a unit test is, the basic syntax, and examples of a simple unit test.
Then, you will learn about the methods available to use in unit testing and the various tools available to help in running and debugging your tests. You also will learn about use of mocks and patching, which helps you to isolate the code you are interested in testing (your “units”), and simulate responses from other parts of the system or libraries.
This course will help you master the fundamentals of Unit testing of Python project. It teaches you various techniques for writing unit tests in Python and how to execute them efficiently, and find the bugs before your users do!
We will be using Python Unittest framework which comes with Python standard library and it assumes that you have minimal prior experience with Python coding.
You’ll learn how to assert parts of your tests, how to discover the tests, and make tests easier to read and manage. Throughout the course you will see lots of unit test code examples in Python.
Some of the interesting topics covered in the course are:
Create Project in Pycharm with Virtual Env
Unittest Fixtures & Test Discovery
Using Mock and Test Doubles
Pytest as Test Runner and generating nice reports
Jenkins to run and share the test reports
Parameterized Tests
Writing unittest for a Real, Working Application
Thank you and see you in this course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Install/Configure Pycharm in Windows
Lecture 3: About the Application Under Test(AUT)
Chapter 2: Getting The Basics Right
Lecture 1: Pls read(<1min)
Lecture 2: Getting Started
Lecture 3: Fix your Tests using Fixtures
Lecture 4: Test Discovery & cmd line options
Chapter 3: Mock/Test Double and Assert Options
Lecture 1: Mock or Test Double Basics
Lecture 2: Mock or Test Double Example
Lecture 3: Assert And make it Right
Chapter 4: Parameterized Tests
Lecture 1: Method Level Parameterize
Lecture 2: Class Level Parameterize
Chapter 5: Test Execution & Reporting (Pytest, Jenkins)
Lecture 1: About Pytest & Execute tests using Pytest
Lecture 2: Execute unittest from Jenkins(CI/CD tool)
Lecture 3: Mid-Course summary
Chapter 6: Unittesting a Real Application
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: Import Application in Pycharm
Lecture 3: App walk through
Lecture 4: Write Unittest for App
Lecture 5: Write Unittest for App with Mock
Chapter 7: Continuous integration(CI) And Testing Python
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: About Git & GitHub
Lecture 3: Creating GitHub Acct and Installing Git(windows)
Lecture 4: Git – Working Locally
Lecture 5: Git – Working With Remote Repo
Lecture 6: GitHub Repo Create And Push Code-1
Lecture 7: GitHub Repo Create And Push Code-2
Lecture 8: Jenkins Job To Run Unittests from Jenkins
Chapter 8: Thank You
Lecture 1: conclusion!
Lecture 2: Thanks!
Chapter 9: Appendices
Lecture 1: Python3 Installation(Windows)
Lecture 2: Jenkins Install/config(Windows)
Kumar S
SDET, Lead Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
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