Python TkInter from Beginner to Winner
Python TkInter from Beginner to Winner, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 91 lectures, based on 5 reviews, and has 34 subscribers.
You will learn about Take the most out of TkInter to make your dream desktop apps come into life! Plan, project and make GUI Apps with Python and TkInter from ZERO! Use a variety of graphical elements from TkInter, known as widgets: Label, Entry, Text, Spinbox, Button, LabelFrame, and more! Evolve your abstract thinking in such a way you can make any complex TkInter App by stripping it into smaller challenges! Tips and tricks to take advantage of the tools you have at your disposal, such as Visual Studio Code and its extensions. Best practices for coding as taught by a Software Engineer with years of experience in several programming languages! This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner to intermediate developer interested in creating his/her own Desktop Apps! or Everyone who wants to create tools to excel his/her work. or Anyone who aims to deepen their knowledge of programming, develop their thinking, learn how to structure their code will be welcome! It is particularly useful for Beginner to intermediate developer interested in creating his/her own Desktop Apps! or Everyone who wants to create tools to excel his/her work. or Anyone who aims to deepen their knowledge of programming, develop their thinking, learn how to structure their code will be welcome!.
Enroll now: Python TkInter from Beginner to Winner
Title: Python TkInter from Beginner to Winner
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 91
Number of Published Lectures: 91
Number of Curriculum Items: 91
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 91
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Take the most out of TkInter to make your dream desktop apps come into life!
- Plan, project and make GUI Apps with Python and TkInter from ZERO!
- Use a variety of graphical elements from TkInter, known as widgets: Label, Entry, Text, Spinbox, Button, LabelFrame, and more!
- Evolve your abstract thinking in such a way you can make any complex TkInter App by stripping it into smaller challenges!
- Tips and tricks to take advantage of the tools you have at your disposal, such as Visual Studio Code and its extensions.
- Best practices for coding as taught by a Software Engineer with years of experience in several programming languages!
Who Should Attend
- Beginner to intermediate developer interested in creating his/her own Desktop Apps!
- Everyone who wants to create tools to excel his/her work.
- Anyone who aims to deepen their knowledge of programming, develop their thinking, learn how to structure their code will be welcome!
Target Audiences
- Beginner to intermediate developer interested in creating his/her own Desktop Apps!
- Everyone who wants to create tools to excel his/her work.
- Anyone who aims to deepen their knowledge of programming, develop their thinking, learn how to structure their code will be welcome!
Welcome to Python TkInter from Beginner to Winner! A great course on building Desktop Apps!
Together we will learn, explore and have fun taking the most out of Python and TkInter! We will create great and useful apps.
I invite you not only to master TkInter but also learn how to think, how to design and structure your code, how to take advantage of several tools to do it faster, better and clean, like a professional!
First we will focus on creating apps like a calculatoror a products stock manager… we will have opportunity to play with many widgets like Frames, Labels, Buttons, Spinboxes, LabelFrames, etc. Also we will use three Layout Managersto position our widgets: grid, packand place.
Than as bonus we will integrate some of those apps with numerous technologies… We will use databases, we will interact with Web APIs, we will generate documents like PDFs and Docx!
Our imagination is the limit!
My name is Hugo Ferro, I started my programming journey back in 1996 when I got my first computer at age 12… That box changed my life! I became a Software Engineer with experience in a wide range of technologies…
Your journey starts now! I’m your teacher, I’m your partner in this great adventure that is learning!
The first 10 lectures of this course (1h41m), in section “My Products Stock Manager”, are FREE for you to evaluate! What you’re waiting for?
Thank you for your time, see you in the course 🙂
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: My Calculator
Lecture 1: Introduction [Part 0 of 10]
Lecture 2: Main Structure [Part 1 of 10]
Lecture 3: Build Display [Part 2 of 10]
Lecture 4: Build Clear and Equals Buttons [Part 3 of 10]
Lecture 5: Build Numbers and Operators Buttons [Part 4 of 10]
Lecture 6: Define Numbers and Operators Actions [Part 5 of 10]
Lecture 7: How to Evaluate an Expression?! [Part 6 of 10]
Lecture 8: Define classes Node and ExpressionTree [Part 7 of 10]
Lecture 9: Build Binary Tree [Part 8 of 10]
Lecture 10: Evaluate Expression [Part 9 of 10]
Lecture 11: Division by Zero [Part 10 of 10]
Lecture 12: Make an Exe File [Bonus 1]
Chapter 2: My Products Stock Manager
Lecture 1: Build the Main Window [Part 1 of 39]
Lecture 2: Define Main Areas with Frames [Part 2 of 39]
Lecture 3: Create Add/Delete Buttons [Part 3 of 39]
Lecture 4: Create Search Inputs [Part 4 of 39]
Lecture 5: Create Search Buttons [Part 5 of 39]
Lecture 6: Define Global Vars Section [Part 6 of 39]
Lecture 7: Add Font Styles [Part 7 of 39]
Lecture 8: Using TTF Fonts [Part 8 of 39]
Lecture 9: Define Product List Area [Part 9 of 39]
Lecture 10: Build Page Navigation Area [Part 10 of 39]
Lecture 11: Build Product List Area (Rows) [Part 11 of 39]
Lecture 12: Build Product List Area (Columns) [Part 12 of 39]
Lecture 13: Define Product and DataManager Classes [Part 13 of 39]
Lecture 14: Load Product Lines [Part 14 of 39]
Lecture 15: Load Name/Description Column [Part 15 of 39]
Lecture 16: Load Stock Quantity Column [Part 16 of 39]
Lecture 17: Load Delete Check Button Column [Part 17 of 39]
Lecture 18: Load Image Column [Part 18 of 39]
Lecture 19: Load Pages Navigation [Part 19 of 39]
Lecture 20: Load Total Page Number [Part 20 of 39]
Lecture 21: Action Move Prev/Next Page [Part 21 of 39]
Lecture 22: Search Action Engine [Part 22 of 39]
Lecture 23: Filtering in Search Action [Part 23 of 39]
Lecture 24: Action Clear Search [Part 24 of 39]
Lecture 25: Action Mark for Delete [Part 25 of 39]
Lecture 26: Reset Products to Delete [Part 26 of 39]
Lecture 27: Action Delete Products [Part 27 of 39]
Lecture 28: Action Add/Edit Products [Part 28 of 39]
Lecture 29: Product Editor [Part 29 of 39]
Lecture 30: Define Product Editor Areas [Part 30 of 39]
Lecture 31: Stock Editor + Add/Update Button [Part 31 of 39]
Lecture 32: Name/Description Frames [Part 32 of 39]
Lecture 33: Name/Description Inputs [Part 33 of 39]
Lecture 34: Product Image Editor [Part 34 of 39]
Lecture 35: Select Image File [Part 35 of 39]
Lecture 36: Update Product Image [Part 36 of 39]
Lecture 37: Process of Saving the Product [Part 37 of 39]
Lecture 38: Functions to Update and Insert a Product [Part 38 of 39]
Lecture 39: Callback Method to Save the Product [Part 39 of 39]
Lecture 40: Generate Stand Alone File [Extra]
Chapter 3: My Products Stock Manager – Bonus 1 (Generate PDF with ReportLab)
Lecture 1: Introduction [Part 0 of 8]
Lecture 2: Create "Export PDF" Button (Single Product) [Part 1 of 8]
Lecture 3: Define Function to Generate PDF (Single Product) [Part 2 of 8]
Lecture 4: Insert Product's Name into PDF [Part 3 of 8]
Lecture 5: Insert Product's Image into PDF [Part 4 of 8]
Lecture 6: Insert Product's Description into PDF [Part 5 of 8]
Lecture 7: Create "Export PDF" Button (All Products) [Part 6 of 8]
Lecture 8: Define Function to Generate PDF (All Products) [Part 7 of 8]
Lecture 9: Insert Multiple Product Pages into PDF [Part 8 of 8]
Lecture 10: Generate Stand Alone File [Extra]
Chapter 4: My Products Stock Manager – Bonus 2 (Extract Text from Image)
Lecture 1: Introduction [Part 0 of 7]
Lecture 2: Add a Menu to our App [Part 1 of 7]
Lecture 3: Add actions to the Menu [Part 2 of 7]
Lecture 4: How lambda functions work? [Part 3 of 7]
Lecture 5: Extract text from images with easyOCR [Part 4 of 7]
Lecture 6: Why our app freezes? [Part 5 of 7]
Lecture 7: Using Threads (Solution 1) [Part 6 of 7]
Lecture 8: Using Threads (Solution 2) [Part 7 of 7]
Chapter 5: My Products Stock Manager – Bonus 3 (Generate Docx – Part I)
Lecture 1: Introduction [Part 0 of 8]
Lecture 2: Generate a Docx File [Part 1 of 8]
Lecture 3: Add Title, Image and Description to Docx [Part 2 of 8]
Lecture 4: Center the Title [Part 3 of 8]
Lecture 5: Increase Font Size of Title [Part 4 of 8]
Lecture 6: Center the Image [Part 5 of 8]
Lecture 7: Format the Description Text [Part 6 of 8]
Lecture 8: Add Option to Generate Docx to the Menu [Part 7 of 8]
Lecture 9: Generate Docx from TkInter App [Part 8 of 8]
Chapter 6: My Products Stock Manager – Bonus 4 (Generate Docx – Part II)
Lecture 1: Introduction [Part 0 of 11]
Lecture 2: Create Button Export Docx [Part 1 of 11]
Lecture 3: Create Export Docx Options Window [Part 2 of 11]
Lecture 4: Separate Options Window into Top and Bottom Frames [Part 3 of 11]
Lecture 5: Separate the Top Frame into Two more Frames [Part 4 of 11]
Lecture 6: Frame Options Title Size [Part 5 of 11]
Lecture 7: Frame Options Title Color [Part 6 of 11]
Lecture 8: Build Frame Button Content [Part 7 of 11]
Lecture 9: Refactor [Part 8 of 11]
Lecture 10: Refactor [Part 9 of 11]
Lecture 11: Refactor [Part 10 of 11]
Lecture 12: Using a CallBack to Get Products [Part 11 of 11]
Hugo Ferro
software engineer/solutions architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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